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Elder Scrolls V

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Seratin, Nov 24, 2010.

  1. The Silent Knight

    The Silent Knight Seventh Year

    Jun 8, 2006
    ...You never played Oblivion did you?
  2. CBH

    CBH Sixth Year

    Nov 3, 2010
    Just started yesterday as a Nord with a 1-h sword and a restoration spell in the off-hand and I'm loving the game so far. Only got two dragons so far, but the first one that I took on alone was a lot of fun. When I heard the theme song in the background, I got unreasonably excited and I turned the sound up as high as I could.

    I actually had a problem in the beginning. I'm playing on a year old boot-camped Mac Pro with standard graphics card and it set the graphics to medium in the beginning. I started playing and about thirty minutes in, my computer overheated and shut off. I waited about an hour and tried again, but the same thing happened. I ended up turning the graphics to low and it lasted two hours before happening again. Finally today I started playing and put a fan right next to my computer and it seems to be fine now. Did anything like this happen to anyone else?
  3. Demons In The Night

    Demons In The Night Chief Warlock

    Jan 11, 2008
    I don't know about you guys, but I'm saving a lot of the content for my subsequent playthroughs. I'm only doing stuff relevant to my character; for example, I've made a thief/assassin char for my 1st character and I'm only doing the thieves guild and dark brotherhood on him. I'm going to save the Companions and Mage guild quests for when I actually roll a mage or warrior. Seems kind of stupid to me to blow through all the content on your first character and do quests that aren't even relevant to your character type. I get that people play games differently, but its a TES game...new game + is a given (more than once for a lot of people).

    Also, people fretting over end game things and trying to min/max the fuck out of everything amuse me. The thought of wasting one single perk and not maximizing their DPS to the fullest almost gives these people panic attacks. I do character planning and I know what path I plan on taking, but there really is no need IMO to worry about that shit on your first playthrough. Just enjoy the game the first time and then go hardcore like that later on if you want.

    That's also the reason why I'm not using any of the discovered exploits or cheats that have been posted on a lot of forums. Doing stuff like that completely kills the fun of the game for me. Why would I want to sneak into a wall or whatever to level up sneak when I could be out in the world actually putting it to good use in dungeons and robbing everyone in sight? I don't get the whole "break the game in every way possible" mentality that some people have. Is the game honestly fun if you use all these exploits and get infinite money, level up your skills artificially fast, and get to god mode invincibility on your character where even the most difficult mobs can't make a dent in your health? Where the fuck is the challenge in that?
  4. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:

    Couldn't get through the first half hour of play.
  5. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    I'm playing on a year old boot camped macbook pro, and am having absolutely no problems playing the game on medium. Looks fucking gorgeous. The only weird thing i've had, is low framerate in a small dungeonesque place, Fort Almos or something. Other than that, it's been fine. Had one crash to desktop near that area as well.
  6. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    Mage's are so weak. I thought it was just the game was hard and maybe I was wrong, but I made a sword and shield type earlier today and it is just crazy how easy the game is. Mages are glass cannons. Warriors are bloody steel plate cannons. The ONLY think which they are not great at is fighting against a frost heavy mage, bloody stamina drain and movespeed slow is irritating.
  7. Nae

    Nae The Violent

    Dec 16, 2010
    East India Company HQ
    This. I tend to just enjoy the experience of the game more than being concerned about "leveling up". If I encounter a certain skilll/spell/whatever in my exploring, great, but desperately finding everything to make yourself invincible...I don't really get why people do that, especially during the first run.
  8. The Berkeley Hunt

    The Berkeley Hunt Headmaster

    Sep 19, 2010
    The Nevernever
    While nobody is having panic attacks, I don't like to waste things like perks. You only get a limited number of them, and unlike skills if you put a perk into something you'll never use, thats another perk you'll never get. Since you can only max about four perk trees, I think its pretty fair to try and get the most out of the system. Skyrim isn't the easiest of games, and the boss fights put up quite a challenge to me on expert, and I want to win. Just because you are more of a casual gamer and some of us put more thought into the way we play doesn't make your play style any better or more valid than mine.
  9. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    I think I may have figured out what was causing the random crashes. The new monitor I ordered a while back finally arrived today, and when I first fired up Skyrim, it crashed while loading my save. Then the next time, it looked like it was trying to display everything in red/blue 3-D. I turned off 3-D in my graphics card settings (Nvidia) and everything went back to normal. Just played about 4 hours with no crashes whatsoever.
  10. Kthr

    Kthr Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2008
    São Paulo, Brazil
    I like to use it to get one or two points. It's more for the braggin rights than lvling("Hey, I totally found a way to cheat this game")

    Plus, once you start programming you start searching flaws for every system you see.
  11. Crimson13

    Crimson13 Professor

    Jan 9, 2011
    Have any of you guys had 2 dragons attack where you were? Because I was in a town and all of a sudden people were losing their shit and a pair of dragons came swooping down. When I finally killed them with the help of the townspeople/distractions it called 'em Blood Dragons.

    And then, I shit you not, after I looted their corpses I walked back in town and I glimpsed another dragon on a mountain ledge and it flew off after a couple seconds.

    This game is tits. Any of you guys know how to get better spells or know if they put spell creation in this game?
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2011
  12. Cxjenious

    Cxjenious Dark Lord

    Aug 24, 2005
    I cheated somewhat with my thief/assasin Character to and got about 20 levels in Archery from Faendal for free... but there's no reason to cheat with sneak. After three days of play my sneak is on like 70. And lockpicking perks as well as pickpocket perks are pretty superfluous - with assasin's guild, nightingale, and theives guild armor I'm a sneaking, lockpicking, pickpocketing nightmare. That and I have like 200+ of the damn things.

    You guys been attacked by thugs yet? Or pick pocketed a 'thief'? They always have nice jewels.

    On my barbarian character I've joined the companion's and the imperials, and the one time I went werewolf, it didn't help at all.

    Oh, and 30x dagger damage (doubled for both hands) is awesome. And watch out for that lunatic in that meadery. A shirtless mage living with rats... only in Oblivion.

    Who else was creeped out by the night mother?
  13. Kthr

    Kthr Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2008
    São Paulo, Brazil
    Heh. In my infinite wisdow I started the game over to see how thiefs would fare. Now all my saves have been replaced and my mage is lost to the universe.
    Edit: Say, what are you guys using for your thief weapon(s)?
    Edit2(no need to make another post): I'm having more fun than ever as a thief. Out of nowhere 3 thugs came after me, and after a quick google to see why, it might be from a lady I stole some stuff(She was already dead, and it was not my fault dammit)
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2011
  14. Master-666

    Master-666 Third Year

    Dec 10, 2007
    Rochester, UK
    I'm quite enjoying my conjure sword orc, with the conjuration perks for weapons it does more damage than the glass sword I've found, and the auto soul trap is going to be really nice. With the orcs racial the bosses usually go down pretty fast, just hit it and start slashing the hell out of things, going dual wield if it's a mage since I dont have the reduced magic shield perk yet.

    My only gripe is that, like all other elder scrolls games the melee feels very clunky. I'm having to go into a close zoomed third person mode when fighting multiple melee users so that they don't get behind and rape me when I can't block.

    Edit: I accidentally a perspective.
  15. Cxjenious

    Cxjenious Dark Lord

    Aug 24, 2005
    I don't go 3rd person at all during combat, and it sounds like a terrible idea. When someone get's behind me I just turn around... or get out of the fray and 'regroup'.

    With my thief I'm primarily using the bow, but only because I specialized in swords with my Nord. Wood Elf thief assassin, with bow and daggers. I have that x15 multiplyer for sneak damage, and with the gloves I got in the Dark Brotherhood, I can one-hit kill most anyone.

    Keep playing as a thief. That Nightingale Armor is sweet.
  16. Master-666

    Master-666 Third Year

    Dec 10, 2007
    Rochester, UK
    When you'r in a tight corridor with a shield up blocking, your vision is fairly limited and your speed is lowered so you can't really waste time spinning around to look. For example.

    On my mage it's never a problem since you'r hands arn't all that big and nothing ever really gets close enough for it to be a problem, plus you'd have a very hard job aiming a ranged weapon or spell in 3rd person.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2011
  17. The Arid Legion

    The Arid Legion Professor

    Oct 6, 2010
    On the road from Whiterun to Dawnstar I got attacked by a group of thugs for stealing some iron from a guy in Riften, had an Argonian from the Drak Brotherhood try to assasinate me, and almost got pickpocketed by a thief(who got chased away by a sabre cat) all within the space of ten minutes.

    Also, for a thief(Or a Nord tank who likes to be sneaky in his spare time) Jesters hats are awesome.

    I just wish you could disenchant everything. Like this set of Ebony mail I found. It muffles your footsteps and anyone that gets too close takes 5 points of damage. I'd love to put that on my daedric boots, but will it let me disenchant the damn thing? No.

    No it wont.:(
  18. Lium

    Lium First Year

    Jul 1, 2011
    The Greatest of Britains.
    Hit a conflicting quest bug during the main quest, can't progress beyond it. Seriously hope for a patch ASAP.
  19. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    Question. My Two-Handed skill got debuffed to 25 for some reason. There's nothing in my "active effects" suggesting it should be, I'm well rested, and I don't have any diseases as far as I can tell (is there a way of finding out what disease you have- if you have any- other than checking "active effects" in the menu?)

    What do I do to fix this? Is my save bugged?

    EDIT: Used the console to check it and yep. Sounds like my save is bugged. My base is 45, current is 25, and my modifiers (the things that would cause my stat to be lowered to 25) are listed as 0.00 (temp and perm), meaning my Two-Handed skill was reduced to 25 for...no reason. Wonderful.

    EDIT2: Fixed it. Here's how, in case any of you have this issue: I went into the console and typed "player.modav twohanded 20" which increased my two-handed skill to a buffed 65. Then I typed "player.modav twohanded -20" which brought it back to the correct value.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2011
  20. Kthr

    Kthr Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2008
    São Paulo, Brazil
    If you get a lvl up while training a skill with some npc the number of skills you get for that lvl won't reset until you leave, which means you can still use the remaining ones before you exit the interface and lvl up. Only that if you do that, your skill will get bugged.