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Dreams of Stardom

Discussion in 'Other Fandoms Review Board' started by PagaalInsaan, Jun 2, 2024.

  1. PagaalInsaan

    PagaalInsaan Squib

    Oct 16, 2021
    Title: Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)
    Author: FableWeaver
    Rating: Mature
    Genre: Self-Insert, Reincarnation, Showbiz
    Status: WIP
    Chapters: 25/?
    Fandoms: Real Person Fiction, Actor RPF, Harry Potter
    Links: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/86363/dreams-of-stardom-hollywood-si
    Summary: Troy Armitage knows that he was someone else before his birth. Yet, that didn't help him much when he was dealt a bad hand in his second life. A chance encounter led him to path that would make him the biggest superstar in the world.


    SI stories are quick to go wrong. Such stories typically consists of unlikable know it all mc, undeserved too easy wins and no tension due to foreknowledge. This fic avoids it all. The mc is complex with a backstory we experience along with him, successes always have good reasons and author avoids overt use of foreknowledge by in story reasons.

    This story surprised me with a different approach to the reincarnation trope. One of the first things that struck me was how the author handled Troy's initial family situation. I was bracing myself for the typical wish-fulfillment scenario, but instead, I got a raw and unflinching look at a toxic parent-child relationship. It was not easy to read, and it broke my heart. But it never felt like the author was trying to exploit the situation for cheap emotional points. The mother's flaws are complex and believable, and her actions have real consequences for Troy's development, even playing a part in later plot developments.

    I've read similar stories like "I Am On TV! Showbiz SI" by Bar Calak, but "Dreams of Stardom" takes a refreshingly grounded approach. For one, it takes it's time in laying the groundwork for Troy's success. The story meticulously shows the work he puts into honing his talent, and reasons behind such a habit beyond desiring fame. I was particularly struck by the scenes where he's practicing with his adopted dad, who is a director. They go over scenes again and again, dissecting every line and gesture. This attention to detail is carried over onto the actual set, where Troy has already internalized the character and the emotions so thoroughly thanks to his rigorous practice routine. It made his success in the movie feel truly authentic, not just a product of future knowledge.

    What I also appreciate is how the author balances the Hollywood drama with heartwarming slice-of-life moments. I loved it that Troy goes to school instead of private tutoring, and that he is able to make a genuine friend in the school.

    On the downside, I felt that some of his decisions felt inconsistent with his supposed past-life maturity, particularly at the beginning. The author also falls back on clichéd phrases a bit too often. If I have to read "lowered his head in shame" one more time, I might scream. And Troy is a little bit too talented on multiple fronts, which can give gary stu vibes.

    Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2024
  2. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    It’s OK. Not as good as I’m On TV but scratches a similar itch.

    Where it falls down compared to I’m On TV is:

    1. Pacing. 70k words in and he’s still 9.

    2. Choice of projects. I’m On TV used real life projects whereas this fic makes up films. And frankly the made up ones sound like they suck and are a bit cringe.

    3. Padding. The author spends too much time repeatedly telling us the story and blow by blow accounting of said made up cringe projects.
  3. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Agree with Taure. Got up to chapter 11, and there's a lot of focus on Troy being a kid, and freaking out adults with his otherness. The whole 'give the talk' thing was really fucking weird, and not just the content, but that it's winning awards left, right, and centre. The writing is pretty dull, the focus is on things I don't care about, and the speech patterns feel more like anime than real life.

    I'm not reading any more, because I don't actually like it. It's not bad, but I couldn't recommend it at all. 2/5
  4. Donimo

    Donimo Auror

    Jul 4, 2015
    Author can't figure out if he's suppose to be a kid or an adult in a kids body. Makes for an unpleasant read.
  5. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    I suspect it’s more the author wants to have their cake and eat it by selecting which of the two they want it to be on a scene by scene basis.
  6. Donimo

    Donimo Auror

    Jul 4, 2015
    I found the falling out with his 5th grade buddy to be a real harrowing bit of writing.