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Elder Scrolls Online

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Nuit, May 4, 2012.

  1. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    I've done all the quests in every zone except the first - where I didn't get that they turned white on the map when completed. Not counting the aforementioned bugged chain in coldharbour though.

    I've done most of the world bosses, some are currently bugged and you don't get credit for them.

    Ended up farming the Orchard for an hour to get the experience, not a bad pace even though I would've liked questing it instead.
  2. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    2Right, so Im back in Aus with my gaming PC, and now I decide between WoW and ESO.

    WoW... I know the game very well. It would be easy for me to get back into it.

    Few things, how similar to Skyrim is the combat? Is it challenging? The combat is literally the only reason I didn't love skyrim. I need more complexity than just left click or right click. :/

    Other than that, story. Does it have one? Is it good? My knowledge of the ESverse is pretty lacking. But I still love some good quests.

    I really wish they had a 5-10 day trial.

    Edit: So, I just read this review by PCgamer, and it's definitely put me off.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
  3. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    Expecting a MMO to play like a story driven RPG like Skyrim or the other Elder Scrolls games is bound to end in dissapointment - no matter how well executed.

    The main problem I'd agree with is that they've failed with the free roaming kind of experience that they 'promised' earlier. You have to play it linearly and do pretty much everything in order to not fall behind.

    It's an Elder Scrollesque themepark MMO, nothing more - nothing less.

    I'm still having tons of fun though.
  4. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Honestly, IGN's review is better.

    The reviewer on PCGamer has turned his review into a critique. He barely mentions of huge freedom of builds, the fantastic crafting system and barely scrapes over the engaging, next-level combat.

    Instead he focuses, and apparently plans to rate the game on things that EVERY MMO has issues with at launch. Things like bugs and a boring starting area.

    I've played at least twenty levels of every Major MMO to release since Everquest, and not once have the starting areas been nearly as fun or engaging as the rest of the game.

    Bugs? Bugs are a non issue. There were a lot of them at release, but they are frequently and reliably swatted. The game is less than a month old and already the next content patch has been announced, addressing concerns about late game that a few people with LOTS of time on their hands have started to voice.

    Honestly, PCgamer's review was terrible, and I've lost a bit of respect for them by letting this dude be the one to review it.

    If he rates the game badly based on the content of the review he's presented I'm going to lose a lot more respect for PCGamer.
  5. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Cheers Walking, that's good to hear. He did note at the end of it, that it was just a first impressions, and he would do a proper review once he had time to play the game fully.

    Guess that's not yet.

    Tell me more about this "engaging next level content". I've been played DotA for quite a while now, and I find most games incredibly dull in their lack of depth. How skill based is it?

    I know it's similar to sky rim in the left and right click part, but what im more interested/hesitant about is the 6 button hotkey bar. After WoW, I would of said that it'd be impossible to have depth with only 6 abilities. But then again, DotA has 4- 5 on some. (And 6 item slots)

    Of course, you can't compare a MOBA with an MMO, 2 completely different things.

    To give you a better example, I played a Shadow Priest primarily in WoW. Especially back in BT/Hyjal/Sunwell where we killed M'uru/KJ prenerf. I'm not expecting that level of difficulty, or complexity, but something that will keep me engaged and not just spam clicking to end fights.

    Welp, I'm off to read the IGN review.

    (Edit: I find it amusing that I still remember the exact rotation, and have the muscle memory of how to play a SP even though I haven't played WoW in nearly 3 years)
  6. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    It's actually pretty skill-based. Though in all fairness it's usually a basic level of mental capacity that is required which many tend to fail.

    I havn't gotten that many veteran 10 dungeons done yet since I hit v10 yesterday but the actual boss mechanics I've seen is pretty easy - avoid this. go here. kill adds. nuke boss.

    Veteran dungeons could generally be said to bring no huge new mechanics, what people seems to have a problem with is the 'non aoe tank' which generally only aggroes the hardest hitting mobs and the rest of the party is responsible for avoiding damage themselves by cc'ing and dodging.

    It's a new type of dungeoning I guess, in WoW the tank sucks if he doesn't aggro everything and you can stand in peace doing your rotation while avoiding a few fires - here you have to pull off your rotation while ccing and avoiding additional mobs that can kill you or your healer.

    Keep in mind though - it's only actually the dungeons that's out yet. The adventure zone is yet to come in the near future.

    And as a fellow raider from the same era, give me your mana!
  7. yojorocks

    yojorocks Seventh Year

    Jun 15, 2006
    Columbus, OH
    As a fellow SPriest from the same era, I have to say that I was not quite as hardcore (got stuck on Brutallus pre-nerf, cleared Sunwell post nerf), I've stepped back from WoW myself since then and dialed back on MMOs in general. I'm always drawn back to comparisons back to 'is it easier or harder to play than an SPriest was with the juggling of timers and cooldowns?' The answer is somewhat complex - playing from the perspective of a sorcerer, I've enjoyed the fact that I'm not stuck spamming the same two abilities every pull like in some other games.
    I tend to alternate between a 'can I kill it before OOMing, or do I need to play conservative on the pull' decision pre-pull and a 'are there enough mobs for me to aoe effectively or am I going to get in over my head' question. I will admit that I have go-to abilities I probably overuse a bit for certain situations, but the situations themselves seem to be much more dynamic.
    Pulling a add on a boss fight isn't a mark of a bad tank, it's actually a game mechanic that you're expected to figure out how to deal with yourself, more like GW2 where you are required to be at least a little bit self-sufficient. The holy trinity still exists, don't get me wrong, but it's quite a bit more flexible and people are expected to look out for themselves to a certain extent.

    The good in the game: There are no cookie-cutter builds that I've really felt compelled to do. I've sunk in to level 35 so far and felt that the game has adapted pretty well to how I like to play so far without sacrificing viability. PVP has been very enjoyable so far in my opinion, although I've never been very competitive in it, more of just enjoying it while it is there.
    I've really enjoyed the pacing for new abilities and different mobs so far, and have finally started to get used to how to handle the various types of encounters.
    I'm not a hardcore lore nerd by any stretch, but the quests seem to be a great deal more enjoyable than the 'gather 12 beaver legs and 5 iron scraps from the lumberjacks in an area' - it's more of a 'do a specific objective for a reasonable reason that phases you to a slightly different version of the zone.'
    Morphing abilities -freaking amazing idea I wish would be available more frequently in other games in the past. I really, really like this, because it allows you to customize an ability to how you actually use it regularly: do you use this as an interrupt or to put a status on a mob? Do you use this as an aoe or as a finishing execute? EVERY active ability has a morph, and while some of them are kind of 'meh', most of them are well thought out and actually are nice to be able to make more powerful situationally.

    That said, the game has a few glaring issues that might be major turn offs:
    The phasing is overused and blows hardcore if you ever want to go back to an area to help out a friend. Phasing is EVERYWHERE and once you complete an area, oftentimes you will be placed in a different phase permanently.
    Crafting is worse than Aion, if you played that. It sucks huge ass donkey balls, and can only be compared to a time sink that developers decided to fuck with you on as opposed to something I could actually enjoy. If you have any sanity, stay the fuck away from crafting as something you actively are trying to do, and just level it as it comes, which is very slowly. I can go on in further depth if people actually want to hear about it, but trying to avoid turning this into a rant.
    Minor turn off for me, but your mileage may vary: you make decisions all of the time, but because this is an MMO, they never really amount to anything long term. You may sacrifice a character in place of another, or send someone off to die instead of doing a task for yourself, but generally it only affects whatever quest you are on directly and then you can see a little remnant on the last quest of the zone by who shows up in the, well, credits for completing the final story quest for the zone. Not sure what to say here, but it felt like my actions always had actual, tangible consequences in other elder scrolls games, but because this is an MMO, it's just not there.
    Don't know if this has been covered here, but the public dungeons are fundamentally bugged. You can sit on top of a boss spawn for an hour with a group of other random individuals waiting a minute or four, depending on the boss, for them to respawn, then try to get enough hits in for your portion of the kill to count for loot drops. I say this because I'm guilty as sin for doing it myself - the only way to get enough mats to effectively level professions at any reasonable speed is to grind the shit out of these public mobs and melt (sorry, deconstruct) every drop you get. You get a little xp, but it's actually faster to level via questing, but you don't get nearly the materials you do by farming boss drops and their immediate surroundings. It sucks trying to get credit for the dungeons, but it's always easy to figure out what mob you have to kill - there's a group of at least three or four players waiting for the bitch to respawn.

    I think it was worth the money from an enjoyment perspective for an hour or two after work at night if I'm not doing anything else, but if the turnoffs are too much, it might not be the game for you.
  8. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Yeah, after reading around I think I might hold off on this for a while. I'm not that desperate for a time sink, and $90 is a bit steep for something I'm not really sold on.

    I did get some awesome nostalgic memories of WoW though. Spent so many hours perfectly my addons and interface for raiding.

    Have a look.

    I led all my raids up until Sunwell, so this is why I have more info than others usually have on there. Still think those were the best days.

    Unfortunately it got worse from there I think. :(

    Anyway, I'm done with my nostalgia sharing, back to talking about ESO.

    Edit: Wow that was 6 years ago, holy shit im getting old. :(
  9. wolvenkite

    wolvenkite Squib

    Jul 6, 2011
    After watching Angry Joe's review on YouTube, I won't be going near that game for a while. It's pretty long but, if you are on the fence about getting it then I highly recommend that you watch it.

  10. Atomicwalrus

    Atomicwalrus Fourth Year

    Mar 20, 2011
    Honestly I haven't found a review that I think properly portrays what the game is like. The game is good, I'm having a lot of fun with this game, does it have problems? Yes. Are the problems game breaking? Not in the slightest.

    Most of the bitching seems to come from people who play WoW and expect ESO to be as bug free and smooth as a decade old game and not a month old one.
  11. Reza

    Reza Second Year DLP Supporter

    Jun 17, 2011
    United Kingdom
    I'm playing an Altmer Sorcerer and really enjoying this so far. I'm on EU, userID @Reza_07 feel free to message me.

    Is anyone setting up a DLP guild?
  12. vinais

    vinais Second Year

    Dec 21, 2007
    Mumbai, India
    Not gonna renew right now but I really think the game's got a lot of undeserved bashing. It has some really good parts like the crafting, story, even the monsters and voice acting.

    Reason I'm not renewing is that even though I can see its good but for some reason just cant get into the game. Finding it a bit slow.
  13. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    I got my DK up to VR5 in the last zone of Cadwell's Silver before burning out. It's just a chore. Thinking of rerolling a Sorc just to try it, but I'm likely going to hold off for a bit before coming back. Maybe a couple of weeks, maybe a month. VR is a huge grind, I just couldn't get into it. I'd much prefer original questlines, or at the least original main questlines, for VR zones. Lore-wise it's somewhat justified, you have to 'understand all the people' in order to unite them to fight Molag Bal blah blah blah, it just feels like a cop out when I'd much rather be aiding my faction in infiltrating the enemy lands instead of actively killing my own people.

    Lots of great things about the game though, as vinais said, and I'll definitely come back to it eventually.
  14. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    I've decided to give this a solid try, and made a cute li'l Argonian called Smokes-His-Nirnroot. Is anyone else still playing this, or is it as dead in the water as all the negativity at release suggested?

    For what it's worth, I'm loving the world aesthetic and character design. The gear is a better mix of down-to-earth and visually appealing than any other MMO I've seen. Hell, better than any single-player game in this sort of fantasy setting. The quests are... almost engaging. I'm still in the weenie levels, so I've not done any group or PVP content yet. The PVP is going to make my laptop explode, I'm sure, so maybe I should stay away.

    I love the idea of this game. Having a bit more trouble getting into playing it, though. Might just be because I've lost the focus needed to play something like this.
  15. Eyron

    Eyron Seventh Year

    Sep 9, 2013
    I think it's the same problem for me. The game is nice and all but I've lost the motivation to play mmos anymore. Quest after quest even if there is an engaging story bores me now.
  16. oakes

    oakes Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2011
    I'm still waiting for the Dark Brotherhood + Thief's Guild updates, any idea when they'll be released?
  17. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    So it's just been announced that TESO will be dropping subscriptions in March. Surprise, surprise. Looks like it'll be following the Guild Wars model (somewhat) in that you still have to buy the game, though future DLC will require an "ESO Plus Membership".

    If I can find it somewhere for cheap, I might pick it up, but there's no way I'm paying $60 for it.
  18. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    There are steam sales for it fairly regularly. I think I've seen at least 60% off. Just a matter of waiting.

    Fuck, I just realised that I've had a subscription going for months but I haven't been playing it. What a waste of money.
  19. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    I played this during one of the Betas and was not that impressed. Recently I picked it up again(got it on a sale for 20 euro).

    I have to say that it has improved a LOT. The quests are fun and interesting, there are basically no "kill 10 boar, collect 20 boar teeth" quests. The guild and main story quests are the most interesting obviously.

    Everything has full voice acting, if you take the time to listen through what the NPCS say instead of just spamming E and going to the quest marker the game feels much more immersive.

    The world seems quite busy, Zone chat usually has an active conversation and you will regularly run into people.

    I'm level 12 after about 8 hours of playing and I have very few complaints so far. Is anybody else playing this on DLP?
  20. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    o_O Maybe I'm just bad but after buying the game about a week ago, i only reached level 13 after like 20+ hours. Granted, I've been doing something of a completionist run and doing every quest, side quest, and collectible so I'm probably not being efficient. The Lorebooks and Skyshards alone have probably added a lot of unneeded time ~.~