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Fanfiction.net stats...

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by nonjon, Jan 4, 2006.

  1. TheJackOFDiamonds

    TheJackOFDiamonds Third Year

    May 9, 2006
    Interesting topic, glad I found this thread.

    Harry Potter and the Hero's Path:

    Words: 175,374
    Chapters: 21
    Reviews: 2,036
    Hits: 539,328
    C2s: 316
    Favs: 1,262
    Alerts: 1,566

    .377% review/hit ratio (about average?)

    It's funny, when I started this fic I figured I would get maybe 10 reviews/chapter. Guess I was a little off....

    -the Jack
  2. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Go Jack!

    And a .377% review/hit is pretty good. Pulling a hundred reviews per chapter leaves many feeling like others will review so they don't have to. And longer multi-chapter stories can skew numbers in odd directions (especially as chapter one gets more and more hits just from linking to the page). I don't think anyone's shown an actual number (besides zero) worse than my 143 reviews / 124,002 hits for Freedom of Apathy (that's 0.115%). Although that is a 15 chapter story that was posted all at once. And some probably just review the one-shot sequel.

    It's been a week since I finished this so the numbers I doubt will change too much more:

    Browncoat, Green Eyes
    Words: 292,942
    Chapters: 39
    Reviews: 2,724 (185 on the final chapter so far)
    Hits: 461,219
    C2s: 159
    Favs: 847
    Alerts: 679

    2724/461219 = 0.59% review rate

    User Profile
    Favs: 1,084 members
    Alerts: 1,080 members
    Hits: 265,154
  3. Kung_lou

    Kung_lou Sixth Year

    May 19, 2006
    Interesting. This thread allows me to benchmark my own results with similiar fics.

    A matter of perception
    Words: 38934
    Reviews: 167
    Hits: 29640
    C2s: 65
    Favs: 160
    Alerts: 209

    .56% reveiw rate

    Once more the underdogs
    Words: 9960
    Reviews: 8
    Hits: 806
    C2s: 9
    Favs: 4
    Alerts: 10

    .99% reveiw rate

    Chaos on the Hellmouth
    Words: 14988
    Reviews: 20
    Hits: 2572
    C2s: 15
    Favs: 14
    Alerts: 30

    .77% reveiw rate
  4. Tinn Tam

    Tinn Tam Review Goddess Retired Staff

    Aug 11, 2006
    Paris, France.
    Jeez, I feel so small and unknown.

    The Song of the Trees

    Words: 59706
    Chapters: 9
    Reviews: 76
    Hits: 13042
    C2s: 28
    Favs: 56
    Alerts: 69

    Reach the Open Space

    Words: 9685
    Chapters: 1
    Reviews: 36
    Hits: 1885
    C2s: 21
    Favs: 41
    Alerts: 18

    Une Nouvelle Jeunesse, translation of liath's Young Again: the Rewrite

    Words: 9023
    Chapters: 3
    Reviews: 19
    Hits: 1882
    C2s: 0
    Favs: 11
    Alerts: 24

    French fans are so fucking lazy. And they have no taste.

    That's for my Harry-centric stories. My other stories are even less known.

    I am on the favorites list of 35 members.

    I am on the author alert list of 56 members.
  5. Fayr Warning

    Fayr Warning First Year

    Nov 28, 2006
    Sounds interesting.

    Child of Mercy

    Words: 50413
    Chapters: 7
    Reviews: 850
    Hits: 120961
    C2s: 286

    Reign of Power

    Words: 146576
    Chapters: 27
    Reviews: 2048
    Hits: 310605
    C2s: 319
    Alerts: 1020

    Judgment of Gods

    Chapters: 1
    Reviews: 87
    Hits: 2319
    C2s: 49
    Favs: 42
    Alerts: 17

    Son of Sacrifice

    Chapters: 1
    Reviews: 48
    Hits: 1940
    C2s: 13
    Favs: 10
    Alerts: 29

    As the World was Ending

    Chapters: 3
    Reviews: 37
    Hits: 4987
    C2s: 13
    Favs: 3
    Alerts: 11

    I believe people were as generous as they were to my less popular stories (the last three) simply because they already knew me as a writer. What can I say? I experiment.
  6. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    Aug 18, 2006
    West Central Florida USA
    The Next Great Adventure .394% review ratio
    Words 66,327
    Reviews 452
    Hits 114,620
    C2's 154
    Favs 249
    Alerts 411

    HP the Warlord Prince .188% review ratio
    Words 128,392
    Reviews 278
    Hits 147,818
    C2's 107
    Favs 171
    Alerts 277

    At the Hands of the Other .354% review ratio (stats took a boost when Kinsfire plugged me earlier this month)
    Words 38,306
    Reviews 326
    Hits 91,948
    C2's 148
    Favs 260
    Alerts 427 (most popular apparently?)

    HP and The Master of Past and Present .778% review ratio!
    Words 30,001
    Reviews 114
    Hits 14,639
    C2's 55
    Favs 73
    Alerts 277

    Whoa... I clicked "user stats" and discovered that I've typed over 311,724 words since April 2 2006. Averaging 1278 words/day. That kind of snuck up on me.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2006
  7. cubdom

    cubdom Guest

    Interesting thread here.

    Harry Potter and the Remnants of the Soul
    Words: 60,895
    Chap: 10
    Reviews: 268
    Hits: 73,758
    C2s: 136
    Fav story: 204
    Story Alert: 335
    Fav Author: 27
    Author Alert: 118
    Most reviews on a chapter: 48 (the chapter I buried Hermione and Ron and had Harry publicly show up the Minister with a werewolf Patronus)
  8. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    Ohoho! Stats. Hmm, i've never really thought about that.

    Wit of the Raven
    Words: 53,256
    Chapters: 8
    Reviews: 264
    Alerts: 341
    Reviews per Hits: .371%

    Wand Runner
    Reviews per Hits: 1.381%

    It seems like the less popular the story, the better batting average.

    Favorite Authors: 50
    Author Alerts:209
    Submitted Reviews:3118
    I'm also subscribed to 938 author alerts and 0 story alerts. Meh.
  9. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    Jesus Christ man, makes sense though seeing as how you've reviewed pretty much every fic I've read.
  10. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    Yeah, I really cut down a hella lot after last year. I was pretty free with the reviews, and I mastered three different types of reviews: The faux-high review, where I either recite a quote from a movie/person or a few lyrics from a song, the "lolz! update soon!" review, and the "well, this is really great, but here are around a hundred things that could be better". I used to leave flames, but that got boring, and I felt like an asshole. I also sometimes used to type out scenes that I thought would be amusing to see. I do have to admit that I'm sure that Athena Kitty owns me in terms of reviews left.
  11. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    Are you sure? Athena Kitty? What? No way? Will Remus sleep with Sirius? Will Sirius need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night? Will Remus be shocked? Will it be a full moon? Is Remus an Alpha? Am I annoying you yet?!!

    Kekekeke...3000 reviews is a lot, though. I've got...maybe 100? Probably not even that much. I just don't take the time to review, I guess, unless the fic is terrible enough, or fantastic enough to review.
  12. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    are you asking for stats on Hp stories Only?
  13. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    3000 reviews is a hell of a lot. Too bad you can't see them all in FFN review history... I have maybe 100 or so, probably less.
  14. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    Ahaha, yarrgh, perfect imitation of her. She only reviewed two of my chapters, but out of the eight sentences, six of them were questions.
  15. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    Well Nobody answered, so this is what you get. Fair warning To anyone looking for stories they haven't read on this thread (Why they would I don't know but...) NONE of these are HP stories. Anything with the word 'Lost' In the title is Part of the same (Currently On-Going) story.

  16. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    What kind of stories are these? Naruto?
  17. Teal_Thanatos

    Teal_Thanatos First Year

    Apr 21, 2006

    You are on the favorites list of 23 members.

    You are on the author alert list of 72 members.

    You have submitted a total of 239 signed reviews.

    Total words archived : 70,841 words.

    Avg. number of words per entry : 8,855.

    Numbers of hits to your profile page : 3823.

    title Vignettes
    words 5875
    chaps 5
    reviews 4
    hits 882
    c2s 0
    favs 0
    alerts 0

    title Power & Corruption
    words 42230
    chaps 9
    reviews 175
    hits 27687
    c2s 24
    favs 82
    alerts 75

    title Manga 2 life
    words 1412
    chaps 1
    reviews 4
    hits 111
    c2s 1
    favs 0
    alerts 2

    title Hell's sung ranma
    words 1154
    chaps 1
    reviews 14
    hits 72
    c2s 0
    favs 1
    alerts 1

    title Heart of Battle
    words 6875
    chaps 1
    reviews 14
    hits 284
    c2s 1
    favs 4
    alerts 2

    title Fled
    words 5755
    chaps 1
    reviews 14
    hits 258
    c2s 1
    favs 3
    alerts 3

    title Dark Angels
    words 6357
    chaps 1
    reviews 10
    hits 212
    c2s 0
    favs 2
    alerts 1
  18. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006

    How'd you know?

    Edit: Oh right... The Avatar.
  19. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Err... I thought it'd be pretty easy to figure out they're Naruto just by clicking on your profile here and following the link to your fanfiction.net userpage where your stories are all located.
  20. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    Or also, considering that the largest fandom represented on dlp other than HP is Naruto.

    going back to the actual topic, it would be neat to see the number of hits per day. I'd bet that nonjon(==house elves) gets more hits when alerts are down and people are defaulting to things they've already read, or going through C2 groups.