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Death Eaters Mafia #2

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by BioPlague, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. CrackedMind

    CrackedMind Chief Warlock

    Jul 17, 2011
    Its fishy with Alot of people. Only 16% of us are true blue
    Killers, but alot of people have said suspicious stuff. And if you haven't, you haven't spoken. We need to work together and not make random accusations until tommorrow after we see the results of the three people who will be sent to there deaths.
  2. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Vote player: Taure

    Not a continuation of the 'Down with Ashaya' thing, he just seems legit suss to me this round.
  3. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    I completely agree he is suspicious but just help us make sure Rat gets put down and we'll all kill him tomorrow.
  4. ratstsrub

    ratstsrub Guest

    Fuck your put down shit.

    You're going to murder me. Man up and say it straight out.
  5. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Yep thats the plan, Fiat just said it the best. If it looks like a Death Eater, talks like a Death Eater and acts like a Death Eater then it probably is.
  6. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Zeit, you're thinking about this too hard. I was just voting for whoever currently looked most likely to get a decent bandwagon going.

    Posting history seems to indicate that HoS genuinely is that stupid and therefore your reasoning fell apart to me so I went with a totally random one. I had a feeling the same might occur with others. Once Rats decided to go full retard, I figured he was the next best bet.

    Kensington's post struck me as pretty fucking suspicious because it seemed to be a stalling attempt. They're still in my top 5 right now because of that post.

    Listen, I don't give a fuck about HoS. If the auror doesn't tell us to kill Taure tomorrow, I'll be among the first to vote for him - it just seems to me that it's better to lynch someone than no one.

    You yourself seem a bit obsessed with HoS, almost to the point of suspicion. One post you're talking about how we shouldn't white knight for anyone, next you're - subtlely - defending Taure.

    If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you're a death eater and extremely suspicious.
  7. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Wow... I guess I shouldn't have napped that long. This thread moved more in a few hours, than the other did in two days. Yay to randomly being voted for, I guess :(. I'll try to summarize my opinion on the last seven pages, and hope it isn't considered 'too long' as well.

    That said, I too would vote for Rat simply to get something going, but I will wait a little bit first, as the controversy is bringing out a ton of discourse on the matter. Revealing peoples' behavioral patterns and the like. Honestly, as others have mentioned, I think he is really just trying a little too hard. He has obviously(or perhaps is merely implying so) played enough before that he is already using jargon. It's unfortunate that his efforts have roused the ire of the village folk, but... c'est la vie.

    As things as going now, it's looking like Day 1 will be Ratstsrub, and Day 2 will have a majority falling upon Taure like the wrath of an angry god. Not enough has been revealed about much anyone else to make any other reliable guesses.

    To that end, since Taure is almost guaranteed to get voted for tomorrow anyway(provided he isn't randomly killed tonight by the Warlock or Dark Wizard anyway, maybe the Hit Wizard should probably watch him?), because aside from a couple people claiming to await an Auror's judgement, it seems like most are also already suspicious of him for his roleplay. That said, I recommend the Auror investigate somebody else to make the most of things. Who that should be, I'm not really sure.

    I'll lay down a vote before I go to sleep in a few more hours for Rats most likely, even if I'm not really convinced of his guilt, since there really is not much else that is likely to be accomplished 'today'. I just want to see what other people keep saying first. Knowledge is power, and all that jazz.
  8. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    My previous argument still stands. Your subtle attempt at refusing to bandwagon HoS for alternatives (Fenraellis, and then ratstsrub) is suspicious. I mean, it almost seemed like you were avoiding voting for him. My suspicion for HoS was rather small, but has burgeoned when I witnessed your strange avoidance of him. Once again, I ask: why did you vote for Fenraellis initially? Why did you critique Kensington for voting for HoS? Sure, bandwagoning rats is good, since a lynch is still a lynch, but your avoidance is strange. Why did you ignore my initial attempt at a bandwagon, before rats' weird post?

    You sound a lot like a Death Eater, atm.

    On the topic of Taure, I say that let the Auror investigate him. If he's a Death Eater, good for us. The Hit-Wizard could also keep an eye on him.

    I acknowledge that I will probably die soon, either from Death Eaters, Serial Killer or lynch. Yeah, it's the loudest ones that go first. However, I am proud to make that sacrifice for Hogsmeade. Let people waste their time on me; it'll keep the Auror and Healer in the shadows for longer.

    My vote will come later, after most others have already made their cases.

    Remember, only those with incentives defend each other. Defend your case, and your case only.
  9. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    In order:

    I voted for Fenraellis because, honestly, guessing randomly was just about as likely to get someone as your attempt at bandwagoning. More than that, your attempt was pretty shitty - especially where you advocated people not to vote til he responded. I doubted it'd catch on.

    I'm suspicious of Kensington not because they voted for HoS. I'm suspicious of them because they voted for someone outside of the majority we were working towards getting on Rats. Who they voted for was irrelevant - it looked like a stall tactic to me, an attempt to split the vote.

    I ignored your initial attempt to bandwagon because you told people not to fucking vote. Your bandwagon was going to crash and burn whether I was there or not.
    Nice to hear, because you fucking reek of it. Lord Anarchy: is that you?
    Which is why you defended Taure a few posts ago? That, my death eating friend, is pretty much as suspicious as shit can get.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  10. ratstsrub

    ratstsrub Guest

    About 100 games with 35 ranked on a site. 22 wins and 13 losses for the ranked.

    I'm not a pro, but I can hold my own against the general Mafia.

    Town lynches are often not the problem in competitive games, but it's mainly because people have played enough to know what the signs of a Mafia are so that they don't mislynch obviously innocent players. A waste is a waste, even if it doesn't hurt too much. Especially when an Auror is still alive to help clear people.

    Most of the time, Mafia wins when they successfully convince the remaining blue that they're the real Cop (Auror) and vote off the Cop. Or people mislynch on a mylo/lylo, which happens when the Mafia gets lucky and kill the Cop first night or something.

    Mafia don't generally win unless the set-up is stacked in their favor though. Lying is pretty hard, and people tend to pick up on it the more they play.

    Honestly though, I'm not too surprised at this outcome given the relatively new-ness of this. Here's hoping the Auror gets lucky, and Healer too.

    (For next game, if I'm in it, I will continue to advocate a no lynch if the set-up calls for it. And just you wait, there'll still be the same people who'll try to lynch me just for that again.)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2011
  11. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Just to reiterate, personally, I'm not defending Taure in the slightest. I haven't seen enough to convict him or claim him innocent. I just think that unless there is a sudden change of opinions(quite possible), he is almost assured as a primary lynch-target tomorrow based on peoples' statements today. I doubt people would believe a claimed Auror after just one day(and actually do agree with those that say that logically the Auror shouldn't reveal himself just quite yet, without at least a short list of names). So, I think that the Auror should investigate somebody who isn't likely to be dead by the end of Day 2 anyway.

    That, and if the Hit Wizard watches him, and a Warlock, Dark Wizard, Healer and Auror all visit(I know, quite unlikely), he will have no idea who was who, just that they were all there, and nobody died. If no Healer came, than they were all there, and somebody did die, making them all suspects. Even just the Auror and somebody else. Either way, I don't the think it accomplishes much to investigate a highly-likely target.

    All said, I suppose that we shall have to see what comes about. The results of the first Day/Night phase should be interesting, with at least one, and up to three people dying overnight.
  12. ratstsrub

    ratstsrub Guest

    ...Why the hell wouldn't people believe the fucking Auror? All he has to do is not speak if Taure is inno. Then there's three possibilities:

    Taure is inno.
    Taure is Dark Lord. (Auror gets an inno.)
    Auror was blocked.

    The last two are less likely than the first, so in the case that the Auror doesn't say a damn thing, then other people would more likely be the Death Eater than Taure, so the optimal strategy would be to vote for someone other than him.

    But your attempt to get the Auror to not investigate Taure I really don't like.

    I FoS Fenraellis, and subsequently Taure for that, but it's weakly because, again, people are new and maybe you really don't know about that stuff.

    The only concern is if the Serial Killer/Death Eater kill Taure and waste our investigate. But now this is getting into serious meta-gaming where if they think that we think and so on about investigating Taure or not.

    But here's the other thing, if Taure isn't the Auror, and they choose to kill him, then even if we waste an investigate, then at least the Auror is safe for another day.

    Hell, if you really want, have the Healer be on Taure as well to ensure that he doesn't die if he's an inno and you're absolutely sure the Death Eaters will kill Taure to waste an investigation.

    (Which they might think and so won't, but even then you're now back to square one of being able to either inno or guilty him and can lynch somebody else if inno, and him if guilty.)

    Corkscrew meta-game in action here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2011
  13. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    But bandwagoning is all about attaining a majority. Yes, Fenraellis and HoS are both random choices; I acknowledge that. However, your attempt to moving away from HoS in spite of your claim that bandwagoning was best is fishy. It smelled like a stall tactic, to be honest. It was like somebody attempting to divert attention away from a fellow Death Eater. =/

    Stall tactic? Sure, it may have seemed like that since nine people had voted for rats at the time, but your vitriolic response to him seems to suggest that your allegiances are elsewhere. Kensington thought that rats looked like an overly eager red herring, which is a valid opinion, imo. I personally think rats has put too much thought into this game and has come off too strongly for most of our tastes.

    If he's a Death Eater, then he's the stupidest person I've met. Kensington merely thought that it may be more likely that rats was overly earnest rather than pure stupid.

    Granted, you have a point that it may have looked like a stall. It's just the aggressive way you reacted which casts suspicion.

    I told people not to vote - only until HoS had posted to defend himself. After that, he was free game. And you know what? His post didn't really present a very strong argument that he wasn't a DE. I will maintain that both he and you seem mighty suspicious.

    I didn't defend Taure. In fact, my very first post points suspicion at him. I'm perfectly on-board with lynching him. I merely said that he is less suspicious than HoS, who doesn't quite have the same excuse as Taure.

    Look, you think I'm a Death Eater. I think you're a Death Eater. It looks like this will come to a head later in the game. I am behaving rather aggressively, but I hope there are no hard feelings from your part. It's all fun and games.

    However, I'll still stick by my assertion that you're a Death Eater.

    Since HoS looks like he won't get any votes this time (rats will get lynched, probably), I'll go with my third suspect (after Fiat) to vote for this guy. Maybe this will remove from suspicion off me:

    Vote player: Taure
  14. ratstsrub

    ratstsrub Guest

    I keep reading this overly eager thing, and for the life of me, I can't understand how that's a sign that we should lynch people.

    You guys would lynch the Cop at the rate you're going...

    It's like an anti-thought movement where explanations and strats are decried as...well I don't even know what, but we should lynch people who put thought into things anyways.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2011
  15. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Words, do you remember them?

    Yes, bandwagoning is all about a majority, but as of the time of the vote, HoS and Fen had the same number of votes. I was hoping to encourage more people to support Aekiel's random guess.

    Pretty much every post I've made has been about as aggressive/vitriolic as the one to Kensington. It's what happens when you've drank eight cans of coke in an attempt to offset the fact that it's two and I've been up since five. The post struck me as a stalling tactic, and it was the most openly suspicious thing since Taure quit posting.

    Yeah, Rats is almost certainly not a death eater, but at this point I'm operating on the hope that everything he's said thus far has been part of an elaborate ruse to get people to rescind their votes.

    Yeah, still not denying that HoS is suspicious. Accepted it, in fact. Agreed to vote for him tomorrow. However, your obsession with him is even more ridiculously suspicious to me.

    Listen, I don't care that you apparently think I'm a death eater, but everything you've said thus far makes me pretty damn suspicious of you. From your subtle defense of Taure then vote to lynch him - despite knowing full well that it'll never happen - to your accusation of Aekiel as somehow protecting HoS, there's little about you that's not suspicious.

    Hard Feelings? Dude, think about this for one goddamn second: this is a game of Mafia on a Harry Potter fanfiction forum - why the fuck would anyone have hard feelings?
  16. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    It's because you expect people to behave/operate under certain modes in the way you want them to.

    And this is DLP; you don't tell somebody here to obey you, especially if it makes you look domineering/bossy and them look like servile bitches. Haven't you wondered why we don't like Hermione so much? =D


    And Fiat Piscis, be as suspicious as you want of me. I'm equally suspicious of you, for the reasons I've reiterated already. Ultimately, I don't fear the Dementor's Kiss. But do you think it'll be for the best of Hogsmeade? Food for thought.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  17. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Yes, I do think it'll be best for Hogsmeade because I think you're an actual death eater.
  18. ratstsrub

    ratstsrub Guest

    So it's an anti-authority thing <<

    True, I do expect people to vote a certain way, but only based on a rational judgment of optimal strategy. Which is entirely independent of me, and I might miss somethings and be wrong in fact. Which if other people point out and put up a counter-argument for voting a certain other way that's more complete, I'll go for it 100%.

    But if it's just a knee-jerk reaction, then at least I can see where it's coming from now.

    Then when tomorrow comes, will you revise your idea on what looks/talks/acts like a Death Eater is when you get it wrong?

    No, I doubt it.
  19. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    I'll admit that I'm new to this, aside from reading up on it some, and observing the previous game. That said, I guess he could decide to investigate Taure, and have your listed results. It just seems like, first off, as one of the people that claimed the Auror should not reveal himself right away, it is odd that you are now advocating he essentially do so. Almost suspicious, but maybe just a little indignant, or frustrated at inexperienced players. I can't really say.

    Anyway, until there is a followed-through reveal, guilty-claim and valid result, and 'confirmation' of verified Auror status, anyone could claim to be an Auror(and even 'confirm' someone as innocent). Heck, if Death Eater's knew that one of their own was going to die no matter what, they could try to even claim guilty on their own ally, to get people thinking that they were an Auror, since it would work at least once. Then they could try to call one of them as innocent, and there would be at least some doubt even if someone else claimed they were an Auror, due to the previous successful guilty claim by the false-Auror.

    I was trying to follow your line of thinking that the Auror should logically wait and gather names, as with at least two names or more, only one could be a false positive, before revealing himself, but even you are flip-flopping on that statement.:confused:

    Either way, I guess a larger subsection of people are interested in having him investigated before lynching(and subsequently giving an early Auror reveal) than I thought. I'm, as stated, still new at the game, but I just thought that if he was going to get lynched anyway, that the Auror shouldn't waste his nightly investigation on a dead man. Maybe I should read up on things more. I mostly want to learn by experience though, since I imagine it will be more fun.
  20. ratstsrub

    ratstsrub Guest

    What. The. Fuck.

    You are the second person to post that, the other being Vesvius, and I'd like you ask you both. Can you not fucking read?

    Out if guilty.
    Do not out if innocent.

    It just so happens, the Auror can communicate innocence without outing himself if we all know who he's going to investigate.

    So, he will not fucking reveal himself if Taure is innocent, and if Taure is guilty, of fucking course he should reveal himself. He caught a Death Eater.

    The benefit of investigating Taure is to have one less person to lynch tomorrow, on the assumption that he's innocent.

    You can, of course, hedge all your bet on him being guilty, then not investigate him and just lynch him tomorrow.

    But those chances suck.

    There is one caveat. In a pool this large, two guilty might be preferable. But I haven't worked out the odds, so who knows...

    And remember, we have a Hit Wizard/Watcher. So even if the Auror outs himself, if the Hit Wizard watches the Auror, he can know who the Sorcerer is if the Sorcerer goes to block. And if the Death Eaters do not counter-claim the Auror, then the Sorcerer will have to block or let the Auror have free reign to investigate whoever the fuck he wants.

    In fact, reasoning that out now, once the Auror has a guilty, he should out immediately.

    Since the Death Eaters, for optimal strat, will have to counter-claim. In fact, they might claim Auror pre-emptively just for that reason.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2011