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Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Zombie, Jun 15, 2018.

  1. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio

    I've got two words for you: Downtown Boston.

    Maybe you'll be able to buy an optimization patch for each problem area in the Atomic Shop or whatever they're calling their micro-transaction* system.

    There are probably interns at Bethesda that were born at the same time as their current game engine. I won't beat a dead horse (which, incidentally, is how Bethesda produces new games), so I'll just direct people HERE. That's the changelog for the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch. All those entries represent bugs the fans had to fix, because Bethesda was too busy counting their money to be bothered.

    Hell, instead of patching their game, they made Creation Club, and even then the majority of the creations that aren't palette swaps of the pip boy are created by modders, not Bethesda. They'll fix some of 76's obvious (T-posing scorched, everywhere) showstopping (freezing when entering power armor, a vintage FO4 malady) bugs, I'm sure, but don't hang your hopes or your $60 on them diligently crushing bugs, when they could be designing an "I'm with stupid" shirt to sell in the Atomic Shop for $10.

    A Youtuber recently said something to the effect of 'Only in this industry could Bethesda get away with putting out products this faulty. If they were in the automotive industry, their company would be dissolved and they'd be in prison for murder.'

    My point being: Since FO76 is FO4 with a new coat of paint, all those bugs are probably still in the game... unless they swiped the work from the Unofficial Patch to fix their shit. I believe they legally own the content of any mod put out for FO4 (but I could be wrong), so that's fair enough and I'm sure those modders would rather they steal all they want if it will make the game better, but it does speak to the monumental laziness and disrespect for the fans going on here.

    If they were going to rehash something for a cynical cash grab, they could have sold an FO4 expansion that added peer-to-peer cooperative play... ORRRR they could have put New Vegas out on the FO4 engine. Grateful customers would have lined up, cash in hand, for that, but I think it must really eat Bethesda's lunch that most fans regard NV, the one they DIDN'T make, as the best Fallout game... or at least in regard to the FPS ones. Sure, it inherited FO3's bugs, but for being made under such a mind-boggling time constraint, it was an amazing piece of work.

    For what it's worth, I enjoy FO4 and have played it a lot, but most of those hours were spent playing with stuff the modding community made or fixed. Even with the OC tendencies, I wouldn't have made over 100 retextures of the Ushanka if I didn't like the game... and Russian hats.

    tl/dr: It remains to be seen if the lure of all those sweet, sweet, micro-transactions will be enough to get Bethesda to really try crushing all their bugs. Caveat emptor.

    That's actually another sore spot for some people. They kind of took a sledgehammer to the Fallout lore in order to fit things in this game that shouldn't have been in it. If you don't care about the internal consistency of the Fallout world and its lore, though, I'd imagine this is a non-issue.

    *(More like macro-transactions: 5 dollars for a hat after paying 60 for an unfinished game? lol)
  2. Psychotic Cat

    Psychotic Cat Chief Warlock

    Jan 3, 2009
    My sole source of solace in this whole debacle is the grim satisfaction I have for having seen this coming and hard passed on preordering this... I want to say 'polished turd' but really, microtransactions aren't polish, they're just more turd.

    My only hope is that enough people give Beth the finger that they get their act together and don't ruin TESVI.
  3. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    I have yet to use the atomic store. Why the fuck would I? Still just seeing people complain to complain. Kind of pointless. It does have some problems but I don't think I've stopped playing for nearly 30 hours.
  4. Johnnyseattle

    Johnnyseattle Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 25, 2011
    Same here, man. Last night I set my alarm for 9:30 to tell me to stop playing. Wife finally came and grabbed me at 11 after I turned the alarm off in annoyance. As usual, call me easily amused, but I'm not regretting this for a second.

    Let me tell you, I absolutely hated the idea of the story being delivered by audio logs when I heard about it - totally scoffed at the audacity to just say "fuck NPCs" altogether. I was so, SO wrong. Some of them are incredible, and fucking haunting to listen to - there's a few in particular that are from kids that are just gut-punches. They really pulled it off well, to me at least.

    I'm kind of confused as to how it decides to level areas up sometimes - I fast traveled to a place where an hour previous there were level 8-16 scorched, only to narrowly avoid being cornholed by a level 32 sentry bot, and I'm level 13. Those things are terrifying compared to FO4 too - what a complete ordeal that asshole was to get away from. Couldn't manage to blow the fusion pack out of it to shut it down either. Good times.

    I can totally see people that didn't play survival on FO4 being pissed at the inventory management - that ammo weight is a real pain in the ass at first, and I think that's probably what's causing people most of their problems, that and hoarding disorders. I just break everything down and mod things constantly, and it keeps most of it manageable. I hear the stash gets a bit cramped after a while, but I'm nowhere near that point yet I guess. Oh well, it'll get modded out or it won't.

    All in all, I think if you enjoyed FO4, this will be worth it to you.
  5. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Notably the Mistress of Mysteries quest line. That was the first thing I completed in total.

    Currently trying to get me some Miner Power Armor.

    There are a couple things that are weird for me. I actually like the condition status of weapons, I don't like that I need to perk to reduce the weight of aid because thats a fuck ton of my carry capacity atm. The stash limit is alright, I think it makes it more logical as a survival game. I've already had to dump my stash a couple times for upgrades of items, and I'm gonna run out of space if I keep storing legendaries.
    I had something else I wanted to talk about, but I forgot.

    OH. Remember now. You can't stack chems. So there is a lot more empahsis on the combo chems that combine multiple effects. You can only have one chem effect at a time.

    I really really like it. People saying that they're trying to just smash stuff into the lore. What have they fucked up? If its anything from FO1 or FO2, then whaaaa. Cause until they remake those games, idgaf. I've had more fun playing FO3, Brotherhood, NV, New CA, 4, and 76 than I ever did those. And this is from a person that watches fallout lore videos on youtube for fun.

    I got into a big PVP scuffle last night (I'm playing the game by myself because its possible, and I refuse to team at the moment) where we had to make noise to attract a Wendigo. Bunch of instruments there and a bunch of people are using it to farm for levels. Mostly because the ghouls there are 1 in 3 legendary, and the Wendigo has some good weapon drops. Bunch of friendly fire and people trying to grief, but its setup so that you can't really be grief. Atleast in my experience.

    Currently running Sniper and Shotguns.

    Depends on whose in the area? I think. From what I've seen it mixes spawns based on whats in the area. I've seen lots of theories so far, but none of them panned out. One was that the Crowned Spawns were controlling spawn rate, but I've not seen that yet. I think my favorite thing so far is the fact that shit respawns, and quickly. Used to be you could clear a area, and then come back to it later and it still be empty. I've had shit respawn on me, at a higher level, in less than 30 minutes. Makes things interesting when I'm running low on chems.

    Edit: Also, ammo can't be sold(some say you can bulk it and sell it, but I haven't tried that yet. I've just been dropping the shit I don't use because fucking carry weights right in the ass. Love it and hate it at the same time. SO used to ammo not having a weight ((fucking fusion cores weigh 3 pounds. Bobby pins weigh .3 pounds and most ammos, except for higher caliber weight .00X weight, has me fucking annoyed)). The vendor system is all connected and so cap limited, bulking items DOES NOT save you on space. I've seen so many people saying it will, but the way the inventory and stash is linked its all kinds of fucky. Hopefully its one of the first patches to come out.

    One quest where I had to make ignition fuses, the only way I could get it to let me make more than 1 without eating up my RSS, was to make it, drop it, make the new one drop it, and then pick them all up when I was done. Really fucking pissed me off.

    Also, protip: If you get the quest to get blood samples, try it in third person. It was the only way I could get it to work. If you do it in first person, the option is there, but it doesn't do anything. Think its part of the main story line. A Ounce of Prevention.

    Sorry if any of this is spoilerish, but I figure its just rage prevention at this point for others.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
  6. Jarsha

    Jarsha Seventh Year

    Jul 26, 2011
    My deluxe cubicle
    Fallout 76 is on sale for 34.99 USD on amazon if anyone wanted it but didn't want to pay full price. No idea if its just a cyber monday deal or not.

    49.99 for the upgraded version
  7. Dagro

    Dagro DA Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    Going by the reviews they need to pay me! :3
  8. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Alot of the reviews are just bullshit. Videos it bugs made from other people's material and one dude talking about the game and how shit it is when they've never played it. I've encountered some bugs but not all the ones that have been show cased and neither has anyone else.

    People are just being bastards and crying about something because that's all they're good at.
  9. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    To be fair, all you need is a packet-sniffer to cheat at basically everything in the game (wallhacks, infinite ammo, infinite health, etc). Which tells me it's a pretty fundamentally poorly implemented game, and that Bethesda are lazy hacks who don't give a fuck about the quality of the product they deliver.

    Though admittedly, the last half-dozen games they put out attest to the same thing, so it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone at this point.
  10. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    That may be true, however the most recent patch nerfed a lot of ingame exploits in regards to XP farming and junk farming.

    The client side shit they're doing right now, and other stuff is probably the biggest issue for me. However I've remained optimistic that this will be fixed at a later date. Server hopping was nerfed too. I think the world maintains its state whenever you connect, regardless if its a new server or not. People were using that to farm caps and other in game items.

    My thing is, I didn't walk into this expecting a perfect game. Or even a new game, for that matter. I expected Fallout 4, with multi-player, and some new content. I've seen people bitching about the graphics, the clipping, the ammo issues, the conditions, every little thing, and while some of its relevant, I think its muffled under a shit cloud of people bitching just to bitch.

    If they don't fix the client to client thing, and other shit that was mentioned during the beta, then I don't see this game progressing too far. There's a difference in technical issues, and like visual issues. The most recent patch shows they're atleast working on quality of life game play and fixing bugs.

    Their documentation is hit or miss however.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2018
  11. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    I mean, I expected exactly what we got from the moment the trailer finished in E3, being honest, which is "a steaming pile of buggy, poorly-implemented shit made up of terrible ideas and failure". That it matched my expectations doesn't make it any better though.