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Complete For Love of Magic by Noodlehammer - M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Jon, Dec 25, 2015.

  1. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Weird flex but ok.
  2. GeneralLee01

    GeneralLee01 Squib

    Aug 3, 2017
    High Score:
    How about y'all PM me if you wanna make fun of me instead of posting off topic in this thread.
  3. pbluekan

    pbluekan Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2014
    Dancing in the Mindfield
    Posting off topic is half the fun.
  4. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    I have nothing against you at all, why would I want to insult you in private?
  5. Donimo

    Donimo Auror

    Jul 4, 2015
    Public shaming has more effect on behavior.
  6. valrie

    valrie Fifth Year

    Jan 1, 2018
    I thought the fic was amusing and had some interesting ideas on magic (amongst all the super op stuff that Harry does for fun) like that permanent magic and especially wards depend on ownership.
    I mean it's obviously not a beauty but all the hating seems a bit much. Maybe most absolutely terrible fics are not hated on that much because everybody sensible stops reading after the first paragraph when the author can't spell or use basic grammar and more people actually read this one because Noodlehammer can write like a normal person.
    And there was always something going on, no 10k words on a subject like shopping that nobody cares about (as far as I remember). Because for all that most of us seem to disagree with him on things like religion, politics and their interaction with magic, these are topics that are important to the worldbuilding of a good fic. And I thought that his political actions were not unreasonable given what his character was established as, sociopathic, edgy and with an I'm-better-than-you mentality and had so much power that nobody could seriously oppose him anyways. It also highlighted just how easy it would be to control somebody who completely opposes magic like those Muslims he terrorized. Because they have absolutely no way of stopping him. So I'd say it's an interesting case study to look at and see where you need some sort of explanation to prevent an easy magic cheat.
    But I agree that he was just too overpowered and that killed any kind of conflict and tension that could have existed. So it's at most a guilty pleasure fic.
  7. GeneralLee01

    GeneralLee01 Squib

    Aug 3, 2017
    High Score:
    Because that is so effective on an anonymous forum...
  8. Donimo

    Donimo Auror

    Jul 4, 2015
    This isn't an anonymous forum.
  9. zugrian

    zugrian Fourth Year

    Sep 14, 2018
    Looking back, it's obvious why the author killed off Hermione immediately-- the story only had room for one insufferable know-it-all & his HarryOC had already claimed the spot.
  10. zugrian

    zugrian Fourth Year

    Sep 14, 2018
    So, now that I've read some of his Naruto stories, it's clear that Noodlehammer used a variant on the same NarutoOC for the HarryOC. His Naruto is a lot less of a preachy edgelord though.
  11. mrttao

    mrttao First Year

    Mar 2, 2019
    Overall I enjoyed it despite its many flaws.
    I very much liked that he had to take risks and claw for power instead of just having it handed to him. Although in retrospect there is a well hidden flaw there. People have complained about how as a child he just invents the idea of carving runes unto his own body and nobody has come up with the idea before, this is not true. It is a well known practice that is highly illegal and well known to have disastrous consequences such that no sane person will do it (heck, the potters even have a room for it with all the equipment, it is also mentioned in both the black family library and hogwarts library forbidden section, and one of his teachers told him to never do this because it is both illegal and bound to result in his demise).

    Example drawbacks include turning into a dementor, exploding, becoming a psychopath, anger management problems, horniness, or just regular death. It just felt so refreshing to see the MC motivated to acquire power on his own and reaching out for it despite dangers, compared to your typical "oh hi ROB, thanks for the Cheat, now excuse me while I constantly bitch about you like an ungrateful shit". I like a powerful MC, but I like it to feel earned and it felt earned in this fic even though a fair analysis reveals that it was not.

    Anyways, runes... MC completely ignored the warnings and got lucky breaks saving himself from the most dire consequences of those risks (he still got some consequences though, but solveable; only unsolveable consequence he had is the Dark completely eating his morality and making him into a sociopath), which he later attributed to the prophecy protecting him (which actually became a plot point when the vampires intentionally manipulated him into fighting a ridiculously OP enemy of theirs specifically to exploit his plot armor to kill their enemies; which I thought was neat way to use plot armor in a way that actually harms the MC).

    So really the issue is not runic self enhancement which was designed in a perfectly reasonable way (ridiculously self destructive shortcut to power), but that he had plot armor which he abused by taking insane risks delving into dark arts that should have killed him and instead didn't. In retrospect that is a huge flaw, but while reading it I did not feel like it, his powers did not feel unearned at the time, in particular with how the drawbacks were manifesting... except perhaps the magesight, that one was just ridiculous. Thinking of it now after the fact I noticed the issues with the plot armor solving the body runes problems, but I was able to not overthink it while reading.
    I found it amusing when he spent all that time to design a ritual to boost his "magic core" only to be stopped in the last moment by his grandpa's portrait informing him magic cores are not a thing that exists and he will die if he actually performs that ritual.

    MC criticism of HP mages not even bothering to try to be great mages seemed mostly spot on. We are talking about people with magic who treat it like its something not even worth developing beyond the minimum, they just try to get ok grades so they can get a completely mundane dayjob like a clerk. But it was too universally applied, I would expect at least some ravenclaws and unspeakables to be actually dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of magic.

    As far as the wandless magic, it was a mixed bag. I felt initially that his interpretation of it was fairly good. Children are able to perform wandless magic, but they are taught not to and are taught to fully depend on the wand. And he spent 4 years before coming to hogwarts intentionally training his "accidental" magic on his own, so it gave him a serious head start. His real break here was using his rune given magesight to cheat and massively accelerate his training rate with wandless magic, which again ties it back to the issue with plot armor being the only reason the runes didn't kill him. Thus allowing him to actually cast full blown spells without a wand after too little time (and freeform at that, which seemed to not be canon supported, he can just duplicate any spell he can image or read about in fiction) instead of only performing simple telekinesis. Also for some reason he was able to teach his waifus, who did not have rune granted mage sight, how to do the same.

    I actually respected the author for killing of Hermoine the way he did. With harry being a ravenclaw shut-in nerd he would not have been there to push ron to rush to her rescue immediately. Where even 5 seconds delay on ron's part would have resulted in her death by troll. Only plot armor could have made her survive that scene and would have required the author to be intentionally trying to force a canon rehash... as the author correctly noted, she forgot to wear her plot armor that morning.

    Also, I really liked how proactive harry was. He constantly went out seeking new ways to acquire power. And later he constantly went out to proactively kill the death eaters before they can resurrect voldemort. The only reason he didn't completely and utterly crush them is because of the vampire conspiracy that the author introduced propping up the death eaters and voldy for their own reasons.

    Author seemed a bit thin skinned. He literally said he is writing out more explicit sex scenes out of spite against people complaining he has too much of them, explicitly stating he intended for some scenes to be fade to black to get on with the plot, but because people complained he is going to write them out of spite. So a few chapters are completely wasted on smut that goes nowhere. He made good justifications for why the wizards of HP would be extremely promiscuous, but that only justifies the relationships, not spending entire chapters writing them out in great detail out of spite.

    He also got a bit ranty on his idiotic political views towards the end.

    The worst part about this fic was the ending. in 2050 MC magic nukes the world and kills 8 billion people to save humanity from global warming caused by burning fossil fuels... I will avoid any debate about IRL global warming and instead focus entirely on how this is contradicting the story itself. Harry was able to cast a spell to eliminate 100% of the emissions of a super volcano he used to make an island (I say super because of a magic magma pump making it emit vastly more lava than normal to make it grow faster). He became the leader of all magicals in the world thanks to andrasta's manipulation and sent a bunch of his underlings to do cleanup on pollution with their magic, he is the richest man in the world whom USA bends over backwards (to the tune of violating the first amendment on his behalf) because they are desperate for his products, among his products is a room temperature superconductor he invented which was then used to make fusion reactors (which should have made all fossil fuels completely uneconomical), and he showed willingness and ability to just flat out teleport to the homes of heads of state and mindrape them into doing what he wants (such as when he did that to the president of Iran to make him publicly rescind the fatwa and apologize). Any single one of those things completely nullifies the issue on its own (since he is actively trying whole heatedly for decades to save the environment), but for some reason none of them do anything at all... this is like watching captain planet episode, in particularly the part where people ignore cheap and plentiful fusion energy for expensive and limited fossil fuels because "the evils of capitalism". Really makes you facepalm.

    After magic nuking the world he timeskips to the future where he fucks up an experiment and is shunted to a new dimension for the sequel
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2019
  12. Melkor

    Melkor First Year

    Sep 23, 2013
    Right so, I got bored and decided to actually read the whole thing after having given up on it previously.

    I can now say with full authority that this fic is not just terrible, but terrible on almost the same level as PL's work.

    At least his NarutOC was somewhat amusing-in the first fic anyway, the less said about the sequels the better-, but his HarryOC is just a preachy overpowered edgelord.
  13. mrttao

    mrttao First Year

    Mar 2, 2019
    What is PL and why is it terrible?
  14. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    I'm guessing PL is PerfectLionheart, who wrote Partially Kissed Hero, which is funnily enough a story that a lot of people unironically like, much like this one.
  15. mrttao

    mrttao First Year

    Mar 2, 2019
    Well, I have read a lot of it so far and it seems way better than noodlehammer. Despite all the people spreading literal lies about it. Worst lies I have seen in the reviews are:
    Some liar has been spamming the reviews with a bunch of lies about this fic. He lists all the things "harry" does. (first point he says harry, later points say "he". So he is referring to harry and not the author).
    Most egregious lies:
    >4. He gives Hogwarts students Caucasian Creams, to turn them white. No, I am not making this up. I sincerely wish I was.

    False. Harry invested in the weasly twins allowing them to massive expand their joke products. Among their joke products they create is Caucasian cream. People are at first really angry at them when the patils point out that europe and india are ridiculously racist, racism is bad, but fighting racism is hard... so it is easier to just use those to fit in. As a result an explicitly small trade is established in that product. Harry literally does not even know it exists.
    A lot of reviews complain on how everyone not white happily changes their skin color is explicitly false as well, just a small minority of cowards do.

    >5. At the end of the fic, he commits genocide against all Muslims in the world.

    False. After the statuette of secrecy breaks nuclear war breaks out and everyone is nuking everyone. But, after the hiroshima and nagasaki nuking killed off a bunch of magicals they put in place a system to stop it... except for the side who "started it" not getting protected as a short sighted punitive measure. The first to launch nukes was iran. Moreover, dumbledor is a dark lord who spent 160 ruling england and planning to conquer the world, he has intentionally made it so that all of england nukes will work. So in a total nuclear war where everyone nukes everyone, all the countries nuked by england gets nuked for real, as well as anyone the wizards thought is part of the same faction as iran.

    Furthermore, the author doesn't say "the muslims died and everyone was happy". No, author says it was a short sighed punitive move, with the muslim world nuked the rest of the muggle world collapses due to the loss of oil triggering economical collapse and critical lack of food production and deliver. In the entire scenario, harry does not even know what is happening.
  16. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Uh... What? Are you arguing for Perfect Lionheart?

    That story is about as old as you are and still fucking garbage.

    Neither one of these stories are good. Noodlehammer literally wrote about Dick Girl Tonks. I have said this already. Harry literally fucked every female be could. This isn't a story this is thinly veiled smut. PL is the original shit artist that inspired fucking garbage like this. Garbage begets garbage.
  17. mrttao

    mrttao First Year

    Mar 2, 2019
    You have not actually addressed anything I actually said:
    1. I said it is better than noodlehammer. Not "Amazing". not "5/5"... "better", an explicitly relative term. You pretended I said something else entirely.
    As in, I said "noodlehammer is worse". For one thing, in perfect lionheart story harry is still a virgin at 13 years of age (as of the last chapter, ch103). While in noodlehammer 2/3rds of the story is explicit sex with dickgirl tonks. In perfect lionheart muggles kill each other (completely unknown to the MC btw who is busy fighting magic opponents) via world war 3 (which starts out with nuclear missiles and goes further from there), but modern society survives and they are even sending colony ships out of the planet in the last moment to other star systems.
    In noodlehammer harry personally magic nukes the world killing 8 billion people and sending the world back into the stone age despite allegedly loving science; because human are bad and can only be "proper" in pre-industrial societies where they are also prey animals (he intentionally sets various monsters to hunt them).
    In noodlehammer MC is stronger than dumbledor by age 14... in PL MC is still nowhere even close to face dumbledor head on no matter how strong he gets. And in fact dumbledor is getting stronger too.

    2. I said some reviewers are flat out lying about this story, this is a true fact. I even gave examples. You have not addressed any of those.

    3. Really now, using age as an insult? also, you are wrong about my age. If you had bothered checking my profile (which unlike yours, my is not set to private) you would have seen my age listed there. partially kissed hero started in 2008 and ended in 2012... I assure you I am much much older than that. (check my profile if you care to see my actual age.)

    edit: to point out some of the flaws in this lionheart's fic:
    A. harem is way too big.
    B. MC is way too OP and growing way too fast. (but at least enemies are massively stronger still)
    C. author is thin skinned and will occasionally do something stupid in retaliation to reviews. (much more rarely then noodlehammer though). For example one time he made major alterations to settings in retaliation to reviewers telling him that bows suck and guns are great. Resulting in half a chapter being a ranting author note and a major setting change that tore open several major plot holes. He also had a few author rants about bows = awesome, guns = suck.
    D. idiotic pseudoscience (magic stops radiation and electron mobility in non living things is his explanation on why tech doesn't work with magic. but if that is the case things like swords will fall apart in the presence of magic too as the covalent bonds break. and everyone would be blind since no visible radiation aka light)
    E. Multiple whole chapters are just exposition about his AU world-building
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2019
  18. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    You care way too much about shitty stories.
  19. Mishie

    Mishie Fat Dog

    Jul 1, 2009
  20. mrttao

    mrttao First Year

    Mar 2, 2019
    That is an odd way to describe "pointing out when people are literally lying". Reviewers lying about PL's story, and then zombie lying about what I said about it one post above his.

    Also, that right there is classic projection. You care too much, so you project it unto me. I don't really care that much about the story.
    But those who feel the need to make up lies about it, or attack anyone who is not frothing at the mouth in rage at the story. Those are the people truly "care too much".