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Death Eaters Mafia #2

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by BioPlague, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    During the evening, the Dark Lord himself finally visited his greatest nuisance's home. He walked into Fenraellis's den and perched himself in the Auror's favorite chair. Fenraellis finally came home sometime after midnight and the Dark Lord smiled at the look of fright Fenraellis displayed at his presence.

    "I've waited a long time for this," the Dark Lord said, smiling. The flash of green light was quick and the body hit the floor with little noise. Fenraellis was no more.


    Also, knew KaiDash had a power-role. Was telling the others for rounds now that we should kill him.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2011
  2. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Would have thought it was pretty clear after how much I had to reveal yesterday (in trying to save Aziraphale) that I'm the hit-wizard.

    Surprised you guys didn't do one of the following (since it doesn't matter now, I guess going into DE strategy is ok)
    1. Roleblock Fen, kill me. If that had happened, maybe the town would have lynched fen.
    2. Roleblock me (seriously, why didn't you?), kill fen.
  3. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    I thought you were the healer or the warlock and to be honest, I don't think any of us were giving a shit yesterday because everyone was going around and around. So we just had a couple of us point fingers at each other while a few more stayed quiet, and I'm getting blocked from my internet soon, so I decided for the epic sacrifice.

    Last turn it was either you or Zeitgeist, and everyone was like "Zeitgeist would be more confusing. KaiDASH? I'm not feeling it."
  4. Atomicwalrus

    Atomicwalrus Fourth Year

    Mar 20, 2011

    Vote Player: Hashasheen
  5. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Obviously. ;)
  6. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Vote Player: Hashasheen

    Wow. Surprised here. Totally wasn't getting DE vibes off you most of the game. I should have followed my own advice on the topic of "don't assume stupidity, assume guilt."
  7. BioPlague

    BioPlague The Senate DLP Supporter

    Jun 22, 2006
    United States
    Day 6 has entered Twilight.

    We reached consensus. The Dementor's Kiss was administered to Hashasheen. He was the Dark Lord.

    Twilight has started.

    Twilight is the frame of time between a successful "lynching" (in this instance, the Dementor's Kiss) and the natural conclusion of the day. In twilight, you may still post and discuss anything that has happened, however you cannot vote to have anyone else receive the Dementor's Kiss.

    Posting is permitted in this thread until 10:00PM EST on 2 September 2011.

    Only the following thirteen (13) individuals have permission to participate in this thread:

    Aekiel, Ashaya, Atomicwalrus, Ayreon, Aziraphale, CrackedMind, Fenraellis, Fiat Piscis, Hashasheen, Hero of Stupidity, jwlk, KaiDASH, Kensington, Krogan, Lutris, Merrill II (HOST), mishie, MrINBN, Palindrome, ratstrub, Scrittore, Taure, Vesvius, Vira, Xiph0 and Zeitgeist

    Hashasheen: 7
    KaiDASH, Ashaya, Kensington, Krogan, Vesvius, Atomicwalrus and Fiat

    Did Not Vote: 6
    Aekiel, Ayreon, Hashasheen, MrINBN, Palindrome and Scrittore
  8. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Confirmed Innocent:
    Krogan, Kensington

    People who I consider to be as good as:
    Fiat, Ashaya

    Everybody else is suspect to some degree.

    Ok, this is what I think town should do for now

    Tonight(night 6): Warlock kill on Aekiel

    Tomorrow (day 7): Lynch Atomicwalrus

    Day 8: Lynch Scrittore

    Day 9: Lynch Vesvius

    Warlock, use your last kill on Night 7, 8 or 9 on one of the following (use your best judgement):

    Ayreon, MrINBN, Palindrome

    With current numbers there are 12 villagers total.

    8 Town, 4 Scum.

    Killing Aekiel and Atomicwalrus with your next two kills at worst will get it to

    6 Town, 3 Scum at the start of night 7.

    (-2 town if one of them is innocent and the DE kill someone - probably me, tonight)

    And I strongly believe that it will make it

    7 Town, 2 Scum (-1 because DE night kill someone)

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 PM ----------

    Note regarding the worst case scenario: Both aekiel and Atomicwalrus being innocent is completely inconceivable for me, which is why the worst case is 'one of them is innocent' rather than 'both of them are innocent'.
  9. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    I endorse your strategy KaiDASH.
  10. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Oh, my numbers are off actually.

    The following roles are scum.

    3 Death Eaters (taure, ?, ?)
    1 Dark Lord (hashasheen)
    1 Dark Wizard (hos)
    1 Sorcerer (?)

    So the current state of the game is actually 9 town and 3 scum.

    Best case at the start of night 7 - 8 town and 1 scum.

    Worst case at the start of night 7 - 7 town and 2 scum.

    Impossible worst case at start of night 7 - 6 town and 3 scum.
  11. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    That was quite interesting - Hashasheen was pretty chatty before he died. I'm glad we killed him early; it'd have been a bad idea to let him keep talking when we know he's trying to manipulate us.

    To KaiDash: I don't suppose you could tell us your reasoning for the people you consider innocent and the people you think are most likely to be guilty?
  12. Scrittore

    Scrittore Groundskeeper

    Jul 30, 2009
    I haven't been posting much the last couple of days because life has been kicking my ass. That being said:

    I voted for Taure.

    I didn't vote to kill Rats. I didn't vote to kill the healer. I would have voted to kill HoS as well but my vote wasn't needed.

    Furthermore, see my posts here:

    And most importantly:

    I accused the Dark Lord before the bandwagon killed off Mishie and before you guys killed the healer. So hey, if you think I'm a DE then go ahead and kill me if you like. That being said, evidence is pretty clear I'm not.

    I agree with killing Aekiel and Atomic. I'd say Aekiel first if possible.
  13. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    I feel suspicious of Palindrome and Vesvius. Palindrome because she voted to kill off the healer, and didn't vote for Hashasheen, and her posts are almost...too inconspicuous. Anyway, maybe I'm totally wrong, but those are the two people I am suspicious of.
  14. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Aekiel, Atomicwalrus: this post. None of the posts since then by either of them have given me any reason to doubt.

    Scrittore: Lurking (kinda?) and not lynching much indicates a strong desire to stay out of the spotlight (or based on his most recent post maybe he's just really busy). He seems pro town enough based on his self quotes so i dunno. I just put him there because lurker-ish.

    Vesvius: Similar to Scrittore. Also,

    Let's hear them.

    Ayreon: Mostly because I didn't want to clear more than two people and Ashaya seemed much less scummy than Ayeron based on interaction with Hashasheen.

    MrINBN: Similar to Scrittore, but maybe he's just new or something. Like he's lurking so hard that he hasn't even posted every day phase, so killing him probably won't even matter since he isn't of any use in ferreting out scum even if he is pro-village.

    Palindrome: You seem kinda pro-town but whatever. I think it would be negative expectation for town overall if I got into this.

    Krogan and Kens both got cleared by Fens and the DL is dead so they can't be the DL.

    Fiat seems very strongly pro-town but just a zealot. Point him in the right direction and then you're good.

    Ashaya I don't think is scum based on last game and interactions with Hashasheen.

    Since I've just thought about this more:

    Tonight(night 6): Warlock kill on Aekiel

    Tomorrow (day 7): Lynch Atomicwalrus

    Day 8: Lynch Vesvius

    Day 9: Lynch MrINBN

    Warlock, use your last kill on Night 7, or 8 on one of the following (use your best judgement):

    Ayreon, Scrittore, Palindrome

    Changes: Scrittore and MrINBN swapped because it's hard for the warlock to make a judgement call on someone who never posts.


    Anyway, my observations definitely aren't foolproof and if the warlock has a better idea for the 2nd shot of their power feel free to use it on who you think is most scummy, even if that person is Ashaya or something. Just don't use it on Kens or Krogan since it's impossible for them to be scum, based on Auror checks and death of the DL.
  15. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    How could I have voted Hashasheen, Shay? I wasn't awake until after you lynched him. That's actually a pretty lousy argument considering that Hash himself admitted to being the dark lord before he died - why would the death eaters try and protect him despite that?

    Edit: sorry if that was rushed, really need to get going
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2011
  16. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    Since it seems my suspicions are the only thing saving me from being lynched in a few days for rather silly reasons, I might as well share them now. At least if I do get killed overnight, you’ll know what I think.

    My first thought was Krogan, but Fen cleared him before he died.

    After that, it’s Fiat, who’s moved so far up my list it hurts. I think he’s playing one of the oldest strategies in mafia: he’s being a vocal town supporter who suspects everyone. With that kind of cover, the auror probably wouldn’t even have bothered investigating him. Plus, the defeatist attitude he’s show since we accidently lynched the healer has set off a few alarm bells. Everyone knows that the game isn’t over simply because we lost our Power Roles. Maybe I’m just reading too much into it, but he could be trying to make everyone think we’ve lost preemptively so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    If KaiDASH is still alive after today, I’d say he’s guilty. It’s very possible that he’s not the HW, but in fact a DE who knew Hash was going down anyway so jumped on an opportunity to solidify their position. The real HW could be keeping quiet, knowing that this could be bait to draw them out when they can’t do anything. But again, that’s pretty out there, and now the D.Es could keep Kai alive now that I’ve given them a reason. But it had to be said.

    Atomicwalrus, Very possible. Nothing to say for or against him.

    Hm. I was originally just going to list my top few suspects, but I’ve just realized that this post makes it very possible that I’ll be dead tomorrow. So I’ll just keep going and list everyone.

    MrINBN: Yeah, something about this guy really is off. It could just be that he’s posted less than most of the dead people, but it seems that he’s doing everything he can to avoid the spotlight.

    Aekiel: I can see why people would be suspicious of Aekiel, especially with Kai’s evidence posts. But I’m not really getting the DE vibe off him. The tone of his posts are all pro-town (unlike some others) and he was one of the people who was in favor of kicking Taure over rats way back on day one. Maybe he’s just very good though.

    Kennsington: Cleared by the auror. Good enough for me.

    Ashaya: I’m always suspicious of her. But then again, maybe it’s because she stated suspicions of me and didn’t even bother to say why.

    Ayreon: Now here’s someone I didn’t really think of until I was going down the list of remaining people, and that’s interesting to me. Going back over some of his posts, he comes off as someone who’s very interested in this game, enough to sit down and break it down with stats. Yet outside of one or two stat posts, I’m struggling to remember anything about him.

    Scrittore and Palindrome: I’m just not getting a good enough read off them to declare anything.

    There, you wanted my suspicions, there they are. If you wanted me to pick my three guesses for remaining D.Es, they would be Fiat, MrINBN, and Ayreon, with Aekiel and Atomicwalrus hovering right outside that level of suspicion.
  17. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    >be the only person who defended healer before they got lynched
    >get accused of being scum

  18. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Yeah, that makes total sense, except for the part where it both sounds like retarded bullshit and is retarded bullshit.

    Then again, considering that the same argument was thrown at the auror earlier, it makes perfect sense that you'd try it again, potential death eater.
  19. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I'm with Vesvius (or more accurately, he's with me) on this. Fiat has been by far the most vocal in pointing fingers ever since the game started. Where he points the bandwagon follows, as well as the Auror, since he's the one who effectively told him who to investigate. What better protection for a Death Eater is there than their own pet Auror?

    Remember, the only Death Eaters Fen investigated were Taure, whom practically threw himself on the chopping block with that roleplay of his, and Hash, who was the Dark Lord and thus showed up innocent. That says to me that either Fen was really unlucky, or Fiat was directing him away from real Death Eaters, or to ones that wouldn't be shown as guilty, then deceiving the rest of us by insinuating that they could be the Dark Lord.

    When suspicion began to gather on Hash, he turned upon him in order to make himself look innocent by comparison.

    So I say that Fiat is a Death Eater and is trying to play us against one another while distracting us from the real enemy. It worked well in the last game, and Fiat has been the most vocal in saying that the Death Eaters' actions don't make sense. They don't, unless you assume that Fiat is guilty and is thus manipulating us into killing ourselves while the Death Eaters try to sow confusion through seemingly random kills (I've found very little that suggests otherwise; there are too few connections between the victims for it to be anything else, I think).

    Plus he has shown suspiciously accurate foresight regarding innocent players, voicing a couple of times that he thinks the person is innocent before they were lynched.
  20. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Also, just so we're clear, the ultimate goal isn't to be alive at the end of the game, but to have your faction win.

    I guess it's not a coincidence that the 3 players I have listed for being DE's are yourself, aekiel and atomicwalrus all of which escape notice in your primary suspect list. So, it'd be safe to conclude that you do want your faction to win, death eater.

    lol. I don't even have words for this.

    Also don't target the wrong guy in your refutations Aekiel. Fiat has said nothing today. It's been all me accusing you, this whole time.


    So, let's punch in some numbers to see what's up.

    Current game state (end of day 6): 9-3 town-scum

    Potential game states at:
    Start of day 7 (warlock kill, de night kill):
    Possible outcomes, A - Aekiel is scum. B - Aekiel is not scum.
    • {a} 8-2
    • {b} 7-3

    End of day 7(lynch):
    Possible outcomes, A - Walrus is scum. B - Walrus is not scum
    • {a-a} 8-1
    • {a-b} 7-2
    • {b-a} 7-2 (a-b and b-a are functionally the same, all other functionally same outcomes will be merged too)
    • {b-b} 6-3 (how unlikely is this?)

    End of day 8(night kill + lynch):
    Possible outcomes, A - Vesvius is scum. B - Vesvius is not scum.
    • {a-a-a}7-0, a town win
    • {a-a-b} 6-1
    • {a-b-b} 5-2
    • {b-b-b} 4-3 (warlock, if alive needs to hit a DEwith their ability here in order to not have town lose)

    End of day 9(night kill + lynch + maybe warlock kill):
    Possible outcomes, A - MrINBN is scum. B - MrINBN is not scum. C - Warlock kill success. D - warlock kill fail
    • {a-a-a-win}
    • {a-a-b-a} 5-0, a town win
    • {a-b-b-a} 4-1
    • {a-b-b-b} 3-2
    • {b-b-b-c-a} 3-1
    • {b-b-b-c-b} 2-2, town loss
    • {b-b-b-d} 2-3, town loss

    So, the only game states where town is fucked are ones in which vesvius, aekiel and atomicwalrus are all innocent. In all other gamestates town has either won, or at worst is 3-2 (but something like 4-1 is much much more likely).