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Entry #1

Discussion in 'Q4 2021' started by Xiph0, Jan 19, 2022.

  1. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Trouble Brewing

    Steam wafted off the fresh mug and into a pair of welcoming nostrils, earning a satisfied sigh.

    Black tea. A leaf of mint, no honey, and absolutely no sugar. It was the perfect drink as far as Argus Filch was concerned, and he would argue such to the grave were anyone to challenge him on the matter. But – and it was an important but – there was one day of the year when his mortal hands dared tamper with the sacred formula.

    The occasion came in late December, a week before the changing of the year. It was a day plagued by festive cheer and other similarly revolting things, though (much as Filch would’ve loved to deny it) even he wasn’t unaffected by its charm. Not because of any misplaced joy of giving, nor the smattering of gifts laying in a neglected corner of his quarters. No, what proved attractive about the day, what tickled even his frozen heart, was that everyone was to mercifully busy to bother him.

    A full fourteen hours of peace, just a man, his cat, and whatever else he damn well pleased. It was enough to put a pep in his step and, back on topic, one spoon of cream into his morning brew.

    Ever so careful not to let the precious contents spill over, Filch carried the mug to his armchair and settled onto the aged cushions. Mrs. Norris leapt up beside him, curling in for a nap in the crook of his lap.

    A contented groan slipped from him. This was it. Everything was set and prepared. With hands trembling with anticipation Filch lifted the steaming cup, tilting it toward eagerly awaiting lips…

    Three sharp raps came at his door and he jolted in surprise. The precious liquid sloshed once, twice… And settled calmly in the mug, not a drop lost. A solitary tear of relief slid down the caretaker’s face.

    The knocking came again, but this time it was expected. “Who’s there?” shouted Filch.

    “Argus! You are in!” a voice called back. “Wonderful! May I enter?”

    And then, without pausing for an answer, the door swung open and admitted one Gilderoy Lockhart, glistening teeth and all.

    “Lockhart,” greeted Filch, just reigning in the tongue lashing he’d prepared. Not that he’d experienced a change of heart, mind you. But such tirades were best saved for those not known to be accomplished hunters of dark magic. “To what do I owe the…pleasure.”

    “A pleasure? Come now, formalities are wasted between coworkers. Mind you, a visit from the Gilderoy Lockhart certainly is a pleasure, but we needn’t address it as such.”

    The man followed up his rambling with an exaggerated wink which Filch met with a tight smile.

    “Of course. But I was asking why you’re here.”

    “Straight to the crux of it, eh? That’s a trait I can respect. Saved my life once on a hunt in the Australian outback. You can find the full story in my book Gilderoy Lockhart and the Karnivorous Kangaroos, but the short version is myself, a local guide, and a particularly chatty goblin walked into- ”

    “I’ll look it up,” Filch broke in. “Just…get on with it, man. I’m on a schedule today.”

    A purposely empty schedule was still a schedule, after all.

    Lockhart took the interruption in stride. “You should’ve said so! We’ll be done in a flash. But this is an opportunity you won’t want to miss. Now where is…Not there…” the man rifled through his pockets for an inordinately long time before whipping his wand free, “Aha! There she is. Now, feel free to watch closely– it’s not every day you get to see a wizard of my caliber at work.”

    Filch extricated himself from his chair and laid his mug on a nearby table, eying the casting device warily. “Wait just a minute, what are you planning to do with tha-”

    But Lockhart didn’t wait. His wand swished and he confidently shouted, “Accio!

    The room stilled, both men waiting for something to happen. After a few seconds Lockhart’s grin shrunk a smidge. A few more and his eyebrows furrowed. Finally, he dropped his arms and coughed to break the silence.

    “This can take a few tries,” he explained hastily. “Difficulties with holding back enough for simple spells to work, you see. Let me just- Accio!

    Once again, nothing happened.

    Accio! Accio! Accio!”

    Lockhart lowered his wand, breathing slightly heavily, and glanced around in confusion.

    “How strange,” he said. “I could’ve sworn…I mean, my stock must be out. Yes, that’s it. All snatched up by my adoring fans. Terribly sorry, but it seems I’ve gotten to you too late.” The man looked truly disappointed as he bowed his head in apology.

    But at that moment the door – still cracked from the Defense Professor’s arrival – slammed open with a bang and an object hurtled into the room. It flew over Lockhart, right through the space his lowered head would have been, and straight on without slowing. Filch had just enough time for his eyes to widen before he was struck in the chest and sent careening to the floor.

    “Oh dear,” said Lockhart. “There was one left.”

    Filch groaned and lifted the projectile to get a look at it. An upside-down pair of familiar blue eyes stared back at him. It was the cover of a thick book, Lockhart’s likeness splayed across it in billowing violet robes beneath the words Magical Me.

    “A book?” Filch asked, pushing himself upright. He could feel a bruise already forming on his chest. “All you’re here for is to show me a book?”

    “Not a book,” cried Lockhart, scandalized. “My book. And not to show you; that copy is yours, free of charge. A gift from one colleague to another.”

    Filch looked at the cover. Two-dimensional Lockhart winked at him. Filch dropped the book.

    “How clumsy! It’s the nerves, isn’t it? I understand completely. Getting my autobiography hand delivered can make butterfingers out of the best of us. Allow me to get that for you.”

    Lockhart stooped to grab the book and at just that moment four new books, all identical to the one on the floor, whizzed into the room. Just like the first they passed harmlessly over the man that summoned them. Just like the first they struck Hogwarts’ caretaker head on. Filch was roughly reunited with the floor, books ricocheting around the room above him.

    “Oh dear,” said Lockhart, now returned to his feet. “Are you quite alright, Argus?”

    “Do I look alright?” Filch wheezed.

    “Not particularly, no.”

    The caretaker struggled to a sitting position. “There’s your damn answer.”

    “You really ought to work on your reflexes,” said Lockhart sagely. “Just look at me; not a scratch to be seen.” He tapped the cover of the autobiography he’d picked off the ground and held it out. “I’d recommend starting with chapter 27 where I explain the art of dodging. There’s even a diagram or two.”

    Filch slapped away the proffered book. “I’ll show you a thing or two about dodging you-” He cut off mid threat, reminding himself that the man was still a powerful wizard. An arrogant, scatterbrained, infuriating wizard, but a powerful one nonetheless. He just had to keep it together a smidge longer and he’d be back to his tea in peace. “I mean, thank you. I’ll treasure it. But I really must be getting on with my day now, so if that will be all…”

    “Take all these copies,” said Lockhart, gesturing to the scattered books. “After the damage they wrought on you it only seems right.”

    He smiled as if his generosity impressed even him. Filch’s eye twitched.

    “That’s wonderful. But time…”

    “Ah yes, time. I’ve taken up enough of yours- and you mine. I’ve more deliveries to make before the day is up.”

    The man finally – finally – turned to leave and Filch sagged. His day, it seemed, was salvaged. He watched Lockhart flounce toward the door and laid a hand on his table to pull himself up.

    He froze.

    The table. It was wet.

    With a thundering heart he stood. He stared. A cracked cup lay on its side, one copy of Magical Me laying on top it. Its contents spread across the table in a puddle, wasted.


    Lockhart turned where he stood, one foot out the door. “Me?”

    “You did this!”

    “Pardon me, did what?”


    “Argus, use your words, I don’t underst- What are you doing with that chair? No! Stay awa- Ow! I’m warning yo- Oww! Mooooommmyyyy!”

    Though they would long be talked about among the student body, none would ever learn the cause of the defense professor’s wails that Christmas morning. Wails so loud they reached even the Great Hall.

    What they could say with no need for guesswork, was that from that day on the man took every meal at the very edge of the staff table.

    As far away from Argus Filch as he was possibly able.
  2. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Well written and flowed well, technically very good. Lockhart felt close to his canon self, he is very hard to get down pat. Filch didn’t, which is odd as he has so little actual character rather than bitter squib, but this didn’t read as him.

    Story was fine, flash is so hard to do any sort of plot. [\spoiler]
  3. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    It's fine, I suppose? The setup of Filch's one lazy day being disrupted by something is obvious from the getgo. The only question I had was who was going to be the one who disrupted it. Lockhart's as good a choice as any, I suppose.

    I dunno. There's very little to say here. You attempt some physical comedy with Filch being attacked by a book, and then attacked by more books later. It was, again, an obvious gag. Gilderoy is his resplendent self. I have to be honest, though: it didn't really land. It feels like you've handed me the ingredients to a cake and waggled your eyebrows suggestively.

    Technical writing-wise it's fine. No real complaints there.

  4. haphnepls

    haphnepls Groundskeeper

    Mar 26, 2019
    I hate that the biggest thing I've got to say about this one is that I don't have much to say about this one so I'll try anyway.

    Filch fell a little in my eyes everytimes I saw the word damn, and it might have happened 3-4 times tops. Something about the word really don't work in tandem with Filch and HP world. I somewhat liked intro to the story, the way Filch likes to have a single day for himself, in his not at all enjoyable life. It built some character that it usually lacks.

    Lockhart, on the other hand, was his usually self, yet I feel he was delivered with a bit of a heavy hand. It was as good character as any to introduce distruptance to his day, but I feel some kid would work better in the setup. It would have been a way to build up his character even more.

    The thing is I'm a sucker for deepened characters, and when I saw Lockhart I knew this would be an attempt at humor which I'm not really a fan of. Perhaps I'm humorless bastard and this is really an entertaining story, but for me it simply wasn't. Both characters are rather close to canon, I feel, and both writing and pace were on spot, the story delivered in a believable maner.

    Not a fan of a type of ending that you chose. Especially since you did it in like fifty words. A simple, nice sentence would work better in my opinion. I'm not angry that I've read this but it's not something that I'd ever consider reading again. Good effort.
  5. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    On a technical level, it's fine. The writing's solid, no spelling or grammar errors that leapt out. The concept is thin but efficient, and fits very well with Lockhart as established, at least; Filch I'm not sure feels quite right, but equally, it's not like we see him interacting with non-students (and especially, people he's not disciplining) very often, and it's not wildly out of character, if at all.

    Beyond that, there's not a huge amount to say, to be honest. It raised a chuckle, and that's that. Feels like it delivered everything it set out to do, and with nothing significant to critique. Not bad!
  6. Drizzy

    Drizzy Second Year

    Nov 12, 2010
    The idea is cute.

    It's fun that Lockhart leaves no stone unturned as he spreads his good work throughout the community.

    There's something lacking with Filch's character, though. His thoughts and manner are off.

    Personally, I expect more surly behavior from the caretaker.

    The physical humor is a bit too slapstick.

    And one line broke my suspension of disbelief entirely:
    Those things aside, I liked it.
  7. Mr. Mixed Bag

    Mr. Mixed Bag Seventh Year

    Jun 18, 2021
    Your characterization of Filch is off. It isn't exactly wild, but it doesn't feel like the character we see in canon. Lockheart, by contrast, is very well done. Altogether this is a clean entry, good technically, but a bit, well, dull. The humor is flat, and other than mild senses of amusement the story does very little, which isn't a good thing. You spend a lot of words in description, especially early on, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but does limit you toward the end. The ending, in particular, feels very abrupt and sparse, especially since the prose is so different from the rest of the piece. 1500 words came up faster than you were expecting, huh?

    I usually like to do line-by-line edits, things that were off or needed correcting, but honestly I'm a bit of a loss here. Everything is executed solid and consistently, you just don't do much premise-wise. Well crafted meh, in summary.
  8. Niez

    Niez Seventh Year ⭐⭐

    Jun 26, 2018
    Behind you
    My biggest problem with this is that your narrative voice clashes horribly with the character whose POV you are narrating from. Argus Filch should not read like a 19th century dandy, and yet with things like this —

    — he does. It's just jarring tbh. Now maybe you were leaning into that difference (between the tone of the narration and the character you were depicting) for comedic effect, but if so you should have made your narrator a clearly distinct entity — a character in himself, instead of the extension of one.

    That's why his Filch's character reads wrong, in my opinion, and thus also why the story just kinda leaves you bemused, more than amused (I am very funny I know). On the flipside, I liked Lockhart's voice, even though I can't fully commit the idea that he would care about Filch enough to gift him a book. On the subject of physical comedy – well, it's not my thing, really, but it's executed competently enough, as is the story from a purely technical perspective.

    So all in all, a bit of an inbetween entry. Certainly not bad, but it's more remarkable for being slightly jarring than for what it's trying to do.

    I also noticed this on a second reading.

    Basically the second part of the sentence is redundant. If it's late December, then close to the changing of the year, no need to say it twice.
  9. LucyInTheSkye

    LucyInTheSkye Competition Winner CHAMPION ⭐⭐

    May 29, 2020
    Away with the fairies
    First off, I love that this is a light, humorous entry. I think that’s perfect for a holiday flash competition. It was a nice read in many ways.

    Secondly, I don’t buy that Filch has ever had a decent cup of tea in his life. He seems like the type who, whatever he does, however near he might occasionally get, he never actually gets something good/perfect/the way he wants it. I think the only time he’s made a perfect cuppa, he’s poured a dash of soured milk in by mistake.

    Second point ties in with the general Filch problem in this, character voices aside, your language in the beginning has a specific quality to it, my ESL makes it difficult to find the exact words for this, not quite pompous but there’s both humour and a certain elegance about it that clashes wildly with who Filch is. That type of language could suit other HP characters, say Slughorn or Dumbledore, but it doesn’t scream Filch to me. That said, the beginning is quite lovely and could (to great effect I’m sure) be tweaked and reused for a character better suited to it. I think it’s also the funniest bit of your fic, and I did enjoy reading it a lot.

    Lockhart’s good fun as well, made me smile. His wink as he enters is gold, the slow accio was really good as well. Incidentally, I wonder if your mind was already busy on Lockhart’s entrance when you wrote the beginning? Because the language in those beginning paragraphs suit him, too. Well done for utilizing Lockhart and Filch by the way, I think it’s great to read about side characters!

    The ending has too much build-up. If you’d actually had a killer punchline at the end, you would’ve gotten away with it, but as it is it just stumbles at the finish line and spoils some of the atmosphere and good quips you had earlier on. I bet you’re quite capable of thinking up a snappier, more satisfying way to end it than this, but since it feels a bit shitty of me to just go that’s bad, why not change it, I’ll say that if this was my story I’d try to get Mrs Norris more involved, maybe one of Lockhart’ spells going wrong and hitting her, say they end up with a three metre tall tea-drenched cat that tries to claw its way out of the room or something like that. Spell backfiring on her is more canonically likely to upset Filch, too. But yeah, I have full faith in your abilities to come up with a better climax for this, and of course humour is so subjective that you’re unlikely to please everyone anyway. But I did find the ending the least fun.
  10. FitzDizzyspells

    FitzDizzyspells Seventh Year DLP Supporter ⭐⭐⭐

    Dec 4, 2018
    Great choice of characters for the oneshot, and they were wonderfully written. Perfect Filch, and perfect Lockhart.

    Lockhart's excuses were hilarious:
    Even the goofy slapstick choice to have the books whizz over Lockhart's head and hit Filch one by one was great.

    I feel like the author didn't quite stick the landing, though.

    Why was Lockhart in Filch's office in the first place? It was distracting to me that we never find out. Even if Lockhart's only motive was to find a willing ear to listen to him talk about himself, it would've been nice if the author had made that clearer.

    Americanism aside, I found the "mooooommmyyyy!” too goofy to be a good punchline.
  11. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    Alright so, neither Filch or Lockhart feel fully in character but that doesn't really matter that much since this is fanfic. This was some classic slapstick type of humor, not really my taste personally, but I think you did it pretty well here. I really liked Filch's characterization here and overall this was just a nice light hearted enjoyable oneshot.
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