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Fallout 4

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Iztiak, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Slug Club Member DLP Supporter

    Oct 21, 2007
    Hot and humid
    I've got about 24 hours into the game, spent so much time messing with settlements I haven't even gotten to Diamond City yet. Only started getting crashes today. Game freezes sometimes when I open the Pip-Boy, becomes completely unresponsive. It is very annoying.

    On a side note how suits of power armor have people collected? I'm at 4.
  2. Dellez

    Dellez Seventh Year

    Jan 5, 2011
    Full suits or just frames?

    I have created my robot army in Covenant. Ten frames, standing in formation, waiting for the Synth menace to strike. We are ready.
  3. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    2 frames, various raider pieces.
  4. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Slug Club Member DLP Supporter

    Oct 21, 2007
    Hot and humid
    I've got 4 frames, 3.5 suits: T-45, T-51, and raider with some spare T-45/51 parts
  5. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    I have a T-54b suit.... It cost me 3 Bottlecap mines, 4 Plasma Mines and 4 Missles to collect and in the process I caused a small thermo nuclear explosion that I was only able to escape the blast radius of due to the nerdrage perk slowing time.
  6. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    3 frames. One's a T-45, ones a T-51b, and the third is a t-60 BOS pattern. There's a piece or two missing from the 51, which I've patched up with RaiderII parts.

    I also have a full set of RaiderI, and a near set of 51a in storage.

    All three sets live on the roof of the garage, requiring a jump to get to them. Stops any followers climbing in again, and stops raiders making off with them.

    Make sure to remove the fusion cores when leaving them around, too, because sometimes sneaky raiders WILL steal the whole thing. And you can't loot the frame back off their body.
  7. Crimson13

    Crimson13 Professor

    Jan 9, 2011
    Goddammit, I gotta stop coming here (And others elsewhere.) and reading about the game. I have enough money to buy the game but considering what I've learned about life I shouldn't because I'll be sucker-punched by something. If I can wait just a little under a month I can likely get it as a birthday gift but rationalizing it isn't doing much good.
  8. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    What GPU do you have? I have been running into problems with a GTX 860m (lenovo y50), and a lot of the most recent drivers are just shit tier from NVIDIA.

    Heads up to anyone with an 860m, don't update to the newest drivers even if it is the official fallout release driver - stick with 355.98. Last stable one.
  9. Red Aviary

    Red Aviary Hogdorinclawpuff ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 25, 2008
    High Score:
    Some thoughts so far:

    - Settlement building might be fun when I get into it more, but just from doing that quest for the guy you rescue from Concord I've had some things not work well. Also I'm wary of that build limit bar. It's probably a stupid console limitation.

    - I'm not impressed with the story setup, even as early as I am.

    A father (or parent, I guess) searching for their son. Wow. And you know, I didn't think Bethesda could top FO3's story, but here we have such an original variation on that winning formula.

    Also you'd think Mr. House would've been able to get his hands on this seemingly side-effect free cryogenic freezing tech instead of that techno-horror he was using.
    - Not that FO3 really had that much range of responses in the first place, but the dialogue compass here isn't really giving me a whole lot of variation. Two steps back from NV.

    - Weapon mods look good. Improved over NV even.

    My graphics card is now noticeably out of date, so I'm playing on low settings. Still looks pretty decent though. I certainly don't miss the stupid color filter.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
  10. Ashan

    Ashan Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2007

    I expect House didn't want the cryogenics: He wanted to be awake and alert the whole time, which is why he was in some sort of life-support instead of "frozen and asleep"
  11. Bootleg Beerkeg

    Bootleg Beerkeg Squib

    Sep 29, 2015
    Yo, anyone notice how fucking beastly ghouls are compared to previous titles? I went to the police station, and was put through hell. They're so agile now, as they run and dodge and leap at you. They crash into the ground when they miss, which is pretty cool, and they don't just claw at you, they practically throw themselves at you. They even crawl through windows, which has surprised me more than once. I saw one hiding underneath a truck! Sometimes, they lie down alongside other corpses, and you think they're dead, 'til they get up.

    And thats not all.

    I've had ghouls come at me with no arms, or no legs! You can blow them off, and they can survive. They'll crawl or stumble towards you when this happens, and fight anyway. With no arms, they headbutt and bite you, and with no legs, they slowly crawl and claw at you. It's a very viable strategy to blow off legs to get the, pun intended, "leg up" in a fight. It's some Monty Python shit, thats for sure.
    Hasn't happened to me yet, but on the Fo4 reddit, I've seen that protectrons and assaultrons can live without limbs as well. Good stuff.

    These ghouls are insane and I love it.
  12. Johnnyseattle

    Johnnyseattle Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 25, 2011
    I'm not sure which I hate more; Deathclaws or Assaultrons. Probably should try to level up a bit more before saying screw it and just open world exploring the far ranges of the map.

    Also, I was so relieved to not have Cazadores in this game, and then I found Stingwings. I need more shotgun ammo.
  13. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    I've got a 660 ti. Was running 358.something and had to roll back to 347.62. Didn't stop the crashes completely, but not I can play for a few solid hours before it occurs. All settings are on low, windowed and borderless. Still looks pretty decent.

    Also, fuck ghouls. Fuck them really hard. Motherfuckers evolving mid combat like a goddam pokemon. Cleared out the National Guard Training Yard. That was real fun. Specially 'The Glowing One'. Practise your kneecapping. Practise religiously.
  14. Bootleg Beerkeg

    Bootleg Beerkeg Squib

    Sep 29, 2015
    Ran into my first super mutant suicide bomber today. Ended badly for me, that's for sure. The things suicide using fucking mini nukes!

    Also, saw a glowing radroach, which was still just named "radroach". Same health as others and everything, but it was green and glowing. Not sure why, but pretty damn cool. Fought a super mutant with a minigun, by using a minigun. But not by shooting him. By demolishing
    him with the "shredder" attachment on the minigun, which is brutal as hell. It's essentially enough knifes to make Jason Statham happy, wrapped around the barrel of the minigun to create a spinning, murderous bayonet of doom.

    Good stuff.
  15. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
  16. Anya

    Anya Harley Quinn DLP Supporter

    Feb 26, 2008
    Arkham City
    Jon would have worked. I was watching Many A True Nerd's playthrough, he used Jon and Codsworth said it just fine.
  17. kinetique

    kinetique Headmaster

    Aug 16, 2013
    And now for a completely different review that everyone else is posting:

    I don't think I've ever been more disappointed. The fallout series has steadily been transformed from an open world rpg with a focus on dialogue and story, to an open world shooter. Fallout should not be reduced to Skyrim with guns (another game I have serious issues with), the crafting is intrusive to immersion and a gigantic time sink without any real gameplay offered.

    Also, I can't be evil apparently. I was given the dialogue option to not give someone a piece of information, I selected that, and eventually had to give it to them. Why have that dialogue option there? Why have charisma in the game at all if it makes almost no difference? I played about 6 hours with a character that had 8 charisma, and got to the same point on a character that had 1 charisma and intelligence, and I don't think I saw more then a handful of different dialogue choices, maybe they were voiced differently, but that doesn't mean much when my choices are: "Sarcastic" "Yes" "Question" "Maybe".

    On that note, fuck the dialogue system. Reducing it to one - two word answers and full voice over just impeded the modding community like crazy, and made it take about 5 times as long to guess what your character was going to say. Most people playing the game can probably read.

    Combat sucks, my dog is apparently now invincible, power armor is available within 20 minutes of starting the game (this is particularly lolzy to me, I don't recall seeing a suit of daedric armor outside white run in Skyrim) and combat sucks despite making it much more combat focused.

    To top it off, and probably the most minor of my complaints, is that I'm playing this on a 144 hz computer, with every bug imaginable, from lock picking apparently happening so fast that they break within seconds of using them, and the fov being nausea inducing.

    Edit: I forgot to mention that yet again Bethesda has found a brand new way to make the pc ui worse. Kudos.

    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015
  18. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    Hm. I for one think the gunplay is far and away better than it's been in any fallout game - and thus the combat is far and away better than any bethesda game. And of course the dog is invincible. I've read reviews about invincible companions before. On survival mode, every single companion is going to be worthless halfway through almost every battle. Period. What's the fuckin fun in Dogmeat making it to your first mob and dying off? They're just there so wandering the Commonwealth isn't dreadfully solitary.

    Power armor being available early is an aight complaint... until you turn up the difficulty. Of course the difficulty scaling could be argued as bad but.. meh.

    Re. Dialogue. I absolutely agree. With bugs, I haven't run into anything remotely gamebreaking... or even irritating other than NVIDIA's shitty drivers. Just sucks if you have problems. Shit, your entire complaint sounds like you went to unlock the framerate and then ran into problems. Here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=551069501&tscn=1447077828

    Complaining about the fun crafting shit just seems to be complaining to complain.

    With UI... yeah. Bethesda sucks at that
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015
  19. kinetique

    kinetique Headmaster

    Aug 16, 2013
    Companions and dogmeat managed to survive just fine in previous iterations without being invincible. I'm not complaining for the sake of complaining though, I'm complaining because I played Fallout 1/2 and New Vegas quite a large amount and loved those games, and this is almost a sequel in name alone. Yes the combat gameplay is very similar, but that was almost the least important part of the game, and now it's arguably the most, for not very good reason either.
  20. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    I've spent most of today building and fortifying settlements.

    1. Tenpines.

    I just finished building this one, I'm pretty proud of it. A solid two level house with 2 windturbines to generate the power, spotlights, turrets, fully lit, a dozen beds and I replaced the Tato's with Mutfruits.


    2. Redrocket.

    I've turned this into my own fortified base. I send all my companions here. I've put all my power armor in the garage (3 suits so far, once I hit 5 I'll need to move somewhere with more space) It's guarded by 2 basic turrets. I enclosed the fuel station with a mixture of prefabs and base wall/floor stacks. Inside there is the power for the spotlights and the various lighting in addition to all the crafting stations.

    The windturbine on top powers the lighting for the second level which you can get to either from inside the fuel area, or by a stairway from the right of the garage. Behind the whole thing is a patch of various vegetables that is tended by whoever isnt with me. I'm pretty proud of it.


    3. Sanctuary

    Not much to say about this, so I'll link a few shots leading in from the bridge.

    Basic fortification 2 watchtowers behind a junk gate. To the left on the stone is a lvl1 generator encased in some small barriers. It powers the various lights. Behind the guard towers are 2 turrets, one on each side.


    This is my basic 'general store' Has all the store fronts on the second level. Yes... it is supported by wood bridges. I made the mistake of using the stairs as the first building block and... yeah. Mistakes were made. I have left it as a testament to where I came from build wise.


    This is the roof top of the above building. It's my 'entertainment' area for Sanctuary. It's empty because everyone is asleep but it's usually got at least four people there during mid day/afternoon. Bar, jukebox, fully stocked cigarette machine. It's the hi-hop happenin' place to be.


    This is the view from over the edge where the juke box is. That's the 'inner gate' to Inner Sanctuary which is basically empty since I somehow used up all my slots for the settlement. The massive metal slab is sanctuaries power plant. It powers the recruitment signal as well as the water pump that you can't see in the next picture.


    This is where my size limit was hit. I was building my 'power armour storage' and.. yeah. Sadface was made. To the right are the water pumps, to the left the vegepatch, neither of which are particularly interesting.

    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015