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Entry #4

Discussion in 'Q4 2021' started by Xiph0, Jan 19, 2022.

  1. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Finding Day

    The December sun didn't shine well into Ravenclaw Tower from the west, but Luna Lovegood thought that was just all right. She didn't want to live in a selfish tower that hogged the good sunlight all year round.

    And perhaps it was good that this grey sun was so spread out through the windows and draggled down in the curtains; it was much better to find things without the brightness distracting her. Luna knew she was prone to distraction. It said so in her horoscope that her father's friend from Eskham had written for this month's issue, and he was nearly always right if she tried hard enough.

    Luna slipped out of her bed and set the pillows and the covers neatly behind her. She had grown a little bit over the term, just slightly enough to be noticeable when she stretched out to reach for top shelf things, and her bed had grown just slightly enough to accommodate her added height. It would not do to leave it all tangled while she went about her business. She was glad that it had done such a nice thing for her, and she didn't want it to become cross and stop growing if she managed a few more centimeters by the end of the school year.

    Luna wiggled out of her nightgown and went hunting in her trunk for her school robes. She'd had to put them away underneath her Quibblers and her nice things otherwise the Nargles might walk off with them again. And yes, there they were, pressed and folded and still heavy with the scent of issue forty-five—a classic. Her necklace of corks, three big buttery ones, was there as well. The Dabberblimp hadn't found it this week. It almost never found it during Christmas holiday, though. Smiling, she slipped it on and set the corks straight.

    She brushed her teeth. She brushed her hair. Her shoes had disappeared again. Blasted Nargles. She would have to stow them in her trunk when they turned up.

    In the common room, the fire was high, and cast flickering spear-like shadows on the bluey-bronze rug. Luna fed it one split log and left. There wasn't much to Ravenclaw Tower but the common room with all her shelves and books and the dormitories with all their beds and children. She wouldn't find it here. It would be somewhere else, out in the castle, or down near the lake—maybe something for him to keep in his trunk with his other things from friends.

    Luna was his friend now; she knew it. He had been really so pleasant to her last night, and he'd told her that she looked nice, and Luna took that to mean pretty, but not pretty as Ginny, but that was all right. And he'd listened. He always listened, and remembered most times, too, even if he needed a prod or two to be finally convinced of remembering. It was only polite that she got him something for it all. For her new friend. Luna let her cheeks bunch up as she grinned. Yes. Now she had two friends.

    The corridors of Hogwarts castle were sparkly for the holiday, and the evergreen smell was thick at the corners where the half-trees crouched.

    Luna would have to be at the train by half-six, but that was plenty of time for finding. She pattered in her stockings down through the fifth floor halls, quarter-searching for something friendly. There was usually nothing of interest here, and she'd worn down many a heel pacing across these stones. But there might have been. Maybe. She checked the classrooms where they held Muggle Studies. She crouched to peer through a duct in the lavatory. Empty.

    Luna crept very carefully up the marble staircase and held tight to the banister as her section floated away for the sixth floor. She didn't want to slide in her stockings unless it was a good time for sliding, and certainly didn't want to fall in a place that was bad for falling. She'd done that one too many times, and Madam Pomfrey was becoming suspicious with her Skele-Gro.

    Luna took her time searching in the East Wing. It was shady and less sparkled than out in the open where everyone could admire the good decorations. The walls were a touch dusty, though, and she didn't let her nose get too close, even if she spied a too wide crack in the stone. She didn't think he'd like a spider, anyhow.

    When she returned to the staircase, she saw it. A flicker of gold above all the white, grey, and green. It was a little bird, all feathers and beak, zipping about, looking for help. Luna clambered up onto the highest section of staircase and floated to the top part of the chamber. She called to it, waving, but it didn't seem to notice. It was a snidget, she thought, looking more closely at it, and resumed her calling and waving as the staircase circled in the shaft. After a time, Luna managed to convince the bird, and it paused in its zipping and swooping and came to buzz curiously out by her eyes.

    Luna held her palm out, and told the snidget that she would be taking him to see one of her friends. He was very skilled at Quidditch, and he had met many magical creatures, and a snidget was so rare a thing that he would be glad to see one, she was sure, and he would know what sort of thing to do for a bird in need.

    Luna approached the portrait of the Fat Lady who hid the entrance to Gryffindor Tower with her prize cupped gently in her fist. She didn't have to wait long, and she waved when Hermione Granger appeared with her luggage. She seemed to be in a great hurry, but there was still most of an hour left before the train.

    "Hello, Hermione," said Luna. "Can you see if Harry is available, please? I've got something for him, you see."

    "Oh," said Hermione, coming to a halt. She cast a look back at the open hole to her common room, then said, "I'm sorry, Luna, he's left for the Weasley's. He's visiting with them for Christmas."

    And then Hermione was gone.

    Luna stared at the little bird buzzing in her palm. "Just two then," she said.

    Luna carried the snidget with her when she went down to the train station. She set him free amidst the steam and the snow.

    Maybe the bird hadn't been for him then.

    Just as well. There would be plenty of other days for finding, and she'd heard that friends were for forever.
  2. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Another Luna. I would say this one is closer to what I consider canon, but that’s just personal preference. A nice story that seems like it fits the world well.
  3. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    Huh, another Luna story. I quite liked this. Is it set in HBP, with Harry staying at the Weasley's? I've always thought that would be a good start to a Harry/Luna fanfic, honestly. I've very nearly written something like that myself.

    While there's not much to this in terms of plot, you've got a ton of neat little touches that I quite like: 'he was nearly always right if she tried hard enough', 'the scent of issue forty-five'... Technical writing is excellent.

    Could use a little more plot, I think: a little more difficulty in finding the snidget, or in finding Harry, really. For that matter I don't know if Luna would actually spend Christmas hols at Hogwarts. It seems like she'd be the type to stay with her dad, no? She'd be in Ottery St. Catchpole like the Weasley family. Then again it's not set in Hogwarts, which is obviously the point of the prompt.

    Also, it feels like you're playing a little coy with who her new friend is. I don't think it adds too much, honestly.

  4. haphnepls

    haphnepls Groundskeeper

    Mar 26, 2019
    A bit heavy handed on the issue of a kinda-but-not-really mysterious friend, but I guess that's fine. When you have only one, i guess the acquisition of the second is indeed a big deal. The care for her bed, hygiene and such suches is a neat way to show us Luna and her way of proccessing things, but I had a feeling that it dragged on too much. Once I've read it all, I realized it wouldn't made sense to trim it simply because there's isn't more content to fill the holes that would've been left behind.

    I found your story excellent on all accounts but there's a question in my head that I cannot get around. It doesn't really feel like a story. A snippet of someone's internal monologue, an extract from the diary, a lovely little guide on the flow of the thoughts of someone who isn't completely there. There's no plot as such and for me personaly it takes the edge from this, the edge writing gave to your story in the first place simply because it is excellent.

    Really divided feelings :/

    Excellent though.

    But -

    I could go in circles forever.
  5. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    Random observation: I was vaguely reminded of the novella that Patrick Rothfuss wrote years ago as an accompaniment to the Kingkiller books.

    Anyway. This isn't bad at all. It feels in character, there's some lovely little character and world touches - the bed growing to accomodate Luna's growth spurt is delightful - and it's a nice little concept. Technically solid even apart from those nice little moments.

    The bit that's sticking for me is the ending, but I can't quite put my finger on why though.

    "Just two then," she said.

    I feel like I'm being thick here, but I can't get my head round what she's getting at here. Acknowledging that Hermione is not her friend? That feels like the most obvious thing, but that's already covered. A callback to Harry being her second friend seems like another obvious reading, but there isn't really any emotional heft to that; she doesn't feel like she's doubting his friendship, given the last lines, so...I don't know. Like I say, I feel like I'm being really thick, and/or massively overthinking it.
  6. Mr. Mixed Bag

    Mr. Mixed Bag Seventh Year

    Jun 18, 2021
    I have to say, first off, that my opinion of this one is kind of strange. I think it is a very well done story of a type in which I have no interest, which makes it a difficult thing for me to describe, critique, or be of any real use in any real way. But I'll do my best anyway.

    This is one of 2 Luna-focused entries in the comp, and between the two your version aligns much better with my idea of her character. Whether it was intentional or a happy accident to do with your usual style, this piece involves a lot of comma-less sentences of considerable length, which lends a sort of breathless quality that matches very well with Luna as a character. It's not stream of consciousness, but some of the effects are similar and spices up the reading of internal thoughts, a truly good thing in a piece with no dialogue until the very end.

    I think the choice to do an almost entirely introspective/interactionless piece was a bold one given the low word count, because it requires you to narrow your focus to a very specific time or event. I think you do it very well, but I'll admit it felt like it dragged (relative to its total length) in the descriptions at the start. It does good character work, but feels borderline excessive. An added benefit to this style is that at the end, when dialogue is injected, it feels extra vibrant because of the prior lack, giving the ending some umph.

    I really liked this line. Took a minute to puzzle it out, but once I did I thought 'Ooh, that's nice."
  7. FitzDizzyspells

    FitzDizzyspells Seventh Year DLP Supporter ⭐⭐⭐

    Dec 4, 2018
    I'm getting a little tired of Luna stories in DLP comps, but fine, this one was good.

    Luna is perfectly in character. This part, in particular, was quintessential Luna:
    I feel like the author occasionally made things a little more confusing than was necessary, even for a Luna Lovegood story. It took me a while to figure out that the "it" in the line, "The Dabberblimp hadn't found it this week," was her necklace and not the mysterious "it" that was the focus of Luna's quest.
    The first part of this sentence doesn't follow the second part. I was also confused that in part of story Luna seems unsure what she's going to give Harry, and in other parts she seems to be clearly looking for a Snidget.

    But overall this story was warm and sweet.
  8. LucyInTheSkye

    LucyInTheSkye Competition Winner CHAMPION ⭐⭐

    May 29, 2020
    Away with the fairies
    Love love love the language in this, it's so pretty and elegant and is that a hint of green I detect in the face in the mirror?

    This is the entry I'd most happily go back and revisit, so for that reason I have to deem it my winner. I do wish there was a little more meat on the bones and just a slightly more satisfying ending (feels like I've commented that on almost all the entries, hmm. Maybe this is a me issue more than anything else.) Not crazy about the Skele-Gro mention, like what do you have her doing that's removing bones from her body? Everything else was a joy to read though, and actually I'm being over-critical of the ending, skimming it again I see that I like it quite a bit.

    I'm starting to realize that I know fuckall about how some characters are portrayed in the fandom, I suppose that's what I get for only reading Marauders era. However, I always thought, from the books, that Luna has a crush on Ron? Like isn't that how what was written in OotP was interpreted by everyone? Or not? I suppose after Slughorn's party you could argue that she switched her affections to Harry, she probably had stopped fancying Ron by the point she comments about him being thoughtless or whatever it was. Sorry went off on a tangent, but it's late and I'm too lazy to rewrite the whole paragraph. It's your fault too though, looking back you even mention how Luna thinks her new friend wouldn't like a spider. Harry, according to himself in both PS and HBP if memory serves, doesn't mind them :)

    Anyway, I liked your Luna! I think she's exactly the type of character who would go on a quest to find something yet to be determined but most definitely friendly, although most of the time I'd imagine she doesn't end up with something real, let alone something as precious and rare as a golden snidget to bring back with her. But then those other times might not be flash competition story worthy.

    Great title, too.
  9. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    Really liked this entry, it's a fun short story and I think you captured Luna's character pretty well. The only thing I didn't like was that around this part-
    Things started getting a bit too descriptive at times. The end hit really well in my opinion. Just abrupt enough and gives a lovely bittersweet feeling. There were a few asides in the writing that were quite nice like this paragraph especially,
    Overall, I found this enjoyable.
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