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DF Fanfic Ideas

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by ParseltonguePhoenix, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    While we're on the topic of Dresden crossing with Simon R. Green's work, why not with one of his other series besides Nightside.

    I, for one, would love to see some interaction between Harry and Eddie Drood from the Secret Histories series.
  2. frodrick

    frodrick Slug Club Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    Harry Dresden, meet Molly Metcalf. Or better yet, Molly Carpenter, meet Molly Metcalf.
  3. Sol

    Sol High Inquisitor

    Mar 19, 2008
    I'm currently planning out a Dresden short story tentatively titled "Twelve Days of Christmas" where Santa Claus the Faerie comes to Chicago and causes all manner of trouble for the resident wizard.
  4. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    What an intriguing idea. I take it that his gifting children with presents (which they happily accept) makes them beholden to him in some fashion? I can see why he was driven back into the Nevernever.
  5. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    You're forgetting the brandy and mince pies. It's an equal trade if ever I saw one :D.
  6. Sol

    Sol High Inquisitor

    Mar 19, 2008
    It won't be just children. Those that run in the supernatural circles knows Santa can get things for them they might not otherwise be able to get.

    I'm also noticing a certain trend in the Fae of turning mortals into subservient animals. Lea with her hounds. The Erlking with his Hunt. Why not Santa and his Reindeer?
  7. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Lol you could make the whole thing a sinister retelling of Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer. The gruesome truth behind the kids song.
  8. afrojack

    afrojack Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2006
    Southron California
    Santa, the roundest and most jolly of all the Winter Fae, had a loyal troop of slaves, the reindeer, the most heavily punished and miserable souls to ever cross Clause. Rudolph thought he could be special, but was quickly taught the error of his ways. The other reindeer mauled him mercilessly for his insolence, but to no avail. For his defiance, Santa now runs him in front of the other reindeer through the Christmas blizzard all night, every year, for eternity. The other reindeer took pleasure in seeing their master break Rudolph, and when it was over, they accepted him into their antlered legion, his nose now black, dead, and cold just like the others. Down in history....as an example for those who would seek to defy Santa.

    Every year Santa flies about the earth, delivering "gifts" to all the little children. But the Fae do not give without compensation. As with all Fae deception, the little children had no idea that, by writing to Santa and promising to be good in exchange for material gain, they had entered into a binding contract with a powerful faerie. As for those unfortunate few children who were naughty, Fae lore is often littered with many versions of the same story. But one must wonder about those tiny, little, child-sized "elves", bound in servitude by the jolly-seeming faerie to assemble toys for all time. Mocked, tortuously forced to build the very same lures that baited them into their everlasting labor. It is rumored that the original lump of coal is considered the first of many "paychecks."

    But still others say that the "elves" are not really elves, but Hobbs. It is said that in order to keep the child-thirsty, vicious Hobbs obedient, he feeds them those poor, naughty children, stuffed with a nice lump of coal.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2009
  9. LittleChicago

    LittleChicago Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Oct 3, 2009
    Afrojack, that was easily the best hing I've ever read.

    Makes me think of Santabot from Futurama...
  10. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I'd sort of like to see Harry's reaction to Molly breaking the law again in, hm, was it Turn Coat? I think it was. Morgan told Harry before he died that he didn't tell anyone about it, but Harry knows. He seemed to brush it off for the most part in the book, but I can't see him letting it slide that easily. I expect he'd pitch a fit when there was time for it.

    Speaking of that law though, well, I'm not sure I completely understand it. Fucking with someones mind is different than just having a look. She looked at Harry's head later in the same book and no one had an issue with it. All she did to Luccio was look as well, so why did Morgan bitch so much about her breaking the law again? And Harry seemed to agree she broke it. I might go ask this on the official JB forums if no one here has an answer ready, because it's one of the few things in the Dresden Files that doesn't seem to "fit."

    Still, if Molly broke the law I can't see Harry not pitching an absolute fit. It could even be a fanfic with a new plot in which Molly breaks or almost breaks the laws again, and Harry freaks out.

    Also, Afrojack... That KICKS ASS.
  11. The Santi

    The Santi Professor

    Aug 15, 2009
    Alright, this is an idea for a Harry Potter/Dresden Files xover. I've only read a little of the Dresend Files, so please tell me if this idea is uncanon, impossible, or just plain sucks.

    The concept is that during OoTP Harry's Patronus fails to drive off the Dementors, and he is kissed. Once kissed, Harry's soul is transported to one of the Denarian coins, and he is attacked by a fallen; however, Lily's sacrifice protects him.

    After a while, the fallen stops trying to harm Harry, and they reluctantly coexist together. Harry discovers that the Dementors are demons created by Satan, and the kiss transfers a human soul into one of the 30 Denarian coins that the fallen reside. The Fallen then consume the human souls to sustain themselves while they aren't possessing a host.

    Lasciel is the fallen whose coin Harry's soul is trapped inside, and after gaining Harry's trust, she discovers that Harry is still linked to the real world through Voldemort's Horcrux.

    Lasciel convinces Harry that if they willingly combine powers, she could reunite Harry's soul with his body. Realizing he has no other alternative, Harry agrees. When they unite, Harry experiences an overwhelming sensation of burning hellfire before he opens his eyes and realizes he is in Saint Mungos.

    Across the world in Chicago, Nicodemus and Harry Dresden are shocked when Lasciel's coin, which Nicodemus was offering to Dresdon, violently explodes in front of them.


    What do you think? Right now it's only a one-shot, but I've got some ideas for a few potential follow up scenes.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2009
  12. fuubar

    fuubar Headmaster

    Nov 17, 2007
    Interesting Santi.

    I was rereading Turn Coat and this came to mind (Serious spoilers for the end of that one fyi).

    Morgan says that he was able to veil Luccio before the other Wardens arrived on the scene. What if she and Morgan were both framed as was originally intended? How does the civil war that that triggers play out for both the Council and the world at large?

    This would probably be better after another book or two so that we have a little bit better idea on some of the other fallout from TC but it still seems like it would be a fun story.
  13. Azrael's Little Helper

    Azrael's Little Helper High Inquisitor

    Dec 24, 2006
    My first response:


    My serious response: The idea is intriguing but has some potentially 'verse breaking problems and some that are less so but still problematic - if someone creates a horcrux out of a Denarius or creates one and gets their other part sucked out, does that create an indestructible horcrux since the spirit is still tied to the horcrux? What happens if the Dementors go on a feeding frenzy and overstuff the Fallen with souls? Do they get stronger with the sudden influx of souls, enough to shatter their bindings?

    That said, Big Daddy Lucifer would not be happy to find his clever little trick (if it is his trick) getting beaten by some snotnosed mortal from sheer accident.
  14. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    And do you think that he is happy that Tom has escaped him so far? I am fairly certain that someone like Voldemort belongs to him and is probably long over his due date for his death.
  15. The Santi

    The Santi Professor

    Aug 15, 2009
    I was actually thinking that the Dementors 'feed' by taking emotions from people, and they have no personal incentive to suck out people's souls, other than an instinctual desire to do so when the fallen require sustenance.

    So, a Dementor 'feeding frenzy' would only occure if a lot of Fallen are stuck in their coins at one time. I thought it would be ironic since the more coins the Knights of the Cross capture to contain the fallen, the more the Dementors would feel the desire to attack and remove human souls to feed them.

    Edit: 100 Posts :awesome
  16. Random Shinobi

    Random Shinobi Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Aug 1, 2006
    Aren't they, you know, always stuck in their coins? Besides, if the hostless Fallen need souls provided by Dementors to survive, why haven't the Knights (and the White Council) hunted those foul soul-suckers into extinction? Or at least imprisoned them if they are truly impossible to kill. It would be an easy way of to permanently destroy all captured Fallen...

    Speaking of the Denarians, wasn't one of them called Shamsiel or something. That guy is supposed to be one of the Grigori. Would it be possible that the Denarians are actually not true Fallen but rather Grigori? Canonically they remain on Earth but are bound until Judgment Day. It would fit very well.
  17. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Thorned Namshiel is the only Denarian mentioned in DF I can think of with a name similar to that but it's possible I missed one.

    If i recall, the Grigori were angels sent to earth who ended up having children by mortal women or something along those lines (I'm too lazy to google right now). What evidence is there that one of the Denarians is a member of this group as well? Or are you saying that the Denarians *are* the Grigori as a general rule?
  18. Random Shinobi

    Random Shinobi Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Aug 1, 2006
    Ah... It was Namshiel and not Shamsiel... In that case there is very little evidence backing my theory. And yes, the Grigori are (fallen) angels that had children with humans. If Denarians were the Grigori it would explain why they are just nasty, selfish bastards instead of trying to corrupt humanity and convert them to satanism.
  19. White Rabbit

    White Rabbit Hippity Hoppity DLP Supporter

    Mar 26, 2008
    I skimmed through White Knight again and thought that Harry has the potential to be a pretty badass Warden. He scared ghouls shitless out in the desert, and had a hand in training the new recruits.

    It would be pretty cool to see Harry take a more military oriented Warden position. He's pretty good on his feet and has gotten himself out of impossible odds after impossible odds, I could see him rise in the ranks of the Wardens. With his traits it would be interesting to see him on the battlefield with other Wardens taking down vampires and other enemies.

    I don't really see it happening willingly though. Due to his past with Morgan he doesn't take on those responsibilities, but I could see him getting wrangled in through something Dead Beat-esque.

    Most the time Harry's trying to keep his ass out of the fire when it's too late. How cool would it be to see him go ball's out against some enemies and raise some hell?
  20. Militis

    Militis Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2008
    I'd much rather see Harry as a Blackstaff. That would be :awesome and tickle my tickle spot.