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Elder Scrolls Online

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Nuit, May 4, 2012.

  1. Johnnyseattle

    Johnnyseattle Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 25, 2011
    Yeah, this was my problem with this when I was playing it too - the same ADD that plagues me in normal Elder Scrolls games killed me here too. All my friends were in the mid-20s, and I'm down at about level 12 wandering about. :)

    Have to give it a try again if it's gotten better.
  2. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    Had a decent time levelling at launch. What got me to quit a month or so(?) in was the somewhat tedious endgame. Got EU 1st and 2nd respectively in the raids and consequently quit raiding altogether. The "speed running" wasn't for me. The PvP was moderately fun, despite the infamous vampire sorcerer build or the staff AoE ball of death(stacking 20 staff users and running in a blob just instakilling everything in a laggy mess).

    I'm assuming it has been expanded a bit since then but has anything real changed? As I recall the PvP 'reward' system was quite lacklustre after gaining Emperor..
  3. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    Level 17 now, 16 hours /played. Taking my time to explore and finish the zones to 100%. I made a mistake with crafting I think, I have about 2-3 skill points invested in everything, I'm guessing it is best to specalize in just one thing and save the rest for passives which can be used for combat.

    I also realized too late that I should be training my riding skill every 20 hours, missed out on about a week of training >_>
  4. NK01

    NK01 Squib

    Aug 26, 2014
    Veteran level 5 by now with all my main skills maxed out and leveling up others. I'm not quite sure how to start out on PvP as when I tried it I was hopelessly lost.
  5. onetruegeek

    onetruegeek Squib

    Jan 4, 2015
    How much does this game cost to play long term?
  6. Anya

    Anya Harley Quinn DLP Supporter

    Feb 26, 2008
    Arkham City
    I bought it for like $30 on a stream sale. After that its free to play. But if you want all the dlc and a bunch of other perks its like $15 a month on subscription.
  7. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    Do you get access to the DLC just for subscribing? OR do you need to purchase it with crowns also?

    What are your ingame names/servers?
  8. Anya

    Anya Harley Quinn DLP Supporter

    Feb 26, 2008
    Arkham City
    You get access to all the DLC by subscribing. If you're not subscribed you need to buy them with crowns.

    I don't remember.
  9. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    Shitt, I'm a subscriber but I have been purchasing crowns to buy the DLC.
  10. Eyron

    Eyron Seventh Year

    Sep 9, 2013
    Is this game still any good?
  11. blob

    blob Seventh Year

    Jul 29, 2011
    Spent weeks trying (and failing) to find something to play, and found ESO: Morrowind for less than 10$ - so I thought, what the hell, this gives me like 80% of all content available to date and costs less than a few beers, and the lore itself was supposedly decent.

    Surprisingly enough, I actually have *fun* playing it. You can easily treat it like a SP game (±90% of content is doable solo without much trouble), and the sheer amount of places you can explore is remarkable; nostalgia abound when you start in Seyda Neen, in the very place where TES III began, but in new looks. The environments are beautiful and imaginative, and I regret running it on a potato because I can't push the graphics as high as they can go.

    There's tons of quests absolutely everywhere, and while it's hardly RPG of the year the little stories are decent when compared with your average MMO (although it is MMO - don't expect a story that's even Skyrim-tier, and even Skyrim is hardly gripping). Combat is rather fast-paced and you only have 2 skillbars with 6 skills on each, which is pissing me off, but it's reasonably good for PVE - although I can't see 'endgame' being too thrilling.

    There's also the most unique trade system I ever saw in MMO. I kinda like the concept behind it, and props to the devs for coming up with the idea, but it's a complete pain in the ass to actually use it TBH.

    The scaling is somewhat odd, in that character on level 15 isn't necessarily much weaker than on lv50 if you won't go into the 'championship levels' too far, and I've been plenty of help in killing one of the world bosses today in a group of 4, even though I started playing only yesterday. On one hand, it's great that Tamriel is truly open and you can go truly anywhere, at any time, but OTOH you don't really feel your progression as keenly as you probably ought to. I had no idea about it, and took every single gold piece I made to upgrade a staff to second-highest tier, thinking it'll last me at least ten levels, only to outlevel it in several hours because items get progressively weaker as you level up, so its dmg went down by 30% already. Kind of shitty, cause I'm making next to nothing money-wise, and I'll need to get a new set of gear crafted in a few levels as well, and fat chance of making enough to afford it from the looks of it.

    I'd also like to mention that the cash shop is probably the least offensive I ever saw - the vast majority is cosmetics, the potions you can buy are usually worse or equal to what's easily available from crafting etc.

    Rather odd that grinding mobs is quicker for experience than questing, tho. Average quest gives as much as about 20 mobs, and you'll likely grind them quicker than do a single quest. Still, I don't much care about progress, so whatevs.

    In short - if you're bored, like TES-verse and have 10$ to spare, I'd recommend giving it a look. It's been a surprisingly good experience so far, especially since I'm not much for MMO's. Hit me up on EU if you want to (@Menathor or Ada Bal - not sure which one you actually need).
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2018
  12. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Yeah, ESO is definitely a lot of fun. Scaling is a bit weird, but at the higher levels (and I don't mean 50, I mean post-50 leveling) you can actually, with the right setup, solo world bosses. Admittedly, that's for more powerful characters, but even those are nowhere near the endgame. I played ESO just like you did, as a SP game, and it's definitely possible to get there with some effort.

    The quests are pretty good for the most part - as you said, not incredible, but there's a LOT of them, and in a lot of locations. The locations are really the main draw for me, especially the AD ones. There's just a lot of fantastic scenery to enjoy while questing, which is always a plus.

    One thing to note, I'd definitely suggest trying it out, but if you do enjoy it, I would highly recommend the subscription. There are a number of perks, but the biggest by far is the 'craft bag' - I think once you play for a while you'll really come to appreciate just what that has to offer.