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DLP: Motel Rendezvous

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Jormungandr, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Since you did mine, I'll bite. Reserved the prompt, gtfo.
  2. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    A/n: Here you fucking go, Rep. You wanted a fic where Dresden takes the lead and I have delivered. :p

    Thanks advice, Naeblis.


    Catching her had been way too easy. It had taken a few days of patient scouting and waiting, but her spur of the moment trip in the middle of the night had been as perfect a moment to strike as I could have hoped for and I didn’t waste it.

    I hadn’t expected a good catholic housewife to be trained in hand-to-hand combat, but she was. She was strong, too, and almost six feet tall. It hurt when she threw her elbow into my gut, but not enough for me to lose my grip on her.

    I didn’t waste any time after that, murmuring a soft spell into her ear that slowly overwhelmed her senses and made her fall asleep. It was the kind of magic that was frowned upon, but not exactly illegal. But I’d take a scowling warden any day over having to resort to choking her out, or using chloroform.

    Once she was snoring softly, I pulled her inside the van I’d brought along with me. Cliché, I know, but there’s a reason for it. It’s just so damn convenient.
    A quick check of the surroundings confirmed that nobody had seen me and I drove away at a sedate pace leaving the quiet neighborhood none the wiser.

    I’d prepared a safe-house outside of town and the drive went without a hitch. It had been a factory of some description once upon the time and served my purposes just fine. The windows were high, the walls thick. The doors were sturdy and I’d made sure they were all closed, barred and locked.

    Parking the car outside, I carried the woman inside in my arms and lay her down on the mattress I’d prepared. She didn’t stir and I settled on the ground a few feet away.

    I inscribed a circle on the concrete floor with a piece of chalk and brought out a large emerald. I pressed it to my lips and then began to quietly whisper the incantation of a spell.

    It took a little while. Wizards have varying areas of talent and whatever Tolkien said, subtle I ain’t.

    When two minutes had gone by, I felt the link establish with a snap of magic.

    “How fares your quest, my godson?” Purred a feminine voice into my ear. Or rather, I perceived it as though she whispered in my ear. The spell, and the conversation, was done purely inside my mind and the one I’d connected to.

    “Very well,” I told her. “I have her with me.”

    “I am most pleased with you,” she informed me and the tone of voice, along with the implications of her words, made me shudder with equal parts excitement and fear. “Shall I leave our demands with the husband?”

    “Yeah,” I said, my voice a bit rough. “Let me know when he says yes.”

    I could all but hear her predatory grin as she responded. “I shall, my sweetling.”

    And with another snapping sensation, the link was broken.

    I broke the circle and looked down at the woman. She was blonde, in her late twenties or early thirties. The baggy jumper she was wearing concealed most of her body, but not her generous curves.

    Her face looked softer now that she was asleep and it was a stark contrast to the angry expression I’d seen. She stirred a little as I observed her and then blinked her blue eyes once, before sitting bolt upright.

    I’d moved away a little, as much for her peace of mind as to avoid getting assaulted when she woke up dazed and scared.

    “Mrs Carpenter,” I said, keeping my voice quiet and calm. “Settle down. I’m not going to hurt you.”

    She glared at me, that kind of glare that would’ve sent me running before I’d met Lea. Now, though, it just made me smile.

    “I’m just helping my friend make an exchange with your husband. When we’re done, we’ll let you go.”

    Her brows furrowed in confusion for a second, then the glare returned in full force.

    “And what makes you think I’m going to cooperate with that plan?” She spat.

    “If you wanna run, go ahead. You’re not getting anywhere.”

    She wasn’t. I’d made sure. For a second, she seemed to consider it. Then she relaxed again.

    “How old are you?” She asked. There was a faint note of accusation in her tone.

    “Old enough,” I told her shortly. She did the glare thing again and I relented a little. “I’m nineteen, ma’am.”

    “Jesus Christ,” she said, mostly to herself. “Why are you doing this? Do you have any idea what you’re dealing with?”

    “I’m pretty sure I’m dealing with Charity Carpenter at the moment,” I said with a winning smile that didn’t seem to faze her any. “It’s a simple exchange, okay? I’m not going to let you get hurt. I swear it to you, on my Power.”

    She blinked at that, then looked beyond me where my staff and blasting rod lay waiting. She seemed to make the connection and understood the significance of what I’d just done. If you make an oath on your power as a wizard and break it, some of that power goes away and never comes back.
    It won’t take it all away at once, but a few too many times and you’re left with nothing. No wizard wants to risk that. Especially not me, considering the way my life had been so far.

    “Very well,” she said and her smiled turned friendly for the first time.

    Then she tried to kick me in the face. She was fast and she had the element of surprise, but I haven’t survived demons and crazy fairies by being slow. I threw myself back and the blow barely caught my shoulder. I got to my feet a second after she did and set out in pursuit.

    I have long legs, so it took me a few steps to gather speed. Once I had, though, the rest of the chase was merely a formality. When I caught up, Charity skipped to a halt on the floor and kicked at my knee. With the speed I’d gathered, I couldn’t just stop. I managed to slow down and avoid more than a grazing blow, but I still had enough momentum to carry both of us into the wall a few feet beyond.

    I needed both hands to catch my weight before I slammed myself and Charity into the wall, and that left her hands free to go at my kidneys. Which she did – hard. Ouch. I managed to get my arm in the way of her second blow and pinned her to the wall with the full weight of my body before she could put a knee into my groin.

    We stood there panting for a few seconds and she struggled, which I would like to say I didn’t enjoy when it meant her body grinding up against mine, but I did. There was no time to be embarrassed or calm down. Hell, there was no point. The way I was pressed up against her, there was no way she wouldn’t notice.

    “Are you done?” I asked, mostly at her neck. I didn’t dare to keep my face in front of hers because then she’d probably head-butt me or try to bite.

    She shivered as I spoke and nodded jerkily. I moved back and for just a second, she followed, keeping her body pressed to mine. Was she breathing a little bit sharper than the brief chase warranted? I shook my head. It had to be fear. She was afraid and pressed herself against me because she wanted to get away.

    Don’t get any ideas into your head, Dresden. This isn’t the time.

    Unfortunately, I had plenty of ideas in my head. Ever since Lea had found me when I was thirteen, I’d had a very thorough introduction to the world of sensual pleasures and depravities. I really hadn’t had a choice in the matter.
    And yeah, she sure as hell had put lots of ideas into my head since then. Some good, some not so much.

    “Are you hurt?” I asked her.

    “No,” she said. “Are you?”

    I grinned at her. “Nah. You’ve got a wicked left hook, but I’ve had way worse.”

    She bared her teeth in something that wasn’t quite a smile and followed me back. She was a fighter and I could appreciate that. Hell, I thought it really hot. Unfortunately, it meant she was going to try to get away soon. Only this time, she’d pick her moment better. I already looked forward to it.

    An hour went by and during it; Charity and I shared a meal. Protein bars and water is terrible, but it’s the kind of stuff that won’t go bad during a lengthy stake-out.

    Lea ‘called’ shortly thereafter to let me know that the exchange had been agreed upon and that she just needed to confirm that it was the real deal once the item had been procured. That was when Charity made her move. It was testament to that she knew how wizards operated. To a point where I was beginning to suspect that she’d either dealt with my kind a lot before, or that she might’ve had talent of her own once.

    When a wizard’s working a spell, it usually takes a while to untangle your mind from the process. Unfortunately for Charity, I was ready for her and the spell was simple enough that getting out of it only took a second.

    I caught the arm swinging my blasting-rod at my head mid-swing and overbore her down onto the mattress she’d previously been resting on. The fact that I refused to hit a woman, or hurt one for that matter, was a disadvantage, but not enough of one. I still had more than fifty pounds on her.

    It would’ve been over a lot quicker, but having her body writhing under mine turned out to be really distracting and pleasurable, especially when she bucked her hips against mine. An attempt to get away, of course, but the part of my anatomy that she pressed her warm body against didn’t make that distinction.

    “You are enjoying this too much,” she panted as she once more tried to get me off – her.

    “Hey, you’re the one who started it,” I shot back. “All you had to do was sit tight for a few hours. I think you’re the one enjoying this.”

    It was a pretty feeble comeback, as such things went, but turned her face away from mine. Damn, maybe I had been right.

    “I guess your husband’s not into you hitting him?”

    “Unlike you, he does not deserve to get struck,” Charity said.

    “Deserves got nothin’ to do with it,” I said in my best Clint Eastwood impression. I leaned in, pressing my cheek against hers as I whispered into her ear. “I can take a hit, you know and I clearly deserve it, don’t I?”

    I stayed there for a few seconds, her warm cheek against mine, listening to her breathing pick up with excitement at my suggestion.

    “You do most certainly do,” she agreed.

    I straightened a bit, my eyes drawn to the way her chest rose and fell with her breathing.

    “Go ahead,” I said.

    I let her hands go and letting my hands dip under her shirt, up a softly rounded belly, and to her breasts. The blow caught me on the cheek when I’d pushed her bra aside to give one of her nipples a soft pinch. It was open-handed and hurt, sure, but I’d had way way worse.

    Most importantly, though it seemed to touch something in Charity. Her eyes were intent on me and thought I’d stopped actively touching her, my hands were still of her breasts, a good place to note her quickening breathing. Not to mention the fact that the tips of her breasts had tightened into hard little nubs that poked out against my palms.

    “Do you want me to stop?” I asked, giving the nipple another pinch.

    She whimpered and her hips brushed up against mine again, but didn’t answer.
    Well, I needed to know. I unbuttoned her jeans and the second strike, this one weaker and from her left hand, caught my cheek. I stopped again and met her eyes, which were all but daring me to proceed.

    My hand dipped down inside the jeans and found her panties damp.

    “I guess that answers it, then,” I said, pressing down a little and drawing a whimper.

    I reached for the blasting rod she’d tried to clobber me earlier and guided it between her legs.

    “Forzare,” I whispered, sending the softest possible trickle of power down the length of wood, containing it inside. The foci began to vibrate and buzz as a result of the stored energy and I pressed it carefully against her sex.

    “Neat, huh?” I asked, moving it around a little and keeping the contact light.

    “Figured this one out about a year ago. Lea really loves it.”

    A strangled groan escaped Charity’s lips, clearly despite her efforts to stifle it.

    “So, catholic sex is boring, I take it?”

    “No,” she said from between gritted teeth. “It is not.”

    I grinned, idly rubbing her with the vibrating blasting rod in slow little circles.

    “But I’m guessing he doesn’t know you get off on slapping around younger men?” I teased.

    She directed a glare at me that’d rival the Death Star’s lasers and then she slugged me. Not hard, it wasn’t really possible from where she lay on her back, but I sure as hell felt it.

    I leaned down and kissed her hungrily and her moans spilled into my mouth, hot and needy, as the blasting rod ended up stuck between my knee and her sex.

    For a while, I considered teasing her, to bring her to the edge of release and then keep her there until she was begging for it… But Charity did not strike me as the begging type.

    I adjusted the positioning of the buzzing rod and it wasn’t long until Charity came. She kept stubbornly quiet, but I was close enough to feel the tremors wracking her body, to see the sweet agony on her face.

    “Did you enjoy that, Mrs Carpenter?” I asked her gently, punctuating the emphasis on her name by leaning in and pressing the bulge in my jeans against her soaked panties. She whimpered, a low sound at the back of her throat
    and then quietly said, her voice a bit raspy:


    I grinned at her and swigged some water, then offered her the bottle. She took it and drank too. Her eyes roamed over me as she settled the bottle down, lingering on the bulge in my jeans for a few seconds while she buttoned up her own.

    She reached out slowly and put her hand against it, rubbing her palm up and down the straining denim. Then she winked at me and gave my chest a shove while I was distracted. There was no real force in it and if I hadn’t been so damn distracted, it wouldn’t even have rocked me. As it was, I lost my balance for maybe a second.

    So that was the way she wanted to play it, then? Fine by me. I set off in pursuit.

    I didn’t hurry. The way she’d taken there weren’t even any doors and the window was safety glass. The office was the first option and since the toilets were further down the same dead end. So long as I didn’t close the door behind me, she had no way past.

    I looked to the left and let my shield-spell cover the right. Charity came at me from the right. An office chair smashed into my shield and rocked me off balance. I stumbled backwards and dropped the shield as she went for me again. At the last second, I sent a gentle effort of will through the blasting rod.

    It wasn’t more than a light shove, but with the speed and the clumsy and heavy weapon in her hands, Charity lost her balance. She went past me and I caught her from behind. Her body stiffened when she felt me press my body flush against hers and my hands on her wrists was enough encouragement to drop the chair.

    “You didn’t have to hit me that hard,” I chided her as my hands sought their way under her sweater again search of warm ample curves. I found them and squeezed, earning a pleased sound and a wiggle of Charity’s bum against the front of my jeans.

    “Of course I did,” she said. “What did you expect?”

    She met the movement of my hips against her delightfully rounded posterior in a moment of delicious friction.

    “Nothing less,” I said, and began to work on the buttons of her jeans again. She made a noise and her hands covered mine. For a moment, I thought she was stopping me, but then she undid the buttons herself and let me pull her pants and underwear down her legs, where she kicked out of them.

    She spread her legs a little and bent over the desk, hands splayed on the wooden surface. I had to pause, just for a second, to take the sight in. Compared to Lea, Charity was inferior in every physical aspect. Then again, there was something different in being with her that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

    Charity looked over her shoulder at me where I stood poised and ready to enter her, but unmoving. Her eyes focused below my belly-button and she raised her eyebrows.

    “My husband’s bigger than you,” she said in a casual and mildly mocking voice, the delivery deadpan.

    Okay, let’s get something clear right away. I know that size doesn’t matter. I also know that even if it had mattered; I wouldn’t be in any problem on that front. Still, knowing all of that, I still felt sort of inadequate. It’s a stupid guy thing and I’m well aware of it.

    “If this is your pitch for a threesome, I think I’d better tell you now that I’m not going to be crossing swords with the guy, in any sense of the word.”

    Charity’s chuckle broke off into a throaty sound of pleasure as I slid inside her.

    “Then again… If I’m insufficient for you then maybe I should stop?” I pointedly did so, ignoring my body which demanded that I take her, hard and fast and right the hell now. I would, but not quite yet.

    She pushed herself against me and I reproved her with a slap to the ass. The gasp that slipped past her lips was part surprise and part… Something else. I turned the other cheek, in a manner of speaking, and the second strike sent a shiver coursing through Charity’s body. Trust me, I was in a very good position to tell. I grinned down at her and began to move again.

    “You’re full of surprises,” I said, gently stroking the flesh recently rendered tender, before landing another firm slap. “I really like that.”

    “And you are surprisingly patient for such a young man,” she said, meeting the slow rhythm of my thrusts. “Are you worried things might end prematurely?”

    “Nah,” I told her. “My godmother has some pretty strict views on ‘ladies first’ and I learned quickly.”

    Speaking of which, I’d better get going before said Godmother interrupted us. I had no idea what she’d do and I’d rather not subject Charity to it. Lea wasn’t evil, per say, but she could be cruel in her games. I had the scars to prove it.

    I began to pick up the pace, pounding into her harder, faster and deeper, burying my face against her neck, drinking in the scent of her shampoo and sweat, along with the gloriously human warmth.

    This time around, Charity wasn’t quiet. She cried out as my fingers parted the wet folds of her sex, unashamed and unrestrained in a way that must have been impossible in a house-hold with children. She cursed and bucked against me when my other hand found her breasts under the jumper, twisting and
    pinching them.

    She was getting close.

    “What was that you were saying about premature?” I whispered into her ear.

    “Go to hell,” Charity moaned. It sounded a lot like surrender to me.

    “Some day, but not today,” I replied with a grin.

    She moaned again as she came, something that I think was derogatory and aimed towards me, but I too busy coming with her to give a fuck. We stood there for a while, trembling and sweaty, basking in the afterglow. I slowly softened inside of her, but felt no motivation to pull out quite yet. We hadn’t quite gotten to the guilt and awkwardness when a female voice spoke from the darkest corner of the room.

    “If you are quite finished, godson, we have business to conclude.”

    I felt Charity tense, but that was all. No scream of terror or running away.

    “Yeah,” I said croakily. I needed something to drink, and maybe a shower.

    “Please give us a moment I’ll make sure the hostage is- Uh- Presentable.”

    “Acceptable,” Lea said, a satisfied smirk on her gorgeous red lips. “I shall wait by the car.”

    Charity and I got dressed in silence, then headed to the bathroom and got cleaned up as well as the limited facilities allowed. I doubted Charity felt any cleaned than I, but at least we didn’t look like we’d just fucked each other silly.

    We held the silence until I turned the corner to the block where Charity lived.

    “We will never see one another again, Mr Dresden,” she said, her voice steady even as she lied to me.

    “Probably for the best,” I admitted and parked the car by the sidewalk outside the Carpenter’s house. A man opened the door and took a few moments to push a blonde girl who was probably around three back inside before closing it behind him.

    The deal went off without a hitch and soon, Lea and I were driving off.

    “You were successful,” Lea murmured. “A feat worthy of recognition.”

    “Thanks,” I said, my grave tone at odds with my wide grin. “What did you want the coin for?”

    Lea shrugged, the gesture careless and elegant.

    “Nothing,” she said calmly. “It is a treacherous and dangerous tool, one I would not risk inflicting upon you, my dear. Mayhap we will find someone willing to barter for it.”

    I frowned at her, even as her soft hand caressed my cheek.

    “It was just a test,” I said. “Wasn’t it?”

    Once more, she grinned, displaying sparkling white teeth and slightly pointy canines.

    “Indeed. Would you like to celebrate at the King of Burgers?”
  3. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    Challenges answered:
    --- --- ---
    Harry Potter/Fleur Delacour by wordhammer

    Harry Potter/Fleur Delacour part 2 by wordhammer

    Harry Potter/Romilda Vane by Republic

    Harry Potter/Kara Zor El? by Peace

    Harry Potter/Poison Ivy by Peace

    Neville Longbottom/Poison Ivy by Republic

    Albus Dumbledore/Mab by Zeelthor

    Neville Longbottom/Nymphadora Tonks by Tommy

    Harry Potter/Profesor Sinistra by wordhammer

    Hermion Granger/Tony Stark by Shinysavage

    Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood/Harley Quinn
    by Republic

    Hermione Granger/Muggle by Peace

    Harry Potter/Black Widow by Peace

    Harry Potter/Mab by Zeelthor

    Iris Potter/Luna Lovegood by Don E. Delivery

    Harry Dresden/Charity Carpenter by Zeelthor

    Harry Potter/Narcissa Malfoy by Don E. Delivery

    Harry Potter/Narcissa Malfoy part 2 by Don E. Delivery

    Harry Potter/Marietta Edgecombe by WalkingDisaster

    Harry Dresden/Charity Carpenter by Zeelthor

    --- --- ---
    Challenges remaining:
    --- --- ---

    Harry Dresden/Georgia Borden by Zeelthor

    Sirius Black/Minera Mcgonagall by Republic

    Harry Potter/Cersei Lannister by silentclock

    Harry Potter/Margaery Tyrell by silentclock

    Bellatrix LeStrange/Severus Snape by Republic

    Harry Potter/Apolline Delacour by Jormungandr

    The Overmind/Cho Chang by Zeelthor - taken by Jormungandr

    Harry Potter/Sarah Kerrigan by Republic - taken by Jormungandr

    Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood by Stalin's Pipe Organs

    Harry Dresden/Justine by Zeelthor

    Maleficent/Lord Voldemort by Xandrel

    Kariin Murphy/Dean Winchester by Shinysavage

    Harry Dresden/Kumori by Zeelthor

    Ancient Mai/The Merlin by Republic

    Ron Weasley/Lavender Brown by Odran

    Harry and Cho, one-night stand after the Battle of Hogwarts, and its consequence 9 years later, at their meeting in Hong-Kong by Jibril

    Harry Potter/Kate Middleton by Don E. Delivery

    Luna Lovegood/Invisible Man by The Erotic advetures of S

    Harry Potter/Lady Sif by Gallowwalker - taken by Peace

    Harry Potter/Madame Maxine by Zeelthor

    Harry Dresden/Mab/Titania by Republic

    Harry/Karrin's sister by Republic

    Harry Dresden/Karrin Murphy by Republic

    Harry Potter/Drunk!Katie (from WAFATYB) by freak

    Jack Harkness/Glaistig Uaine by wordhammer

    Harry Potter/Astoria Greengrass by Brukel

    female!Harry seduced by Narcissa Malfoy by Brukel

    A girl and her veils i.e. Molly Carpenter & Veils by Zeelthor

    Cloak!Harry Potter/Hermione Granger by Republic

    Neville Longbottom/Margaery Tyrell by Xandrel

    Harry Potter/Hermione Granger, cheating on Ron, instigator or aggressor Harry, Hermione who isn't completely flat with the figure of a little boy by WalkingDisaster

    Harry Dresden/Molly Carpenter - Changes - In the car outside Rudolph's house by Zeelthor
  4. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    This wasn't by me. I was challenged to write this.
  5. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    And I'm still waiting. ^^

    Nicely done with the summary, Jibril. Someone should toss that to the front page to simplify matters.
  6. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    I really ought to get to writing my takens -- I've got the notes, just need to get my ass on the keyboard.
  7. Peace

    Peace High Inquisitor

    Aug 17, 2011
    My computer desk
    I forgot all about my Harry/Sif challenge. I'll get to it eventually.
  8. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    How you gonna type sitting on the keys? DUH
  9. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Aww, and here I thought you'd posted that prompt I gave you.
  10. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Needless to say, people need to get off their asses and write stuff. I need my Dresden fix now that Jon no longer provides it. By the way, I've accepted Reps Dresden/Mab/Titania challenge. It's sort of on the back-burner at the moment, though. Got another story to wrap first.
  11. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    HP, Marvel, Doctor Who.

    What am I doing?
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    You are doing a scene in which Nymphadora Tonks and Natasha Romanoff (MCU) are doing each other.
  13. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    Not nearly as horrible as I had thought.

    Off to work on this.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ----------


    I'm terrible at writing actual smut/lemon things so here's what I got.


    Nymphadora “Don’t-call-me-that” Tonks was in a bitter mood. She had just finished her shift at work and had gone to get pissed in her favorite pub only to find that it was closed for renovations due to a fight earlier in the week.

    To top it all off, her recent object of affection had gone cold and didn’t even look at her anymore since the night she had refused to morph to look like his ex’s sister. What a creep. Merlin, all men were at this point. None of them cared for her and her own body. They looked at her and saw a moldable blow up doll.

    ‘Change this, no bigger, bigger. Now fix that and then add this.’

    Ugh, it was enough to make her puke.

    Although that might be the Muggle Tequila making itself known again. Not as strong as Firewhiskey, but a damn sight better than the swill the bar tender called beer.

    She slammed back another shot, no longer feeling any burn.

    She was sloppy drunk, she’d admit it. She stood from the bar, wobbling and made her way to the restroom. Her bladder was being quite insistent. She mumbled to herself as she walked in and opened the stall to see the horror of all horrors. Piss everywhere, toilet paper half curled off the side of the bowl and a large red lip print against the back wall.

    Who in the name of Merlin had been shagging in this place? She shook her head and looked around. She discretely removed her wand from its sheath on her arm and gave it a firm flick at the mess. Everything disappeared and the bowl sparkled like new.

    The lip prints remained.

    She stared at them for a moment, trying to figure out what to do with it, before drunkenly ignoring it in favor of taking the piss, literally.

    Her deed done, she moved to the sinks. As she was washing her hands the door banged open and a red-haired woman ran into the room.

    “When the hell did Ginny start wearing black leathers?” Tonks drunkenly asked, out loud.

    “My name’s not Ginny, so I’m guessing never,” said the woman, her accent decidedly Russian, as she turned to face Tonks.

    Tonks was not gay, it was a clear cut thing for her. But this woman was hot. Like, Fleur Delacour without the Allure hot. The suit didn’t hide a damn thing and Tonks found herself committing the most embarrassing of Metamorph oopsies. She slowly transformed into the woman.

    “What in the seven rings of hell?” The woman stared at her. Tonks looked down and giggled, before managing a sheepish look at the woman.

    “Are you drunk?” She asked.

    “No,” was the curt reply.

    “So no chance I could pass that off as a drunken hallucination, I suppose?”

    “Not even a little sweetie,” she said with a small smirk. Her predatory gaze traveled up and down Tonks body. She shivered.

    “So, uh,” was the clumsy first attempt at a conversation, shortly followed by, “who you running from?”

    “Who said I was running from anything?” The redhead looked quite cross.

    “Well, you slammed the door, locked it and have been holding it closed since you entered. Actually, I’m drunk and you’re in need and you’ve already seen things, let me help with that,” she focused her wand on the door and mumbled something.

    “What was that?”

    “I said move or you’ll turn into a toad, woman.” The woman spun gracefully away from the door as a beam of dull grey light slammed into the door, turning it to wood to match the wall around it. The door vanished from sight and the pounding on the door dimmed.

    “Thank you,” the woman said, staring at the wall. She had seen superheroes and gods, she had fought aliens and demons. She had met Dr. Stephen Strange, Grand Sorcerer, but even he would have struggled with something so simple and so complex at the same time.

    “Welcome, I’m gonna go vomit now,” Tonks half mumbled, turning back to the stall and the porcelain altar. The woman smiled a little and moved to help a fellow female in need. She went to pull back hair only to realize it was too short and spiky to be much of a hassle.

    Natasha struggled with human interactions, but she’d seen a few “chick flicks” and knew that water and rubbing her back would help. She couldn’t really do water without a glass so she settled for tenderly rubbing small circles on the pink-haired drunk’s upper back.

    Tonks groaned after she finished and sat down on the floor, flicking her wand again to make it clean and shine as if it’d just been mopped. She slumped heavily on the ground and conjured a glass. She just shoved it at the redhead in universal girl code for ‘help me, please’.

    “So, my name’s Natasha,” she said as she moved to the sink.

    “M’Tonks,” came the half mumbled reply. Tonks discreetly stuck her wand in her mouth and thought the incantation for the breath-mint charm. She whipped it out before Natasha turned around, not wanting to look odd or anything.

    “Tonks? Hmm, well, what exactly are you drinking to, if I might ask?”

    “The end of all relationships. Men suck, I’ve never been with a woman and life is shit,” Tonks said in a surprising coherent sentence. Natasha’s eyebrow rose slightly.

    “Men do suck, but sometimes we have to live with them, for better or worst,” Natasha said as she handed Tonks the water, “usually for worst though.” Tonks nodded as she gulped the water down.

    “Thank you, for the help with the door by the way,” Natasha said off-hand. Tonks shook her head, lips remaining firmly on the glass as she finished guzzling it away.

    “No problem, always happy to help a woman in need,” she said when she finally relinquished the glass.

    “Indeed?” Natasha responded, unsure what that was supposed to mean.

    “You’re hot in all that leather,” Tonk blurted out. She slapped her hand to her mouth, eyes wide in disbelief. Natasha’s eyebrow rose again, but this time in mirth.

    “You aren’t the first person to tell me that,” she chuckled.

    “Would I be the first to say it’d look better on the floor?” Tonk’s drunken courage was roaring now. She was silently berating herself and made to sullenly close the stall door, when a hand stopped it.

    “Not the first person, but definitely the first woman. Tell me, exactly how much can you change your body?”

    Tonks stared at her, “a lot.”

    “This will be just like Budapest all over again, I think,” Natasha murmured before dragging Tonks up and closing the distance, firmly entrenching Tonks against the stall wall. The lips met with searing passion and heat caused Tonk’s cheeks to bloom before her arms wrapped around the leather clad woman and pulled her body closer. As they parted for air Natasha smiled.

    “Actually, no not like Budapest. Definitely better.”


    I'm bored at work, someone give me another.
    Last edited: May 12, 2014
  14. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Hey, this was fun. :awesome
  15. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    Harry and Cho, one-night stand after the Battle of Hogwarts, and its consequence 9 years later, at their meeting in Hong-Kong


    Harry Potter/Hermione Granger, cheating on Ron, instigator or aggressor Harry, Hermione who isn't completely flat with the figure of a little boy


    A girl and her veils i.e. Molly Carpenter & Veils
  16. Eyron

    Eyron Seventh Year

    Sep 9, 2013
    Harry Potter/Emma Frost
  17. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Ron, cheating on Hermione, with a Hermione from an AU without him knowing about it at first. Think of the other Hermione as some insane witch that's just obsessed with Ron. Might even displace the original Hermione by killing her and play her part for a while.
  18. Eyron

    Eyron Seventh Year

    Sep 9, 2013
    This reminds me of Orphan Black lol! Only the replacement isn't an insane one...
  19. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Where's the fun in that then?
  20. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    I've been looking for a threesome scene between a dimension hopping Harry, Supergirl, and a Marvel Heroine. Haven't decided on which one. Any takers?