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FanFiction Cliches - Do not delete

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Lord Ravenclaw, Aug 13, 2005.

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  1. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    I'll pay you for your sixth sense!

    I havent actually read one either, per se... but i've seen plenty of them around by reading it in the summary.
  2. realmess

    realmess Slug Club Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    New Jersey
    Ha! I'm always impressed with Malfoy's lack of refinement. Considering his behavior, Harry's lucky to have ended up in Gryffindor- at least he has an excuse of being an emotional Gryffindor for his tantrums.
    That is a stereotype that few break. The evil, evil dark lord is required to crucio at least one of his followers a meeting, and all the malicious, sly poorblooded wizards united under the Dark Mark are happy to submit themselves to their Master's generosity. The only one man enough is Snape, dammit! As much as I don't like him, he has my respect for that, but even he isn't 'cunning' enough to curb his venegance, and continues to abuse Harry for his father's deeds. Bleah. I think it's portrayed that way because it's easier for JKR, and most of the fanfic. authors- that way they don't have to examine their heroes too closely. They can point and say:"There you have- perfect evil wizards, hate them, love the characters of the Light, they're always right." :evil:
  3. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    But, I am not even talking about making them "Grey" that is a tired cliche in of itself. I am asking if the Deatheaters are the perfect evil wizards than why aren't they being perfectly evil and plot each other's demise. I mean we have learned that Bellatrix and Snape despise each other. Why don't they set up 'accidents' for each other? They should not be following Voldemort's orders to the letter, THEY ARE FREAKING SLYTHERINS! A perfect example was in the hideous sixth book. At one point there was just Draco, the brother and sister Deatheaters, and a weak Dumbledore, besides the petrified Harry. Whomever killed Dumbledore would have become legend in the Deatheaters. All they had to do was make it look like Draco failed and that they had to step in and finish the job, I assume that was why they were there in the first place. Why not just do it, even if Voldemort knew the truth, you would think he would care? I think all he cared about was is that Dumbledore is dead and I don't think Voldemort even expeced that much, just that they cause some terror and left. Another lost opportunity I say.
  4. realmess

    realmess Slug Club Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    New Jersey
    well, they can't make them too smart, or it will be too realistic and challenging for the readers.
  5. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I may just have to enlist you as a beta reader so you can see how freaky it is for you to say that, rofl
  6. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I don't think the DE's COULD take down Riddle, even in a mass coup. I mean, Voldemort was doing quite well for himself against Dumbledore at the Department of Mysteries, and look at how easily the old man corralled basically the creme de la creme of the Inner Circle. Even if they all attacked him at once, Tom would probably wipe the floor with them, and they know it. And I'm sure the Dark Lord knows and is willing to use much nastier stuff on them than the headmaster did in the fifth book.
  7. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Ah yes.. but if they plotted behind his back, using the Fidelus charm to plan their schemes, and use the idea that since Ridle wouldn't know the secret place's location, he wouldn't be able to know OF the conversation that took place in a place that never existed (as far as he's concered)

    Then if they attack him after he's been through hell and slightly injured, not succeed, but try, and then they go into hiding to try to take him down before he kills them....

    Don't mind me, just reading out loud =)
  8. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    A decent plan, but still flawed I think in that Riddle's Legilimency would uncover the identity of whoever they made Secret Keeper before any plan would be able to come to fruition. And after the initial strike, Tom would be even more on his guard and I would think impossible to take by surprise. IMHO, it really all comes down to power. His is so much greater than theirs and he is so paranoid in general that it would be almost impossible for the Death Eaters to overthrow him. The best they could do is desert and strike out on their own, leaving him to be annihilated by Dumbledore and the Order.
  9. Emerald

    Emerald Guest

    One of the Clinches I have read the most is probably the 'Harry-escapes-from-the-orders-watch-and-the-dursleys-to-go-to-diagan-alley.'

    Uh, its so annoying! I just want to kill! :axe:

    The order probably would put up advanced watching charms and have more then 1-2 people watching him!!
  10. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I think I made him escape in a somewhat realistic way in my fic, and he had a real reason to have to go to Diagon Alley outside of the cliched "omg buy books to train!!1!!one!" Hiding under his invisibility cloak and behind Uncle Vernon's bulk. I didn't consider the idea of watching charms, but whatever the magical world has can't be all that powerful given how Sirius was able to sneak in and out of Hogwarts, to say nothing of a basilisk roaming around more or less unchecked in second year.
  11. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    the right-hand man way....get voldemort to name you as his right-hand man and when he's not looking ice him but you would have to be a master of Occlumency for this to work
  12. Miss Selarne

    Miss Selarne Sixth Year

    Aug 21, 2005
    Dream Land
    Yeah, but I'm not sure all of them can handle that kind of planning. Maybe a few could do that, but all the DEs would fight for control of their little group. I say they're waiting for the perfect time, when he's weak enough after battling Harry that they can kill him. Then they will fight amongst themselves for leadership of evilness when Harry's evil half somehow comes back from the dead and takes over. Then the world is plunged into chaos and madness while all his old friends (and Dumbledore who came back to life too) are on the side weeping over the loss of Harry. Then they pull themselves together, battle it out with him, and lose. Then the world is destroyed as Harry has ascended to godhood.
  13. Emerald

    Emerald Guest

    lol :)
  14. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    I may just take you up on that, although I would be less help with grammar and more help in stuff like tone, mood,symbolism, motifs, and the general flow of the fic. Stuff that most people on fanfiction.net don't know the definition of let alone appreciate. My prologue is chock full of symbolism and motifs if you are looking for it and are familar with elder futhark.

    So something I said was freaky in a presumedly prescient way? Probably the Deatheaters throw Voldemort on his ass one. I like the idea of an AU with Bellatrix taking over after Voldemort falls. I mean who knows how that would change things, status of werewolves? Vampires? Dark creatures in general? How would she handle Harry? I see potential in this idea. I think I will turn this into a challenge.
  15. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Ah but if everyone had the secret keeper's identity memory wiped out of them, (and then possibly the secret keeper being either memory wipped that he WAS the keeper, or wizard oathed in silence) he wouldn't be able to uncover them =) And Legilimency seems to be purposefully directed, not just a random scan to pick up surface thoughts from how I read it.

    Trust me it's well planned, hehe

    And aye he'd be on his guard, and they wouldn't ever be able to kill him, but more like start a secondary faction of purebloods and leave him with nothing, or followers out of fear that don't care about blood anyway.
  16. Old Nuit

    Old Nuit High Inquisitor

    Aug 9, 2005
    You just pull a Rowling and give every DE Occlumency shields.
  17. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    I concur with MidKnight being a Master Leglimens does not mean you know everything people are thinking at all times. Snape has even said that you can't read people like books and I imagine that all Deatheaters have some ability to hide information like they could fight Veritaserum. I mean Slughorn was able to fudge up his memories so that Dumbledore could not get them, I am sure the Deatheaters can as well and Voldemort would just assume they are there to protect themselves from Dumbledore. All they really have to do is fire Avada Kedvras enmass when he preoccupied with someone else torturing or mindraping them or something. Besides it is not like they have to succeed, I just want to see some attempts. Even hearing about some deatheater being ass raped by a giant because he tried to poison Voldemort would be a nice change of pace.
  18. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Assraped by Giants? Ouch...
  19. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Thats what I said before. Why hasnt a Death Eater shot a killing curse Voldie's way? Might not have killed him because the kill or be killed thing but still, the Death Eaters dont know that. Im sure someone would have tried because he got pissed off at getting tortured for little mistakes.
  20. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    We've said this before, but I'll say it again, every idiot who uses that shit in a story should be beaten by professional baseball home run kings weiling tree trunks.

    We get it, its a running gag, does everyone have to use it?!?

    Would someone please come up with a good reason this cliche has infested damned near every story with any sort of transportation? And then follow it up with a good way to explain why it happens!
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