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Fanfiction.net stats...

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by nonjon, Jan 4, 2006.

  1. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I'd been working on my Naruto story, so it had been a little while (a couple months). But still, going from 80 and 90 reviews on my previous chapters to barely 20 on this one is just unacceptable. At any rate, there won't be another until my numbers rise back up to where I think they ought to be...so I'll concentrate on other projects until then.
  2. Master Slytherin

    Master Slytherin Headmaster

    Apr 15, 2005
    London, England
    People are plain lazy as a rule, reviews aren't a good measure of how popular a chapter is. Hits are generally a much better method. What are your hit counts? Whip 'em out
  3. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    23 reviews, roughly 2700 hits on this chapter. I posted the chapter a little less than three days ago, and both numbers are quite a bit lower than my usual during the same elapsed time. And all readers aren't lazy about reviews. Harry Potter readers are typically extremely lazy about it, though (not the people here). It's like, we're supposed to keep churning out quality writing and they don't even feel obligated to take ten seconds to say thank you. I have a hard time feeling inclined to keep writing for people who are generally ingrates about it. Some review, the vast majority don't think it worth their time to bother.
  4. Master Slytherin

    Master Slytherin Headmaster

    Apr 15, 2005
    London, England
    That's quite interesting... just HP readers. I think (and I'm guessing) that quite a lot of factors come into play. One is the sheer number of reviews you have at the moment in total. Quite a few people I've spoken to don't review stories with high numbers of reviews as they feel the author has enough input. Also, quite frankly, there are an insane number of HP fics compared to anywhere else. Thus people have more to read which means they are less likely to take the time to review when they could be doing less strenuous things such as reading another fic. It's kind of like slashies bumping slash fics. There are less Naruto fics so the readers a) have more time and/or 2) want to big up the fewer number of fics that are there. That's how I see it. Come to think of it, the last couple chapters of OSOH have scored half the normal amounts of hits... is this a trend?
  5. Rain

    Rain Pirate Navigator of the 7 Seas

    Jun 5, 2005
    Adirondack Park, NY
    It's probably because FF.net was being screwy lately that the hit count was so low. (I didn't recieve half of my story alerts, had to rely on my C2)

    I don't really understand why people don't review, even at my laziest moments I can at least leave a review saying "Great work ^_^ I look forward to more!" (well, if it deserves that much). That takes a whole five seconds! It takes so much effort, I'm too tired to go be unthankful to more authors. (<-- sarcasm)

    But yeah, usually if my computer isn't running right I won't bother spending five minutes or so trying to load a review window if the author has a lot of feedback already, but I'm not everyone. (most people have a somewhat decent computer, I figure) I know I complain about receiving a "Great work" response and nothing more, but it is still pleasing to see that someone is actually reading, rather than just opening the page.

    *annoyed* Ugh. People disgust me.
  6. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    :) Indeed, if I remember right you left me one of the few helpful reviews I got ^_^.
  7. Heleor

    Heleor EsperJones DLP Supporter

    Mar 3, 2006
    Seattle, WA
    Heh, here's the stats for the stories I'm embarrassed to admit writing now, and especially here ;)

    Harry Potter and Voldemort's Gift
    Words: 16239
    Chaps: 8
    Reviews: 94
    Hits: 8344
    c2s: 33
    favs: 50
    alerts: 50

    You are on the favorites list of 13 members.

    You are on the author alert list of 53 members.
  8. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Mr. Master Slytherin asked about hits and I already pasted the numbers for Dimension Hopping, 1 day after the final chapter had been up.

    Here's the numbers on my most recent popular long fic. I think Where in the World might be more popular but this one's got the new numbers. Maybe if I paid for Extra Services like Lord Ravenclaw, who I think had massive hit totals from way back before us freeloaders started getting hit counts. But this is the breakdown on You Did What?!

    Chap     Words Reviews  Hits
    	21   138153	1039 118313
    	 1 	 4581 	65	26484
    	 2 	 4589 	40 	3720
    	 3 	 5926 	32 	3543
    	 4 	 5285 	41 	4103
    	 5 	 4818 	29 	4646
    	 6 	 5469 	29 	4950
    	 7 	 5784 	41 	4924
    	 8 	 4336 	29 	4834
    	 9 	 5902 	30 	5278
    	10 	 5226 	26 	5177
    	11 	 5522 	60 	4513
    	12 	 5241 	72 	4420
    	13 	 6022 	97 	4999
    	14 	 5720 	32 	4763
    	15 	 5872 	64 	4416
    	16 	 7557 	63 	5298
    	17 	 6387 	41 	4666
    	18 	 5253 	51 	4107
    	19 	12928 	66 	5208
    	20 	11694 	43 	3619
    	21 	14041 	88 	4645
    And my user stats:

    You are on the favorites list of 625 members.
    You are on the author alert list of 734 members.
    You have submitted a total of 194 signed reviews.
    Total words archived : 509,486 words.
    Avg. number of words per entry : 33,966.
    Numbers of hits to your profile page : 36008.
  9. Mrriddler

    Mrriddler High Inquisitor

    Oct 23, 2005
    Somewhere high, somewhere low and somewhere in bet
    hmm...anyone else's stats page messed up? Cause I just realized they are frozen for me. Not sure when this happened.
  10. Demon God of Chaos

    Demon God of Chaos Seventh Year

    Nov 15, 2005

    for some reason some people seem to think of me as a good author...

    i don´t have many reviews but i´m willing to share my stats....

    You are on the favorites list of 362 members.

    You are on the author alert list of 488 members.

    You have submitted a total of 8 signed reviews.

    Total words archived : 647,751 words.

    Avg. number of words per entry : 15,799.

    Numbers of hits to your profile page : 20414.

    i´m nothing compared to nonjon...

    i admit defeat in this...
  11. Master Slytherin

    Master Slytherin Headmaster

    Apr 15, 2005
    London, England
    That's what I thought happened to me for a while as the stats for the previous few chapters are way low. This is my recent breakdown:

         Words Rev.    Hits
    23 127441 1647   140912 
     1   5141   46    30228 
     2   5623   42    5488 
     3   5306   50    4469 
     4   6273   147   4500 
     5   4312   160   4304 
     6   5310   80    4070 
     7   4970   56    3928 
     8   4617   89    3929 
     9   6933   50    3992 
    10   5203   65    4216 
    11   5796   84    3840 
    12   5401   37    3857 
    13   6399   84    4381 
    14   5811   82    4352 
    15   5141   82    6846 
    16   4791   48    7161 
    17   5812   70    5492 
    18   5286   63    6824 
    19   5144   90    6300 
    20   5599   74    9033 
    21   5527   30    4048 
    22   5069   43    4518 
    23   7977   75    5136 
  12. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Yeah, the hits are not registering. Not sure how long it's been that way but the numbers haven't moved for maybe a few days now.

    And I know the first chapter of my new fic that I just posted 3 hours ago, which so far has 15 reviews has more than 0 hits.
  13. Shreve

    Shreve Guest

    thought i would share

    A boy and his hat has 19511 words with 4 chaps
    132 reviews 14346 hits
    61 c2s 94 favs 195 alerts

    A Hero Reborn has 47426 words with 11 chaps
    298 reviews 104690 hits :p
    32 c2s 95 fav 20 alerts

    Harry Potter, Never Normal has 63757 words with 29 chaps
    620 reviews 231331 hits
    45 c2s 252 fav 92 alerts :p

    I was wondering how my stories compared to others. thx. I never really looked at the stats before. Still can't believe HP, NN has over 200k hits. I'm still kinda wondering how many ppl are checking out a boy and his hat, but the last chapter has 1011 hits. :D
  14. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    The Power -> 26662 words, 12 chapters, 107 reviews, 31692 hits, 51 C2's, 107 favs, 137 alerts

    You are on the favorites list of 18 members.

    You are on the author alert list of 52 members.
  15. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Ahh shreve! Another fanfiction.net 'extra services' subscriber/member.

    Don't get me wrong, impressive stats. But the people who paid for things like hits at one point are the only ones whose numbers survived the various edits and changes ff.net admins have put their site through. Lord Ravenclaw's got a couple hundred thousand hits on his stuff too. Don't think anyone else has posted numbers that high.

    I was going to ask if you were a subscriber, but your picture on your userpage pretty much answered the question.

    BTW, you ever going to go back and work on your older fics (NN, Int. Fate, if past changed...)?
  16. BioPlague

    BioPlague The Senate DLP Supporter

    Jun 22, 2006
    United States
    Harry Potter and the Attack of the Clones (11 Chapters)
    Hits: 134,766
    Words: 43,760
    Reviews: 427
    Subscription -- C2s: 100
    Subscription -- Favs: 397
    Subscription -- Alerts: 219

    Harry Potter and the Prince of Lórien (1 Chapter)
    Hits: 6448
    Words: 4430
    Reviews: 67
    Subscription -- C2s: 22
    Subscription -- Favs: 36
    Subscription -- Alerts: 27
    Last edited: May 24, 2006
  17. World

    World Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 19, 2006
    Axis of Evil (Original)
    I agree with what Dark Syaoran said. The popularity of a fic partly stems from the prevailing trend. My first story was written at the height of Azkaban!Harry and was endorsed by some other, more popular Azkaban!author, has the following stats:

    New World Order (9 Chapters)
    Hits: 5356
    Words: 18991
    Reviews: 117
    C2s: 25
    Favs: 53
    Alerts: 19

    as well as putting me on the favorites of 16 and the author alerts of 85 people.

    Now, my newest story, A Play with me (5 chaps and 3k words) has 3 reviews (by 2 people), 139 hits and 1 fav.

    The Azkaban section of this forum is, by the way, the smallest in the library.
  18. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Agreed. So right now, I think we're seeing the peek and eventual die-down of the older-Harry sent into younger-Harry's body trend. That's got to be the latest fad. S'TarKan's fic is probably the banner one for that, though Taliath's I certainly much prefer and has been getting a hundred reviews a chapter almost since it started. Shreve has one too, and many more less popular ones exist out there too. I think Blot mocked them in Let's Do the Time Warp Again, almost stamping the authenticity of the trend that way. (A parody of a fad being popular is when the fad gets it's merit badge).

    Any guesses on what's next? Aside from everyone's slight "twist" on the idea to stay original (I'll send Ginny back instead! Oh lord... you know some OMG!!!11!! pre-teen girl will write that fic soon if she hasn't already).

    There's something out there right now, that's had a few decent fics but just needs a nice big fat banner fic leading the charge for all the others to copy and start the next trend. And it can't be ship-specific or even really genre specific (part of why Harry/Veela's won't get the same trendsetting attention). Betrayal fics and Azkaban, Independent fics, Manipulative!Dumbledore, old Harry back in young Harry's body, etc...

    I'm going to say the next popular fad will be... hmm... no idea. But Dark Lord Harry would be a welcome change.
  19. Master Slytherin

    Master Slytherin Headmaster

    Apr 15, 2005
    London, England
    I think it could be Post-Hogwarts. We've had 'Harry defeated Voldemort and went back to the past', the next big thing could be Harry defeated Voldemort and stayed in the present - perhaps fasforwarding a few years. I know these kind of fics have always been around but they've never 'boomed' or had a banner fic.

    The next big pairing is definitely Harry/Gabrielle (in my humble opinion). There's big support from big authors for that one (Jeconais etc) and people and generally starting to change their opinion on it.

    I guess the two (Post-Hogwarts and H/Gab) go together. Otherwise that pairing would be eeky.
  20. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    I agree about post-Hogwarts trend, even though I'm not so sure about Gabrielle (too few facts to work with).

    We're also experiencing more and more AU stories. That trend should continue until the 7th book is out, I think. After that, people will tend to put a close on the whole HP series and write stories around the canon events.

    Another thing to look out for are Trio's kids stories, that should boom after 7th book is out (especially if there are hints of Ginny & Hermione getting pregnant).