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Oneshot Famous Last Words by Jeconais - M - H/Tracey

Discussion in 'Humor' started by Jeram, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. Jeram

    Jeram Elder of Zion ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 27, 2006
    High Score:
    Title: Famous Last Words
    Author: Jeconais
    Rating: M
    Genre: Adventure/Comedy
    DLP Category: Probably Humor/Parody
    Pairing: Harry/Tracey
    Words: 7,072
    Published: April 22, 2007

    Status: Complete (Drabble)
    Summary: Harry likes legs quite a bit, but will that desire bring about the end of Magical Britain as we know it?
    Link: http://jeconais.fanficauthors.net/Famous_Last_Words/Famous_Last_Words.php

    I normally don't read Jeconais' stories - most of them tend to skew a bit too much in the H/G direction - but apparently he just wrote a slew of drabbles and bits of random nonsense. And this one caught my eye - not only is it a nice rare pairing, it actually ends (kind of). A bit madcap at times, and not exactly logical or canon in most ways, it is still quite an enjoyable read.



    Checked by Minion, February 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2013
  2. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    Hmmm... Porn with a little plot mixed in... Yup, it's Jeconais!

    One of his better drabbles, but then I've always liked his work for some reason. If I didn't know better I'd say he's finally leaning away from H/G as he had her dosing Harry with a love potion (Bonus points for mocking the 'Monster in his chest')

  3. raja

    raja Fourth Year

    Feb 13, 2006
    California, USA
    I thought it was ok, first it was too much like that other one of his with Harry and Daphne, only with a different twist to it. Also the fact that it has the same name as a song by the worst band ever to torture this world with their presense is a downside. 4/5 for making fun of the Weasleys and the mudblood
  4. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    I want to read it, but I'm loathe to sign up to his site. Anyone care to share a username/password? :)
  5. Thalarian

    Thalarian Seventh Year

    Dec 26, 2005
    Personally, I had to read it twice just so that I could distinguish whether or not it was Jeconais or Kinsfire. The premise was good and I tried to keep an open mind since he stated twice that it was 'meaningless drabble', but this was by far one of his worst works.

    It unfortunately had all the symptoms of a mediocre 'Jec' work. Superboy!Harry, MarySue!Tracey (Insert Ginny/Gabrielle/Daphne, etc.), as well as various other things that I just don't feel like going into detail at the moment.

    Harry is portrayed as someone who completely grasps the concept of attracting the opposite sex after a short time 'tutor-flirting' with one of his professors, as well as having almost the entire female, single half of Hogwarts panting for him. (Almost rubber stamped it as Kinsfire fucking up his login and signing in under Jeconais to post.)

    The 'sex' magic was poorly introduced, and also like many of Jec's works, he skims over the concept and details of sex entirely. While I'm not looking for 'text fucking' it seems that whenever he uses intimacy or sex as a driving force in his fics, when it comes time to delve a littler deeper into it he just passes right overhead. If anything it almost makes those aspects of his story lacking and pointless. There are plenty of ways to write tasteful lovemaking scenes without being graphic but he has a terrible tendency to just shift gears and go elsewhere.

    Harry's friends turning against him is commonplace nowadays, but it wasn't presented in a very original fashion, as such it leaves the entire point stale and dragging.

    Sinistra was perhaps the only redeeming quality of the entire fic for me, and it was a character you only get second-hand information about. Sinistra is one of the few unexplored Hogwarts professors, and it's always nice to see an author take her and formulate her into an original character.

    That being said, I give it a 2/5 at best. 1 for at least having a bit of fun between Harry and Tracey, no matter how forced it seemed. And 2 for use of Sinistra.

    Otherwise, it fell far below the bar he's set for himself. Seems he's starting to do that more often these days which is a shame really.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2007
  6. Hadoren

    Hadoren High Inquisitor

    Aug 21, 2006
    In this story, Jeconais has an interesting writing style. He uses a detached, dry tone. It's as if he's telling the story through the voice of Harry Potter. Many events are written in as short a manner as possible. For example:
    It's nice because it's far different from what normal fanfiction writers produce. I've never seen anything like that outside of novel writing.

    As for the story itself, there are a number of plot holes that make no sense - such as the tired old cliche of the whole world hating Harry Potter. I think Jeconais was running out of steam near the end of the story, and it shows. He should rewrite/cut the last half of it. Of course, he probably recognizes this himself but doesn't want to waste the effort on a drabble.

    Actually, the last half reminds me of Fayr Warning's story Judgement of the Gods. Except his/her's? was much better.

    My rating: 3.25/5 for the story.

    Add .5 for a unique writing tone.

    So: 3.75/5
  7. knothead

    knothead Groundskeeper

    Apr 7, 2007
    Jeconais posted a lot of his drabbles as well as abandoned fics on ffa.net yesterday. I think I've read most of them via his yahoo group, and Famous Last Words is the most complete of these fanfics from what I recall.

    It is in many ways a standard Jeconais fic-- Super!Harry and Strong!Canon Female. What separates Jeconais from 99.9 percent of fanfic writers is that he has a very strong team of beta readers. It's almost as if he treats fanfic writing in the same manner that a professional writer does. He wants everything to be right, and that's great. I wish more fanfic writers would be like Jeconais with regard to the simple things such as grammar.

    FLW works for me as a short piece. It also reminds me a lot of Perfect Situations in some ways, and I wish WKGQ had been like this story. One thing I don't like-- and I don't know if it's Kinsfire's influence on Jeconais or vice versa-- is the use of such terms as Voldemonkey not to mention the whole sex magic thing that's become something to expect from Kinsfire and DrT.

    That being said, I'll give it a 4.25/5. It's very good, but not great.
  8. Athenia

    Athenia Groundskeeper

    Apr 28, 2006
    To be completely fair to Tim, this was written a long time ago just as response to one of the PP3 monthly challenges. In fact, all of the recent Drabbles/Ideas he has posted over the last few days have actually been things he posted awhile ago in his forums as either small plot bunnies that jumped into his head or responses to other challenges. None of them were betaed or completely thought out. So while this isn't the best thing out there, it by far was one of ther better responses to that challenge and for being produced quickly and never being checked it isn't that bad. Maybe I'm biased towards it because I originally read it as a response to the challenge the first time I read it, but if you don't take it too seriously, it is kind of a fun one-shot. Sure, it wouldn't ever be one of those fics you read over and over again, but its entertaining.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2007
  9. raja

    raja Fourth Year

    Feb 13, 2006
    California, USA
    I respect anything Jeconais writes for those very reasons, a fic like this would have been undescribably(sp?) bad if it was written by almost anyone other than him. The fact that he truly tries to write an actual well-written story even if he knows he'll never get around to finishing it shows through. This is one of the reasons that I don't mind his update rate beacuse I know anything he publishes anywhere will be a step above almost every other writter in fanfiction.
  10. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    Good for a read. Good if you want something as a breather from shifting through all the shit you have to in ff.net. Anything else? Eh.... its okay in those departments.
    Fully thought out fic: For a drabble sure. Its got a beginning and end and Jeconais does it well.

  11. Mr. Merriman

    Mr. Merriman Groundskeeper

    Jun 9, 2006
    While I like this drabble, it seems that everyone sort of agrees that it's by no means a complete story, even a one-shot like Perfect Situations. Jeconais himself acknowledges that all of the drabbles and bits were things that never went anywhere or that he didn't think were good enough to continue.

    And while Famous Last Words is perhaps the best and most complete of those drabbles, it is still an abandoned plot bunny written out quickly for a PP3 challenge and was not originally intended for publication at FFA.net

  12. Bittersweet

    Bittersweet Groundskeeper

    Apr 21, 2007
    A rather confusing and below par effort, really. It might have been a drabble, but that's hardly enough to see it through to the library. It seems ridiculously impossible that the answer to the wizarding world's problems was so easily found and granted such ludicrous power.
    Even with all the power Harry had, the duel with Voldemort shows Harry blocking Voldemort's curses with remarkable ease, something she shouldn't be able to do even with all the power in the world (the world being Tracey's and Harry's power combined and boosted - hardly enough to rip through Hogwart's wards). During the battle between Voldemort and Harry, Jeconais states clearly that Harry knows no legilimency, so how he managed to view all of Voldemort's memories simply because he had trapped Tommy in is head is again irrational. The fact that the "Death Monkeys" sit about doing nothing other than scratching their heads while Harry assaults their master defies logic once more.
    The story is essentially smut, albiet with the sex scenes removed.
  13. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    This is pretty average stuff for Jeconais. Not really library material. It feels like a somewhat rushed drabble without a ton of direction. By Jeco's standards this is probably disappointing. Many of his usual elements are present with a female love interest who has planned out just how to snag Harry Potter, the most secretly hard to understand Adonis turned super-wizard. It does have a smut-like feel, in that the plot is built to basically create scenes of justifiably explicit sex. But there are no such scenes. Something in the realm of 'porn with a little plot but no porn,' if such a thing can exist.

    Anyways, he's done very similar ideas and themes like this before, and he's done them better. Perfect Situations is very similar and a far superior story. And it's got a whole slew of highly enjoyable drabbles and back story.

    This is an outcast little challenge response that didn't even hold the author's interest enough to improve or add on it. A decent read but unspectacular and way below Jeco's typical quality. 3/5

    And for those wanting a different link it was posted here almost a year ago:
  14. matthiasblack

    matthiasblack Squib

    Mar 8, 2006
    I think it is just as Jeconais has labled it, drabble.
  15. thisperson

    thisperson Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Oct 29, 2006
    I don't get why everyone is griping about the story not being up to par.
    I enjoyed it, or maybe I don't read enough Jeconais' to actually have expectations for his writing.

    Whatever the case, the story was good.
    4/5 *I was expecting a smut scene...
  16. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Thal beat me too it. This is pretty crappy. Cliché after cliché does not a good story make.
  17. Marie M

    Marie M Raptured to Hell

    Mar 28, 2007
    I enjoyed it, It was the best Jeconais' fic, I have ever read. (expext 'White knight, grey queen')
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2007
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