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Entry #15

Discussion in 'Q3 Flash Competition' started by Xiph0, Jul 29, 2021.

  1. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Living. (875 words.)

    Even though Harry had won, he felt bitter, rotten inside. He was free. There were no more Dark Lords hiding around the corner, no Death Eaters to look out for. He was safe. But at what cost? Dumbledore’s words at Kings cross, that confusing, eerie place that might simply have been a figment of his own terrified, adrenaline fuelled imagination came back to haunt him. “Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living.”. Well, despite Voldemort’s best efforts, Harry was alive. Voldemort’s greatest wish had been to live forever. Harry had hunted down and destroyed every piece of his mortal soul, and the Dark Lord had killed the Horcrux that had been a part of Harry for near the entirety of his eighteen years on Earth. The taste of revenge, justice even, should have been sweet. Instead, Harry tasted nothing, and wallowed in his regrets.

    There was a hole in his heart where his friends, George, Tonks, Moony, and countless others, had been. Lives had been ruined, and on his orders. People had died believing that they were fighting for a just cause. That because of their sacrifice, the world would become a better place. Perhaps they had been right, but they were still dead.

    Harry looked around the great hall, at the faded splendour of the grandest room in Hogwarts. He remembered the feeling of awe, at his sorting. God, had that been seven years ago? How things had changed. Tables had been vanished, burnt, and broken with explosive hexes. Harry sat just by the huge set of doors that had been lifted off of their hinges and thrown with immense force at the room’s high table just hours earlier, catching an unwary student in red and gold off guard, crushing their body into a bloody pulp on the floor. The ceiling that had once been enchanted to show the sky above the castle was stripped bare of its ancient magic, exposing skeletal wooden rafters that curved upwards, silvery spider webs stretching between them.

    Emergency beds had been conjured by the school’s defenders, and what seemed like a small army of healers clad in green robes had trooped by him only moments earlier, fixing what wounds they could in the moment, and preparing stretchers to be portkeyed to St. Mungo’s hospital so that those seriously wounded could be given the highest standard of care. They were piling the bodies on either side of the school’s main entry way, just outside of the entrance hall. Harry had seen them on his way in to have his injuries treated. He had barely been scratched, all things considered, but his health had been given the highest of priority by the first wave of healers, despite his mumbled protests.

    Harry knew that those who had survived the battle, most of them anyway, did not blame him for the deaths of their friends, their loved ones. He could see it in their eyes. Awe. Reverence. Love. He had finished the fight that his parents had thrust him into before he had even been born. But something was missing. Perhaps it was his drive. His anger. His hunger for justice. Without it, the world seemed grey. All that Harry wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. He had died today, but the afterlife’s doors had been barred shut. He had steeled himself to die, and almost felt disappointed that he hadn’t.

    The spectres of his parents, of Remus, and of Sirius had been so artificial. Harry had felt almost underwhelmed by the resurrection stone. He had thought that there might be lights. Fanfare. He had imagined that his parents might smile to see him standing there, ready to join them. In his darker moments he had thought that they might have cursed at him. But in the end, they had looked at him with cold, empty gazes, saying only what they thought might drive him onward to the clearing, and the end of Voldemort’s wand.

    Despite what his parent’s gravestone boldly proclaimed, death was not an enemy. And, despite the Beedle’s poetic telling of his ancestor Ignotus’s long delayed end, it was not a friend either. Death was not a person. It was not a thing, and it was not a place. It did not exist in the strictest sense. Whatever might have happened to him in the Forbidden Forest, whatever he thought that he had seen, there was no next great adventure, no life after death. But… Harry mused with a slight smile; he was tired of adventures.

    He closed his eyes and tried to think of his reasons for going on. There was Teddy, a poor boy orphaned by his parent’s bravery. Ginny, the girl who he had loved, and might allow himself to love again. And then Ron, and Hermione. They had stuck it out with him through thick and thin. He could not just leave them, now that it was over.

    Harry took a deep breath and stood from his perch by the door. Somehow, after all he’d been through, clearing his mind wasn’t quite as difficult as it had once been. He forced his lips to quirk upwards and went off in search of the people he hadn’t died for.
  2. haphnepls

    haphnepls Groundskeeper

    Mar 26, 2019
    This reads more like a diary entry than a flash story. I don't know. I've no problem with writing but I really don't understand what did you try to say? I read it twice and was baffled both times. It's almost like I should be feeling something, and I'm not certain which of those should I pick to get into the right place in my head to enjoy this.

    It looks like something that makes far more sense in the author's head.
  3. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    It feels like this piece starts off by asking, "Harry's won. Now what?" It's not a question that's answered with any particular grace.

    Ironically, perhaps, it feels like this piece is similarly hollow. Things don't really happen except that Harry observes others from such a distance that we never learn names or physical descriptions. He thinks back to the ghosts of his parents enticing him to his death, which does IMO devalue that canon scene quite substantially, but no particular emotion is communicated to the reader. It feels flat and bland.

    So, after reading it, I can only ask: now what? 2/5.
  4. Atri

    Atri Groundskeeper

    Apr 28, 2012
    There are a few grammar mistakes and no dialogue. The story suffers for it. Basically, these are Harry's thoughts immediately after the final battle. I could see Harry thinking these thoughts but they did not make any kind of impact on me. After reading this, I'm feeling underwhelmed. 2/5
  5. Microwave

    Microwave Professor

    Oct 21, 2017
    There isn’t really anything substantial in this story. It’s just … bland. It’s not much of a story in itself, just a very terse summary of Harry’s thoughts at the end of the last book, which isn’t really something that needed to be gone over again. There’s this sort of depressed energy, but it’s too mellowed out to be effective.

  6. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    875 words, indeed.
  7. Garden

    Garden Supreme Mugwump

    Apr 25, 2010
    Nice ending line. Harry is a bit morose for my tastes but I appreciate the cynical take on the Resurrection Stone.
  8. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    The story was blocked rather heavily. I found myself losing myself in the blocks of text a bit.

    There was little to nothing new explored here, it was perfectly in canon, but hardly anything more.

    It wasn't bad, but there was really not much there aside from a rightfully sad Harry being Sad.

    Yeah nah, no one died on Harrys orders. Maybe that's what Harry thinks, but it's always annoyed me, and I feel canon Harry knows as well. Everyone who fought and died did so at their own choice, Ron and Harry had that exact conversation.

  9. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    On a technical level, this is fine. In other respects...The big moment here, for me, is the reflection on the Resurrection Stone, which is interesting, but I think I'd like it more if the story didn't - apparently, at least - pick up in the immediate aftermath of canon. Elsewhere, Harry has survivor's guilt, then kinda gets over it. Cool, but needs more of an emotional hit to be effective.
  10. Zel

    Zel High Inquisitor

    Oct 23, 2015
    High Score:
    Well, this one suffers from a similar problem to entry 13. It attempts to draw the reader in with Harry's introspection, but fails at reaching any great insight or delivering an emotional gut-punch. Harry's mind being clearer now means little when the justifications behind his sadness just ring hollow, almost mechanical. 2/5
  11. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I said the previous entry had too many 'really short' paragraphs and this story has a bit of the opposite problem. All of your paragraphs are fairly dense.

    I don't know WTF I'm talking about but I think it's best to mix that up a bit, similar to how it can be good to mix up sentence length instead of having them all be long / short / etc.

    The line about clearing his mind not being as difficult as it had once been was solid - that line really stood out to me and I think it's a great way to portray something fundamental about how Harry has changed. That line was more potent to me than a lot of the other more detailed explanation.

    Anyway, as regards the story, neat idea if a bit cliche. Harry is reflecting on all those that died before finding a sort of peace and getting up to live for those who are still alive. Nothing wrong with that, and a solid enough piece, but doesn't really stand out to me.
  12. LucyInTheSkye

    LucyInTheSkye Competition Winner CHAMPION ⭐⭐

    May 29, 2020
    Away with the fairies
    I thought this was alright. It was melancholia and introspection meets stiff upper lip at the end. Because it was short I wasn't too bothered by the dense paragraphs. No big issues, but no highs, either, this doesn't stand out much, I feel like I broadly agree with Harry, see where he's coming from, but there wasn't much new to dig into. But yeah, I think it works as an epilogue kind of thing.
  13. Dubious Destiny

    Dubious Destiny Seventh Year

    May 3, 2018
    Another introspective fic! I don't like the systematic refutation of representations of death canon. I do think this is a really good depiction of the brutality of the fighting and the cost of victory. The fic sticks to the theme of relationships but it didn't reach any profound conclusions or have an interesting twist. I think this merits a 3/5.
  14. FitzDizzyspells

    FitzDizzyspells Seventh Year DLP Supporter ⭐⭐⭐

    Dec 4, 2018
    A story isn't really a story if nothing happens. Something needs to happen externally, to change the protagonist's mind internally.

    I liked your idea: After the battle, Harry instantly regrets returning to the world. But then, something grounds him to life again.

    However, nothing happens to cause that shift in Harry's mindset. He doesn't hold Teddy, or share a moment with Ginny. It's just his own half-hearted thoughts that keep him here, and they are half-hearted (Ginny "might" cause him to love again; he couldn't "just" leave Ron and Hermione).

    If these are the only vague thoughts grounding me to life, I am definitely not standing up with a smile, not even a forced one.

    And maybe that's the point of the story: Harry still wants to die by the end of it. But then, that means your protagonist hasn't changed at all from the start to the finish. And a shift is essential, in a story.
  15. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    At the beginning, I think ‘He was free’ should’ve been moved to right before or after ‘He was safe.’ Gives it a bit more punch for the punchline ‘but at what cost?’.

    Okay, the text needs to be spaced out more. No one likes blocks of paragraphs.
    I liked the description of the great hall and the healers.
    For an introspection full piece, this was alright 3/5.
    But it's missing something, I think cutting out a lot of extraneous words and showing more of why he thinks the specters were fake and the heel turn to wanting to live, that part could be expanded on more. That’d make it better imo.
  16. soczab

    soczab Professor

    Feb 1, 2016
    High Score:
    Hmm its a nicely written reflection piece, but it doesnt feel like a story. A story doesn't need action or conflict but it needs... something. This is more a reflection, there is no change or growth or conflict. Maybe you hint at it a bit with the last couple of lines, but its sort of a throw away.. we dont feel it in the story itself.

    Well written but it didnt pull me in
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