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Favorite stories

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by magglez, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. magglez

    magglez First Year

    May 12, 2011
    I keep finding myself bored, sitting around with nothing to read. I'm sick of re-reading the same fics in the library over and over again, so I thought I'd ask for for you guys to post a few of your favorite stories from any fandom. Thanks.
  2. Mutt

    Mutt High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2010
    A Black Comedy by nonjon
  3. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    I'm... pretty sure that's in the library, jaded.

    Are there any fandoms you're particular towards besides Harry Potter, OP? Such as Naruto, Dresden Files, etc.
  4. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    A list of our favorites that aren't in the library would be a really goddamn short list. At least when talking about HP stories.

    The almost recommended threads should have any others. Though I would hesitate to call anything in those "favorites". They're almost recommended for a reason.

    Other Fandoms Almost Recommended

    HP almost recommended.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  5. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    One of my all time favorite stories is one that's not in the library. I've posted it a few times here over the months, but I still think it's readable.


    It's got some cringeworthy moments (mostly that involved heavy handed plot setting and some needless cliches) and the pairing is Harry/Ginny but it's kind of shoe horned in and pretty pointless. What I do like about story is the world building. I love some of the ideas that are presented, and most of them are still pretty unique. Some of them could have been done better though. With an experienced author, this story could have been 5/5.
  6. Dark Minion

    Dark Minion Bright Henchman DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Sep 22, 2006
    Well, yes, that's in the library as well, in the Recycling Bin:


    At once point it actually was complete, then the author started to rewrite and repost it - sadly not as a new story but with replacing the first version. Now it breaks off somewhere near the end.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  7. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    One of my favorite stories ever, something I only read because I liked a previous story by the author that much.

    It is Luna/Voldemort, which is fucking weird, but I liked it and a few other members gave it a 3-4. Twelve Dark Moons.

    Also, when you say any fandom, I can't imagine you actually mean any fandom. Please say you do.
  8. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    Better Left Unsaid» by Kenchi618reviews
    Mizuki never got to shoot his mouth off at Naruto the night he took the Scroll of Seals. Other than skipping a half-manic monologue from him what exactly did this change for everyone's favorite blonde ninja? Who knows? Rated M for language/later events.
    Naruto - Fiction Rated: M - English - General - Chapters: 46 - Words: 564,102 - Reviews: 4438 - Updated: 6-3-12 - Published: 12-15-10 - - Naruto U.

    From Fake Dreams » by Third Fang reviews
    Emiya Kiritsugu was happy living the rest of his short days. He had put his past behind him... until he began to dream of futures that had yet to be. Let it be known that the Magus Killer was not dangerous simply because he was dying and would not fight.
    Fate/stay night - Fiction Rated: M - English - Action/Adventure/General - Chapters: 20 - Words: 249,584 - Reviews: 1437 - Updated: 5-29-12 - Published: 7-23-11 - - Shirō E.

    What Fates Impose » by Frea O'Scanlin reviews
    Joining the CIA wasn't anything like Chuck Bartowski hoped—five years in a bunker just sucks. When Bryce Larkin sends him the Intersect, it's up to Chuck and Bryce's ex-partner Sarah to deal with the fallout of Bryce's betrayal and save the day. COMPLETE.
    Chuck - Fiction Rated: T - English - Drama/Action/Adventure - Chapters: 68 - Words: 496,743 - Reviews: 2188 - Updated: 5-8-12 - Published: 2-18-10 - - Chuck B./Sarah W. - Complete

    One Small Kindness » by DigitalTart reviews
    Uchiha Mikoto takes the hand of an outcast child, and with it rewrites the destiny of her clan. AU. *SEQUEL UP*
    Naruto - Fiction Rated: M - English - Drama/Tragedy - Chapters: 19 - Words: 110,278 - Reviews: 666 - Updated: 10-20-11 - Published: 3-11-11 - - Mikoto U./Itachi U. - Complete

  9. magglez

    magglez First Year

    May 12, 2011
    I really mean any fandom. Even if I know nothing about it I'll just read it anyway or if I get too confused, look it up. That's why everything I know about FSN is from fics in the library and almost recommended thread. And thanks guys but I've read and enjoyed all of those except One Small Kindness because I could give a shit about Sasuke's mom and Twelve Dark Moons because I'm only a few chapters in. I love Luna's character though, as she is never really portrayed the way I imagined. Please give me more. Just anything at all that you enjoyed. Except for my little pony. I really just don't care about it at all.
  10. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    If you're looking for any fandom, give these a shot. I don't think any of them are in the library at least. I've also included my personal rating on them if that helps any.

    On the Wings of an Eagle
    Near the end of his life, Ezio Auditore, once Mentor of the Assassins, decides to serve his order with his dying breath by retrieving an ancient artefact. To his surprise, it whisks him away to a strange country of magic, where old eagles fly again...
    Familiar of Zero/Assassin's Creed - 4/5 (likely to hit a 4.5 if some characterization changes from canon play out well)

    Everything and Nothing
    A story literally told a thousand times by now. Louise summons a different familiar, but the fun is guessing what the twist is!
    Familiar of Zero/Original Universe - 4.5/5

    Mass Effect: Glorious Shotgun Princess
    The Exaltation of the Unconquered Sun is a tricky thing. Especially when it doesn't come with an manual. Jane Shepard, who was able to talk Spectres into suicide before getting a spiritual superweapon grafted to her soul, has a new advantage.
    Mass Effect/Exalted - 3-3.5/5

    Cast in Gold
    What makes a hero? A Cause? Survival? Power? Maybe all of the above.
    Evangelion/Exalted - 4/5

    A character study of Ichigo and how he interacts with his world. Follows canon. Full summary inside.
    Bleach 4.5/5

    Avatar of Victory
    The Cycle of the Avatar has held for thousands of years. Other Cycles can stretch far, far longer.
    Mass Effect/Avatar: The Last Airbender - 3/5

    Summoning the Sun
    She begged for a beautiful, sacred and strong familiar. She never expected how sacred a certain white wolf could be.
    Familiar of Zero/Okami - 4/5

    Matters of Faith
    Gendo is out to do some good, in the only way that he can; by being the most magnificent, manipulative bastard that he can be. Rei is out to help us all, by doing SCIENCE! Please Read & Review!
    Evangelion - 3.5/5
  11. TMNTurtwig

    TMNTurtwig Professor

    Oct 9, 2011
    In the Shadow of Gods

    They stand apart from humans as heroes, saviors, and gods among men. But when we stand in the shadows of gods, we fail to see the cost to them. Sometimes the only one that can understand the weight of the universe is someone else who bears it.
    Crossover - Halo & Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 13 - Words: 102,614 - Reviews: 571 - Updated: 6-9-12 - Published: 12-3-11 - Master Chief/John-117 & Shepard (F)

    (The author of In the Shadow of Gods is currently protesting fanfiction.net so don't expect any new updates from any of her stories any time soon.)

    S Class Lovers

    Naruto, a human trained in the art of killing the Creatures that threaten to take over their world. But what happens when a Kitsune over-lord falls for him, and he slowly falls for her? Hell breaks loose and other problems arise in their war. NaruXFemKyuu
    Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 49 - Words: 192,782 - Reviews: 943 - Updated: 6-6-12 - Published: 10-18-08 - Naruto U. & Kurama/Kyuubi

    Broken People

    The Sky People's technology helps to save Tsu'tey after the battle, but he isn't quite sure what to think of the broken Sky Person in the wheeled chair that keeps coming to visit him while he's recovering. Friendship fic, AU for obvious reasons.
    Avatar - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship - Chapters: 32 - Words: 113,143 - Reviews: 554 - Updated: 6-3-12 - Published: 4-29-10 - Tsu'tey & Jake S.

    Morality Chain

    /AU-ish/ "You're my brother. That's got to count for something. Right, Zuzu?" If Azula and Zuko had always cared for each other, how different would their live's paths have been?
    Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family/Friendship - Azula & Zuko - Reviews: 730 - Chapters: 25 - Words: 157,664 - Updated: 05-20-12 - Published: 03-19-10

    Queen of All Oni

    Daolon Wong's summoning spell goes wrong; but rather than awakening an ancient evil, he resurrects a more recent threat. With Queen Jade as their opponent a race for the masks is on. Can the Chans stop Jade's plans and save her from the darkness? NOT JxT!
    Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Drama - Jade C. & Torhu - Reviews: 259 - Chapters: 15 - Words: 135,199 - Updated: 05-28-12 - Published: 04-15-10

    The First Shifting Grain

    Sabaku no Gaara lands in the past to a time where everyone feared him and his father was still alive. He realises this will force him to regain everyones trust when they still think he's a blood-thirsty psychopath. Time-Travel.No pairing.
    Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Friendship - Gaara - Reviews: 139 - Chapters: 8 - Words: 41,182 - Updated: 05-10-12 - Published: 10-30-11
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  12. The Arid Legion

    The Arid Legion Professor

    Oct 6, 2010
    Game Freeze by Nagashizuri, Pokemon. Rec'd this in Other Fandoms a while back but it didn't get in. Link to the thread for why I think it's good.

    Renegade by Deviate's Fish, HP/Fate/Stay Night. More of a fusion from what I can tell, only one chapter so far but I'd be interested in seeing where it goes.

    I Put on My Robe and Wizard Hat by Ol'Vesper, Fate/Stay Night. It's.. odd. It has an Internet Savvy!Shirou and starts out as more of a comedy/parody than anything else.
    The writing is average for the most part and a bit bad in in some, what really shines though are the action scenes. They're just a joy to read.

    Diamond Pokemon by Megadeth425. Taken down everywhere. Don't judge.
