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Fangirls discussing why they like slash

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ip82, Aug 29, 2006.

  1. Masked Critic

    Masked Critic Backtraced

    Jun 11, 2006
    The State of Confusion
    Okay, I just looked around a bit, out of pure stupid curiosity, and I noticed something: Silvananoir has, in the past hour, posted in multiple threads, each time commenting on the fact that she likes slash.

    *Sniff sniff* What's that smell? OH! I know! It smells like a flame-baiting troll!

    Back on topic, to flamewhor... I mean, Silvananoir: the reason why we hate slash, and why your opinion on it will never be tolerated, is because it is comepletely changing a fundamental characteristic of a character, without giving any reason as to why. If there was a reason why, such as (cue movie announcer voice) "From the age of 7 to the age of 11, one young Harry Potter has been brutally raped by his aunt, almost ritualistically. Knowing only pain from the touch of a woman, he turns to the comforts only provided by a man," AND the story was so good that I didn't care, I wouldn't give a flying fuck about slash existing.

    But, considering it's always just completely ignoring an established character trait so a stupid bint can get her jollies, I, and most everyone else here, can't stand it.

    And as for mpreg? As Carlos Mencia would say, YOU'RE FFFFFUCKING STUPIIIID.
  2. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005

    I have noticed her posts as well. I was about to say something but got distracted with an updated story. It is quite annoying.

    Yes, you like slash. Good. Okay, now shut up, because we dont care. Saying it once is enough.
  3. The Demented One

    The Demented One Raptured to Hell

    Aug 31, 2006
    I hate slash like everybody here, and slash doesn't have any canon proof, but some of the best het pairings don't have proof to. Saying that H/D is stupid because of canon is equivalent to H/G for life because canon supports it. Yes, this is fanfiction and should have some canon basis, but what is more realistic, a gay! Harry or Super!Harry?
  4. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    meh I'm too tired to properly admonish some of the folks in this thread, so I'll blanket warn, with behave, and make sure you use blunt objects to beat each other with, pointy objects get our boards all bloody, then there's the DNA evidence we have to clean up if you kill each other.

    I actually don't mind Harry and Draco becoming friends using the cliche of Malfoy's terrified of his dad finding out he's really a pussy, and he goes anti-Voldemort and helps Harry, but H/D? nah. Draco may be a pussy, be he doesn't HAVE one!
  5. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    I don't like slash, but I disagree that the main thing wrong about it is that it's going against canon.

    Hell, if JKR told us today that Harry will NOT be powerful, would we stop reading DarkLord!Harry stories? Oh wait... she HAD told us that, with a piece of fiction called Half-Blood Prince. But this site hadn't closed down or changed its name into PowerOfLove.net...

    Anyway, I couldn't help but drag this up:

    What you are talking about are so called Marry Sue stories... and they are just another form of fangirlism, not that dissimilar to slash. The point of both genres is simply to put the (female) reader in close proximity of one of the HP characters and let her have her ways with him.

    Marry Sues are mostly for the romantically inclined girls, who get to have HP male characters fall on their knees at the mere sight of beautiful and mysterious pre-teen author. But when the romance is due to move on to the next level, there's a problem. No fangirl would like their alter-ego to become a slut and get banged by Harry or Draco. Hell, most of them don't even know what sex entails and are deadly affraid of it. So they chose a safe solution - instead of banging her alter ego, have Harry and Draco bang each other. Now they can fantasize about having sexual relation with Felton, without feeling like sluts. Convenient, but not something males would be very interested in reading.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2006
  6. Archer

    Archer Fourth Year DLP Supporter

    Jul 24, 2006
    New Zealand
    Do I even need to comment on this?
  7. Hadoren

    Hadoren High Inquisitor

    Aug 21, 2006
    I dislike slash because it's romance. And romance has this unfortunate tendency to screw a story up, unless it's purely written for romance.

    Name a famous story that doesn't focus on romance but something else (i.e. Of Mice and Men), has a large dose of romance (unlike Of Mice and Men), and pulls it off successfully without weakening the story. And I don't mean famous fanfiction stories, but true classics like White Fang.
  8. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    I have a sneaking suspicion that Silvananoir is the FFNet author Gomorrha.

    Maybe not, Gomorrha was actually intelligent in her posts, but I did have a very similar argument via PMs with her.


    While I no longer will go OMG SLASH IS for T3h GAY ASS Fangirlz!, I dislike anyone supporting it here at DLP.

    I accept that there are mature, reasonable people that enjoy it, but that doesn't change the fact I think slash is the worse thing since DebstheSnapeFan.

    In addition, I also support the belief that slash is not supported by canon. However, that argument does not make slash authors wrong, it simply means slash authors would have to label their fics as "AU".

    Bottom line, while I dislike slash, their authors (mostly), and their stories, I respect their write to publish their work online. However, coming to DLP and defending it is a state of retardation that surpasses even the Down Syndrome Monkey on Speed.
  9. mannequin

    mannequin Guest

    I'm a girl, and I've never seen the appeal to reading slash fanfiction. It kind of disturbs me to know that so many people get off to that stuff. It just seems wrong imagining my favorite childhood characters portrayed in that light.
  10. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    Emerald Basilisk who posted that and where?
  11. david9

    david9 Banned

    Jan 30, 2006
    As a guy I can't stand reading slash or femslash. I don't have anything against gays and lesbians, but when I'm reading something I want to be able to identify with the character. I can't identify with somebody who is so much of a wimp that he can't function without his 40 year old arch enemy anally violating him. Nor can I, although it's fun to watch either IRL or in porn, identify with a lesbian. Or any female character for that matter, which is probably why I don't read stories written from a fem!char's point of view.

    I understand that Girl A may think Guy A and Guy B are soooooooooooo hot omigod!! but if she knew the guys personally would she prefer to fuck one of them or have them fuck each other?