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Dungeon Siege 3

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Midknight, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    So far disappointed a bit. Cookie cutter characters, very consoleific gameplay, horrible camera angles that consist of stupid close and medium distance but looking nearly straight down to the point of being USELESS to use, bad controls and layout. Havent seen a way to change keys yet either, which makes the shitty interface all the more upsetting. Will give it a few more hours before I decide to call it shit or not.
  2. Militis

    Militis Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2008
    I played through the demo on Steam, and was very disappointed. From what I remember of DS2, the controls and camera weren't this bad.
  3. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Theyre supposed to be releasing a patch to fix the PC game controls, something they acknowledged was broken before release apparently! They're upset that most folks have just went to using a controller for the game since it means their porting sucks.

    I miss the old days of pc gaming =( Now the games coming out look like shit because they're mostly console ports, the controls are ass backwards, and they devs lock down the development kits so they can charge for poorly done dlc =(
  4. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    I played through once, the balance of the game is a little stuffed up, once you get your tier 3 abilities you just proceed to destroy everyone. I mean, the fire chick basically copies that dude from mortal kombat by disappearing then raining down a curbstomp on every one. Dodge and roll/teleport around to get out of melee distance, spam some normal attacks until you get enough mana for spamming your ablities until you get enough power for epic time ultimate tier 3 ultimate versions which completely bitch slap EVERYONE, I mean, you can just pwn the final two boss fights with no effort at all.

    Now, the game was fun as a hack and slash, nothing more, horrid controls that took a while to get used to but overall suck balls. Camera angle, horrid, horrid, horrid. How you can have a horrid camera in a third person hack and slash when the genre is this mature is just poor developments not having developed this genre at all ever nor played it at all ever. Now the BIG negative about this game. The co-op. So much potential, so much. Yet they ruined it so very badly. You share a camera. You share the screen. Designed for co-op with two-four controllers on a tv screen. Not for internet play. Try to play with a friend, they can't bring in a character, they can't save their items or abilities tree. They are little more than a side kick who are meaningless to the entire game and can easily be replaced by the computer AI. So much potential for awesome co-op and they ruined it so easily.

    So much potential ruined by lazy mother fucking developers developing for console kiddies. It's Force Unleashed all over again. Great potential ruined by SHIT CONSOLE PORT. Stop fucking developing games for consoles for fucks sake, those pieces of shit are so fucking old now and go out of date so fast it's not funny. The top tier of gaming is on PC's. It always has been. Consoles games should be restricted to casual gaming, not traditionally PC games which work great with a keyboard and mouse.

    Okay /end rage.

    Great potential.
    Fun enough.
    Horrid controls.
    Restrictive options.
    Terrible camera.
    Horrendously ruined co-op.
    Piece of shit console port.
  5. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    See here's what I don't get though. The consoles are still able to put out decent graphics on par with a newer mid range computer running the game on medium settings, with more then enough power for a game like this, for them to have cranked the graphics and draw distances to 11, and have been fine. The recent developmental studies that've cranked out port after port just seem to not give a shit about making the games play and look good, but instead rush out 5 hour slopfests and then churn out 1 hour DLC left and right.

    I've had bought this game if it was 20$, but for a full priced game, no damned way.

    I agree with you on the coop, it's just typical drop in and out console bullshit.
  6. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    Go play one of the better looking PC games on full settings then go play the console version. The difference in how they look is astounding.

    They are dumbing down the graphical quality of PC games to keep them available on the outdated consoles.

    Remember when games took a buttload of time to finish? Even shit like need for speed took like 20 hours to finish on a console. Now DS3 took me like 9 hours and that is with doing every side quest I could find. Now a game like this, I expect like 20-30 hours, RPG's are meant to take ages, go play Baldurs Gate I or II, they took so damn long it was nuts. I'm pretty sure the majority of the time I spent in DS3 was walking back to the first town and completing side quests in all the towns before going to the mountain.

    DLC is killing games. Oh it's alright, we'll just make it half as long and then release five DLC's for $15 each which has the rest of the content. DLC should just be an expansion pack or two which expand on the game significantly, not shit like, here's 5 new maps that are so shit that if we actually released the mod tools people would make in like 5 minutes.

    You know something is wrong when CS 1.6 and CS: S both sell for like $20US here in Aus after all these years. And still consistently have more players online than many new FPS games. Gaming competition was huge back then with 1.6, CS:S, BF2 and COD4 all attracting massive numbers. Now COD4 has died, BF2 died ages ago, MW2 has died, Black Ops died. All thats left is basically CS, HoN/DotA, SC/SC2, BC2 never took off.

    I am seriously hoping BF3 lives up to expectations for a decent PC game that can attract the competitive community once again seeing as most of the games that have tried recently have been console ports and died horribly in a very short time.
  7. Richard

    Richard Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 5, 2006
    I found BF2 was better with mods, such as the AIX2 mod (Allied Xtended 2.0), and there are still a lot of people playing on this mod in multiplayer.

    For some reason, I'm gonna bet BF3 is gonna suck, seeing as EA Games are bunch of assholes who don't really listen to their customers all that much.

    I'm so glad I'm refusing to even buy DS3. There's no way in hell I'm paying an extra $15 for DLC's either. Fuck those assholes.
  8. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I want to keep playing this bc it's all I got loaded to my laptop atm, and I'm away from home. The camera though is making me play in small bursts because I'm raging over how crippling it is. It's either too close or too far constantly, there's no midrange at all=( Hope a patch comes out asap.

    Something else that got me thinking. This game is all about shiny effects and stuff, much like how Diablo 3 is supposed to be. Half the goddamned time I have ZERO idea which guy in the middle of the massive number of enemies is my guy. Maybe it's just me being tired after a long day at work, but I can't keep track of where the hell Lucas is quite often. Throw in his damned 2hand sword dah that takes me from one massive grouping right thru them and activating another, and I'm raging atm
  9. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    I really just can't agree with you at all, if you find a way to make PC games profitable enough to justify developers catering to them then you just may get what you want meanwhile though while your trying to do that people are still going to flock to the cheaper system that requires absolutely zero technical know how on their parts. You say that they're old and out of date but computer parts go out of date much faster than any console system does and are far harder to replace. If you want to be able to play any game on the market well with a PC then you need to go out and purchase a high end gaming PC, you need to make sure it has the best software, you need to install everything, fuck with all the files, worry about memory and a fair number of other things that can add up to you not being able to play your game. With a console though? Any schmuck off the street can go out, buy any console, buy his game, turn it on and play with zero hassle and until that simple fact changes console gaming is never going to go away.
  10. Richard

    Richard Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 5, 2006
    Downside to console games? No mods. No mods = Lame. I'll take my PC anytime over a console, just because most PC games can be modded.