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Doctor Who

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Heleor, Apr 12, 2009.


    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    I would have liked Martha's character a lot more had Freema Agyeman not been such a shitty actress.
  2. NTD

    NTD High Inquisitor

    Jun 2, 2012
    Roaming, accruing charges... Please wait
    This talk of male companions for the Doctor reminded of two things. The first being of one of the multitude of interviews Moffat has done in one of them he talked about a female incarnation of the Doctor. Which, honestly I'm not sure how I'd react to...


    The second thing though is actually a nifty little crossover fanfiction between Psych and Doctor Who.
    Where in instead of a female companion it's Shawn and Gus.


    I found it quite fun to read even if it is just Shawn and Gus taking Martha's place in the exact same episodes. I'd write more but I'm not putting it up for review, plus with it being written by Sarah1281 it's probably already been mentioned somewhere.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2012
  3. Jjf88

    Jjf88 Auror

    Oct 15, 2007
    I can't think of any female actors that would be able to personify The Doctor, or at least what I think The Doctor is. Another Time Lord, sure, but not The Doctor.
  4. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    While female Doctor is interesting concept and Moffat clearly want to make it happen (and he already did in his spoof), I think it's too daring and could damage the show. The problem is that you don't just need to find a great actress to play the Doctor, you need to find an absolutely brilliant one to convince the viewers to this idea.

    But if I were Moffat and really wanted to test it then I'd write one episode where the Doctor regenerates into a new body, for some unspecific reason not permanently, and it's a female this time. A female ginger that's it. ;)
  5. Kyouzou

    Kyouzou First Year

    Jul 29, 2011
    How do you have a temporary regeneration?

    Martha was awesome, as was Donna, they were probably my two favorite companions in the new series, I can't claim much for the older ones since I have yet to watch them.
  6. One armed boxer

    One armed boxer Second Year

    Dec 2, 2008
    black Doctor or bust :colbert:

    though I don't mind whether the 12th is a woman or black or asian or something else, the amount of dumb racist nerdrage will be a sight to behold
  7. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    I had enough of that with Black Spiderman thank you.

    I really don't give a shit, as long as it's good, but you know how it'll go: "The Doctor's always been male and white, why do we have to change every character just to be PC?"

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    Two words:

    Chiwetel Ejiofor.

    Do it BBC. Do it.
  9. Inquisition

    Inquisition Canadian Ambassador to Japan DLP Supporter

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'm amused by the fact that one of the next Doctors HAS to be a "minority" of some sort, otherwise it's racist and/or sexist. The very act of promoting a certain sex or ethnicity over another is racist and sexist in and of itself. If the actor who plays the Doctor is a black woman? Who gives a shit. If not? Who gives a shit.

    But the characterisation better not suck, or the shit won't work.

    And speaking of black women, we move on to:


    Series 3 - Jungle Fever

    This season, we get a new assistant companion, who is the first black companion ever. Fuck that dude from last season; it was a whole year ago.

    And in the first episode, we are introduced to a medical student with a dysfunctional family. Why Tinn gets a cameo, I have no idea but whatever. Bipedal rhino cops from space beam up a hospital to the moon to capture an alien vampire murderer because they don't have jurisdiction on the Earth. And apparently, they need William Shatner to invent the tricorder, because their scanners are shit. And have a sharpie inside them. Sounds legit.

    Long story short, the evil alien almost destroys the hospital with magnets. Seriously, that's pretty much the climax of the episode right there. Sadly, this was pretty much the best episode of the first half of the series.

    Then we go back and visit Shakespeare, who for some reason is played by a reasonably attractive actor. Oh, and the Doctor fawns over him like a little girl, which is kind of weird, seeing as they have apparently met before. And the fact that Martha is black is noticed by yet more people. Also, witches with voodoo dolls and expelliarmus. That's right, Harry Potter saves the day. The scene at the end with more royalty was nicely played, giving people hope for a big payoff one day. We'll see how that turns out. Hey Scrib, what was the crowning moment of the episode? I couldn't think of one. And I'm doing all of this from memory, so.

    And then we go for an adventure on a highway in Gridlock, which happens in Newest York. Apparently, everyone in the far future is high as shit - or was that just the writing team. The Macra are giant crabs. They're also a reference to a baddie from forty years previous when they were huge, smart crabs. Now they're huge, dumb crabs. Somehow, they're the "scourge of the galaxy". What galaxy, where. Bring them to Earth, we'd be able to feed the world. Oh, and cue the angsty David Tennant at the end of the episode, explaining how all his people were dead, because the sun exploded and his people sent him away to Earth in a tiny capsule, blah blah blah.

    Then we go back in time again to the Great Depression, because if there's one thing that can be made more fun by time travel, it's that period of time your grandparents keep telling you was the shittiest ever. Save for wartime. This episode is pretty good, admittedly, dealing with issues like bestiality. For those of you wondering, pigs have a helical penis. I don't like these episodes because of all the irritating Murr-Can accents (and the musical number). If they spoke like normal people, it would be almost bearable. Also making the Daleks human was a stupid plot point, but I've gone into that already.

    Anyway, the Doctor drops Martha off home, and is about to leave, when some random press conference show up where Mark Gatiss says that they're going to 'change what it means to be human', whatever the hell that means. I guess I should have known it wasn't going to be great because Gatiss isn't writing it, but starring in it. Anyway, he changes his genetic code to become some sort of scorpion monster that drains life force energy somehow. The Doctor drops a bell on him because scorpions are bugs and he's a badass. Meanwhile, Martha's family is there and they're getting told who the Doctor really is. Overall, not a bad episode, but how the hell do you go from 'evolved from monkeys' to 'devolved into scorpions'. Also, more wailing on how great humans are.

    Then we come to 42, an episode I won't go into at all because it was really dumb. I don't even know what happened, it was that dumb.

    Human Nature was originally a 7th Doctor story, who it probably would have worked better for. It was also never about hiding from aliens, which doesn't make any sense either. Anyway, in the TV story, he turns into a human to hide from aliens, and the "Chameleon Arch" is Time Lord technology. The Time Lords, being pompous douchebags, always wanted to know what it was like being a lesser race. Unfortunately, the only lesser race here is Martha the Negro, who works as the Doctor's maid. The Doctor in human form falls in love with the school nurse; something I've never been able to do because my school nurse was a 50-year old single Chinese woman who was mainly the school secretary and treated everyone like shit. The plot was the biggest stinker of this episode, but the duality between John Smith and the Doctor was a good point of conflict and would have made a more interesting episode if it was more fully explored. Instead the "Family of Blood" show up with wide eyes and slack jaws and the Doctor defeats them and breaks their spirits. They way it was done, they could have condensed it all into one episode and it probably would have been better.

    This time last year, we saw the adventures of a stalker trying to find the TARDIS. This year, there are more stalkers, and HOLY SHIT THEY ARE AWESOME. This was a terrific episode filled with a plot that takes you, flips you upside down and sticks you in the oven. Easily the best episode since Moffat's last one. No bullshit time travel like we saw in the first episode; this is the good stuff, with jumps forward and back and the DVD extra scene. And new adversaries; original, scary, and cool. I waited a year and then some for an episode like this.

    And then we get to Utopia. While gassing up the Mystery Machine, Jack comes charging at the TARDIS because he's in desperate need of release. Oh, and he's a time anomaly. The Doctor has a fear of time anomalies, which kind of make sense because he travels in time and thus never would come across time anomalies. Jack gropes the TARDIS who tries to flee and shake him loose. They escort Sir Fuxalot to the far future where a kind-hearted professor is trying to save a bunch of humans and send them to Utopia. The bad guys are "the Futurekind" who have teeth like the Carrionites from the Shakespeare episode, but they are in no way related. Then they talk about "an impossible thing" which I can only assume is John Barrowman's penis. Then the kind professor pulls out a Time Lordy pocketwatch and becomes the Master, a role which should have been played longer by Sir Derek Jacobi, because he's a really good actor (and because he's a dab hand at playing the Master). Instead the role is quickly turned over to John Simm who, while having experience travelling through time, doesn't quite have the evil plan thing fully thought through. The Doctor breaks the TARDIS so the Master can only use it to get to sometime around when they last left.

    The Master goes back in time to the Christmas episode, which I'll briefly touch on now: Donna Noble is a terrible assistant companion. She's the sort of person with whom you would never ever want to associate in real life. She's the sort of person who reads every entertainment magazine so they can pretend to know celebrities, who watches shitty "reality" shows like Idol and Survivor and shit, she's shallow and useless and everything DLP hates in humanity. Or maybe it's just me. Either way, she is the anti-thesis of "the best of humanity". Thank goodness we are never seeing her again. Anyway, the Master shoots down the spider web spaceship.

    Despite being every much the genius that the Doctor is, he can't fix the TARDIS. So he joins the human race. Since Captain Jack had his timey-wimey charm bracelet with him, the Doctor and Martha and Jack return to modern London to find that the Master has created an iPhone app to hypnotise everyone into voting for him. Don't give anybody any ideas. Blah blah he's now the Prime Minister of Great Britain. Also, the Doctor and Martha and Jack are public enemies number tied-for-first, so they sneak onto some airship carrier base thing and try to get Nick Fury's help. Instead of him, they find the TARDIS which John Simm has broken even further to make a "paradox machine". The Master then catches them all, turning the Doctor into a house elf, Jack into a pincushion, and Martha into a slave. But she escapes and wanders the Earth.

    Long story short, Martha tells everybody to think about the Doctor at some prearranged time and the Doctor de-youths and floats around. He defeats the Master and the Master's wife kills her husband despite going along with everything he did up until now, proving once and for all that marriage is for crazy people. Also, Martha's family are there. Martha leaves the Doctor's company because the Doctor is still pining after Rose like a little bitch.

    Oh, and at the end of the episode, we find out that Captain Jack is the Face of Boe. Seriously.



    Despite Freema Agyeman being a terrible actress, she was probably the best companion so far. Her character was genuinely intelligent, yet not superduper special or important, at least not until the final episode.

    I think the biggest failing this season was the terrible writing. Half of David Tennant's performance this season was an angsty, withering glare into the camera. Glare, the Time Lords are dead. Glare, Daleks. Glare, Rose isn't here. Glare, my shoelace is undone. His best performance was in Human Nature, and he wasn't even playing the Doctor at that point.

    And for some reason, everyone in the UK has one of two last names - Smith or Jones, thus proving that Russell T Davies cannot write. What does the T stand for? Turdburglar. Terrible works too. We see this with the dumbing down of the Master.

    The Master could have been such a better villain, but he comes across as spastic and silly. And this bullshit about the drums. Can't someone just be an evil psychopath anymore? You have to give them sort of sympathetic backstories? Just terrible.

    My final thought - how many times has the Earth been in jeopardy at this point? The Doctor needs to get out more. And whatever you do, don't raise the stakes. (They're going to fucking raise the stakes. I'll tell you more about it during my review for Series 4 - The Only Meta Crisis Is The Writing)
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
  10. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
  11. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    Lol, I deliberately skipped that episode.

    Lemme piggyback off your nostalgia trip to whine:
    This was an episode that showed that the Doctor was a petty prick that only applies his morals when it suits him. Because the Family killed a few English villagers he decides to sentence them to death. Well, two of them anyway. Keep in mind that these creatures have short life spans, so they were going to die no matter what he did. But he traps two in weird places, The other two (including Harry Lloyd, who excels at playing utter assholes)? Eternal torture. Yup. Your hero ladies and gentlemen. And you may wonder why this is an issue. Well, a few episodes later the Doctor is going to be crying his eyes out over the death of the omnicidal Master. A few episodes after that he's going to try to save Davros, who tried to destroy REALITY ITSELF! (Keep in mind; Davros. Not the Dalek that betrayed his people and deliberately helped destroy them, Davros. The one who created and resurrected the Daleks. The one who tried to skullfuck reality. Keep in mind that this includes Rose's universe. If that doesn't make The Doctor mad I don't know what will) The message to take from this is that the Doctor is perfectly merciful...unless some English nurse makes him feel bad about getting people killed.

    That was truly some shitty writing. It's a shame because it cast a damper on a pretty good episode that explored some of the issues around the Doctor and his actions. The ending of course, had to shit on that.

    God that episode was stupid. The accents are not only terrible, the Daleks are fucking idiots. So...the Daleks come up with a plan to take over the earth, and then merge with a human to come up with a plan to take over the earth? So they leave their protective shell for...what exactly? That special brand of human douchiness? I mean, I appreciate that they're giving us our dues as assholes but I doubt we measure up to the Daleks.

    But of course, any second not spent giving humanity a collective blowjob is a second wasted in RTD's mind. The human DNA turns Dalek Sec into a wimp and he totally changes his entire way of thinking and decides he wants peace. He starts crying when people get killed for making dumb speeches (a crime that should get you murdered twice) and handing out flowers instead of death ray blasts. I can understand him being overwhelmed by his new feelings at first, but going pacifist? Is this a joke? Thankfully the other Daleks realise that he's crazy and quickly take away his evil-doing privileges before he fucks up an iconic enemy even more with a line that proves once and for all that snark is a Dalek's second best weapon.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
  12. Damnyoureyes

    Damnyoureyes First Year

    Feb 14, 2009
    So, back to the alt. doctor casting, Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Claudia Black would make a fantastic Doctor?

    Great at drama, angst, humor, and goofiness.
  13. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    I prefer Ejiofor really. Black is too...whimsical. I want a change from this bombastic-yet-awkward/goofy Doctor. Something just a bit more dignified and muted is in order.
  14. Inquisition

    Inquisition Canadian Ambassador to Japan DLP Supporter

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'm trying be funny while trying not to sound too whiny, so nobody has a bitchfest over how I'm so positively negative. But a thousand times yes.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
  15. Heleor

    Heleor EsperJones DLP Supporter

    Mar 3, 2006
    Seattle, WA
    The Mercy preview makes it seem that the episode could have easily been a Cyberman episode.
  16. Jjf88

    Jjf88 Auror

    Oct 15, 2007
    There's theories that Rory is The Master/The Master's son. And some it is coincidental but, if you suspend your belief, it's semi credible. Google dat shit.
  17. One armed boxer

    One armed boxer Second Year

    Dec 2, 2008
    I've always wished that were true ( it makes a LOT of sense and would be a fantastic twist even for those who were suspecting it) but I'm guessing its not going to happen now that Amy & Rory have been confirmed to be leaving before the christmas special. Unless they do it as a 'Rory the character is gone but his actor is now going to play the master'.

    This is probably too dark for who, but if Rory became the master and ended up killing Amy... that would be the greatest new!Who thing ever
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
  18. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    No. Rory and Amy have already been woven into the universe enough. Let them die. (Although it's sad that so little was done with Rory's Centurion persona)
  19. Inquisition

    Inquisition Canadian Ambassador to Japan DLP Supporter

    Oct 9, 2006


    Series 4 - The Only Meta Crisis Is The Writing

    The Christmas episode this year is a combination "blowjob to humanity" and what is usually called by nut bar conservatives as "pushing the gay agenda". This second aspect of the episode comes in the form of Bannakaffalatta, who is a homosexual cyborg. Homosexuals Cyborgs are discriminated against, blah blah blah. He or she or whatever came out of the closet about his homosexuality cyborg-ness to Kylie Minogue (as she rubbed his spiky head) and grew to accept his nature as a homosexual cyborg. As it turns out, being a cyborg? Not exactly as taboo as it once was - they could even get married now. Oooh, how progressive.

    The only other part of the episode worth mentioning is the character of "Alonso Frame", who serves as both wish fulfillment for David Tennant (allons-y, Alonso) and as a cocksleeve for John Barrowman. An interesting note, the actor who played Frame (RUSSELL Tovey) was on RTD's 11th Doctor shortlist. Mull that over in your heads, because nothing else about this episode was important at all. The actor's also gay, so RTD only wanted him for the blowjobs, true facts.

    As an aside, I've been doing these series reviews from memory; and I can't do that with this one. The only episodes I remember at all were the Library and the finale. The rest of the season was terrible. I'm going to be doing this with the help of Wikipedia and the TARDIS wikia, so I specifically don't have to go back and watch any of this. There's probably a very good reason it wasn't memorable at all, and the reason starts with 'Partners in Crime'. Maybe they're going to rob a bank to save the world from a destructive alien artifact?

    Nope. It's fucking Donna back again, though she's been less shouty. That's what the media said about her; less shouty - I didn't see it, myself. Oh, and Bernard Cribbins was recast from Stan Mott from the Christmas episode to Wilfrid Mott, who is Donna's grandfather. Anyway, this episode didn't even really have an antagonist; it was about people losing weight quickly, so it was probably meant to appeal to the 20-45 sweaty neckbeard demographic. Aliens made out of body fat. Please don't tell me they fart, too. Anyway, the lady from Coronation Street came by to make aliens out of sweaty neckbeard fat. What exactly was the conflict here? And out of nowhere Rose is back. Godfuckingdamnit.

    The terror continues with The Fires of Pompeii, where the Doctor meets young Amy Pond, who has ventured back in time to have kiss Romans. Evil Flame Atronachs from Skyrim are here too, to somehow make people into more Atronachs. Donna becomes a "household god"… that's it, I am now an atheist.

    Then we arrive on the Planet of the Ood, because I'm sure all those Ood prosthetics cost a lot of money. The only things I remember about this episode were the corporate bighead becoming an Ood, and more dialogue about how the Doctor and Donna don't find each other in anyway attractive. Which is why she was totally pining after him after he took off in the one where the not-so-eensy-weensy-spider got washed down the spout again.

    Then we come to "The Sontaran Stratagem", an episode I actually gave some rope to RTD, because the Sontarans were old school baddies, and there's no way that continuity would be in any way affected by bad writing. Continuing with the trend of bad guy catchphrases, the Sontarans now say "Sontar, ha", because I guess they too have figured out that they're a joke. Anyway, the Doctor revisits Martha for a quickie, and finds out that all the competent people at UNIT were killed off during the first new series. Instead, UNIT (formerly the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce, but I guess the UN knows how goofy the writing can be so they refused to let the producers use United Nations in the name) has brought along Colonel Mace and Major Bear-Spray and a brigade. Apparently, a child genius named Rattigan has invented a car emissions system that is supposed to reduce greenhouse gases. The best two bits of these episodes were references to past Doctor stories. At one point, the Doctor asks where the Brigadier is, to which Axe Deodorant Guy replies that he's stuck in Peru. I doubt very much that the Brig could have saved this episode, so thank goodness for that. If the Brigadier was here, he would have listened to the Doctor and not had the whole brigade massacred by tactically superior forces, but Admiral Febreze is incompetent as shit. You'd think UNIT would have more respect for someone that worked for them, someone that knows what he's talking about, but the Doctor is an alien and humans are just so lovably, wonderfully racist. Anyway, it turns out the clean air devices kill people, and it's a plot by the Sontarans to take over the world. It's never really explained why the genius kid decides to team up with them, but eugenics is cool. In the end, he realizes what a cockmongler he's been and sacrifices himself to save the Earth. The TARDIS kidnaps Martha for no reason, and goes screaming off into the future along with the Doctor and Donna.

    The Doctor is cloned and gender swapped, so shut up about female Doctors already. It also shows that the best way to get an important part on Doctor Who is to be having sex with someone already on the show (not that I completely disagree with the casting of eye candy). Martha is kidnapped pretty much right off the bat, because her role in this episode is pretty useless. Drama happens, DONNA FIGURES SOMETHING OUT THAT THE DOCTOR CAN'T GOD WHAT THE HELL, the Doctor's daughter appears to be killed, and he doesn't even seem to give that much of a shit. She comes back to life after he fucks off in the TARDIS, and she steals a shuttle in an attempt to try to find her deadbeat dad. Fans cum over her so hard they keep hoping she'll appear again, but I kind of doubt it.

    The Doctor and Donna meet Agatha Christie, after dropping off Martha, and they fight a giant wasp. I couldn't find anything witty to say about this episode; it's seriously what happens. I guess I should mention that this is Part 4 in an ongoing series of episodes, wherein the Doctor and companion pal around with some past notable historical figure for no good reason: Part 1 - 9th Doctor and Charles Dickens, Part 2 - 10th Doctor and Queen Victoria, Part 3 - 10th Doctor and Shakespeare.

    Anywho, let's move on to the Library episodes, which were not that great if I'm being honest, but they were still the best ones of the series, so I kind of have to touch on them. The Doctor arrives at The Library after receiving a summons for help on the psychic paper, a process which I presume must involve prayer. Anyway, he shows up to find someone he thought was going to be Kate Winslet, but who was really Alex Kingston. She and the Doctor share a secret, which was supposedly was his name, and they proceed to trust each other from then on. Donna sort of disappears from pretty much the rest of the episode, having a relationship with Brad Pitt's mute brother, Jason. The Doctor and River proceed to save the patrons of the Library from their computer-generated gin joint, River dying in the process and Tennant sadfacing the camera. He then discovers that there was the thing in the screwdriver, and he has an extended running montage, at one point LEAPING HEADFIRST DOWN AN ELEVATOR SHAFT TO THE PLANET'S CORE, before uploading River's consciousness to The Pirate Bay. The 10th Doctor is apparently immune to falls, remarks an angry Tom Baker.

    Then we come to Midnight, an episode that could have been worse, I suppose. The Doctor takes a space bus to see some tourist attraction, gets possessed by an alien, nearly gets lynched. The stewardess saves his life, and the Doctor is sad nobody knew the stewardess' name. Should have read her nametag, dough head.

    After that, came Turn Left, a very poor interpretation on the Schrödinger's cat metaphor caused by a super beetle of some sort, shut up it makes total sense. Billie Piper returns, again, proving that while she was starring as a prostitute on Secret Diary of a Call Girl, she took on the attributes of a sexually-transmitted virus (mainly coming back all the god damn time even though you're not at all welcome), and holy shit that would be a much cooler episode than most of this series. Basically, this whole episode is all about how she and Donna are the most important people fucking ever, and I think my brain just tried to throttle me right there for thinking something so utterly stupid. In the end, to save the day, Donna steps in front of a truck, but unfortunately her death isn't permanent and time reverts to its normal state, save for the fact that everything says Bad Wolf, and the Doctor shits his pants in glee, realizing that his one true love has returned to him.

    He jets off to Earth to try to find her, but then Earth gets beamed away mysteriously, and he goes to the Shadow Proclamation to stand around for half the episode. Those stupid rhino cops with their crap scanners show up again, and the Doctor tries to use them to find the Earth. Daleks invade Earth, subjugate the population save for the Doctor's old drinking buddies who hide to save their own asses, and yes, that includes the immortal one. Long story short, a bunch of people and things the Doctor knows or has heard about come together to form the plot of this episode, making Russell T Davies totally look like a genius who planned this from the beginning and he isn't just pulling this out of his ass at all. The Doctor finds the Earth after backtracing a phone call (no really) and magically materializes the TARDIS in front of Rose Tyler. He rushes out to hug her after being without her for so long (under two years) and gets himself "grazed" by a insta-kill Dalek death ray, and just to shit on continuity some more, he regenerates…

    Journey's End begins with the Cardassians insisting the inhabitants of the planet Dorvan V be evicted, and Starfleet orders the Enterprise to evacuate them. Oh, sorry, that was Journey's End, which was probably better television than what happened next.

    …except he doesn't. He forces his regenerative energy into the hand that was severed during the fight with the Sycorax (his wanking hand no less), and oh god I think I'm going to die of an aneurysm. Anyway, the Doctor is captured by the Daleks, and Davros who is alive again after having been rescued from the time-locked Time War blah blah stuff happens, blah. For some reason, Rose's mum shows up.

    God, fuck everything about this episode. Seriously, I know I said I was trying not to be so negative, but seriously, this is fucking terrible, and if you don't agree with me then you're an idiot. There have been a lot of terrible Doctor Who episodes, both past and present, but this is godawful. It is simply a hodgepodge of everything that happened during RTD's tenure of the show, and he's trying to make it seem as if he knows what he's doing, except it's obvious he fucking doesn't. The Doctor's whole existence has been superseded by two air-headed chits who have nary a brain cell between them, but they become the most important people to have even existed fucking ever. No - the universe is not so badly designed.

    Anyway, Martha and Sarah Jane threaten the Daleks seperately, but they're beamed up and placed in the force field thingy as well. I should mention that what Martha threatens the Daleks with is something called the Osterhagen Key, a device which activates a bunch of nukes buried within the Earth's crust. A point of interest as to how bad Davies really is? Osterhagen is an anagram for 'Earth's gone'. Just in case there was any hope of salvation left for this episode, Donna pops out of the TARDIS and suddenly she's actually smart, or as someone coined it, a "human-Time Lord meta-crisis". Just a thought, why would you make up a name for something that never ever happens? Basically, she's downloaded a copy of the Doctor's head into her own, and created a human clone of the Doctor to boot. She singlehandedly defeats the Daleks and that's the end of that. Everybody goes back to doing whatever the hell they were doing before this nightmare of an episode started, save for Mickey who has had enough of fucking that dude from the Steel universe. The human Doctor goes with Rose out of convenience and Donna's brain is overloading because of all the Time Lordy information of 900 years of phone box travel. Which doesn't make any fucking sense, because what about the human Doctor? Anyway, she gets her mind wiped, and she can't remember anything that's happened since The Runaway Bride or her head would explode, and that ends the series.


    I hate to go back into my whining-about-everything mode, but there was nothing really redeeming about this series. The stories were bad, the characters were bad, and the writing was fucking terrible towards the end of the series.

    If you want to add something that you think is worthwhile about the series, feel free, but I can honestly say I don't have any desire to re-watch any of these episodes. They were all pretty forgettable. And that's what I'm going to do.

    I'll post "Series 4.5 - The Specials Episodeses" sometime this week, followed by Series 5 between Saturday and Monday. Then Series 6 sometime after The Angels Take Manhattan, and then once I can find a compilation of the first half of Series 7, I'll get started on that.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2012

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    These full series pseudo-rants are getting tedious and repetitive. We all know that the new series is consistently flawed, so we really don't need you to summarize and reinforce the stupidity of every goddamned episode.

    It's like we're a bunch of kids at the beach who're overjoyed having just completed a really shitty sandcastle, and you're the annoying fat kid that comes along and stomps on it.

    Can't you just let us enjoy our shitty sandcastle?