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Game to be as ugly as actors?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BioPlague, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. DreamWeave

    DreamWeave First Year

    Oct 27, 2006
    You know what would be fun? How about an HP game for the Wii - Wand movements with the wii-mote, add a headset and you could do voice recognition + wand movement for spellcasting.

    Probably be a little tough to play, but I bet it could be entertaining if done correctly.
  2. NamesAreUnimportant

    NamesAreUnimportant Third Year

    Mar 9, 2007
    A cave underneath the white house...
    ^Good idea. I don't know a whole lot about the Wii, but yeah, it probably would get a little complicated playing the game and using the wand. Maybe if the game had a special controller or something? I don't know. Voice recognition is a great idea, too, but I can just see myself throwing the system out a window when it doesn't work. I've had really bad experiences with voice recognition...
  3. DemonDream

    DemonDream Professor

    Jun 20, 2006
    Your closet. Please clean it, I can't move.
    It wouldn't be all that difficult. Just use the 'chuck' attachment. The Wiimote itself would function as the wand, and all movement could be done using the 'chuck.' Of course, you could also use some buttons on the wiimote for camera angles, and action buttons, but thats about as far as it would go.
  4. kit

    kit Second Year

    Jan 1, 2007
    Brooklyn, NY
    Jesus. You have no idea how much i would love to play that game. I do like the Idea of a HP-KOTOR type thing. The one thing that bothered me about Kotor was the force system. Thought that was a tad to easy to use, I kinda wanted to "learn" the powers. For a HP style Kotor, I think it would be good to start as a child, like in fable, then advance through Hogwarts around the same timeline as the HP universe, then fight or join Voldemort.
  5. Black Rose

    Black Rose Squib

    Jul 29, 2006
    Have any of you heard of "Bully"? Made by Rockstar games, makers of such fine entertainment as all of the GTA games. Uses the same game engine, IIRC. One of the concepts in Bully is that you can do favors for the various cliques in school, and get things for doing so (items, money, help with later tasks, etc.); you can also attack and antagonize said cliques. I had been thinking about a Hogwarts setting for such a game. You can help people in various houses, and get benefits for having done so; I realize that sounds really fucking selfish, but it's a video game, and so you do stuff for the bennies. Help the 'Puffs enough and they'll always have your back; hurt them and you've got a group that will always be there, trying to fuck your life up just a little more. Help certain Ravenclaws and get a leg up on learning the harder spells; hurt them and those same spells will be winging your way. The Snakes are always good for sneaking, and getting certain Dark Arts spells and items; screw them and they'll be happy to stab you in the back. And the Gryff's are always good to have at your side, but they make hard foes.

    I dunno. As soon as I saw what they did with Bully, I was seized by this idea.