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Ginny Weasley

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by FallenDruid, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    I know I missed something when we've gone from Ginny to Peter.

    Can't we just all agree that be it canon or fanon Ginny is a character worthy of our hate, jeers, and attempted homicide?
  2. FallenDruid

    FallenDruid First Year

    Jul 5, 2007
    We can agree to disagree, certainly. A fictional character really isn't worthy of hate, or anything more than being disliked.
  3. Lorelei of the Sea

    Lorelei of the Sea Unspeakable

    Aug 13, 2005
    Southern California
    I have to disagree. Harry Potter, for a lot of people, is important. That's why we post at a Harry Potter forum. I feel that the Ginny plot ruined Book 6 a lot, though to be fair the lame horcrux plot helped. I hate her because of that.
  4. Well since i just signed up for the forum i might as well use my first post for something useful like saying i hate the Weaslette for nothing more than the fact that she was thrown in the forefront of the book with little to no character development and put in the role as Harry's girl friend.:mad:
    That and the fact i generally dislike the idea that she can go from elbow in the butter dish to mature supportive figure that she will have to be for harry in book 7 after he saves her from the diary.If anything at the age of 11 i think that should have made her more enamored with the idea of th BWL than with harry.

    That and if you have to hitch harry up with a red head you should just do it Vash's way or frankly anyone else to be honest.I really don't like Ginny for one reason or another.:wall:
  5. Randeemy

    Randeemy Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2005
    I dont like Ginny because A: She came out of nowhere, like has been mentioned,
    and B: For the same reason I dont like the Weasleys full stop. Everything that happens in Harrys life goes through them. Ginny in the Chamber, Being the family he never had, Mr. Weasley being attacked, Harry's love interest, the Weasley pet being Wormtail etc...
  6. Mindless

    Mindless Big Boss DLP Supporter

    Dec 31, 2006
    United States
    Hell yes. Argument closed.
  7. Omagic

    Omagic Fifth Year

    Feb 6, 2006
    Feck! I know exactly what you mean, all those Harry/Hopkirk fanfics are so overdone. That ancient bitch has become more Mary Sue in fanon than Hermione and Ginny combined.

    In point of fact, this [the pandemic overkill of Ginny as Harry's true love in fanon]cannot be said about almost any character, major or minor. The closest is Hermione, and since you've taken time to read the kneejerk troll responses you see that DLP is an equal opportunity overkilled-fanon-MarySue-character hater.

    So, are you trying to make some sort of [really poor] argument here that the glaring lack of development of Ginny's character can even tangentially be compared to us not knowing what Hermione's doing in her downtime away from Harry? Here, I'll help you with this, she's in the libary reading. I know this because over the course of six books Hermione's character has developed beyond something as plain as being, 'the sister of Harry's best friend who's had a crush on Harry since diapers'.

    I like walks on the beach, naps in the middle of the day, and porn. ...we're sharing here right?

  8. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    I think the point he was trying to make is not that we hate Ginny Weasley for being a redheaded sloppy vagina with legs and arms, but that whoever was the premiere fanon focus for all the squeeing fangirls and their shitty fics is going to be the focus of our hate.

    If JKR actually wrote it as the Weasleys as Harry's family and Luna as his twue wuv soulmate thing, and then every airheaded twit with a keyboard wrote shitty romance and angst about Luna, then we'd hate Luna for being a bottle blonde brain-addled whiny bitch who deserves to have all of her things stolen. (Yes, I feel dirty just writing that.)

    Because from canon, Harry's far and away the only significantly defined character. With the majority of the fandom supporting Harry/Someone, the opposition to Someone is even stronger. One of the biggest reasons to hate Draco is because so many hormonal fat cunts turn into drooling assbaskets for him. We can break out all of the canon reasons and justification for it that we want, but if no one liked him, we wouldn't care so much. The same goes for Ginny.

    Personally, I thought Romilda Vane is one of the truly most horrid fictional creations in the JKR-verse, but without a legion of squeeing pre-teens in love with her, my hatred of Romilda is just bubbling softly and not boiling over.
  9. BioPlague

    BioPlague The Senate DLP Supporter

    Jun 22, 2006
    United States
  10. Le

    Le Fourth Year

    Dec 29, 2006

    I think this says it all. Just look at the eyes. Oh, god, why!?

    (I'm not sure about posting images, so correct me if I did something wrong)
  11. Lecter

    Lecter Seventh Year

    Feb 12, 2007
    Far away from you
    The eyes are a bit unsettling, I guess. But then, this is Bonnie Wright, not Ginny Weasley. Ginny Weasley doesn't exist, and while reading about her can be annoying, such strong and lingering hatred as some people here display is simply unhealthy. Don't you have anything better to spend your mental energy on than negative thoughts about a fictional character?
  12. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    Meh. Hating Ginny gives me something to do at work to help pass the time. Well, hating Ginny, writing/reading fanfiction, reading comics, and any number of other useless passtimes.

    That, and sometimes stiring the pot can be a lot of fun. :devil:
  13. Lorelei of the Sea

    Lorelei of the Sea Unspeakable

    Aug 13, 2005
    Southern California
    Your question/gripe has already been asked. Your post may beat mine for the most useless one in this thread.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2007
  14. Lyndon Eye

    Lyndon Eye Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jul 4, 2007
    Washington, DC
    I feel as if we've come to the conclusion that Lily Potter was modeled after Ginny Weasly (or vice versa). Just out of curiosity, why do you guys think that Harry's parents aren't disliked with a passion?

    After all, if one hates Ginny, then logically, one should also hate Lily Potter? (Red-haired, fiery, etc...)

    In addition, if one hates Draco, then logically, shouldn't one also hate James Potter (rich kid, pampered, mean, spoiled, womanizer, etc.)

    I just think it's interesting that while Harry's parents aren't all that great when you examine them objectively, it seems as if they can do no wrong and are worshipped by the fanfiction community, for the most part.
  15. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    I think the main reason that Draco is so hated and James isn't is that we see Draco being an ass in every book. James, we only hear Snape's insults and one pensive memory...from Snape. Yes Sirius and Lupin both confirm that James was a bit of a prat, but no where in canon do we get the idea that he was on the same level as Draco. There's a difference being being full of yourself and a bit of a prat and being an arrogant Death Eater wanna be calling everyone a mudblood and issuing threats.

    Also, in canon the ONLY comparison we get between Ginny and Lily is their hair color.

    Then there is also the fact that both Lily and James are said to have matured greatly in their post-Hogwarts years. Snape obviously never matured, but rather turned into an egotistical jackass who blames everyone for his problems and has an ego twice the size of the British Isles. Draco too has never grown up, but he at least can be somewhat excused due to 1)still only being 17 and 2)having been raised by that idiot Lucius.

    Moral being: Lily =/= Ginny, Draco =/= James
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2007
  16. Lyndon Eye

    Lyndon Eye Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jul 4, 2007
    Washington, DC
    I suppose I do agree to a certain extent that it's difficult to compare them. Still, a decent, realistic (meaning non-angelic) Lily/James story would be nice. After all, every character has its flaws. Anyone know of any such stories?
  17. Zyloch

    Zyloch Fourth Year

    Jun 2, 2007
    On the subject of Draco and James:

    I may be presumptuous when I say this, but I believe just about everyone on this forum values intelligence and wit. So far, Draco has not shown much of either in JKR's books. The Marauders' pranks may not all have been harmless (i.e. Sirius), but at least James, Sirius, and Remus were clever (e.g. the map). Moreover, James, Sirius, and Remus have all been portrayed by JKR as responsible and mature people, so they deserved to be liked.

    As for Lily and Ginny:

    Whether Lily was modeled after Ginny or not, the two are not the same. Lily rose from a Muggle family to Head Girl. Along the way, she was a part of the Slug club, was good at Potions, and probably at least decent at Charms. She also had none of the stereotypes regarding Slytherins that many have.

    Ginny came from an average Wizarding family. She isn't shown to be good at anything other than the phantom Bat Bogey hex, which we never see. From what JKR has shown us, she is ordinary. Thus, she is not someone we admire. She is not someone we expect anything extraordinary from. She is not someone we see bringing something to the table in the fight against Voldemort.

    And Harry, although not brilliant, is undeniably special. He has seen much and has much left to do. A relationship with Ginny will only stifle the plot just as it is reaching its climax. Furthermore, it's just a shame if the central couple in a story we read to escape from the real world is as dull as any other. There's no love-hate dynamic as in James and Lily's relationship. There's no passionate relationship between two equals. Boring.

    When I read fantasy books, I expect the romance to be exciting or rocky. I expect it to be beyond the everyday. Take Wheel of Time, for instance. Each of the women have unique personalities and abilities. Or if you like romance, read some of the Lord of the Rings fanfiction (even Lord of the Rings itself). Every single one of them has both man and woman being remarkable in some way. I cannot help but feel that Harry deserves someone who is as special as him or someone who can give him a challenge.

    I'm sorry that this is long-winded, but I'm not very good with words. Just my two cents ;)
  18. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Isn't this your second post like this? You're on a motherfucking Harry Potter forum, where people like to discuss the characters and the plot. Kindly get the fuck off if you have a goddamned problem with it. This post was a waste of mental energy on you. Either shut up, or go away. Imbecile.
  19. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Ginny does not equal Lily. You're all missing the point.
    And comparing Draco to James? Egads. You know your face and my asshole are both unpleasant to look at and spew shit. You really think we should make simplistic comparisons here?

    The limited known aspects of the characters does not provide enough basis for the majority of our feelings on them. That comes from a sort of emotional balance.

    You can't make the argument we shouldn't hate fictional characters without saying we shouldn't love them either. And yet there are legions of fangirls in love with Draco. Just like there are legions of spiteful hormonal teens who hate him every bit as much as the fangirls love him.

    There are legions of air-headed Ginny-lovers putting out verbal diarrhea and calling it romance and fluff. How are we supposed to respond to that? Ignore it? I suppose that's one option. But hating the character and treating her like a skanky little whore who doesn't deserve to live? That's another option. And that one can be cathartic and amusing.

    I can recognize that there is nowhere near enough basis in canon to despise Ginny the way I frequently do. I can also rationalize my dislike with plenty of evidence from canon too. And you can refute my rationalizations with your own examples.

    But that understanding isn't near as much as fun as writing about her shoving her vagina into a lawn mower. Nor as enjoyable for the legions of other Ginny-haters. And it's nowhere near as satisfying as a flame from a Ginny fan. The glory of a flame like that cannot be found in writing a canon-friendly fic or a style that 'everyone' can appreciate.
  20. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    No it's not.

    It's "The Power He Knows Not" in the form of an alien 'Alien Queen' slowly biding it's time to burst out of Harry's chest and decapitate Voldemort's head. It just feeds off Harry's intelligence in it's latter stages of development, thus how we have the completely stupid Harry at the moment who no ones believes even when he is right and must be guided by the hand in everything he does.

    We all know this is the truth. It will make the 7th book as epic as you can get.