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DLPhunt3 - We Won't Be Counting Suckers, We'll Be Counting Stars

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Lungs, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    We have 8 hours til the mayor vote deadline. So Lungs: can you post the current number of votes for the candidates.
  2. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Stojil: Yes, Schrodinger. And my point exactly. At that time, I had better information than you seemed to (e.g. I knew Menace wasn't Town), so I would most certainly have done nothing to Schrodinger, and picked my own target, had it been up to me.

    Also, from Vira's tally -
    Mayor Vote:
    Klackerz: Klackerz, Fen, Luckylee. (3)
    Jon: Kalas. (1)
    Sesc: Caesar, (Aziraphale), Menace, Wetnurse, (Fishy Justice). (3+2)
    Font: Font. (1)
    Aekiel: Rents, Aekiel. (2)

    I'm not going to vote for Aekiel. fonti doesn't want it, so what's left is Jon, klackerz and me.

    Deadline Mayor Vote: Sesc

    klackerz is the low-profile alternative plan. I could live with that too; should be back before deadline in case stuff happens.
  3. CrashLTD

    CrashLTD Fifth Year

    Aug 25, 2006
    I probably won't be able to post the next few 12ish hours so I'll just post my thoughts before I go dark.

    I don't like the interaction between Stojil and Jon. In my opinion, it brings attention to both of them. Whether they are scum or town, it creates a diversion that scum could abuse to slip through unnoticed.

    Rents forcing attention on Menace irks me a bit since it's clearly meta-gaming while trying to post some semblance of content. It's something that scum!Rents would do but it's also something useless town!Rents would do. Either as scum or town, Rents, in my opinion, would be a problem if he reaches mid/late game. I'd rather he be taken care of early in the game.

    Town!Aekiel becoming mayor for having a plan in conjunction with his ability (alluding nice synergy between town!Aekiel ability and mayor ability) easily paints him as a target for a night kill. Right now he seems towny.

    Town!Sesc becoming mayor also paints him as a target for a night kill. I think town would have a better shot of winning if we go into mid/late game with town!Sesc.

    With that in mind

    Unvote Mayor : Sesc

    Vote Mayor : Aekiel

    Thinking about mid/late game situations, I'd rather have a dead mayor!Aekiel and a breathing town!Sesc, than a dead mayor!Sesc and a breathing town!Aekiel.

    That's all folks.
  4. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    You know, I think Eido wanted thoughts on this from everyone except me. And Stojil, are you always going to ask me to make a case against myself? Because the next time you ask, I'm going to say some variation of "no" or "fuck no."

    Eido posted his accusation directly after I withdrew from the mayoral race on the grounds that I really enjoy living. He could have taken my stated concern for my life as a sign that I need to live to win, a sign of scum. In this case, he may have considered my initial mayor bid as an attempt to get more power for my faction and to get night kill (and lynch) protection from the KaiDASH. He might have also considered my mayor idea scummy. I wouldn't be a Hermione, because there would be no reason for me to be worried about nightkills, and the Jon as a role is too risky to bring attention to this early in the game by running for mayor. That leaves the Ex Mods, of whom the Eidolonic is less valuable and thus the better candidate for mayor. If Eido was considering the protection angle, the Eidolonic makes more sense than the jwlk because the jwlk already has protection will the Eidolonic is alive. Oh course, I could be a Hermione faking concern for her safety or a particularly insane Jon, but Eido probably thought of the Eidolonic as the most likely role based on the above reasons. Or, you know, I might be town.

    I like the idea of Wetnurse for mayor, so I'm going to attempt to revive that wagon.

    Unmayor Vote: fontisian
    Mayor Vote: Wetnurse
  5. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Actually. I have 2 votes, Kalas and jwlk, and if you include my own vote that makes 3.

    Honestly, It's unlikely I'll make Mayor at this point, so with that said, am I the only one staring at the thread going wtf with regards to how many votes Sesc has pulled despite his 'Meh' approach to it?

    Maybe I had to be in the last few Mafia games to see it, but to me it looks like you guys can't see Sesc as anything but protown due to past performance? I'm not accusing him of being scum, I just genuinely don't understand the logic behind this. If someone could explain it to me I'd be much appreciative.
  6. Azira

    Azira High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 8, 2009
    I felt Sesc was meh at first but then when prompted he seemed up for it, so I don't think its weird per se that he has this much votes, atleast not from the POV of "he doesn't want it, why are you voting?", I am also getting a town vibe from his posts which is why I prefer him the most right now.

    I'm not averse to voting Jon after rereading the thread. Jon; why do you feel you would be a better candidate than Sesc?
  7. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    I think the major point for believing I'm a better candidate than anyone else is that I know that I'm not scum. Additionally, I don't pander to other players. There's no chance of anyone influencing me, if that much isn't obvious already.

    Like I said, at this stage I'm not expecting to be Mayor any more, but at the very least I don't want a blind vote to be done.
  8. Azira

    Azira High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 8, 2009
    Well, you kinda need to be influenced as Mayor? Obviously you can commit whoever you want but that kinda makes you look... scummy when you get voted on by a majority.

    Maybe I am reading your post wrong.
  9. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    There's a difference between listening to and acknowledging other players opinions and being influenced by them.
  10. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I'm alive and finally in a location that doesn't move. I'm beginning to really dislike trains.

    Anyway, I know I messed up a lot in Battle Mafia. The only explanation I have is that closed set up games really fuck with my ability to analyse. If I don't have an idea of what people can do (and whether they're telling the truth on that or not) it's very hard for me to judge motives.

    More coming soon. I'm going to give the thread a second read over.
  11. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    And you'll look scummy when you do. :)

    As the Eidolonic, you could have put yourself in the Mayor race with the wrong assumption that he would get an extra-life like in the previous games and then withdrew after you realized you would just make yourself a target, which is the last thing the Eidolonic should do since he's the whole Jwlk's protection. That's what Eido meant, IMO.

    It's the same logic behind some players' not wanting you as Mayor: meta or like you said past performances.

    I personally am not sure what I'd want this version of the Mayor to be in a vacuum. Good player, derpy, high-priority target and so on... the meta stuff in short. I could see it go both ways on that front. What is obvious is it needs to be someone I have a town read on, and of the candidates, no one applies. This election is also fucking things up simply because it's distracting everyone, me included, from scum-hunting, which is and makes town and scumtells.

    I gotta go now and I won't be able to check in before the election deadline, so:

    Deadline Mayor Vote: Wetnurse

    Doesn't give me bad vibes and is at least trying to do something beside Mayor-related stuff, and the Mayor-related stuff is decent enough. Bye.
  12. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Before I update the tally, I must first-

    Deadline Mayor Vote: Sesc.

    And now:

    Mayor Vote:
    Sesc: Caesar, Azira, Menace, Sesc, Fishy, Vira. (6)
    Klackerz: Klackerz, Fen, Luckylee. (3)
    Jon: Kalas, Jwlk, Jon. (3)
    Aekiel: Rents, Aekiel, Wetnurse. (3)
    Wetnurse: Font, Stojil. (2)
    Hasn’t Voted Yet: Eido, Riley, Seratin.

    If I missed any votes or got anything incorrect, tell me.

    First off, where’s all these sudden votes for Wetnurse coming from? We have five hours left, so it’s unlikely he’ll be chosen. It just came off weird to me because even Wetnurse has abandoned his own bandwagon. For the other candidates, I don’t like Aekiel’s posts for their role teasing, and Klackerz hasn’t been active enough to have enough faith in. Of Sesc and Jon, I’d prefer Sesc. Sorry, Jon. :(

    Luckily, with the mayor losing its extra life, it’s also lost its protection from certain night roles. So if Sesc survives the night, we might want to consider asking the Lung/Stojil/Zeitgeist to check him, just to be on the safe side.

    We have two days to decide the lynch target, so no one has to worry about the mayor vote distracting us. I’ve noticed a lot of scum behavior, but I’ll save my accusations until after the mayor vote is done.
  13. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Yeah, I'm going to have to replace out.

    Just too much on my plate at the moment. Sorry to put you guys through that, blame Lungs, because 'maybe' doesn't mean 'yes' (That's rape, Lungs. Not that I'm surprised).

    I'll leave you guys with some parting thoughts, and you'd do well to follow them.

    Fontisian is either the Eidolonic, the Jon, or town. The concern about not getting night killed is genuine, and between the dismissal of my vote and statement, and the over-explaining of Stojil's request is concerning. Lynch her.

    Azira is probably a Hermione. He needs lynched, too. The tone of his posts are so very careful, and that's not what Town Azira has been like in any other game ever.

    Vira needs pressure, and is probably scum. Making the largely useless mayor vote tally and kind of commenting on things but not actually attempting to scum hunt at all is a Thing.

    Sesc, Jon and Stojil all read as fairly strong town, which is a good thing.

    Oh. And make sure Jwlk dies, because early game lurkiness is one of the strongest scum tells from him. Plus, I'm town, which means he isn't. (14 times in 15 games, we've been different alignments, and yes the latter part is tongue in cheek)

    I'm not sure who my replacement will be, but don't lynch them, because they're town. Even if it's a first class derp like Ollie or something. Just remind yourself that in Eido you trust.

    Lynch Fontisian, Azira, Vira, Jwlk and profit.

    Eidolonic signing out.
  14. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    We have two days! Come on, can't you wait four or five hours? And how is my vote tally useless, it's not like Lungs is doing it. :(

    Also, apologies to Lucky, who I put down for the wrong candidate.

    Mayor Vote:
    Sesc: Caesar, Azira, Menace, Sesc, Fishy, Vira. (6)
    Aekiel: Rents, Aekiel, Wetnurse, Luckylee. (4)
    Jon: Kalas, Jwlk, Jon. (3)
    Klackerz: Klackerz, Fen. (2)
    Wetnurse: Font, Stojil. (2)
    Hasn’t Voted Yet: Eido, Riley, Seratin.

    Stojil, you lynch voted for Rents but you forgot to unvote your lynch vote for Jon. If you're serious about lynching Rents, you might want to fix that.
  15. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Okay, I'm done with the reread.

    I'm not going to add any more to my campaign for Mayor. I figure that you all know I'm decent with this set up (it's the closed ones I never do well at) and aside from an occasional bad game I play this game fairly well. I've told you how I'd use the Mayor role, though I notice that only Stojil (who asked the question in the first place) has bothered to note how damn important the Asylum is for giving us information that the Jwlk can't use against us.

    Anyway, I've got a couple of scum reads so far. Fishy Justice (post #70 especially) reads as though he doesn't consider himself part of town. Riley's post #15 read wrong to me as well. Could just be a derp, but could also be a scumslip. For now I'll go with...

    Lynch Vote: Riley Poole
  16. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Well, Klackerz really hasn't helped his case with silence. I kind of thought voting for him would make him talk more. =/

    Un-Mayor Vote: Klackerz

    I'm still not particularly keen on the Sesc vote, although in this case it's the quantity and specifics of the voting, rather than the individual. I guess someone has to have the most votes, though, so I'm not entirely sure there.

    Jon may be a beautiful creature, but a bold creature he still is. Sweet words and sharp teeth.

    Thus is left Aekiel and Wetnurse. Honestly, I can kind of agree that Wetnurse doesn't seem that risky, which is probably why he got votes after his own rescinding in the first place. I also think it might be a little late, even if there are still three hours. Aekiel is an odd vote, though. I saw an odd argument for voting such that he is voted with the outright expectation of him dying as a result of being the Mayor. Don't think any of the current voters had that mindset, but still.

    Know what? Why not, let's see if Wetnurse goes anywhere. I'm not, really, so I'll check in periodically over the next several hours. Does seem like a safe vote focus at this time. Change the vote to Sesc if needed, I suppose. Rather him than Aekiel, at the moment.

    Mayor Vote: Wetnurse

    On a semi-related note. I'll heed your words with a grain of salt, Eidolonic. You're a good player, so while I wouldn't be surprised if you hit at least one target, you could also be trying for misdirection.
  17. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    Sesc reads like a town to me right now.


    Mayor Vote:Sesc

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 PM ----------

    @ Fenreallis: I was busy whole day today with work and only got home when I made my previous post about the number of mayor vote. Anyway Sesc seems like the most good choice for Mayor t\right now.

    I really don't know what to think about Eidolonic's post right now.Vira does seem a little suspicious. Azira really has not posted that much to make me think he's a scum right now. Have no reads about fontsian right now.

    Seratin really needs to get off his ass and start posting.
  18. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Fair enough, just timing issues, I suppose. Which are fairly common in this sort of game.

    As for Sesc, I do agree that he seems more Town than Not-Town, but something about the vote for him doesn't taste right. Almost a two-birds with one stone, kind of thing, if Sesc does become an early target like usual.
  19. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Eido should be replaced by Rubicon, pending QT acceptance.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 PM ----------

    Also, quickly to clarify because like, 6-8 people have mentioned this:

    The KaiBots work like this.

    Player who is KaiDASH decides to bot another player on Day 1.

    For every moment when Night 1's first night phase activates (based on the Kai's priority), there is protection until the end of Day phase of Day 2.
  20. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Hi everyone, reading the thread now.