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FanFiction Cliches - Do not delete

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Lord Ravenclaw, Aug 13, 2005.

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  1. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    Harry has had an awful experience with portkeys because of the Triwizard. It has caused a mild pathological fear of portkeys, which causes Harry to involuntarily seize up when they arrive making him incapable of catching himself from falling on his butt. Apparation causes no problems because nothing serious has happened to him with it and even if he horribly splinched it is not very differant from his normal school year. His trouble with the floo causes him to compulsively clean the fireplace before using the floo powder and makes him very asine when pronouncing his destination. I don't know which question this answers, but I think it answers one of them.
  2. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  3. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    That's quite good.

    Another cliche is Sirius' mum having a sad all the time. THEN THEY PUT HER YELLING LIKE THIS FOR FIFTY LINES AND ITS GETTING ANNOYING. Yes, we know she's a bitch and yells but they dont have to have more than one line of her yelling. When it goes into more than 1 or 2 lines, then thats fucked. It's all filler. Yes, everyone needs a little filler but not useless, fucking horrible, not even funny filler... yes.

    Once again, thats a good explanation for the portkey.
  4. Rob

    Rob Looked into the void

    Sep 16, 2005
    Regina, Saskatchewan
    Ooh, me next.

    Cliche times ten: glowing eyes and wandless magic.

    The latter I can see happening, with a little bit of fudging and perhaps some decent explanation, but glowing eyes has been overdone forever (quite possibly before Nedved chose to rewrite Solidus Charm). Everyone makes wandless magic seem like it's amazing and Harry can do it just because he can do accidental magic - I don't buy that shit for a moment.

    I guess it's not really cliche, but a major pet peeve - the misspelling of 'canon'. If something is not to canon, it does not follow the pre-existing pattern set down. If something is not cannon, then it does not posess cannonballs. *strangles whomever does that*

    On a semi-related topic, I am looking for a way that Harry can pick up occlumency within the span of a month and a half. He doesn't have to be a master, but he needs it now, that much is obvious - it's my personal theory, and canon supports it, that the reason Harry gets his ass beat down by Snape and Voldie is that they use legilimency on him when he duels and can thereby anticipate his moves. So, when Harry fakes his own death (in a way that is not actually too cliche, believe it or not), he needs to posess some decent shields to keep Lord Voldiething out of his brain.

    The best thing about HBP is that I have the chance to call it crap, insult the Herons and generally make them feel like they've been ass-raped by a troll.

    BTW, how does it work that Harry gets bitchslapped by the ministry because Dobby uses magic, yet when Tonks packs the trunk in OOTP he's all fine and dandy?
  5. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    ... it doesnt work...and regading your post in the introduction thread... its reason like these that some of us are canon haters and cannon haters... plot holes... unfleshed out characters... idiotic books like half baked plot... and ginny...

    there is anoher cliche i dun like... ginny... letting her survive is just so overdone...
  6. Miss Selarne

    Miss Selarne Sixth Year

    Aug 21, 2005
    Dream Land
    Ginny must die! Along with an assortment of any other characters you wish. Like hermione, ron, and most of the weasley family. You have to leave the twins alive or else there would be no comic relief.

    Cliche: Percy is a DE or works for some super secret agency place.

    This is actually a cliche i like. As long as Percy is a DE.
  7. HashBrowns

    HashBrowns First Year

    Oct 4, 2005
    a good way to use that cliche would be to have the DE Percy kill Ginny to reveal his allegances. WOOHOO DEAD GINNY! (and there was much rejopicing)
  8. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I agree, I like Percy the spy, but not with the DE's since you never see him show racism in the books, but rather for the Unspeakables. The guy just all of a sudden leaves his family first year out of school, distances himself from everyone just as Voldemort rises...?

    And yeah, our collective problem with canon, is once we all started writing, and looking into the book, you see the world itself is less then half done. So many angles she started on, then abandoned, characters introduced for no reason, the whole thing is predictable as hell.
  9. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    I feel a rant coming on...

    The hover-charm letter he gets second year just doesnt make any sense. People have tried to explain these things but none have really done it right.

    Most authors use the tracking charms on the wands explaination for magical tracking but then how do they know about him blowing Marge up? Or the hover-charm? Both were without a wand and the other wasnt even him to begin with, it was a magical creature and I didnt even know they could track them. Also, what about all his magic throughout his early years? Was he even checked on to see if everything was alright when he had one of his little magical bursts? He was apparating onto school roofs and turning his teachers hair blue at age 8... surely they would be worried a muggle might see him do it. Dont they need to memory charm the muggle if they saw him? What about his classmates that saw the hair turning different colors... hrmm.

    If they track magic by area and just blame all the magic that happens in the area on Harry, because he is the only magical person in Surrey (Dunno if this is true or not... probably not since he met several magical people during his early years but the other half of people use this explaination) then like you said, Tonks' magic should have gotten him in trouble. If they cant tell the different between house-elf magic and wizard-magic, then there is no way in hell that they can tell Tonks' magic from Harry's. Though, maybe all auror's are tracked some different way so they knew it was her casting the spell but are they really that smart to do something like that? Meh.

    If he has magic tracking charms on his actual house then once again, Tonks' magic would have set it off unless they have some uber-1337 way of tracking auror's.

    And what about Riddle? He was torturing muggle orphans with magic, yes? Why didnt the ministry pick up on that? They picked up on Marge, didnt they? And the hover-charm... she has totally fucked it up. It's all just... all over the place. How does the Ministry track the use of underage magic... it hasnt been answered but even with all the ideas authors have created, it still doesnt fit into what's happened in canon.

    Since i'm on this subject, i'll bring up the movies and how they fucked up as well. He didnt get a letter because of Doddy's hover-charm and he was using magic at the start of the third movie in his bedroom... what's going to happen come the fifth movie when he is supposed to be on trial for the use of magic outside of school... IDIOTS! It's really to bad they cant fix this fuck up now.

    End of teh rant.
  10. Miss Selarne

    Miss Selarne Sixth Year

    Aug 21, 2005
    Dream Land
    What really bugs me is when, for example, in 4, they use Lumos to look for Harry's wand at the World Cup while they're in the woods. No magic outside of school. I could probably find a few other examples in the book, but I don't feel like going throught them all right now. I say we storm JK's house and demand that she answer these questions. She'd probably end up spending a while trying to figure out how to not contradict herself when she explains.
  11. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Good summary. I'm a big plot hole whore, and even if HBP was good, all the build up over the years of abandonded plot lines and massive holes just ruined canon for me
  12. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    The third movie left me with my mouth open in shock when Harry just used magic over the summer, then, as Giovanni, cackled at the thought of what they'd have to do for the fifth movie to fix it.
  13. Old Nuit

    Old Nuit High Inquisitor

    Aug 9, 2005
    Obliviators, the ministry knows where he lives.
    -I think he is the only wizard in Surrey, if there were more Mrs. Figg would have been obsolete, because a wizard would be much more useful than some squib.
    -Harry meeting wizards (Diggle etc.) is inevitably, he is the boy-who-lived, people worship the ground he walks on (if they feel like it).
    -I don't believe Dumbledore would have a problem jamming the "magic detectors" for a short period of time.
    He tortured the muggle orphans outside the orphanage, therefore the ministry thought it was some random wizard doing some random magic.
    House elves are supposed to go unnoticed, hence their magic shouldn't be noticed, Dobby made his magic noticeable to keep Harry away from school.
    Well in the third book Harry still walked on water, so the ministry just ignored the magic(he never got a letter for blowing up Marge) and because it was repeatedly done they suspected that he was just doing some random magic for fun(that's why no Obliviators came) and in the fifth book it was unacceptable because everyone thought he was an evil lunatic.
  14. Miss Selarne

    Miss Selarne Sixth Year

    Aug 21, 2005
    Dream Land
    Ah, I suppose that makes some sense. But I still don't think that covers everything. But this is just way too cofusing for my tiny brain to handle. What topic am I on anyways? Fanfiction Cliches? Let's see, Mr. Harry Potter disappears for a while and comes back powerful a few months or years later. Whether its by being a Founder's Heir and going back in time to train or being an Unspeakable or something to that nature.
  15. Rob

    Rob Looked into the void

    Sep 16, 2005
    Regina, Saskatchewan
    *raises his eyebrows* you've been peeking at my prewriting!

    I don't have my fanfiction posted anywhere, unfortunately, as I feel that getting reviews and trying to please people makes me want to write less. I'll do half the book first and then put it up.
  16. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    If thats how it is Nuit, then I have no fucking idea how muggle's havnt discovered the magical world already.

    Even if Dobby made his magic so it could be tracked, its still completely different. Surely house-elves magic is different in more ways than how they preform it.

    Riddle used magic at the orphanage too, I'm sure of it. Bad things kept 'happening' or whatever was said. Since Mrs Cole or whatever didnt forget what was happening, that means she wasnt memory charmed so who's to say that people in Surrey were as well?

    The movie, he still would have gotten a warning for using the lumos spell even they wanted to stay on his good side or whatever. A warning is nothing.
  17. Burt

    Burt Fourth Year

    Jun 17, 2005
    Santa Cruz, California
    Like, for instance, their amazing ability to impersonate other people's magical signatures.

    Quite. But you know what Stan Shunpike said, "The muggles don't see nothin." Muggles don't WANT magic to exist, so they rationalize it. "Did that kid just disappear into that platform barrier?" "Don't be stupid. He's just behind that pillar or something."
  18. Old Nuit

    Old Nuit High Inquisitor

    Aug 9, 2005
    Muggles have discovered parts of the magical world(Unicorns etc.) already(they just think it's fiction) and like Burt already said they don't really want to know anything about magic, in the second book Arthur even mentions that muggles do anything to ignore magic.
    Obliviators probably only use memory charms when it's inevitably, e.g. if muggles tell other muggles.
  19. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Hrmmm... this is a bunch of could haves and maybes. I give up, lol.
  20. mournthewicked

    mournthewicked Mistress

    Oct 18, 2005
    Of course, Riddle could have used the same type of magic Harry used before Harry even knew there was a Hogwarts (ex. Glass vanishing for the snake at the zoo, his hair growing longer, etc.) all based on high emotions and a type of wandless magic.

    I suppose all wizards and witches go through this, and in most instances aren't in trouble for it. For example, Harry probably wouldn't have gotten in trouble anyway for blowing up his aunt because he didn't cast a spell, it only happened because of his high emotions. (But of course, Fudge being scared of Black was the main reason.)

    So, this type of emotionally charged wandless magic must not show up on the Ministry's tracking charm and probably the Ministry was already watching Harry at the point where his Aunt blew up.

    Ah, I'm sure there's something about the Dementors and Harry casting the "Lumos" without his wand I wanted to bring up, but I don't remember what.

    Sorry for the rambling!
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