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DLP: Motel Rendezvous

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Jormungandr, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    I have like 4359076847 different fandoms for you to choose from. Get creative, dammit.
  2. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    None that I know or care about.
  3. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    Jack Harkness (Torchwood/Doctor Who) and Glaistig Uaine (Worm), including whichever collected souls she wants to add in.

    EDIT: Now an open challenge, as Republic is monogamous to his current challenge and stuff.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
  4. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    1) I already have a challenge.
    2) The number was an exaggeration. Doctor Who and Worm are not part of the actual number.

    Once again, I will say that my fandoms include SW, HP, Naruto, DC/Marvel, and movies!
    The movies I can work with are too numerous to list, but if I get challenged something I don't know I will say so.
    Animation movies I can work with include such movies as various dreamworks, pixar, disney etc movies.
  5. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Damn it. Next time, I'll remember to ask you for some creepy Frozen slash. :p
  6. Krieger

    Krieger Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Oct 12, 2009
    Fixed. /10char
  7. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    That would only be acceptable if one of the sisters was dead. And a skeleton. Because otherwise, it's been done far too many times since the film first came out. It's quite uninspiring. And the film itself is 1/5 in comparison to other Disney stuff.
  8. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    1. Fuck you Odran.
    2. Fuck you even more Elsanna forever.
  9. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    You've crossed the line. Avada Kedavra!
  10. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Now, now, no need to be upset. And please stop using spells meant for food preparation, it is most unseemly.
  11. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    There are actually people that think this? And they're not shooting for easy forum heat?
  12. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    It's my honest opinion, not trying to bait anyone into starting a flamewar or anything. Neither the characters, nor the songs were appealing to me. I suppose hearing all that hubbub about it probably influenced my opinion on the matter, as most of it was exclaiming how fantastic it was. I won't lie and say I went in with some high hopes for it, because in the end it was just a way to kill some time on a slow Sunday, but ultimately I was disappointed by it.

    Other than the myriad people going for the sistercest angle in this film, I still can't quite understand what makes people think it one of Disney's best stuff.
  13. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    It doesn't have to be "disney's best stuff" to be a well-above average film. In fact, that would be remarkably unfair.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
  14. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Let me go ahead and warn you: this is my best fic ever. I applaud myself.


    Lucius ran a single fingernail down his wife's naked spine, enjoying the small moan that slipped from the back of her throat.

    Narcissa turned to face him, a faint smile on her black lips. The intense expression on her face made the purchase well worth the galleons to Lucius, who waved his wand, dimming the light in the room just enough to see the shape of Narcissa's silhouette. Her porcelain skin felt amazing to his worn and weathered palms, and he luxuriated in the feeling; for once, he felt something besides dried blood and clay.

    Firelight flickered, revealing a silk black dress that had fallen to the floor in a heap, and a body barely touched by age. It pleased him greatly that, after all these years, no other man had seen the exquisite form of his wife, despite the debauchery for which the Death Eaters were well-reknowned. The Dark Lord, he knew, could have taken liberties with her at any time and he would have been forced to watch her rape, a thought that had plagued him significantly as Voldemort took over the country.

    Life had been unbearable for Lucius for a long time. Draco had been tricked into attempting murder on Dumbledore, and while Snape had thankfully stepped in to finish the job, he wasn't sure he or his son would live the night. In the end, however, the Malfoys had prevailed. His prison sentence had been served out in a Dementor-free Azkaban and this was the first time he had been able to get his wife alone.

    "Lucius," she whispered, her pink tongue looking wickedly enticing against her black lips. "I've waited for you so long--"

    "I know, my love," he replied, taking a long, immensely pleasurable sip of his red wine. "I've missed you." He swallowed, and then stood to embrace his beautiful wife, but before he could, the house shook. The proximity ward at the front door had been breached, and sure enough, the door bell was rung with all the patience of a niffler in heat.

    "Who could it be this late?" Narcissa asked, but Lucius had no answer. His grey eyes narrowed as her question echoed in his mind. "Be careful," she said, but he merely shook his head carelessly and crept out of the room, promising her that he would return soon. Narcissa wrapped a thin white dressing gown around her body before sitting down on the edge of their bed, a graven look on her face.

    Lucius walked past his son's room, half-listening for sounds of activity. Draco was likely still awake despite the fact he had gone to bed, feigning fatigue just after dinner. The older man had half a mind to peek in on his son, but he knew that Astoria Greengrass was staying over and, while her seemingly permanent residence had been a blessing on the back of a long and strenuous stretch for his son, they were far too brazen for their own good. While some parents might be uncomfortable with such a relationship happening under their roof, Lucius admitted quite freely that he had shared similar accomadations with Narcissa at the same age. His thoughts betrayed him, reminding Lucius that Narcissa had popped out his heir not long after Hogwarts.

    Shaking off the reverie, he made his way down the marble staircase, his feet navigating the steps easily, even after all his time away. A smile crossed his face, and a feeling Lucius didn't care to address ran through him at the sight of his once again pristine manor. Much of their money may have dissipated in the wake of Voldemort's defeat, but even if Lucius bought himself a Firebolt everyday, he and Narcissa would still live comfortably into their eighties.

    As he reached the front door, he noted the insistent knocking and a frown crossed his features. Whoever it was had no self-restraint and certainly no patience! Lucius ran a hand through his long, blonde hair and forced himself to keep his temper. It would not be wise to place his guest under the Cruciatus. At least, not before he realized who it was.

    With a flick of his wand, Lucius cast a spell that would reveal the person standing on the other side. "Janua Revelio!" The door in front of him blinked from existence for just a moment, and the manicured front yard stared back at him, conspicuously free of any intruders. Curious despite his concern, Lucius felt his breath catch in his throat as he saw an eagle owl flutter down from the top of the door. It landed gracefully enough, and as its talons wrapped around a neighboring guard rail, Lucius could make out a note tucked inside a pouch on its left leg.

    That explains the impatient knocking, Lucius thought. Ruddy bird better have some good news.

    He cancelled the spell on the door way and used his wand to open the door and swept through it, his black robes furrowed behind him. He felt the brisk wind against his face, but paid the weather little mind, stepping up to the owl. He paused, unwilling to immediately snatch the eagle owl up and risk a scratch or bite in return. The owl seemed used to the treatment, however, and Lucius was delicate enough that it remained docile while he removed the pouch. As soon as he turned his attention to its contents, the owl flew away, and it was a speck on the horizon by the time Lucius finished reading.

    Confused by the missive, he only had a moment to put up a shield before a blasting curse slammed into him from behind. His wand came up reflexively, but it was too late; the curse sizzled against his skin, and he was projected through the air. He felt himself smash into the fountain at the bottom of a set of steps, and he cried out in pain as his head connected with cold concrete. Wavering on the brink of unconsciousness, he only had a second to look at his attacker.

    Through the haze of pain he felt an additional prick, one from the top of his bleeding head. Then, there was a flash of red light, and he fell into blissful unawareness.

    The hair, roughly plucked from Lucius' scalp, went immediately into the potion in the culprit's hand. It bubbled briefly, and he placed the flask to his lips, recoiling in pain as the Polyjuice took effect. The culprit shirked his black jumper and pants even as his face began to transform and the bones in his spine and legs grew by several inches. His shoes followed, and he stared at his toes in sick fascination as they tore through his socks. Where Harry Potter had been standing a moment earlier, Lucius Malfoy now stood, his back erect despite the freezing cold hitting his naked skin.

    Time to see what's really in Malfoy's vaults, Harry thought, a spark of excitement rushing through his veins. If I'm lucky, I can take the other half of his gold before he wakes up.

    It wasn't that the heir to the Black and Potter fortunes needed the extra galleons, and he had promised Narcissa he would look out for Draco when it came prosecution time, but Harry well knew the Malfoys were up to their old antics. The first thing Malfoy had done after serving two years in Azkaban was to retrieve his assets from a bank account the Ministry had been unable to touch after the war. Shacklebolt had told Harry himself that the first time Malfoy stepped out of line, he was going right back to Azkaban, but the Ministry had given him the benefit of the doubt until that time. Harry had seen Lucius in Knockturn Alley that very morning, reconnecting with men that did not seem like charitable contributors to Shacklebolt's reelection campaign.

    Of course, Harry would never reveal that he had been on Knockturn for his own less than reputable dealings. Dark wizard he was not, but that did not mean he strictly adhered to the Ministry's Auror code of conduct. Fight fire with Fiendfyre, he thought, grinning.

    There was little time to waste, so Harry set to work. He knew he had to remove all traces of magic from the area. The blasting curse was negated easily enough, but it took some time to remove the pain-stakingly placed protections that kept his impromptu battle with Lucius from being noticed by the other inhabitants of the house. Cleverly, he even added flourishes that hadn't been there previously, like marring the stone steps so it looked as though Malfoy had merely slipped on loose rock. A Confundus charm on Lucius also kept him from remembering the events with any clarity, a necessity given the circumstances. He would certainly realize his gold was missing, but Malfoy would have no leads to follow when he began to investigate.

    Finished setting up the scene, Harry stowed his clothing in a travel bag, which he shrunk to the size of a pack of cards and placed on the ground at his feet. Still holding his wand, he then used his magic to undress Lucius, even going as far as to remove the man's silk underwear, though he turned his eyes away, nearly gagging at the sight. Shrugging his disgust off with some difficulty, he used a switching spell to dress himself in Lucius' garb, pausing briefly to appreciate the warmth provided against the chilly night. He debated with himself for a moment, but he soon decided to leave Malfoy naked in his front yard, finding the opportunity too amusing to pass it up. Last, but not least, he grabbed the miniature travel bag and placed it in the pocket of his robes. The eventual getaway would be much more difficult if anyone was aware of his presence, and it was imperative he leave Lucius in his own clothing when he escaped.

    The expensive robe felt strange on his body, but then, his entire body already felt strange, so he tried to ignore the disorienting sensation as best he could. He walked stiffly to the doorway and peered in blearily before remembering to put his glasses in his pocket as well. His deft motion was just in time as well, as Narcissa Malfoy came rushing out of the house. "Dear, are you alright?" she asked, her voice slightly frantic with worry. "When you were gone so long, I thought... perhaps a Death Eater--"

    Harry channelled Lucius' most severe expression. "It was merely an owl from an old friend," he said, keeping his voice down. In addition to probably sounding different from Lucius, Harry was also trying not to gape at Narcissa's barely clad body. If that was how she dressed when Draco was in the house, he wondered how Lucius and Narcissa acted when they were alone. She seemed unware of his indecision and she pressed herself up to him, giving him a lingering hug. He distantly noted, as his body all but turned to jelly in her arms, that she smelled like whiskey. Is she drunk?

    "If it is a friend, then why do you look as if you've seen a ghost?" She searched his eyes for answers, but Harry smiled -- a hard look on Lucius more narrow face.

    He waved one hand dismissively. "He wants to meet with me later in the week," he drawled, "something about protection..."

    Harry trailed off purposely, hoping that Narcissa would get the point and not ask anymore questions. When she opened her mouth, on the verge of asking the obvious, Harry threw his inhibitions aside and forced Narcissa into a lingering kiss. She gasped into his mouth, but otherwise allowed him entry, wrapping her thin, well-tanned arms around his midsection and relaxing against him.

    "Where were we," she said, when he gave her a chance to breath. Her voice was husky, and he nibbled on her bottom lip in response.

    "Take me to our bedroom," he whispered against her mouth. She answered him by kissing him more fervently, her desire for him coming out in her gutteral moans. Roughly, he grabbed her by the waist, but she pushed him away softly, chiding him with her light voice.

    "I don't want to wake Draco," she murmured, grabbing Harry's roving hands before they could reach her again. She giggled, quite unlike a lady of her age and stature. "Oh, stop that, Lucius! You know we shouldn't--"

    Her voice died in her throat as Harry's hands twisted around it, but she sighed into his touch, turning back around to face him with a tremulous frown on her face. "Just this once, dear? For old times sake..." Harry asked, his voice gravelly and full of lust. When she still looked furtively up the stairs, where Draco slept, he didn't allow her momentary indecision to stop him; Harry lowered her onto the luxurious couch, making space for their bodies by casting aside a leather pillow. Narcissa's robe framed her delicious curves, and she gave him a curious, inquisitive look as he admired her bare stomach.

    "Do you like what you see?" she asked. "You act like you've never seen me naked before..."

    Harry almost gulped audibly, but he forced himself to smile lightly at Narcissa. "It's just been so long..." he muttered, running his hands over her exposed thighs and up her torso.

    "Would you like a better view?"

    She didn't wait for an answer to her question, sliding across the couch on her rear and turning away from Harry. He let her go with the faintest groan of disappointment, but it became obvious she was toying with him as she posed demurely at the edge of the couch. From all fours, she called out to him playfully, "Come, darling. I wouldn't want you to drool on the leather. Imagine... all that saliva gone to waste..." Her pink tongue came out to lick her black lips, and Harry stiffened from the waist down. For the first time, Harry could see that Narcissa was wearing very tight black knickers under the white robe, and her arse looked particularly inviting just inches away from his shaking fingers. He obliged her request by dipping one finger under the tip of her panties, pulling it down just enough to see the prize beneath. Shaved, flawless skin surprised him, and a distant, ridiculous thought of how on Earth Draco came through Narcissa's body was pushed behind a rising wave of passion.

    Harry stepped forward and didn't stop until Narcissa's rear end was pressed firmly against his privates. She bucked back and forth, trying and succeeding in getting a rise out of him. "So big," she muttered, and the sound reverberated through his very being.

    Through the haze of pleasure, Harry realized that he was actually quite a bit larger than Lucius, though he obviously made no move to explain this to Narcissa. He considered himself lucky that she hadn't found him out so far, and he doubted they would be discussing anything more substantial than their sexual prowess for the next hour, so he wasn't too concerned as Narcissa turned and pulled him down on top of her.

    "I love it when you touch me like that," she whispered, her breath hot on his neck. His own robes fell to the floor then, discarded by lady Malfoy herself, who yanked the last few garments free with some urgency. "We have to hurry," she confided, the thrill of the moment pushing her to do something she typically wouldn't. "Draco could be up anytime..."

    Harry nodded. It wasn't as if he needed any more encouragement anyway. Narcissa's silky underwear fell to the floor but she was content to leave the white robe on. Initially, he had the urge to rip it off, but the dim moonlight crashing on her pale skin in the dark room made Narcissa look nearly angelic. Her black lip stick offset her heavenly looks quite nicely, making her desirable and unapproachable all at once. For the moment, Harry realized, she wasn't untouchable. The troubles of their youth were lost to a whim, as Harry's ultimate naughty fancy came to life in front of him.

    A voice that sounded strangely like Ron screamed in his mind, "This is Malfoy's mum!"

    She dragged him up the marble staircase, but her lips didn't leave his as the navigated the strange steps. He clanged his knee on a particular part of the rail, but Narcissa either didn't notice or didn't care, as she continued stroking the back of his head. Harry resolved to grow his hair longer, especially if women were going to do this to him from now on.

    The Malfoy's bedroom was unsurprisingly dark. Hunter green curtains hung over massive, cathedral-style windows, and the room was decorated in black and tan, remniscent of the Malfoy's Slytherin heritage. He noted stone walls and hard floors, but little else, other than the sensations of Narcissa's mouth against his. Then, he couldn't spare the room any more of his attention, as Mrs. Malfoy had taken the entrance of the room as a cue to get fully undressed.

    Her nearly flawless body gleamed in the moonlight, and Harry couldn't stifle the shiver that ran through his body at the thought of what he was about to do. Narcissa had a cocky grin on her face, one that Harry slowly mimicked as he came over to her side. He could only imagine what Lucius had done to Narcissa here, but for whatever reason, that thought only made it immeasurably more arousing.

    "Turn around," he said, and her smile grew as she took up the same pose she had on the couch. He slapped her arse hard, and she barely recoiled, taking the rough treatment at face value. "Do you like that?" he asked, and Narcissa nodded slowly.

    "You know I do, Lucius..." she trailed off, noting the look of indecision on her lover's face. "Go ahead and fuck me," she murmured, stifling a yawn. "I'm tired..."


    Later, after Harry had robbed them all blind, Draco Malfoy walked out of his bedroom. It was not yet morning, but a glance through one of the windows showed that it wouldn't be long. A strange rapping at the front door had awoken him.

    An eagle owl was on the other side, with an innocent looking pouch on its left leg Draco considered returning to bed -- it was late and Astoria was still horny -- but instead, he went outside, never seeing his father lying across the stone steps or Harry Potter on top of the closest balcony.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2014
  15. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    See, now that would have been a perfect setup for Dobby watching the Malfoys getting their 'dues'. He need not be masturbating, though, as I'd very much appreciate the lack of mental scarring.

    You should do a small epilogue, maybe something about nine months later or so.
  16. Peace

    Peace High Inquisitor

    Aug 17, 2011
    My computer desk
    I half expected Draco to end up unconscious and Harry to pull out another dose of Polyjuice.

    Nicely done, Don.

    Can I get one?

    My Harry/Sif one is going nowhere other than the recycle bin.

    HP, DC, Marvel (comic or cinematic), Young Justice (tv series), Dresden Files or a crossover between HP and any of those mentioned please.
  17. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Peace: HP/Black Widow.
  18. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Thanks. The last paragraph was meant to lead the reader into craving some Harry/Astoria.

    I'll take another. HP-related
  19. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    How about some Harry/Astoria?

    Alternatively female harry being seduced by Narcissa, but that might be a bit much.
  20. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    What do you mean too much? There is no such thing as too much awesome!

    The ending felt a bit off, Don E. No real climax (literal or otherwise, to the story.)