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Abandoned Earth's Emissary by MadEyes - T

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Rahkesh Asmodaeus, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. MadEyes

    MadEyes Seventh Year

    Dec 3, 2005
    Some Tropical Island
    Well, I'm glad you still like it. I know this story spent a while in suspended animation, after all. Anyways, I don’t know who used the name of the ancestor’s hall, but I don’t really mind, that was its simpler name, and since the chapter where it will be explained, its complete history and its shape, hasn’t been posted yet, anything they say about it will be guesswork.

    As for the teaching thing, well, I thought it was the easiest way to start influencing the wizarding world without actually having to give it a kick in the ass. Remember, Harry will be teaching his professors, Dumbledore and world renowned witches and wizards, and some select students. So it won’t be like every other story where he is going to be his friends' teacher and what not. Hermione is the only candidate I have to participate in his class for his year, but that’s still up in the air. It will all depend on how their relationship develops from here on out.

    Anyways, thanks for reading, a new chapter should be done in the near future, since I only have close to 1000 words left to write, so keep on the look out. Oh! And you should know, Pink, the first chapters are flowery for a reason. lol :wink:
  2. ok earths emisary please people dont read it my god its so slow its ridiculous i mean literally its slow and boring as HELL i read four out of the i think 11 chapters and i quit it was absolutely horrible not to mention it so does not belong on the general topic DARKLORDPOTTER.NET this story is one of the gayest ive read in a very long time also the most boring in history of fandom :cry:
  3. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    And we're to listen to such an obvious intellectual cripple as yourself? I find this story to be one of a few good stories left being actively updated. Don't talk out of your ass and expect to be praised for it, as it does belong on DLP, and it will stay here. It's a well written story with a plot, and interesting ideas, even if the first few chapters are a bit slow, the later chapters are works of gold. In any case I'd certainly like to see you produce better.
  4. Stalicon

    Stalicon High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    That one place
    I agree with Lord Ravenclaw, I really like this story (one of my favorites) sure some of the first few chapters are flowery but they're very well writen and personally I'd like to see you do better.
  5. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Your opinion is your own, but when you know that the author of the fic is a regular poster on this site, do you really have to be so obnoxious and flaming? I can understand when the story is absolutely horrible, and there is no excuse for it, but this story is one of the best in the fandom. And the use of the term "gayest" is not only immature, it's hurtful. And you really didn't give any reason for calling it bad, other than the fact that it was slow. And, in my opinion, it wasn't that slow. You don't like it? Great. You want to post and tell us that it wasn't to your liking? Great. Just give us some damn reasons before unreasonably flaming both the site and the story.

    Not all the fics on this site are "dark." The name is just for the general attitude and likes of the posters on this site. This story is under the forum, Godlike Harry Potter Fics, and it is indeed a Godlike Harry Potter.

    And, damn that hurt my IQ to read that post. Please, next time, capitalize your I's and use some fucking periods.
  6. MadEyes

    MadEyes Seventh Year

    Dec 3, 2005
    Some Tropical Island
    See, that there is reason enough to love this forum. Where else can you get flamed to your face like that? I can’t help but enjoy this place; it always provides me with a great source of enjoyment and gives me warm fuzzy feelings in my stomach, like a particularly good dinner. Anyways, I must commend you Black Man Walking, since yours is the best flame I’ve ever received. Mind you, I really don’t care if you find my story boring given that I wasn’t writing it for you, but your comments at least made some sort of sense, something that I can’t say about the other flames I have received. Who knows maybe I’ll even print it and put it in the office mural? My friends should enjoy it as much as I do.

    However. If you plan on slighting my writing, maybe elucidating your own reasoning to us lesser authors would be more appropriate than splaying your own ineptitude across written words and thus allowing your own incompetence to show, don’t you think?

    I will even go as far as to suggest that you first learn the language before attempting to utilize it again, considering your own abysmal use and desecration of it. Alas, I can hope for criticism and willingly ask for an in-depth analysis of my writing, be it in a positive or negative light, but comments like yours make me wonder if my hope has been misplaced. Still, know that you are my best flamer to date, but please, don’t insult me with such idiocy again. If you truly don’t like the story, excellent, but if you intend to speak about your dislike of it, or any other work of literature, then I ask that you explain your reasoning when you seek to share your opinions and don’t refrain from using what little intellect you may hold, as you did in this occasion.

    As for the rest of you lot, lol. Thank you. I greatly appreciate your efforts, indeed; maybe I should take some pruning sheers and make the first chapters a bit less flowery, eh? And although I still think it’s the best way to introduce this particular universe, any suggestions are welcome. Not that I’ll guarantee to listen to any of them, mind you, but hey, they will still be well received.

    In any case, I think that’s all for now. Cheers!
  7. MadEyes

    MadEyes Seventh Year

    Dec 3, 2005
    Some Tropical Island
    I need more practice like that last post of mine. I'll be writing Snape soon and I need to find that thin line he has between propriety and true acerbic-ness.

    In any case, a new chapter has been uploaded. Cheers!
  8. Schilling

    Schilling Second Year

    Feb 6, 2006
    My Computer
    Made-Eyes, this is an amazing fic, i love it. it's one of my favoritesa by far
    BlackManWalking- come here a minute.
    just a few more steps.
    a little closer.
    see that big red X, yeah right there.
    :headshot: :D
  9. DGD

    DGD Headmaster

    Oct 29, 2005
    Wisconsin, USA
    Rofl, it looks like the smiliey on the right is holding the gun. . . me goes off to read the latest chapter.
  10. oldmagic

    oldmagic Seventh Year

    Feb 27, 2006
    Canada, Ontario
    LOL. Black Man Walking is getting his ass kicked. this made me laugh too long.
    But seriously your writing is one of the best i've seen so far. however i really don't like the fact that the earth itself is reaching out to an individual. I mean come on, this is harry out of the whole world. besides mother earth is just that, a mother that gives us birth and nutrients to strive from. i pretty much stoped reading the story after harry reaches the elfs people i think. i dunno i can;t remember since i read this so long ago. And since alot of people like this story, good luck to you and the rest of the fic.
  11. i dont know if it ts jsut me but this story is so frickin boring i coulnt read past half the 3rd chapter :wizard:
  12. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Maybe you should have paid more attention in elementary school when they taught you how to read and write, then.

    Care to explain why the story is boring? And why you seem to loath it so much?
  13. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    Dude, did you forget that you have already said that?

    I understand, I mean how could you know that you have already said that three days ago :O_O: Who could possibly remember something for that length of time? That is like 288 times the length of time that a Goldfish could remember and they are like the Einstein's of the desert! I might as well ask you what you first saw when you were born. Not only that but only six people have zinged you about your first post and you were only quoted twice and named three times. No it is entirely our fault that you have forgotten. One of us should have PMed you every hour on the hour to remind you of what you have already posted, shame on us!

    To everyone else I say do not attempt to save him from his perpetual state of stupidity, the poor man cannot even remember his statements let alone recognize and learn from them.

    On a side note I am starting a betting pool on how long it takes Black Man Walking to forget both of his posts and post the same thing again. Winner gets a Whore/Herman Torture Gift Basket and a coupon good for three rolls of Brawny paper towels.
  14. ixazncha0six

    ixazncha0six Raptured to Hell

    Jan 21, 2006
    Ignore the troll, he is obvosiouly a little bastard who needs to stop complaining about other people's writing skills when my little 6 year old sister could write better than him. Now I like this story, even if it is a little to "Light" but it is good nonetheless.
  15. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Guys, I'm not an admin or anything, but we should probably keep the flaming to a minimum, even if someone has posted an inflammatory comment - leave it to the mods to deal with is the best policy...

    EDIT: Oops, just saw Sree's already posted, ignore this...
  16. Gullible

    Gullible Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2006
    Sitting in front of a broken compooter, lolololol
    I bet he has already forgotten ;)

    Back on topic though, I read this story a while back and I have to say I really liked it. At first it was a bit too light and fluffy but after that it got really good. Oh and by the way, man was that Vampire chappie great. I don't really like the whole guardians of the earth thing (forgotten their names :oops: ) but it works and thats what matters.

    I think it would be interesting to see you do Werewolves next or maybe Acromantulas but its your story so its your decision.

  17. Patrik f

    Patrik f Guest

    I read this a few months ago and from what I remember did I like it even if it wasent as dark as I usually like my stories. Anyone know if it is still abandoned?
  18. parselmaster

    parselmaster Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2005
    спуститься с небес на землю
    Last I checked it wasn't, though you could always just ask the author, he does have a user here you know. If you need to know which one, just look at previous posts for this thread.
  19. MadEyes

    MadEyes Seventh Year

    Dec 3, 2005
    Some Tropical Island
    Nope, its not abandoned, I just havent had time between class and work and what not. But hopefully Ill find some time to write soon.
