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DLP: Motel Rendezvous

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Jormungandr, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Fem!Harry (not named Harriet) and Luna... tell me how much you love (read: hate) me.


    Iris Potter scanned the sky, her hazel eyes sweeping side to side in search of the snitch. She shifted slightly to the left to avoid and oncoming bludger, and just barely ignored the urge to shout at Richie Coot, who had nearly clipped her in his effort to defend Ginny Weasley. She heard his apology as she raced away, but her focus was on her opponent, and she watched the boy from the corner of her eye as she whipped through one of the Ravenclaw goalposts.

    Instantly, Iris pushed downward, the handle of the broomstick turned vertically while the Gryffindor side of the stands was level with her backside; she imagined the view her housemates had of her arse, but she could pay it little mind at her speed. Distantly, she heard a cry of pain as Cho Chang smacked into the circular goal, and her mouth formed a smirk as she realized the girl had no hope of catching back up with her.

    The svelte, graceful young witch pulled back on her broom, swiftly securing the snitch in her hand while slowing her descent to a crawl. In a blink, she had won the game for Gryffindor, and, as the exhilarating rush of excitement from the intense Quidditch match turned into a realization that she had just won them the cup, her smirk shifted into a genuine smile, one that was reflected on the housemates who surrounded her. Ron Weasley was even daring enough to lift her up on his shoulders, and she shrieked with delight as the Gryffindors sung her name.

    "Potter, Potter," Dean Thomas was yelling, his muscular arm slung around Seamus Finnegan's shoulders. The Irish boy shared his fervor for the win, and was, if possible, even louder than Dean. "She's our Queen, she killed the 'Claws and worked for the team. She's big and she's mean (and only sixteen) but she flew like a dream when she beat Hufflepuff!"

    "But Potter, thought that wasn't not enough!" Suprisingly, Hermione, who never shared much enthusiasm for Iris' practices or matches (though she dutifully came to all of them), was singing along with the boys. "The witch caught the snitch without getting bothered."

    "She beat the stuffing from the punks in the dungeons!"

    "The only daughter of James Potter!" Iris joined in, only for a moment; her words were met with a roar of approval from the other students, who were mesmerized by their house's success. The song carried on and on, repeating in intensity (though some of the students obviously didn't know all the words), and for a long time she was held in the air high over everyone's heads. Her eyes unconsciously searched for a particularly pleasant face in the crowd, though, when she found it, it was covered by a remarkably lifelike lion's head. Iris' bark of laughter was lost among the crowd, but she knew Luna had seen her reaction, and she greatly appreciated her friend turning against her house and supporting her instead.

    Eventually, Ron carefully placed Iris back on the pitch. The students from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were beginning to head back to their dormitories, to celebrate and complain amongst themselves respectively, but Iris had other plans. "I'll catch up with you guys," she whispered to Ron, who looked confused.

    "Aren't you going to come back to the tower? The party will be rather pointless without the star player!"

    Iris chuckled. The cries of "Potter, Potter" had been replaced by a more familiar sounding tune. "Weasley is Our King, remember?" With a smile, she shoved Ron into the group of students singing his song. The boy looked embarrassed when Hermione came up to him moments later, blushing and babbling about how well he played. It was true, Iris reasoned; Ron had only let in two goals on fifteen shots, and those two were probably as a result of being distracted by the bushy-haired girl in front of him.

    Iris left her friends behind at the stairs, and fell into an empty alcove to place her Invisibilty Cloak over her head. "Finally," she whispered to herself. "Some peace and quiet." Her ears were still ringing from the cacophony of cheers in the entrance hall, and she strode away from the mass of students and up the staircase. Higher and higher she climbed, groaning as she felt her legs growing weaker, as they were already sore from the long game. She persisted with some strain, and finally reached her destination; she opened and closed a door and took a deep, relaxing breath as she found herself on the Astronomy Tower, blissfully alone.

    At least, that was until she heard musical laughter from above her. Iris turned, startled by the abrupt appearance of Luna, though she'd half expected her best friend to be there already. The blonde was smiling from her position on the parapets, as usual, hanging dangerously close to the edge with nothing to keep her on if the wind decided to sweep her off. Luna was unperturbed, however, facing Iris with amusement on her small face.

    "You know it bothers me when you do that," Iris moaned, coming to stand by her friend, who shrugged.

    "Surely no worse than watching you plummet to the ground on a broomstick." The argument was one they had been through many times before; Luna did not see the danger in hanging on the edge of the tower, and Iris did not understand the pleasure it gave her friend to do so.

    "The difference is," Iris said, flicking her wand and sending a small rock flying off the edge of the terrace. It stayed where it fell, and the corner of Luna's lips twitched briefly. Iris waited a moment before continuing. "Once you fall down, you don't come back up."

    Luna's response was immediate; she defended her opinion, though their companionable tone stayed the same. "That's why I don't fall down, Iris." Disconcertingly, she changed the subject, giggling. "You had a good game today. I almost lost my mask in the riot when Cho hit the goalpost."

    Iris snickered, looking away from Luna and across the grounds for the first time. The sun was setting, and the moon was just barely visible in the evening sky. Nearly an hour had passed since the game had finished, and the Quidditch pitch was completely clear of students and professors. The small, ant-like figure of Filch could be seen clearing the grass of some specks of litter, but Iris thought she and Luna were all but invisible in the dimming light.

    Good, she thought, a hint of nervousness bringing a red tint to her exposed collarbone.

    "I hope your house didn't give you too much trouble," Iris said sincerely. She was always worried for her friend these days (which was ironic, as she was the one preparing to chase Voldemort's horcruxes with the Headmaster) but Luna shook her head in the negative.

    "They barely noticed me; the boys were too busy watching your arse or cursing your name, and the girls were just ready to go back to the castle. Five hours is too long for a Quidditch match, especially one that you had wrapped up forty-five minutes in."

    Iris quite agreed, though she wasn't moved to say so. The two friends had spent more time in each other's company in silence than Iris had shared with Hermione and Ron, and it was quite common for one or the other to fall into prolonged speechlessness.

    This night, however, Iris had something else pressing on her mind.

    "Why do you support me anyway?" she asked. It was unlike her to beat around the bush, but this particular matter required delicacy and tact from the sixth year Gryffindor. "I mean, I appreciate it and all, but your house already treats you like shite--"

    "They've been much better this year," Luna informed her. "They've only stolen my shoes, a bronze cauldron, six sickles and my wand (but that was only for two days)--"

    Iris ignored her friend's sarcastic reply; of course, with Luna, it never actually sounded like she was being sarcastic. "You know what I mean. You're only making it worse on yourself! I'll be your friend even if you don't cheer for me during games, Luna."

    Luna paused, looking thoughtful. "If Malfoy was stealing my shoes, would you feel any differently?"

    "Yeah," Iris sighed. "I'd put the prick on his arse the very first time--"

    "Right, and if Cho Chang was the one?"

    "Is she the one?" Iris said, a hint of menace in her tone.

    "No, but that's not my point. Nobody comes forward to say that they stole my shoes, Iris." At the Girl Who Lived's dirty look, she giggled. "Oh, I'm pretty certain it's Mallory Bertrand from third year or Felicia George from fifth, but I'm not sure who it was, and neither were responsible when my jacket was stolen in second year or my hair accessories in fourth year. Should I go attack those two and interrogate them until they tell me where my shoes went?"

    "Well, I guess not, but--"

    "I could take it to Professor Flitwick or even Headmaster Dumbledore, but in the end, it would be Ravenclaw that suffers, not the person responsible, and there's no guarantee that it wouldn't happen again, because they're going to take the loss of points out on me in the long wrong. Trust me -- Ravenclaws know more hexes than any of the other houses!" Most people would have sounded weary of the struggle, but Luna was anything but normal, and she acted like it didn't bother her. "The funny thing is... if I act strange all the time, most people just pity me and leave me to my own devices, however wicked they may be." She snickered, her hair positively bouncing in the cool Spring air. "It makes it much easier to avoid the real bullies."

    "If anything, those sound more like reasons not to do it in public."

    Luna obviously disagreed. "That's where you're wrong," she said, her voice gentle. Iris frowned, her attention drawn to Luna's shoe, which was hanging precariously off of her big toe. "Their perception of our relationship isn't the same as the reality of our friendship! They think I immortalize you because you're the Girl Who Lived, and they pass it off as another weird thing I do. They don't know the truth." Suddenly, the blonde girl sounded breathless, and even from a few feet below her, Iris heard the hesitation in her voice.

    Iris decided to throw her reservations out the window, and she began to carefully climb her way up to join Luna. She chastised herself for being reticent to do it earlier; how was she supposed to explain herself to Luna if she couldn't even conquer this more clandestine fear?

    "But what does that have to do with supporting me?" Iris said, once she had finally seated herself on top of the parapets. "No offense," she assured Luna, "but what do you get out of cheering for me at a Quidditch game?"

    "Everything and nothing," she said evasively. "My point is: I work hard for Ravenclaw in class because I want to learn -- I need to learn. I don't have any friends in my house, and most have become my enemies at one time or another. All of the people who have been good to me since I've been here have come from Gryffindor -- Professor McGonagall and the Headmaster included -- and you most of all. If being a little strange helps me keep the people I love," she trailed off. "You're my best friend, Iris. I wouldn't choose anyone over you -- not even myself."

    For a long time, Iris and Luna were both silent. The raven-haired girl ran her fingers through her hair, causing her short halo of hair to fly free of her poneytail. Iris preferred her hair short, because Quidditch games and practices constantly swept bangs into her eyes, but the cut often made her hair look wild when she wasn't in the air. She was starting to feel tired as the day progressed into night, and she held her head in her hands. She could hear the sounds of Forbidden forest not too far away, and the wind made a whisper all its own as it spun around them, constantly caressing the two young women.

    "You know, I really enjoy our silent moments," Luna said, "but it wouldn't hurt you to speak your mind every once in a while. I might even listen."

    Iris resisted the urge to snap at her friend, and after calming herself, she realized the intent of Luna's words. "What do you want me to say, Luna? You already know you're my best friend. Ron and Hermione have known me longer, but..."

    "Yes?" Luna said, encouraging her friend to keep going.

    "During the tournament," she continued, "when Hermione wouldn't believe a word I said about leaving my name out of the goblet, and Ron was taking her side, you supported me. You saw through all the rotten lies, that awful smear campaign by the Prophet and you never listened to a single rumor they spread."

    "I listened," she said, "but I never believed. Iris Potter killing a fellow student to win a tournament she swore she didn't enter? Some conspiracy theory!"

    Iris thought of the Quibbler, ran by Luna's father, and its dedication to being the strangest magazine in existence, but she kept her mouth shut about the matter. Luna was nothing like her father, according to the girl, and Iris quite thought she favored her mother in good looks and intelligence.

    "Anyway, you became my only friend, and once they opened their eyes, nothing really changed. I forgave them after they apologized, and I'll always be their friend, but... well," she paused, waving her hands at Luna and ignoring the ground below her for the first time, "our friendship is just--"

    "Don't say different," Luna warned, the first hint of anger on her face.

    "I was going to say better." Shock replaced the anger, a moment before a pleased smile crossed Luna's visage. "It's like we were always meant to be friends."

    For some reason, the pleased expression Luna was wearing slipped a bit, though she did well to recover. For a moment, Iris thought she imagined it, but a part of her knew better; Luna had suffered directly when Iris said they would be forever friends. "Are you alright?" Iris asked, placing a tentative hand on Luna's shoulder.

    "I'm fine," she said, trying to shrug off the melancholy Iris knew she was feeling. "I'm just a little cold," she said, coming up with an acceptable excuse. Iris, emboldened by her friend's sudden shyness, put an arm around her shoulder and forced her to scoot a little closer to her side. Iris, who was wearing thicker clothing because of the warmth her Quidditch robes offered, draped the edge of her robes around Luna. A pleasant rush ran through Iris' body, and she couldn't entirely hide the effect Luna was having on her.

    "You must be cold, too," Luna said, leaning her head against Iris' shoulder. When the raven-haired looked down, Luna's cherubic face was just inches away from her. "You're shivering."

    "Am I?" Iris asked, but her mind wasn't on the words falling from her mouth; her long fingers came down to gently remove the hair from Luna's forehead. In response, the blonde girl raised one hand to run a finger across Iris' scar.

    "Yes," she muttered, her pink lips opening and closing in the most delightful way. Iris' eyes were drawn to the movement, and Luna's eyes dialated quite laughably as she realized Iris' focus was on her face. Iris held Luna like one would their lover, and for a long moment, neither moved. "This is... different," Luna finally said, and Iris could feel the girl's breath on her face. She smiled. This was the moment she had been waiting for, and she decided to act before she lost her nerve.

    Iris leaned her face into Luna's, and their lips met in a sinuous kiss, one that was eagerly returned by the blonde. Their tongues danced in each other's mouths, and for a long time, they shared their first kiss. When they broke apart, giant smiles were pasted on their faces, the excitement of their new, improved relationship.

    "Not different. Better."

    Neither noticed Neville Longbottom watching them and masturbating furiously.
  2. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    That fucking final line, you utter bastard.
  3. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    That last line all of my wat.
  4. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Give me some love. You know you want to.

    EDIT: And here's a challenge for anyone who wants one.

    Harry Potter/Kate Middleton

    Oh yes.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2014
  5. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    The entire piece was nice, good and truly romantic. The last line changed that all into pure :awesome'nes. Obligatory: MOAR!
  6. Caligula

    Caligula First Year

    Nov 15, 2013
    Any fic with Luna makes me happy so I'm not complaining.
  7. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Oh my God that was epic. Such a cute story that I did not expect the sucker-punch... And what a sucker punch it was.
  8. Peace

    Peace High Inquisitor

    Aug 17, 2011
    My computer desk
    Could I get another one, HP/Marvel or HP/DC please.
  9. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Luna/Invisible man
  10. Gallowwalker

    Gallowwalker First Year

    Dec 15, 2011
    Is Invisible Man a DC/Marvel character? I've only heard the name in the context of the book by H. G. Wells.

    For Peace, or anyone else:

    Harry/Lady Sif

    Or you could always bow to public opinion and write another part to the Harry/Ivy story. Or you could Republic. I don't care who writes it I just want to read moar!
  11. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    What's this?

  12. Peace

    Peace High Inquisitor

    Aug 17, 2011
    My computer desk
    I'll take Harry/Sif.

    I have no idea who Invisible Man is beyond the Wells book which I've never read.

    As to Harry/Ivy, we'll see. I wouldn't writing a snippet/chapter/scene (what do we calls these things?) about them engaging in a little bit of eco-terrorism, with a dash of romance of course.
  13. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Awesome work Don, that last line made my day!
  14. Johnnyseattle

    Johnnyseattle Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 25, 2011
    I sense a good line for a signature in there.
  15. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Well, if writing Fem!Harry/Luna was so easy for you, I guess you would not have any problems writing TimeTravel!Ron/Bellatrix.


    *Wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
  16. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Who would masturbate watching those two though? You can't forget about key stuff like that.
  17. Nuit

    Nuit Dark Lord

    Feb 14, 2010
    The Peach State
    Kreacher obviously. While Bella pegs Ron relentlessly.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
  18. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    "My Lord! My Lord, I volunteer myself for this task!"

    "No, Bella. I must be the one to do it."
  19. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Thank you for that mental image, Xandrel, I was looking for something to combat the daily, randomly-timed erections. This should prove most helpful.
  20. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    How About This Instead?

    You should know by now that there's no fan wank I can't ruin.