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Complete Grim: A Fairy's Tale by belleradh - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by CaptainG, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    The Maeve/Mab thing I can see being a bit confusing. May nix the Mab reference, as honestly it's likely to only happen that once. Seems superfluous.

    I'm beginning to feel like I should read Dresden to make sure I don't incidentally cross it. I'm aware it's out there but it's not something I've looked at.

    As for the pairing, I'd really not worry too much on it for some time. If anything, it'll just be school-aged friendship in this year, as well, they're both 11-12 years old. It'll lay a groundwork, but there won't be any starry eyes and gentle sighs or any of that nonsense.
  2. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    There's quite a few Dresden books so if you don't want to invest the time in reading them (well worth it in my opinion) you could always give the pages on Wikipedia a glance.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  3. Shezza

    Shezza Renegade 4 Life DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2005
    Ah, man. Harry/Hermione? That's gonna suck. I really, really hope that this story ends up becoming a gen fic or implied at best. I think romance would ruin it.

    Plus, Hermione is my most despised character and you're gonna have to have interaction and building up her persona and etc, etc, to make the romance believable- which means more her.

    I guess, what I'm trying to say is 'Don't do blatant romance!', because this story is off to a great start and I don't want to be turned off- especially with Hermione. I don't like her canon character and I don't like her fanon variants either. Still, I've checked your author profile and a lot of your other stories have H/Hr so I guess there's not a lot of chance of this happening.

    I don't know how many will agree or disagree with me here but that's my opinion.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  4. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    Meh, if there is to be a pairing I would prefer a non-Gryffindor - simply because I've read so many H/Hr stories that I would like to mix it up a bit.

    That said, it's your story - and if you've scripted it out for Harry and Hermione to interact I'll still be glad to read it. JKR ruined Ginny for me in HBP and DH. Thankfully I can still stand to read Hermione, although I admit I tend to view her with rose-tinted glasses.
  5. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    This, basically. For me, at least. It's simply this, Canon!Hermione and Harry are incompatible to the highest degree. Their natures don't fit together well at all, and the closer they are, the more strained it becomes. The close friendship they have in canon is about as close as it can get, without having the relationship going up in flames eventually.

    Which, in turn, means that authors writing H/Hr (consciously or not) change either or both to make it work; resulting in a Harry I dislike and/or a Hermione that is OOC (and oftentimes, even worse than in Canon).

    Then again, you are writing an AU, so different characters are a given anyway.


    Well, my .50$ Don't give them any special credit; it's your story, so, while I wouldn't mind discussing that further with one who actually writes H/Hr (never really found one who would, sadly), feel free to tell me to fuck off in regards to the actual story. It's what I do when someone starts bugging me about the pairing in one of mine.

    Seems like this will be the first story I read knowingly that it'll end up as H/Hr eventually, then. Well, there's a first for everything and all that.
  6. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    I don't really care who you pair Harry up with. I just hope you don't let the romance play too large a roll. Even at seventeen, true love is impossible. I'd rather Harry be mature enough to realize that.
  7. Illution

    Illution Seventh Year

    Jul 6, 2008
    Behind You!
    Implied romance leaves the readers to their own imaginations at times. Implications are not facts carved in stone. The romantics would read more into the implications. I think romance should be minimal in a non romance fanfiction. Unless the H/Hr ship plays a major role in this story, simply implying it would satisfy a lot more readers.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  8. shadetz x

    shadetz x Second Year

    Jul 26, 2007
    Vancouver the other side of Surrey
    I can see why some people would think this is related to Dresden Files with the use of the name Titania and Maeve for the fairy queens but it is more closely related to the game Changeling: The Dreaming. I think this story has a great potential and I hope the author will use other games as well for inspiration. Keep up the good work.
  9. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    I enjoyed it - one of a few fics in recent memory that really grabbed my attention and ran with it. Nothing really to add that hasn't been said before - great portrayal of Dumbledore, the Fey, etc.

  10. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    I really wouldn't mind discussing the pro's/cons of the ship, as honestly it's not set in stone, if there is to be one at all. This particular year in specific has no way to become a romance - sorry preteen grinding isn't my squick.

    Note: this whole bloody post is opinions. I'm not saying 'this is' or 'that is' at all. We all have them. They all stink. Just assume mine's personalized and lets carry on!

    Honestly my Yr3-5 briefs could just as easily go mild OC or even bend to a Fleur. Muggle may be a solid option, but it depends on how I develop that area, but more likely if it's OC it'll be a "London Underground/ Grant Morrison" kind of situation. Don't want to say too much more, yet. Basically a build on the premise 'You think everyone who gets a letter, goes to Hogwarts, or magical school at all for that matter?' Eh, it'll make sense later, maybe...

    I am going to maintain a strong HHr friendship interaction, one that may eventually end in a romance issue. The main catch to this is Ron.

    This is a side issue, but I suppose it's critical here. I can't honestly write Ron worth spit. I hate him, and because of it, I treat him badly as a focus. If he's there too much, I just get irritated, and it weakens my writing, because I get petty. So, I neutralized him, or rather will, here. Harry has friends before Hogwarts – Harry doesn't get on the train (lives in Hogsmeade) – Harry has a familial bond. All those variables negate the Weasley factor. Ron will be a non-entity. Due to that, and a working friendship between Harry/Hermione, the influence of Ron on them lessens. This I feel opens up options between them, by cutting out a lot of the pettiness, envy, jealousy and sloth.

    As DarthBill pointed out, these kids are in High School for all practical purposes, and whatever kinds of love and romance interests there are, may end up being fleeting or just temporary. If I carry this farther than Hogwarts, there may be hope of a really solid, permanent ship.

    Honestly, for how this is going to go, I'm very open to ideas on this topic. I realize my house selection will make limitation issues in a number of ways, though. I can't shake up the world so much this first year that the foundations of those built-in prejudices are blithely ignorable. And I don't plan to.

    I guess I'm a slave to logic in this. It would have to make sense, have some reasonable grounding in plausibility, and also feel relatively correct for the kids themselves. That said, being that I'm going to be mucking about in the AU principal like a Mad Hatter, I can bend this around enough to make just about anything plausible – with work. The main issue with it I see, unless I bend up a few years in a romance focus, is that anything like this will end up 'eating' the plot for a while. Unless I plan a romance, just tossing one in can easily usurp the whole focus.

    I suppose I'll toss my hat in for ideas, since I have a fairly decent concept how this is going. Lets eliminate some first, though.

    None of the Blacks, or Tonks. Cissy and Bella won't work here. Tonks... eh just not this time, please, I'd consider her the easy way out and I have other outlets for working with her. No Millicent Bulstrode – personal preference. Lets draw a line at four years, in age difference. Likely, no solidly aligned light families, like the Weasleys. I just can't see them overcoming the eventual half-Fey/ Unseelie preconceptions. Likewise, a Pureblood agenda dark family would be about as iffy, when it comes to blood issues (Unless we push the Morgan Le Fay card, which... eh. I dunno yet. It's not on the radar. This applies to either polar ideal).

    That leaves the half-bloods: I'd lean on a less-wizarding family, in this case, though the choices are slim. Abbot, Bones, Davis, Li (who I'm hesitant to mess with at all). Possibly some of the Quidditch names. Most of these, unless given nearly 50% focus time, break down to the "Susan Bones" template, if you go into that line of thought.

    Open-minded pure-bloods: The template here almost always comes back to Luna Lovegood. I've got nothing against the girl, but it feels almost like a gimme, considering. The other option is right out – I refuse to deal with Rowling's SI/Sue, Ginny.

    Closed-minded pure-bloods: Difficult. Parkinson (assumed), Greengrass, Brown. Morag MacDougal is also listed, but I have a worry on building an obscure canon character into a romance object, in that it's just saying "This is an OC" for all intents and purposes. Just because they're named, doesn't make taking a human-shaped outline and filling it in my way, canon.

    Muggle-born: The only one I know for certain is Hermione. This almost as a rule excludes any Slytherins.

    Foreign: Fleur. She's essentially a template for any others, so we'll leave it there. Possibly we can fit in Cho/Li here but since they seem rather native to the Hogwarts ideal, the foreign concept becomes moot.

    All that said, I've enjoyed and detested in about equal parts just about all pairings. Pushing a romance in this fandom pretty much by nature OOC's the players, so we'll just assume it'll happen a bit, but make it logical. I guess to a degree that is part of why I chose Hermione for any potential for a ship, as I can logic that up, at least as far as a Hogwarts scenario within the scope of my plan. I'll entertain any idea as long as it can make sense.

    Alright, enough rambling from my side. Thoughts? Should I make a poll or something in the WbA when I get something posted there?

    Oh, and if it wasn't too obvious - no slash. If I went that route I'd lean to fem, as it's at least familiar. I don't grok boySlash.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  11. Demons In The Night

    Demons In The Night Chief Warlock

    Jan 11, 2008
    Great start so far. I really enjoyed the first few chapters of this fic, although I think Taure's criticism has merit in that Maeve's musings in ch.2 seemed to drag on and repeat. I skimmed over those parts.

    Other than that and a few minor grammatical errors, this is probably one of the best new stories out right now.

    I do like that you are going to keep Ron out of the picture, as I dislike him as a character in both canon and fanon. Also, I'm a bit wary of an H/Hr pairing as it usually is written by Hermione fangirls where Hermione ends up leading Harry around on a leash with his balls in her pocket. It's often super!Hermione, and pretty much just about how awesome and smart Hermione is and how lucky Harry is to have her (*projectile vomits*). As long as you're open to ideas though I'm not too worried about it.

  12. Illution

    Illution Seventh Year

    Jul 6, 2008
    Behind You!
    If you want to go with cannon characters, only Luna, Fleur and Hermione have enough depth to not be OOC.

    JKR didn't give the other girls much. They were few mentions and some family back grounds at most. Anything else about their personalities are assumptions.

    I think Luna's uniqueness is very compatible with a half fae Harry. However it might be tricky to not ruin her character and still keep up with the tone you have set up.
  13. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    Thinking about Luna, I really can't see her digging the unseele. If anything, I'd almost think she was touched by the Summer Court. Maybe nargles are fairys? Still, I can't see Luna loving Nightmare World.
  14. Pyromaniac

    Pyromaniac Third Year

    Jul 7, 2008
    Washington State/California
    To start with, 5/5.

    In response to the topic, I could see some major issues or cliches coming from the Luna side of things: she always struck me as Seelie. As such, from my viewpoint, it will either end up bridging the gap between summer and winter (instantly shattering any suspension of disbelief), or one of the two will end up exiling themselves from their respective camps (also unlikely). Of course, with your characterization, the Malfoys would almost certainly lean towards the more conservative Summer.

    I do agree that Tonks would be the easy out, as she is the human embodiment of change.

    EDIT: Darthbill, you are a thought thief...
  15. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Hrmmm, I'll go with 3/5.

    I wasn't able to get into this story til I hit the third or fourth chapter (of currently five posted) but it did pick up significantly there. My main problem with the first two chapters wasn't the relative lack of Harry (as he's still extremely young then), but more that everything seemed too long winded. Sure, reading about Maeve and Dumbledore is interesting and has some kickass ideas/introspection, and it sets the stage for their motives, but there is a LOT of it, and most of it... well, I don't want to say boring, but the way it's written doesn't hold my attention. I'd say it either needed to be shorter or written in a more engaging way, but I know some people in this thread thought the opposite, so hey, it seems to work for some.

    Raith and Rede are interesting OCs. I like them so far. At first I was a bit confused as to what precisely they were, but I think I got the gist of it quickly enough. The bit with Dudley was somewhat unexpected and something I haven't seen too often -- usually it's either all of them, the elder two, or Vernon that get, hmm, taken care of. Interesting. The scenes were well written here as well. I was a bit thrown by how Harry seemed... well, not outraged, at the gruesome murder. Then again, he's eight, and his morals and views on such things are likely to have been influenced by the people around he likes -- the Fey -- and the idea of people just being who/what they are was set up fairly well.

    EDITING OUT -- In this paragraph I had written a few issues I had regarding Maeve/Mab, the portrayal of the Summer Fey, and so on. The reason for my issues was the incongruency with the Dresden Files (of which I am a bigger fan than I am of HP these days). After writing my review, however, I skimmed through this thread to see what others said and realized that this is actually NOT a crossover with the Dresden Files. It was very easy to assume that it was, though now as I think about it I can see that terms common to the Dresden Files (such as the Nevernever) were not actually used here. Interesting. That's the first time I've read a story and assumed it was a crossover based on the story itself when it wasn't.

    I feel like the story is solid and only getting better, but with only the first 5 chapters to judge I can't really give it more than 3/5. Yet. I do hope it's continued because I intend to follow it.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  16. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    @Cheddar That's actually one of my biggest gripes with the story, as is, as well. The initial chapters are a lot of setup and setting, which is never something you want to deal with. Then again, if I just dumped FeyHarry into Hogwarts and expected to make it work.. I'm really not that fond of flashbacks. I do like detail, and this is planned to be a 30 chapter and approx 8-9k word per monster, with how my outline is expanding. Taken in perspective, it didn't seem too bad, but with the current split in setup vs. Harry, it certainly isn't balanced.

    Necessary Evils. I can say with some certainty that period is over, as the rest of the story does revolve around Harry and his side more than that of the setting being established.

    My god is it really that similar to Dresden? I'm somewhat cross with how it keeps coming up - not at anyone but just coincidence. I'm thinking tomorrow I should read up and see if I need to put in a crossover note just because.

    Re: Dudley - I blame shock and having your Uncle trying to axe you down in a tiny closet. There's also the difference in being told vs. seeing death. He never saw Dudley, besides the blood. Detached would be a good word I suppose. He's aware, but it's not real.

    Re: Shipins - I love Luna to death, and I'm of two minds here. She's generally rather benevolent - I don't know if the Unseelie ideal I'm painting with 'homicidal' Redcaps, walking corpse looking things, Headless Coachmen and a morally ambiguous Harry would jive. Then again, she seems to enjoy cuddling Thestrals and exploding Pluto in people's faces.

    Luna is hard.
  17. shadetz x

    shadetz x Second Year

    Jul 26, 2007
    Vancouver the other side of Surrey
    You don't really need to read The Dresden Files to determine if this is a crossover. In the Dresden Files there are six fairy queens, three for summer and three for winter. This story already suggest there are only two queens, one for each court. Wikipedia will provide you with the general information about faries in The Dresden Files. Look at section 5 under the List of The Dresden Files organizations.
  18. Taal111

    Taal111 Squib

    Feb 6, 2009
    Absolutely loved it, a good start with some original characterisations; though I have to admit, I though that Mab was the Winter Queen and Maeve the Winter Lady? If it's in the future, why is Titania still the Summer Queen instead of Lily?
  19. Shezza

    Shezza Renegade 4 Life DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2005
    ...because it's not a Dresden cross?

    Anyway, on the romance thoughts- I wouldn't put too much thought into it unless it really relates to your plot. Eg) Harry's love for girl x conflicting with his upbringing, leading to tensions with Maeve which can be resolved at a later date and so forth. Personal biases aside, what the others have said about Luna could be really interesting for you. Luna, personality wise, would make for a great plot arc with a romance for Harry, especially if you want to go down the route of Summer!Luna or something like that. You'll have conflict, tension, drama- everything a story needs.

    Really, you need to think about what you want to achieve with your romance sections. Rather than who, think why. Why have the romance? Is it to make the readers empathise with really the most identifiable of human emotions? Is it to create some kind of future tension or drama? How will the romance relate to your plot and what will it do to make it richer and push it further?

    Are Veela's descended or related to Fae? Could be an interesting story for a H/F pairing.

    Is Luna 'touched' by Summer, or Winter?

    Will Hermione be a mirror or something similar for Harry's Fae side to help him regain his humanity or etc?

    I don't know your plot plans are so but I hope you get the idea.

    I suppose in the end what I'm trying to say is that ignore us and our petty little character dislikes and focus on the story. Do what you think is needed to make it into an epic and maybe you'll get there. I advise you not to put in romance just because you like one pairing over another and for reasons along those lines. Still, in the end it's your story.

    Edit: Oh, btw, I love your sig! Yuuko/Watanuki ftw!
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  20. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    Er. It's not a Xover with Dresden.

    Dresden just has similar themes. Other than the names, and the rough affiliations between courts, there really shouldn't be any similarities. If anything from what I've seen with my research, the story more closely resembles some RPG framework from either WotC or WW, not sure who owns who really.

    I think I should put something to that effect in the preface.