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FanFiction Cliches - Do not delete

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Lord Ravenclaw, Aug 13, 2005.

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  1. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    Here is another cliche that I hate: Harry's magic is bound by a bracelet so Dumbledore/ Fudge can force him to do what they want. It is ridiculous no matter which way you look at it, it makes absolutely no sense why anyone would believe that would work and besides if they had access to that kind of magical trinkets wouldn't you think they would use that in Azkaban instead of Demntors? I am just so pissed off that Shezza is using this stupid plot device. Where is the creativity?
  2. Miss Selarne

    Miss Selarne Sixth Year

    Aug 21, 2005
    Dream Land
    Ok, on the topic of the whole accidental magic thing. Too confusing. Moving on to next cliche.

    I haven't seen this one that much. The only one I've seen is where Dumbledore put wards on Harry's magic because he's so supposedly powerful. Now, I like some Super!Harry stories, but some are really bad. I be the only reason I haven't seen much of this cliche is that I'm really picky in the stories I read. If I find one thing I don't like, I usually don't read it.
  3. Redeye

    Redeye Penultimate Lurker DLP Supporter

    Aug 17, 2005
    i have seen this in like most every kick ass harry story that has him go back to hogwarts and them manipulative dumbledore comes in and binds his magic or whatever. its always either what dumbledore had my magic binded when i was young or harry gets so "out of control" that dumbledore binds his magic. in one fic harry's magic was bound and like thrown all over the place hermione and ron got some of it dumbledore brought harry's mom back and it made absolutely no sense how dumbledore kept doing that without harry's consent or like performing the spell with harry around dumbledore would just go into a chamber and draw magic from harry for whatever purposes it was weird.
  4. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    They started with some potential, but was quickly lost. I agree with Serapheth, less said the better.
  5. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    If it's done right then it isnt too bad. Like, you could bring it in as a new invention or something. They could start using it on Azkaban prisoners and stuff as a new form of control. There would be no more Animangus' escaping.

    I'm pissed too that Shezza is using it though you have to admit, he is too powerful for Hogwarts and thats where its going, unfortunately. Still... couldnt he study directly under Dumbledore or something. It'd be much better.
  6. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    harry/ginny/luna/hermoine or slash is my least favorite cliche, it has no originality in it.
  7. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    take that back, my least favorite cliche is how people make ron so evil, i mean one spurt of jealousy when he was 14. He redeems himself in ootp by staying by harry instead of joining percy. Then authors take that jealousy blow it way out of proportion, writing hr/ron betraying harry then hermoine coming back b/c she feels guilty while ron stays a major ass. i also hate bella going soft all of a sudden.
  8. StrifeXII

    StrifeXII Guest

    yeah i get what you mean i read a story where ron raped Ginny and hermione because he didnt want harry touching them...so lame. my least favourite cliche is when harry discovers he's the heir of merlin or someone really unrealistic i read a fic where harry changed his name to harry potter ravenclaw merlin black the list goes on. whew
  9. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    Nah. I think that Ron's jealousy is a bit more deep seeded than one isolated incident. Friends fight, true... But honestly I think deep down that Ron is just one jealous motherfucker.

    Some authors take it a bit to far, but I can see Rons jealousy ending the friendship, though for the most part when they take it to far it is really a cop out because they cant think of a differant way to end the friendship.

    As for Hermione, I am glad JKR has never made her read Mein Kampf :)
  10. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I agree, theres a buncha little hints in the series, and all through Half-Baked Plot he flip flops between loyal and jealous-ey. Its not just his attitude towards Harry, but towards anyone when he thinks differently from them, most notably Krum+Hermione. Ron's just the lighter version of Draco, at his core he's petty, jealous, and close minded.

    I can seem him ending it if he thinks for even a second Harry+Hermione are fooling around.
  11. Warlock

    Warlock First Year

    Oct 1, 2005
    the warp
    Any fanfic where harry is not the main focus. There are very few i would tolerate. and at the moment i cant think of a single one.
  12. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Same. The only one I liked was one with Voldemort but Harry was pretty much in it all the time anyway, so...

    Can't remember it's name. It was ages ago.
  13. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    yea i agree... sorta i mean he would probably be less friendly with harry but he would never become evil like some authors say. i personally like ron because he is like me, passionate about his beliefs, loyal, and not the rich kid. I think loyalty has ultimately won out, examples, the chess game in ps/ss, going into the chamber with a shit wand in cos, stickin by harry when they thought sirius was guilty, admitting his mistakes in gof, going with harry to the ministry in ootp. Don't forget hermoine's jealousy and constant air of supieriority (?) begining with the train, not letting harry make any choices about his broom in poa, and lets not forget how she was JEALOUS of harry for his potions grade in hbp, not to mention the house elf thing.. Basically i'm just sick of ron being the scape goat while hermoine gets off scot free or comes crawling back while ron stays an ass.
  14. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Hermione doesn't get off scot free to most of us, even if she does indeed get a pass in alot of fics.

    She's the most likley to betray Harry to an authority figure. I try to ignore her for the most part, even JKR has said she's only there so she can introduce twists through Hermione saying "she read it in a book" without having to explain a bunch of stuff.

    Hermione also seemed to get a ton of Ron's personality infused into her in Half-assed Prince. It really ruined her already too annoying character.
  15. realmess

    realmess Slug Club Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    New Jersey
    Personally I don't like either. Ron has an inferiority complex, and Hermione's overcompensating and bossy. I still can't understand why Harry didn't try to befriend Neville/basically anybody else. Yeah, Ron doesn't have to be all evil like, but he's no saint. Hermione, and her quest to be the best [and to suck up to any teacher] is, frankly, annoying as hell. If she was really intelligent, she would know that she can be the best AND be popular. As it is, she hangs out with Harry because he was the first /only/ person that befriended her.
  16. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Hmm.... instead of Hermione leaving Harry alone because of him going dark... Hermione gets a nice present from puberty and Cho teaches her how to be hot, drawing her away from Harry and Ron. She comes to the conclusion she was only friends with them b/c she latched onto them after they saved her, and her lack of other friends and boyfriends over the years is a result of boys being afraid of Harry's tendancy to get ppl killed.

    Not a bad story arc actually.
  17. realmess

    realmess Slug Club Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    New Jersey
    *snicker* and she becomes .. the bitch of Hogwarts :devil:
  18. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  19. realmess

    realmess Slug Club Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    New Jersey
    in the Great Hall, at dinner Harmione incidentally pushes Ginny off her bench while going to her seat between Seamus and Dean. Ginny gets up and starts shrieking. Food/hair starts flying, as all other Gryffindors shrunk away from the bitches. No one dares to interfere...
    *sight* we can only dream that though. :?
  20. Redeye

    Redeye Penultimate Lurker DLP Supporter

    Aug 17, 2005
    you know a cliche that sucks
    people making neville into like a god that is second only to harry.
    Im like this kid was barely accepted into hogwarts how can he become like the jesus of the magical society because harry gave him some "confidence" thats like me walking up to a first year sayign "you can do it" and then they kill voldemort.
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