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Entry #2

Discussion in '2023 Christmas Competition' started by Xiph0, Jan 3, 2024.

  1. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Of Rings and Cousins

    The Ministry’s New Year’s Eve party was hardly his thing, but Lucius was there with a goal in mind tonight. He twisted his ring around his pinky with a tumb and then scowled. It was a giveaway he was trying to get rid of. No matter, he thought. No matter after tonight.

    A camera flashed in his direction and he nodded politely towards the source, but just as he was about to disappear in the crowd in the Atrium a sweaty hand grabbed him.

    “Lucius,” the minister said, a touch too loudly. He then dragged Scrimgeur towards them and winked towards the camera that took photos of three of them. “A word later, yes?”

    “Of course, minister,” Lucius said. “Of course.”

    “I don’t recall seeing you on one of these?” Lucius went for a half-shrug. “Bit of pleasure, then?”

    “Business,” Lucius replied. “Always business.”

    As he escaped the minister, he took a moment to have a proper look at Atrium. It took a dozen wizards half a week to have all the enchantments ready, he knew, and had to admit they did a marvelous job.

    Kegs of Dragon Barrel Brandy floated high above, charmed into stars on a black sky, that would pour you one were you to raise your glass and wiggle it without a drop spilled. Strategically placed all around, there were fountains of mead, butterbear, and hot chocolate, the liquid cascading flawlessly, and he could put his whole arm into it without getting a single speck on his clothes.

    For the pickier sort, bottles of higher stock floated around the crowd, gently prodding the folk with their glasses empty, a single one going mad and being chased down by the couple of security detail. Lucius smirked as the bottle drifted just under the armpit of a large, sweaty man. Maybe not as marvelous, but a very well done job nonetheless.

    In the middle, just under the statue, The Weird Sisters started on a faster song, and the crowd soared forward into the mix, dancing, and drinking. Lucius wondered how badly he would hate it there, and then smiled a little. Narcissa wouldn’t, and if she was around she would turn his hate into something sweeter with a single charm that needed no wand.

    But she wasn’t. She had the Dark Lord to keep an eye on.

    The witch and wizard of the Fountain of Magical Brethren stirred, and so did their lowers. Centaur and goblin and the elves started clapping, as the tallest statues produced the banner with 1995 on it, the five almost faded, and the beginnings of six starting to take shape.

    “Quite something, isn’t it?”

    Lucius turned around, almost blasting the poor, bald sod into the ashes, before he realized there was no threat. The old fellow had a pink straw and was taking a slow sip of what looked like pumpkin juice. Lucius tipped his tall, fancy glass. “Quite, yes. A bit over the top, but you know, give the wizards an excuse…”

    A grin the baldie gave him belonged to a much younger face. “We can’t help ourselves, given the rarity of occasions. Do you know how they did it?”

    Lucius frowned. Still, he had some time yet. “The charms were already in place, just in case, if any sort of the… intrusion happens. It’s a matter of simple tweaking to turn malicious intent into a benign one.”

    The baldie chuckled. “That sounds more philosophical than what I’ve expected from you.”

    Lucius raised a brow. “Do we know each other?”

    “No, no,” the baldie said, raising his hands, glass and straw now gone. “I mean, I know who you are. Name’s Johnson. Bob Johnson from Maintenance.”

    “Pleased to meet you.” The baldie didn’t offer a hand and so Lucius didn’t either. “I’d expect Maintenance employee to be familiar with the ministry's defensive spellwork.”

    For a split of a second, something blurred on the baldie’s face, and Lucius narrowed his eyes. “We’re sort of specialized. Hard for one person to know everything, eh?”

    It was a decent save, but Lucius saw right through it. He expected someone from the order to keep an eye on him, but they hardly ever approached him for a chat. In fact, the only time he had ever exchanged words with them was just seconds before the wands started doing the talk. He doubted they would want to cause a scene here, though.

    He looked around, and saw Shacklebolt talking to a waiter, angled just so that Lucius was in his scope of vision. “Enjoying the party, then?”

    “Oh, I want to, but I’m on the clock tonight,” he said, spreading his arms wide. “Plenty to go wrong around here, given all the enchantments. What about you?”

    Lucius took a small sip, and then twisted the ring around his pinky. “An acquaintance invited me, but I'm having trouble tracking them down.”

    “Pity,” he said, nodding towards the crowd going wild at yet another popular song. “Looks fun.”

    And indeed, there was a longing look on a baldie’s face, and it took Lucius half a minute of mulling over to pitch down the identity of his adversary. “You could go, you know. I doubt anyone would care.”

    “I would, though.”

    Lucius nodded at that. You could fault order members for many things, but they took their job seriously. Perhaps even more seriously than Lucius did his own duties towards the Dark Lord. He shivered. “We could go together.”

    The baldie raised a brow. “Don’t you have something to do?”

    “There is time still for a dance, I think.” He looked at his pocket watch. There were twenty minutes until midnight. The Weird Sisters took a small break, and announced a slow song next. Lucius smirked. “Would you look at that? As if they heard us.”

    “And you wouldn’t mind being seen with the likes of me?” The baldie was hesitating, a stance shiting into something that barely belonged to the body, and Lucius was now sure who he was talking to. “I’m not a pureblood.”

    Lucius laughed out loud. “Questions about blood have their places, but dancing isn’t one of them. Besides, my wife isn’t a jealous type.” He offered his hand.

    The baldie accepted it with a weak, hesitant grin, and the two of them made it towards the mix. All around them, the wizards and witches paired with each other, no one noticing anyone else outside of their chosen pairing, and the song began.

    Even though his partner managed to trip over nothing on their way towards the dancing ground, he showed rather profined grace once they took their position and started moving together, as one.

    He tried to remember the last time he danced, and it came to him blurry, distant, and it made him frown. Narcissa did enjoy dancing, and he, no matter his protests at times, couldn’t remember a single occasion he hated it once she dragged him to it. He would have to rectify that, why, he had heard just the other day about the restaurant in France that opened…

    “I never even liked this song,” the baldie whispered. “But it’s sorta nice now that I think about it.”

    Lucius had the same misgivings long ago, before Narcissa. “The song is a tool, and even though there’s magic to music, there’s much, much more of it in this, niece.”

    She stiffened, and he could see the face of an old man blurring once again, but before she could stop them, he moved on, not making any sudden moves in order not to scare her away.

    “So you know. How?”

    “I’ve been at this for a long time,” he simply said. “Before and after him. And during. Deception comes naturally in this line of work”

    “Yeah,” she said, a bit dourly, “tell me about it.”

    They shared a brief laugh, and Lucius couldn’t wait to tell Narcissa about it later tonight. He knew she would be delighted, in her own way, and now that he thought about it, there was something stirring in his stomach that seemed like a positive emotion.

    “Are you here on his behalf, then?”

    Lucius snorted. “I’d hardly be dancing in that case.”

    “Why are we even dancing?”

    “Because I asked you to,” he replied. “Because you agreed.”

    She thought about it for a moment, and judging by the rest of the song, she found it a reason enough. Lucius knew that he did. As the song ended, and they made their way into the background, she took a step away from him, managing the professional distance.

    They got their hands on another round of drinks, and this time she didn’t opt for a pumpkin juice, and they measured each other, side glancing in silence. An awkward moment, if there ever was one.

    “I’m not sure I believe you,” she said.

    Which was entirely fair, if Lucius was being honest. All put together, he did seem a shifty fellow. “I’m here on a personal business that he is not aware of. You tell him about it, and you might as well plan for my funeral next week sometime.” His answer surprised her as much as it did him, but he reckoned he had to be honest, from time to time. If this was such an occasion, only time would tell.

    Her eyes widened a little. “And you’re just telling me?”

    “I’m about to be much more content once I’m done with what I came here to do. You can retire early, or join the crowd, and be just as content.” He sighed, and took another sip. “We should both remember what that’s like, remind ourselves what we’re fighting for.”

    “You’re mental,” she muttered. “And we’re not fighting for the same thing.”

    “No?” he whispered. He saw a small group of goblins settling at the table far at the edges of Atrium, minutes before midnight. “Give my regards to your mother.”

    He heard her muttering something as he turned away, and he doubted his regards would find any targets, but it didn’t hurt to try. He had said too much, and the reality of consequences just started to come alive in his mind, almost making him shiver with either anticipation or fear.

    The group of goblins eyed him with something akin to reasonable caution, and he nodded at them as he took a seat left out for him. It was terribly impolite to cast magic at such an occasion and even less so in the company of goblins, but he had to be sure no one would get a whiff of it, for his family’s sake.

    “Nice ring, young wizard,” the goblin in the middle of the five said, his eyes black pits full of greed. “Goblins made it.”

    “And wizards bought it,” Lucius replied. “My great great grandfather, in fact.”

    The creature’s thin lips spread into either smile or sneer, Lucius couldn’t tell. “What a coincidence. My great great grandfather made it.”

    Lucius nodded. It was why he chose the goblin in the first place. “That's why we are here.”

    Goblin made a harsh sound, and Lucius hoped it was a laugh. “Still, we wonder,” he said, tapping his long finger against the table. “Future bodes ill if there’s a Malfoy securing contingencies. Iller still if he’s bargaining with his family’s heirloom.”

    “Wonder about what?” Lucius bit, even though he knew perfectly well.

    “Harry Potter is famous even among the goblins, wizard,” the goblin said evenly. “Your authorities may have dismissed his words outright, but we know better.”

    “We had a deal!”

    “And we applaud your willingness to give us back our rightful property, but as a matter of payment, we require answers.”

    Lucius sighed. There was no way around it, not with their stubbornness, and with ever-worse relations between their species. “You already have all the answers.”

    The goblin slowly nodded, and then indicated the statue. “The centaurs are watching the skies, and cite Mars. The elves are doing their best to remain unseen, unnoticed. Your kind operates in shadows, circling each other like vipers you are.

    “But we goblins, we look forward, always. And we want you to say it, Malfoy, before we do you a boon you seek.”

    “Yes,” Lucius said. “I will say no more.”

    And it was enough, he could see it in their faces, long and pink, and suddenly grim. “And you’re betting against your side?”

    “I’m a Malfoy,” he said. “Will you do it then? Move the gold, make it disappear until my heir comes forward?”

    “I will.”

    “And he will inherit it all?”

    “If and when he comes forward.”

    Lucius leaned back into the chair, releasing the breath he didn’t realize he was holding, and suddenly the Atrium seemed that much brighter, in both color and intensity. What is heirloom but a pricy junk to be auctioned to the undeserving if there were no heirs to inherit? What is a legacy without family to push it on? And his will not do so as beggars, like Weasleys, he has just made it so.

    In the background, the drunk and careless crowd started to count seconds until midnight. He saw his niece in a half-hug with Shacklebolt, both with their glasses raised, both smiling, and both counting as well. Perhaps she took his words to heart, no matter if they might fight next time they talk to each other. No matter the fight might be to death. The ring certainly didn’t matter amongst it all.

    He took it off, flexed his fingers to see how it felt without it, and then without another word, he pushed it towards the goblin, who grabbed it and pocketed it within a second.

    “We in the depths have little care about the sun or the years you count based on revolution around it,” the goblin said, sharp teeth showing. “But happy New Year, wizard.”

    “Happy New Year!” the crowd roared.

    “Happy New Year, goblin,” he replied as he pushed himself up, his business done. He had a wife and son waiting home for him.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2024
  2. haphnepls

    haphnepls Groundskeeper

    Mar 26, 2019
    The setup for this story is kind of expected one to say so, but having Lucius as a MC is something different.

    I think his tone was well done concerning the dryness but I think it lacks some lip and sneer action, especially since it's set around OotP.The mission alone is believable but it is sort of side thing in the end, with Tonks bits actually consuming the most of the story. She's also a bit out of character in a way she would react to someone like Lucius, judging by the canon, but I guess you had to tweak them both a little to make the story possible.

    The setting is made magical for new year in splendidly stupid wizard way, I like that, but the story is maybe not completely rounded, in my opinion. Almost there, to say so.
  3. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    Not bad. A few technical errors here and there, nothing too major - stuff like Lucius twisting his ring with his 'tumb' rather than thumb - but overall fine on that front. The setting has a few nice touches; I like the bottles floating around ready to refill, feels very Potter. What doesn't quite feel Potter is Lucius or Tonks...in Lucius' case, admittedly, it's perhaps less that him making preparations for losing the war is out of character, more that him having the opportunity to do so feels wrong. It's also hard to picture Tonks willingly engaging with him, even undercover. That said, it all feels like a believeable AU, one where the broad strokes remain the same but a few key details have changed. I wonder whether setting it just a year later might have worked better? I could certainly buy Lucius being more desperate by that stage.
  4. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    This one was rough, I'm sorry to say. Far too many times I was jolted out of the moment by a wrong or lacking word that made the matter come across rather stilted.

    Lucius doesnt feel very in character even from the start. And I'm still a bit hazy on exactly why him attending the party is such a bad thing for him, to be spotted there? Shouldn't he have been in disguise then if it was that damning for his future under Voldemort?

    The prompt was certainly there. Not hard to miss that much.

    I think this one needed a bit more time and a beta reader to help nail down what you were going for. Clean up the grammar and charactarization, really narrow in on your goal with this, and it could be a good slice of Lucius' life.
  5. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    The opening line immediately seemed weird to me right off the bat, honestly. Lucius isn't the kind of man who'd just think that something is not "his thing". I don't think he'd use that wording, and I also think that he'd elaborate, which I'd encourage the author also to do. What's so objectionable about it? The fact that it's a press event? The fact that there's so many common people there, people of a lesser worthiness than Lucius himself? A missed opportunity, I think.

    Similarly, I think Lucius "escaping" the Minister is also weird. This is the man he's held in financial thrall. Lucius must have planned something to say to the man, no? Allow him to shoot of a thin-lipped smile and a reminder of some business they'd agreed on.

    And again - "had to admit they did a marvelous job"? "he could put his whole arm into it"? The Weird Sisters, who are IIRC a teenage-y rock band, playing during a Ministry Gala event? The "baldie"? It just runs counter to the sort of character voice I'd expect from Lucius. Think curt, think clipped, think witty repartee.

    Lucius dancing with Tonks-in-disguise is the worst example, though, I think. I'll give you props for the tell that she "tripped over nothing", that's pretty well done. But the event itself is weird.

    In the end, it does make sense that Lucius has set up a countermeasure even if things go wrong in the war. Rather believable, really. I don't really buy that this is the way he'd do it, though. The man's a dedicated blood purist whose only redeeming feature is his love for his family; trusting the goblins seems like not something Lucius would do. But then, I think that's the issue at the crux of this entire piece, really.
  6. LucyInTheSkye

    LucyInTheSkye Competition Winner CHAMPION ⭐⭐

    May 29, 2020
    Away with the fairies
    With your opening paragraph and the giveaway reference, I thought for sure that this wasn’t Lucius at all but someone who had polyjuiced themselves into him. Not sure if that’s on purpose on your part, maybe setting up the scene for people in disguise?

    I like your setting a lot and I think it’s an interesting time in the pottervere to base your story in. I agree that Malfoy would have made plans B and C to make sure he and his family and his wealth survives. I’m not completely sold on how Lucius is acting and speaking beyond that, and definitely not sold on Tonks. Their interaction together makes no sense to me, although I think you write with great finesse to show that the bald little man isn’t polyjuiced but that he is in fact in some other disguise. More of their respective established mannerisms would help, but I also think their conversation would be a lot more hostile on Tonks’s part and I’m sure Lucius would find her completely beneath him, would he even speak to her?

    I like the details of the celebration, and I think it’s quite fun that it’s the Weird Sisters playing. This is exactly the band a slightly out of touch Ministry worker turned party planner would hire to try and make the Ministry seem hip and down with the times. It would be a tough gig and an awkward time for everyone, but that’s the way it is. Love the kegs of dragon barrel brandy.
  7. Niez

    Niez Seventh Year ⭐⭐

    Jun 26, 2018
    Behind you
    Big no no. It makes us confused as to who is speaking. Also went for a shrug is mid at best tbqh.

    Big no no is unfortunately also my impression of this entire story. While the technical ability is there, and so is the prompt, everything else feels completely off. In fact, I would go as far as to say it's not well-though out. Forget about Lucius not acting like himself (throwing off the minister, his inner dialogue, his charming back and forth with his niece in law or whatever Tonks is, dancing with her - I'll remind you that to everyone else there it looks like Lucius just invited a fat bald man to a dance) and remember when exactly this snippet is taking place. This is Harry's fifth year, which means this story takes place literally a week after Arthur Weasley gets attacked guarding the prophecy and almost kicks it, which you'd think would color Tonks interaction with one of the men responsible for it. This is also not Harry's sixth year, when Lucius's screw-up prompts him to fall down Voldemort's esteem. This is when Lucius is at his peak being Voldemort right-hand man, leading his Death Eaters, and planning the mass Azkaban breakout which Canonically happens shorty after Christmas. Voldemort hasn't even moved into the Malfoy Manor, for pity's sake, he does that in the summer before Harry's sixth year, after Lucius screws up with the prophecy, and does so literally as a punishment. Canon Lucius is living his best life at the time this story takes place, thinking Voldemort is going to make him Minister once he wins, and even if he doesn't who cares because he's still rich and powerful and has the actual Minister sucking his dick. It makes no sense for him to be making contingencies with goblins of all (non) people at this particularly point in time. In Canon, Lucius only starts to reconsider his career choices once his son is sent in a suicide mission to kill Dumbledore, again, as punishment for fucking up with the whole prophecy expedition, and only turns at the very end to ensure his son's survival. None of that is congruent with what you wrote here, not even a little bit.

    All in all, and in conclusion, git gud/5. Don't make me go on more autismo rants again.
  8. Mr. Mixed Bag

    Mr. Mixed Bag Seventh Year

    Jun 18, 2021
    This is really a POV piece, giving us a character study on a more minor character from canon and letting us get to know them better. aWhich is unfortunate, because the one thing you really don't get right at all is your main character.

    I'll leave the autismo canon compliance rants to better-educated and more naturally crotchety reviewers that can do it much better than I ever could. What thoroughly bothered me was voice. This man just doesn't sound a bit like Lucius Malfoy. He lavishly compliments the workers that did decor, even though I can't imagine Lucius sparing more than a single thought of 'Well, at least they can handle such menial tasks'. He draws humor from a chaotically enchanted alcohol bottle and the antics it causes, when I imagine a single bit of disorder should curdle his lips like milk. He is far too nice to Tonks. As in, so nice you would never guess she's a half-blood shame to the Black side of his family. He also uses the word baldie over, and over, and over again, when one usage had already strapped my suspension of disbelief onto a torture rack. These are not even close to all the examples, because the problems never really stop. Almost every line felt off.

    I do like his opinions toward Narcissa. I appreciate that there's warmth there, even if I struggle to imagine prim old Lady Malfoy as a dance-floor demon. It would work a lot better if he were his usual snide self to those around him, though, so that there was a bit of contrast. I think he's a bit too warm toward Draco too, or at least too comfortable with his choice to make real sacrifices just his son's future.

    From the first line these voice troubles are obvious. Really pay attention to phrases. "Hardly his thing" is just not language the Malfoy Patriarch would stoop to. Also, tumb. A typo in the first few lines is the worst kind, it leaves a really poor first impression.

    Here's the bit with this extreme praise he's suddenly giving to menial workers. I ranted about it above, but yeah. Not a good move.

    Honestly, I was going to do line-by-line stuff for most of the piece, but there came a point when I realized it just wasn't worth it. Too much is wrong and not enough is right. I honestly think the only way to fix it would be a complete rewrite-- if there's any fixing it at all, with the plotholes in the premise.

    Thanks for entering. Better luck next time.
  9. Dubious Destiny

    Dubious Destiny Seventh Year

    May 3, 2018
    This could be a great story, if it were not focused on Lucius. Engaging in chitchat with people of lower standing? Dancing with random people? Confiding in them? Lucius' arrogance and zealotry is entirely absent.

    This is a terrible line for Lucius. You ought to have him play coy here.

    His trust in the goblins, when he works for a cause furthering the purebloods at others' (including goblins) expense, is puzzling. Andromeda's betrayal was glossed over. Story needs more setup or some hint that this is not canon.

    Oddly enough, philosophizing fits. A devoted Lucius works.

    A few rounds of editing and corrections are needed, but it won't help your characterization.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2024
  10. FitzDizzyspells

    FitzDizzyspells Seventh Year DLP Supporter ⭐⭐⭐

    Dec 4, 2018
    This story has promise, but was very confusing. I really liked your characterization of Lucius. I think you should work to 1) flesh out your other characters and 2) make your sentences clearer and less confusing.

    I understand that your characters in this situation would speak discretely. However, if the exposition is so vague that the reader is unsure what is happening, then it's just frustrating.
    So this is essentially a banking transaction, albeit a shady one. Is that it? Anticipating a wizarding war, Lucius is moving his money into the equivalent of an offshore trust fund. That's the climax?

    Another thing. Tonks in this story didn't feel like Tonks at all. Not a single quip from her? She doesn't have a single sharp comment for Lucius? I understand that he has the upper-hand in this interaction, but I don't think she'd be able to help herself. The Tonkses would have never had any sort of rapport with the Malfoys, so why is she suddenly so quick to have a civil conversation with him? "Tell me about it" is a weird thing to say to a Death Eater. Yes, Tonks and Lucius are related, but I can't imagine Lucius was ever kind to her in her life.

    I encountered a lot of run-on sentences with a lot of overly verbose language. Here are some examples, with my suggestions about how you could rewrite them:
    For the pickier sort, bottles of higher stock floated around the crowd, gently prodding folks with empty glasses. One of them had gone rouge and had to be chased down by a couple of security detail.
    Kegs of Dragon Barrel Brandy floated high above, charmed into stars on a black sky. Spirits poured from the stars, were you to raise your glass and wiggle it, without a drop spilled.
    What are you referring to here?
    a maintenance employee
    Peg? Narrow down?
    His would not do as beggars, like Weasleys. He had just ensured that, if Narcissa and Draco survived, they could flee in comfort.
  11. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    I like the characterization of Lucius. A man who loves his family more than anything, and wants to have an out just in case things go well. In this, you do well.

    However, I have to agree with some of the other reviewers that the timing of this story doesn't make sense. It seems to be in OOTP, which means Arthur's attack. Tonks wouldn't be dancing with Malfoy at all. Plus, Lucius would have been at the top of his power and feel no need for escape.

    This story should have taken place pre-OOTP. Perhaps GOF with the stirrings of the Dark Lord returning. You also need to have Tonks being a pretty young woman, not a balding man... as why would Malfoy be dancing with an older man. That would cause a lot of attention.

    Overall, I like the story but the more I think about it, the more issues I start to see with it.
  12. AgentSatan

    AgentSatan Third Year

    Apr 30, 2018
    I think this is well written. Personally, I think it suffers from lack of conflict, though. It’s one thing if Lucius is on a mission for Voldemort, and he encounters his niece. That sort of emotional reunion would’ve been interesting, but what ends up happening is just some chit chat. I think both Lucius and Tonks are out of character; Tonks is far too forgiving, and Lucius is practically Dumbledore in political disposition.