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Abandoned Fidelius by Ishtar - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Rahkesh Asmodaeus, Nov 16, 2005.

  1. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    I thought the new chapter was alright actually....Thinking about it the Harry that he/she built fits right in with the Hufflepufs. And If done correctly the story wont be a total loss; did you read the authors note at the beginning of the chapter? And You have to admit that the mauraders[from what we know of them] were much more skilled and creative than cannon Harry, so let us hope the author is going to make this Harry...up to par.
  2. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I don't like inane prankster garbage. It's useless filler.
  3. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    What else is the author going to do? Think about it, would you preffer he/she just do an exact copy of PS witht he only difference being that Harry is a Hufflepuf? No, cuz that would be lame and boring. Needs some filler crap and I didn't expect anything great in the first year. I thought you would be happy the author announced Harry/Cho was going to be one of the pairings....
  4. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Eh, that's sorta offset by the fact that it isn't going to last. As pleased as I'll be while they're together, I would be ten times as pissed at the breakup. As for now, I'd like to see Harry be learning magic far beyond the usual ability or dabbling in darker shit he's really not supposed to instead of pulling retarded pranks on Malfoy with his OMG NEW MARAUDER SUPERFRIENDS. Either that, or find some hobby that's constructive and useful and isn't completely stupid (like the fencing in my own seven year work). It's still a good story, but the pranks I can do without.
  5. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    Lol alright I understand your point of view more now....
  6. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    You do it well, Sera, but honestly, how many kids are into fencing? Or ANYTHING constructive? Pranking can, in my opinion, be indirectly constructive. YOu learn new charms/transfigurations to successfully pull off a prank. You learn stealth. I mean really most kids (in the real world) spend their time watching TV. Canon Harry spends his time half-assedly solving mysteries (See HBP where he STARES at the Marauder's Map "Every Free Chance he gets" looking for Draco Malfoy!!!!)

    Relatively speaking, pranking if done well could be good. THe problem is that usually its childish crap with unfunny events (not that Hanging Snape upside down is particularly funny, but...) Also, The marauders LEARNED to be Animagi because of doing illegal activities related to pranking/rule breaking.

    In this Harry's context, Harry being in Hufflepuff makes sense, and as much as I dislike it, he would PROBABLY be friends with Granger. My biggest frustration is that he's gonna be OBVIOUSLY best friends with someone from each house. Tracey (Slytherin), Neville (Gryffindor), Hermione (Ravenclaw), and himself from Hufflepuff. This is one of the worst and most overused cliches in fanfic.

    Still, I do like this story. So Cheers!!! :cheers: :D :D :D
  7. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Yeah, I noticed the whole 'one Superfriend in every house' thing too...

    I've just seen pranking done so many times in fanfics, and it's always come off as just wasted space. Maybe this author will do better with it. I just have this concept that Harry is supposed to be some larger than life kinda figure in a good fanfic, and not just some regular kid who likes to have fun with friends and go to class and all that.
  8. MadEyes

    MadEyes Seventh Year

    Dec 3, 2005
    Some Tropical Island

    Not only that, but after what Sirius went through and the experiences he’s had, even though he is a bit of a daredevil, he should have matured enough to have more sense and not act like an idiot most of the time. I hate it when people over-exaggerate a part of his character that applied when he was a 15 year old. He has grown up and should be portrayed as such.

    Another thing that annoyed me about the Marauder stunt was that Harry didn’t grow up with the influence. For all intents and purposes in the story, Harry has only known Sirius and Remus for a short while and then not enough to have such ideas imparted into his head; especially since he was raised with a kind of House Elf moral code. Another thing is that Peter, his biggest human influence in the story, however dead, is portrayed as nothing more then a responsible person trying to atone for his mistakes in death, even if Harry doesn’t view him as such.

    There are too many parts in the chapter taken right out of the first book, and seeing as everything previously written was very much original, is it too much to hope that his entry into Hogwarts could have been dissimilar? I mean, the confrontation with Malfoy, seeing as Harry was raised differently, should have had a different procession of events and outcome at the very least.

    At the moment, I will keep reading, but the last chapter was a huge disappointment for me. Many of its parts fall under the character of the Harry Potter shown in the books, and not the one that has been artfully introduced at the beginning of this story. At the moment, it seams as if much of the influences of his childhood were discarded for the old, clichéd ones, and that disheartens me, since this was almost at the top of my favorite list. Thus I hold it to a higher regard and with many more expectations.

    During his childhood in this story Harry was no more then a hardworking, good, stubborn and applied child that grew up with magic all around him, trained in wizarding customs and his role in wizarding society; A boy who knows house-elf magic and most everything else of the magical world, and who has never played a prank in his life. Why the hell should he start now, suddenly, after he met Sirius? As Serapheth said, its useless filler, nothing more.

    And this is only my comments about half of the chapter, don’t get me talking about the rest, starting with a portrait guardian of the Hufflepuff common rooms. Where has the originality gone? Ravenclaw territory is behind a bookcase, Slytherin dungeons behind a dungeon wall and Gryffindor tower behind a painting. Why couldn’t it be something different from Gryffindor? Like a statue, a window or even a hidden stair in the floor of some dead end corridor?

    But ill stop here. I’m too disappointed at the fact that such a good story started so early in loosing the originality that made me like it so much. I’ve read too many of them that have started with less use of the cannon then this one, only to find themselves almost copying the books later on. How can I know that this story wont meet such a fate?
  9. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    Totally agree with you especially on the parts about pranking. If done well Harry may turn out to be the opposite of cannon Harry. It would be interesting if he ended up like his father....People like to potray his father as a total asshole but I just think that was a horrible moment for Harry to catch a first glimpse of him.
  10. MadEyes

    MadEyes Seventh Year

    Dec 3, 2005
    Some Tropical Island
    They turned into animagus’ because Remus was a werewolf and one of their best friends. It had nothing to do with pranks or anything of the sort. Anyways, just because the Weasley twins revere them because of the creation of the marauders map doesn’t make them instant pranksters. That’s a big misconception that I have had no proof of, apart from Snape’s memory. But that was a direct and straight forward hexing, nothing as childish and inane as what is written in most stories.

    Besides, a marauder is a sort of raider, looter or thief. Not a prankster. Would it be so hard to think that they did other things, like steal ingredients from Slughorn and make illegal potions or some other things?
  11. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    Trouble makers then rather than pranksters.

    Yes it would be quite hard to think that.......infact, why would we? :shock:
  12. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    Related to illegal things.

    Also, HBP, has a reference to them serving detention for pranks. Harry had to organize the detention folder after cursing Malfoy, if I remember correctly.

    Lastly, the attitude portrayed by their alter-egos in the Marauder's Map is indicative of snarky, sarcastic, and light-hearted people. FInally, Sirius admits he tricked Snape into following down the tunnel beneath the whomping Willow, but Sirius says it was supposed to be "a harmless prank."

    From the Horse's mouth, or in this case Dog's. :wink:
  13. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    I'd have to disagree with almost all the bad reviews this chapter had gotten.

    - Copying canon word for word is something that really grates on my nerves, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. The only parts copied were the ones that were unchanged by the events of the story so far - Hogwarts ghosts, professor's introduction speeches, sorting hat song etc. All the really important bits (like the protections around the stone and Harry's friends) are changed. From 15,000 words this chapter has, less than 500 are directly copied from PS, so I don't see where all this whining is coming from.

    - Harry's new friends from 3 different houses - Don't mind it one bit, with Harry being Hufflepuff and all. Could be perceived as a big coincidence that kids from 4 houses had gotten together, but I've seen worse 'coincidences' in many stories praised by you people.

    Simple mathematics: the chance for 'super-friends' to happen is (roughly, supposing that number of people in each house is and stays the same):

    (3/4) * (2/4) * (1/4) ~ 10%

    So the chance isn't so small as it seems at first glance (I could be wrong though, statistics was never my strong point).

    - Pranks - Don't like them that much, but I guess it's way better than exploding snap and chess, like in the canon. Yes, we would all like Harry to start his apprenticeship with Superman, but he's just a kid, for christs sake. Also, don't forget that this isn't Slytherin!Harry. He don't have the drive and motivation to start cramming dueling magic and dark arts. I absolutely love how she made him more interested in potions and herbology than anything destructive. Totally in character.

    Besides, as someone already said, most kids play games/TV. Pranking is at least a little bit constructive (not to mention he's already planing to study Animagus transformation).

    So, no I'm not dissapointed at all. Still looking forward to the next chapter.
  14. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    I dont really know if I want to read this chapter after reading all this... Hufflepuff... for christ sake! Original I guess...

    I hate pranking...
  15. Rob

    Rob Looked into the void

    Sep 16, 2005
    Regina, Saskatchewan
    I enjoyed this chapter. He hasn't pranked anything yet, so how do you know that it's going to be horrible or even your standard pranking?

    I'm a fan of the non-knowledge impaired!Harry, so I think it's great how he manages to develop a working relationship with Snape.

    The only thing that was kind of weird I thought was the multiple wands. Not really cliche how he does it but makes me wonder at times.
  16. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    I wish he would have actually used a few jinxes or something on Malfoy. It said he knows some jinxes and Hexes Peter's taught him.
  17. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    Nah, I'd really like to see Harry who is more interested in learning something creative (like potions, transfiguration etc), than learning how to duel & playing Quidditch.

    Not to mention that being non-violent is totally in his character (raised by house-elves, who are totally unviolent but extremely constructive & hardworking). The only story where I've seen Harry like this is "Prodigy" and it was/is great... I'd really like to see more of characters like this; not everything about magic has to be about violence.
  18. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Yeah, I didn't like this last chapter at all. It took the story in a direction that I really don't like. The whole one friend in every house, and then taking on Neville on as a friend instead of Ron. I know that most everyone here hates Ron, but I actually like him. Well, he's better than Neville in any case. I really don't like Neville, it seems to me that he's just a lazy piece of shit that feels sorry for himself.
  19. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    Lazy piece of shit that feels sorry for himself? That's actually Ron you're talking about.

    Neville is the best in herbology and he worked extra hard in the DA, harder than anyone else (see OOTP). Unlike lazy-arse Ron who's spending his time playing exploding snap and having jelous fits about Harry/his older brothers, Neville had actually faced his fears and faults head on and worked hard on overcoming them.

    I like Neville. He's not perfect but he's at least working on it, unlike that whinny jellous idiot Ron, who would never move his butt to do something constructive without mudblood beaver pulling his dick around.
  20. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    NEville was also the second person to create a corporeal patronus after Hermione.

    ANd I didn't mean that he should be ONLY be into DADA (I personally, like that his favorite subjects are Charms, Potions, and Herbology.) I just meant that he should know enough to make Malfoy do a Jelly Legs Jinx (before his first class I would be VERY impressed by that, and extraordinarily pleased.)

    On another note, I REALLY still like this story. Harry doesn't have to be some SUPER WARRIOR for me to like him. Just not a colossal pussy like he is in canon.
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