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Fangirls discussing why they like slash

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ip82, Aug 29, 2006.

  1. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    Hmm... I've been meaning to ask this for some time...

    Are girls who're imagining they're pussy!Harry, getting manhandled by Draco THAT much different from boys who're imagining they're Dark!Harry, throwing around their super powers and getting all the chicks on Earth? The only difference I see is between male and female psychology, resulting in diffferent fetishes. Nothing more.
  2. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    Trust Litha to come and shut us all up with her perfectly reasonable answer.

    Careful Litha, you might just become the next Hermione...

  3. Olfrik

    Olfrik Seventh Year

    Mar 2, 2006
    Thanks Litha, I have been waiting for that one for a long time.
    There are so many disguting het fics, were Harry gets into some tranformation, suddenly has a HUGE cock and bangs girls int he ass. Every second smut has some anal sex in it. Does anyone whine about that? I dont say which is worse but hypocritism has to be announced beforehand, please.
  4. DemonDream

    DemonDream Professor

    Jun 20, 2006
    Your closet. Please clean it, I can't move.
    I thought it went without saying. I personally dislike reading smut fics as the writing involved is absolutely terrible. Grammatically, storywise, smut fics are, for the most part, badly written. There are a few notable exceptions, Vash, for one. But they are few and far between.
  5. Stalicon

    Stalicon High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    That one place

    Yeah, it does kinda go without saying that the Majority of either sex probably dislikes objects shoved up their bum Olfrik.

    And personally I wouldn't have a problem with slash as I try to keep an open mind, but its gotten to the point that its overwhelming all other types of fanfiction such as the main one het, which is bad.

    A diversity of all types would keep the sides from clashing to much, but really the only problem I have with slash is that its written so poorly, which I know has been stated many times.

    What I'm trying to say is that overwhelming fanfiction with just one type of fiction will most likely result in the other side feeling threatened. I know authors who have quit writing all together because readers have tried to force their veiws onto them. Or just for the general poor quality of current incoming fanfiction.

    I don't feel I'm getting my point across clear, I think I just horribly jumbled it up instead -_-.
  6. mcatrage

    mcatrage Raptured to Hell

    May 16, 2006

    heh way to ruin all of our fun.

    My main problem with slash is because it takes up the entire story. Its never like a back ground romance its always the forefront (where as training is nonexistent).

    Also I'll admit I haven't read tons of slash but all the cliches that irritate me seem to be in the story.
  7. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Another point about slash I'd think they'd mention is the oddness of reading a story in which the main character is the opposite sex and seeing them go after a character of your gender. I'd much prefer reading no ship or femmeslash. This isn't an excuse for fangirlism, but I do feel that might be a part of the great amount of slash around.
  8. Fulgar

    Fulgar Second Year

    Aug 1, 2006
    Gender-Bender? :wall:

    Uh, when the character is a homosexual 'femmeslash?' is ok I guess since it doesn't deter much from the original character but when the person is straight, turns into a girl and then starts banging guys thats when it gets all wacked. Most of those stories are horribly written and basic s3x0rZ1ng is turned into a crapfest of unblievable crap and even more crap. I don't see how someone could read something like that unless it's adequately written with believable consequences and actions and even then, not many people would write that in that already small portion of readers. If they do, well... it wouldn't affect the major population.

    Unless of course we add in the fangirl equation which would quadruple or quintuple the amount... :wall: (Jk)

    So Raven, please explain to me how this would be one of the greater amount of slash around. This might have just been a spin-off from the gay fanfics but I certainly don't think it's one of the major sources of slash.

    Unless of course I'm looking in the wrong pools of fanfics. :lol:
  9. Thalarian

    Thalarian Seventh Year

    Dec 26, 2005
    Forgive me because I'm gonna go off on some big tangent, mainly because IP has a great point. I've not read a lot of slash, and I usually hit my back button when I find it, but you can't down someone for their fantasies, even though we all want to nuke any story with the SLASH summary. ^_^

    But what's the one thing all our stories have in common? Slash or Het?


    Simply put.

    I guess to me, that's the reason we frown on Slash as much as we have and why we are in fact different as possible fanboys. We feel Harry is a dominant character. It's the reason we hate PussyHarry so much. The reason we love DarkHarry and IndependantHarry as much also. Why we crave those well written HarryHarem stories. We, as writers and readers, want a character that will bring flare to our stories, bring action or our fights, and bring 'bad' to something would normally just be 'ass'.

    When you bring a dude into the mix, like Draco or Severus, (not only is it gross in my opinion ^_^), but Harry loses that dominant feel. Like he's less then what he could be. I don't mean to be sexist in any way, but when Harry is with a woman, or women, he has a sense of masculinity and charisma. Something that seems to be stripped away in PussyHarry and SlashHarry.

    But then again, that's why we have Slash.

    Women have always been on the bottom rung. Everywhere you look, sometimes they have to work harder, be faster, look better. When fangirls enter Slash fiction, they are already ommitting that more powerful feeling Harry would have over a woman, making that female character feel less powerful then Harry, and then in turn, making themselves feel like a weaker sex.

    With a SlashHarry, one who has even been abused, it's a man that has lost his masculinity. There is no weaker sex. It's the same sex, with one that's just a bit less then the other.

    I'm sure I'm not right on all of it, that some of those girls just want dudes to go at it cuz they're pervs. But that's sometimes what I get when I read comments like the ones IP started this thread with. o_O
  10. silvananoir

    silvananoir First Year

    May 25, 2006
    Well as a slasher I feel that maybe I can shed a little light on the situation. For me its more about the taboo and romance. I'm a Draco/Harry girl only because the idea of two enemies coming together is sweet. A very romeo/juliet situation. I do feel though that some slashers can go overboard, though the same thing can be said about het fics. Sometimes, Harry is to feminine, or the slash relationship can sallow the story. There is bad slash fiction out there, but there is also really bad het fiction. I can't say how many times I've run into a story where Harry meets a super powerful girl whose related to one of the characters, has a troubled past, and falls madly in love with her. Het as well as slash has their cliches. I read both kinds and have run into fics in both genres that make me want to wash my brain. I think that both sides need to learn to agree to disagree. I'm not trying to convert anyone to the slash way, but can honestly say that slash is a big part of the Harry Potter world. You might as well make some room for us.
  11. Dark Lord Rostam

    Dark Lord Rostam Button La Famiglia Midknight

    Mar 2, 2006
    In that thing you call a closet. Better watch out,
    No. We won't make room, for the simple fact that in Canon, Harry isn't FUCKING GAY. He is a straight male for fucks sake.
  12. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana

    If that was true, you'd read and write Harry/Voldemort fics, because they're actually enemies. Harry and Malfoy have a petty, useless rivalry.

    You're a 'Harry/Draco girl' because you think Tom Felton is hot, and you'd like to ignore the mechanics of sex in order to see him pork Daniel Radcliffe silly.

    I'd like to see the look of horrified realization on your face if you ever saw something as unearthly as a male squeezing out a baby from his rectum.



  13. silvananoir

    silvananoir First Year

    May 25, 2006
    That's why it's called fanfiction. We're fans to, and and we write FICTION. Its not real, its not part of canon. Its just fans writing about what they like, and their ideas.

    Yes, I'm a Harry/Voldie fan to. But I happen to prefer Harry/Draco.

    Wrong. I've been a Harry/Draco girl for a long time. And for the record I've never watched a single Harry Potter movie. Never not a one. I've also seen gay porn and have extensively read slash and yaoi fanfiction as well as read manga. So trust me when I say its something that I know very well. The mechanics of gay sex are very familar to me.
    I am also a fan of mpreg(male pregnancy).

    Cute. Yeah that's mature. I only commented because I thought that we could freely exchange ideas, points of view, opinions. I had hoped that I wouldn't be insulted because I'm a slasher. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that you have the right to insult those who do. I'm a Harry Potter fan to, and I have the right to enjoy slash fanfiction if that what I want to do. Grow up and move on, slash is a part of the Harry Potter world. Accept it and get on with your life.
  14. Dark Lord Rostam

    Dark Lord Rostam Button La Famiglia Midknight

    Mar 2, 2006
    In that thing you call a closet. Better watch out,
    Awww, did we hurt the slashers feelings? Too bad, you hurt Harry's feelings and JKR's everytime you make him take it up the ass.

    The Harry Potter world is canon fucktard. Fanfiction is based on Canon, and in Canon, Harry isn't gay.
  15. silvananoir

    silvananoir First Year

    May 25, 2006
    Nice, no you didn't hurt my feelings. But thanks for caring. I've had this dicussion one to many times in my life for your junvenile insults to have any affect on me. I'm not ashamed of being a slasher, so its not something you can make me feel bad about.

    Once again with the insults. If fanfiction is based on Canon, explain why Voldemort has a Daughter. Or Harry is suddenly a magical creature or heir of Merlin. Fanfiction, is fans writing about some form of media that they like. And writing about the characters in any way they choose. So if fans want to write about a gay Harry then they will.
  16. Xenon

    Xenon Professor

    Jun 15, 2006
    SLASH IS GAY!!!1!

    ... *sigh*

    Silvananoir... Im more open minded then most men. But honestly, what are you smoking? This forum is quite posibly the biggest collection of HP slash haters on the web. The only reason this forum EXISTS is becasue we refuse to "grow up and move on" and accept the horribly written drivle that composes most slash and H/G fics as the only viable Harry Potter fanficiton. Because that's what the majority of authors tend to believe. H/G and Slash and magical ponies and roflcopters and MPREG.

    English is a language. If people feel like calling you an idiot, they will. Idiot.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2006
  17. Dark Lord Rostam

    Dark Lord Rostam Button La Famiglia Midknight

    Mar 2, 2006
    In that thing you call a closet. Better watch out,

    Moron, fanfiction is based on canon, because for the simple fact that you are using her world as the basis for everything in your stories. It is the setting, and it contains the characters you use. The character you are using, Harry, isn't gay.

    Voldemort doesn't have a daughter, and Harry isn't a creature or a heir. When you are writing fanfiction, you should keep in mind the characters basic instincts from Canon, you can change him, yes, but it should be explained by an event in your story. Voldemorts basis is an evil man, who has never loved someone. So in your story, you have to do something to explain him having a daughter, same with Harry and being a creature.

    Now, while you can make him change his bloodline, or have someone choose to have a daughter, you can't make a straight character, a gay character.
  18. silvananoir

    silvananoir First Year

    May 25, 2006
    Fine whatever, fanfiction is based on canon. I don't care, we're getting away from the original point. You hate slash fine. I, once again don't care. I just wanted to put a slashers point of view out there, because I felt that those original comments didn't represent slashers overall. I didn't want to get into a fight because its simply not worth my time or energy. Hate slash, like slash whatever. I think we just agree to disagree because I for one am not going to stop liking slash.
  19. Masked Critic

    Masked Critic Backtraced

    Jun 11, 2006
    The State of Confusion

    silvanoir, how the FUCK have you managed to last this long here?
  20. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana


    I think it was mature of me to say that. After all, I'm not the one who is ignoring the fact that babies require a man and a woman to be created, just to get my jollies.

    Also, this is the internet, not your house. I can say whatever the hell I want to, and I can criticize you in any way that I want as long as I follow the rules of this site. Don't be naive...you aren't exempt from being a moron, for whatever reason you might think of.

    No one is telling you to stop reading or writing slash. You want to? Okay. That's great. Take it to where its appreciated. I'm pretty sure that this entire thread, and just about the whole forum simply screams "WE DON'T LIKE SLASH VERY MUCH AT ALL." There are other forums that will indulge and even encourage your efforts. When you post on DLP, don't defend slash. It comes off as flamebaiting, considering the multiple times that users have made it clear that they hold no appreciation for slash whatsoever.

    There. You aren't ashamed of it. So use some elementary fucking logic, and don't defend it if our opinions mean nothing to you. If you don't really care, then its flamebaiting, and it creates just another shitstorm of people telling you to go fuck yourself. And, it makes you seem like a pretentious little shit, preaching to people and dismissing them when they make a valid point against your post.