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DLPhunt3 - We Won't Be Counting Suckers, We'll Be Counting Stars

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Lungs, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    57 minutes until the Mayor Vote is in.

    Mayor Vote]

    Remember it takes 8 votes to make someone mayor, regardless of plurality.

    Klackerz (2) - Klackerz, Luckylee
    Aekiel (3) - Rents, Aekiel, Wetnurse
    Sesc (2+5) - Menace, klackerz ; (Deadline) Caesar, Azira, Sesc, Fishy Justice, Vira
    Jon (2) - Kalas, jwlk
    Wetnurse (2+1) - Fontisian, Fenraellis ; (Deadline)Stojil

    2 Days and 57 minutes until the Lynch Vote is in.

    [Lynch Vote]

    Stojil (1) - Jon
    Fontisian (1) - Eidobicon
    Rents (1+1) - Menace ; (Deadline) Stojil
    Riley (1) - Aekiel
  2. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Oh hey, Lungs did his job. Looks like you need to start actually playing now, Vira. :p
  3. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    ...bleh, 8 votes regardless of plurality, and less than an hour to go. Not entirely sure if I read that right, but it's better to have a Mayor than... not(?)

    Un-Vote Mayor: Wetnurse


    Vote Mayor: Sesc
  4. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Regardless of plurarity ugh. Sesc is acceptable I suppose.

    Rescind Mayor Vote: Jon

    Mayor Vote: Sesc
  5. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    /reads the thread

    Uncle Stojil's interaction with Jon makes me happy.

    Jon's response is mixed for me: #52 looks like a reasonably town-ish response even though the logic is completely backwards. But "there's no point in me being seriousface.jpg at this stage of the game" does not.

    Luckylee seems town-ish for a newbie.

    I think Eidolonic is probably right about Vira being scum. #4 sets off major alarm bells in my head as does the "18 hours left, fuck it" in #82. She's most definitely trying to appear active while not stepping on anyone's toes, and her opinion on who to elect mayor amounts to "klackerz because I know him, Sesc because fuck it, Jon because he wants it".

    Also agree with him about Aziraphale.

    I'd add Caesar to the list, too, because his posts generally read as "trying to look like he's in the conversation, trying to let everyone know from the start that he's not concerned about the mayor".

    Lynch Vote: Vira

    Mayor Vote: Sesc

    I would probably go with Wetnurse for mayor if we had more time. Not Aekiel for obvious reasons, not klackerz for voting himself and then fading out, and not Jon because Jon.
  6. Fishy Justice

    Fishy Justice Fourth Year

    Oct 23, 2011
    The Terrible Dogfish
    I'm back just in time to...leave my vote on Sesc. I was hoping I'd have time to add a boon to the Wetnurse wagon, but that's failed. Today was busier than expected.
  7. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I am playing. ;_;

    How is what I said in #4 scummy? Can't I just be regular active than just seemingly to be active? How else am I supposed to decide my vote for mayor? It's not like it matters anymore because they're probably going to die Night One (unless the KaiDASH does something, ignoring the Vira's Bullet Punch). I voted for Sesc because I like him better than the other candidates, with Jon in second place. I'm sure I explained my reasoning for voting Sesc.
  8. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Congratulations, Mayor Sesc

    Mayor Vote]

    Klackerz (2) - Klackerz, Luckylee
    Aekiel (3) - Rents, Aekiel, Wetnurse
    Sesc (5+5) - Menace, klackerz, Fenraellis, Kalas, Rubicon; (Deadline) Caesar, Azira, Sesc, Fishy Justice, Vira
    Jon (1) - jwlk
    Wetnurse (1+1) - Fontisian ; (Deadline)Stojil

    2 Days until the Lynch Vote is in.

    [Lynch Vote]

    Stojil (1) - Jon
    Fontisian (1) - Eidobicon
    Rents (1+1) - Menace ; (Deadline) Stojil
    Riley (1) - Aekiel
    Vira (1) - Rubicon
  9. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Here's the thing, Vira. I don't agree with Rubicon on post #4, because day had just started and that was a reasonable post considering. But he does have a point about you posting a lot without posting a lot.

    Case in point. You have the second most posts in this thread behind Jon, but your posts have all been fluff, mechanics talk, or just plain strange. Stojil already mentioned it, but in this post, for instance, you say you don't want Aekiel to be Mayor because he was scum in DLPHunt1 even though he was town!Mayor in DLPHunt2 and Town won.

    Also, you called Eido out on his vote on font, but you didn't lynch vote him. You've been very, very careful not to pursue anyone, or take any sort of firm stance at all. Waiting until after the Mayor vote is concluded is no excuse. It doesn't take a master of multitasking to keep up with a Mayor campaign and a Day 1 lynchwagon.

    Two days really isn't all that long, and five hours can and has been the difference between a town lynch and a scum lynch. We need as much time as possible to make a Day 1 lynch count.

    Bottom line here is that most of your posts have been mechanics talk or Mayor votals, and the others are giving me a bad feeling. Either way, the Mayor vote is now over, so I want you to give me your strongest scum read thus far and put a lynch vote on them. It's time you gave us your opinions.
  10. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    Alright, preliminary reads in the aftermath of the Mayoral election:

    -Sesc and Stojil both seem their usual protown selves.

    -Wetnurse is having a much better Day 1 than the last game.

    -Rents is being Rents and if he continues I will lynch him. It's unhelpful and frustrating.

    -Font withdrawing after finding out that the mayor can no longer tank is... interesting.

    -Menace's last post looks pretty town to me.

    -I'd really like to see more from Jwlk and, you know, see anything from Seratin.

    At the moment everyone else is null to a greater or lesser degree.

    Deadline Lynch Vote: Rents until he posts something of use.
  11. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I said I reread DLPHunt1, not that I read DLPHunt2. To be honest, I barely remember that game. I think I was the Palindrome? I don't know, either I died halfway through or I lost interest because I can't recall who my scum-teammates were.

    Was I supposed to vote to lynch him after a two sentence post? o_O

    Eido didn't want to be in the game and hadn't yet explained his reasoning for accusing Font, so I didn't want to jump the gun. Later, Eido gave more info, but he also said he was leaving the game. I can't vote to lynch him now, not until I get a better read on Rubicon (who posted, thanks for the lynch vote.)

    Alright, but give me a couple hours or something to make up the post. I'll give you my reads on everyone.
  12. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012

    Pretty sure that one doesn't count any more, Lungs.
  13. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Yes, you should have lynch voted him if you thought his post was suspicious. Otherwise there's no pressure on him to elaborate on his own vote. And I'd rather you give me your strongest scum read now, along with your other core reads. Day 1 wall reads almost always consist of 90% "lol i dunno they haven't posted enough" and 10% "Here's what I think about them based on ____."

    Just give us the 10%.
  14. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Just the 10%, huh? Fine, I was struggling of what to say about some people anyways. <_<

    Biggest scum read is Font. This comes from post #78, where Font thought her ‘minimize losses / weak, puppet mayor’ idea was being questioned by Menace. She explained, then triple-posted, backtracking like she was trying to cross a glass-covered floor barefoot. Her last post in that particular threesome said:

    This suggests nervousness, and if she were town, she would feel no need to do this. Heck, even a little nervousness could be fine, but to knowingly triple post? That stinks of guilt.

    Luckylee also seems scum. He comments semi-regularly but doesn’t say anything of interest. He’s just kind of hanging around.

    Then there’s the idiot trio of Rents, Wetnurse, and Riley. I hesitate to label them as scum because if I was their teammate I would rein them in, let me assure you. I can’t see scum acting in this manner, but their posts are just bad. Rents’s posts have been commented on, Wetnurse’s just give me a headache, and Riley’s are absent-minded to the point of getting names mixed up.

    The last two I want to comment on are Jwlk and Azira. Both have been passive posters. Jwlk has only posted a couple times I think, and Azira only a couple more than him. There’s nothing that tips me off about their posts, it’s just their general lurking behavior. I suggest keeping an eye on them.

    That’s it, I guess. Everyone else is fairly town or I don’t have a good enough read on them.
  15. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Actually, #78 sounds indeed odd. I see what Vira means. It reads like a bad screenplay where fonti's given the are you serious-stare. "Here's a great plan!" -- "Well, it is, I think?" -- "Uh ... maybe?" -- "Err ..."

    The only problem is, no one even responded before she backtracked. What's up there, fonti?

    That aside, I still can't get over this post.

    So first the mayor isn't a huge deal, but then you make this point about "definitely" voting on it? Why the strong feelings, if it doesn't matter anyway? That doesn't add up. It sounds like you want to make really sure we do and are far more interested in it than you should. Mafia feeding us targets that way remains a thing, and coupled with the tone and the fact that it's your only post, I don't like you at all right now.

    In fact, Deadline Lynch Vote: jwlk. Do something about it.

    This, by the way, has nothing to do with the actual idea of suggesting a vote. Aekiel did that too. There is that, and then there is your post.
  16. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Rescind Lynch Vote
    Lynch Vote: Vira

    Vote for someone.
  17. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Fucking fine. I see Font's replying to the thread, but whatever.

    Deadline Lynch Vote: Fontisian.
  18. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    So, I won't have much time to read or post for the next two to three days. I'll still be here, but my activity level will be pretty low.

    It's weird that Rubicon didn't mention me or jwlk when going through Eido's reads. That said, I actually got a fairly town vibe from Eido.

    Vote: Rubicon

    Menace: Patience is a beautiful thing.

    Obligatory defense stuff:
    From a behavioral stand point, I'm actually only ever nervous when I'm town. For some reason, being scum makes me fairly calm, unless I realize that I'm going down. But that's besides the point, because the post wasn't actually the result of nerves, nor was it backtracking. The last part was my attempt to express annoyance with what I thought was Menace's unhelpful comment on the idea I proposed. Next time I express irritation, I'll make it more obvious (/annoyed).

    Stojil: Let me rephrase that. I will respond by attempting to lynch or kill you.

    Something about Caesar's post bothers me. Maybe it's the vote for Rents (an easy target if there ever was one) or the way he doesn't elaborate on "interesting."

    Deadline Lynch Vote: Caesar

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 PM ----------

    Could you point out your problems with Wetnurse's posts?
  19. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    What were your reasons for waiting?

    If you're talking about the roleflipping aspect of the Asylum, how can you say the Jwlk can't use that info against us? That's exactly the kind of info he would be estatic to receive. Arguing that it's worth it because it gives us important info is one thing. Arguing that it doesn't give info to the Jwlk is just wrong.

    Why Sesc? Why not Aekiel for obvious reasons (meta?)? Why probably Wetnurse with more time?

    So many players said they were ready to vote Wetnurse and claimed to vote for Sesc because of the little time. It's not very reassuring.

    As for our Mayor himself, my reread didn't reassure me much, either.

    Why not Jon or Aekiel?

    Yeah, and I'm sure Mafia is comfortable with the lynches, too. After all, they can influence that vote as well, the usual way, since they have a say in. If they could get rid of them, I'm sure they wouldn't.


    This looks a lot like scum Sesc setting up the groundwork to defend himself for not getting targeted by nightkills.

    And this looks like him setting up the groundwork to ignore the town when his buddies' asses are on the line.

    ... goddammit.

    I'm hurt. You were the Zeitgeist, made OTP with Ashaya the Jwlk while I was the Eidolonic. Fun stuff.

    I must say, this looks like legit town scumhunting. The rest not so much. Where does Riley get names wrong? What of Wetnurse's posts gives you a headache? As for Rents, make a case instead of claiming his game has already been commented on. We barely touched upon the derpiness he managed to pack in 5 posts.

    Seratin not even checking in after being the last one to confirm is annoying.

    Kalas' 3 posts (and their horribleness) are unacceptable.

    The only good Lurker!jwlk is a dead jwlk.

    Rents... I don't even know what to do with you. *sigh*

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 AM ----------

    Odd verb to use, IMO.

    fontisian: :3
  20. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    By interesting I mean that it was noteworthy. There are a few potential explanations for your withdrawal. It, like a lot of things that happen Day 1, will be more useful in 2/3 Days' time. Basically, I was saying that you bear watching.

    As to the Rents vote, I just want him to post in a vaguely useful, protown manner. If he does I'll rescind. If, however, he even looks like he's playing the same way as in BSM I'll quite happily lynch him.