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Complete Grim: A Fairy's Tale by belleradh - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by CaptainG, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. Shezza

    Shezza Renegade 4 Life DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2005
    Do you take references from Changeling: The Dreaming? Somebody else linked it and I wouldn't mind getting an ebook of it just for some interesting reading.
  2. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Oh God, whatever you do, don't make Luna be able to see the Fey.

    It would completely destroy her character.

    Luna is not supposed to be super-insightful, a prophet, or able to see a hidden world.

    Luna is supposed to be a fun girl who's mildly nuts and is kinda aware of it but never lets on that she's aware of it. The things that she "sees" are not real things - that's the whole point.
  3. Pyromaniac

    Pyromaniac Third Year

    Jul 7, 2008
    Washington State/California
    The names and courts have been a part of Gaelic mythology for several hundred years; I think you're safe.

    On a side note, Titania literally means "of the Titans" and Maeve/Mab (both derivatives of Gaelic Medb) means "intoxicating".
  4. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    I think if anything, she and Harry would be hanging around in the Great Hall, infuriating Hermione by talking about their respective imaginary critters, each one trying to one up the other, a kind of mutual 'loony' contest.

    Winner is the first one to send Hermione into apoplectic fits.
  5. psihary

    psihary Groundskeeper

    Feb 24, 2008
    ... I've got a polar bear for a neighbour...
    Now we are talking...

    Slight change of topic - while writing this one would you continue your work on "Fall of Innocence"? Although you moved the action to the states - it still is one of the few decent honks (or look alike honks) stories out there and I suppose more than a few of us do hope for an update...
  6. DeathFlames

    DeathFlames Squib

    Apr 18, 2007
    "I am going to maintain a strong HHr friendship interaction, one that may eventually end in a romance issue. The main catch to this is Ron.
    ... Ron will be a non-entity. "

    "I refuse to deal with Rowling's SI/Sue, Ginny.

    "Oh, and if it wasn't too obvious - no slash. If I went that route I'd lean to fem, as it's at least familiar. I don't grok boySlash."


    Sounds good to me. Get rid on "Mo-Ron & stalker-fan-girl." Hopefully some wonderful perversion will sneak into the fic.
  7. Nihil Videmus

    Nihil Videmus Squib

    Jun 10, 2008
    The part of the UK were the accents get proper har
    Superbe story so far, 5/5 if one ignores the lack of a hook in the first couple chapters. Maeve and Harry's characterization seem quite good, and once chapter 3 hits it's engrossing.

    As far as ships go... can you really see Harry involved in a romance? Honestly I think the most realistic scenario would have him be a bit of player- he grew up far happier and more socialized than the cannon version, and probably woudn't be nearly as antisocial. He's somewhat ammoral if I understood his pact with Maeve correctly, so he wouldn't feel much remorse for dumping girls after they get booring. And Hermione? She's idealistic and naive, which doesn't at all seem in line with the Harry being developed so far. I can't really imagine him relating to her beyond the house elf treatment thing.

    Of course you always could have Hermione pick up Beyond Good and Evil and up rejecting slave morality altogether. That would be hilarious and original. Actually don't- if I ever write anything I may want to use the idea.

    Philosophy aside, a brief relationship with Harry probably wouldn't be out of line. But think of this- how many people's relationships at 14, 16 or even 18 end up lasting more than a year? The advantage to this is that you go have a realistic development for a character that's famous, well-liked, and quidditch star, and dubiously moral. And the relationships wouldn't have to detract from the plot. Of course, writing that without him seeming too callous would be a bit of a challenge, but if I understood the loss of humanity thing that may be the point.
  8. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Also, you'd think with Harry's Changeling nature, he wouldn't really be capable of love so much. At least not in the normal sense.
  9. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    Clearly, the only option left is Harry/Maeve :awesome

    I'm with Shezza on this one - girl gives great advice. Ignore all of us peons out here, and write what comes naturally for the story. This is a fantastic start, and it's best left in the hands of the one who made it such. If you keep up the quality of the work, and focus on that, then no doubt whatever ships come and go, it'll work just fine.
  10. Felur

    Felur Squib

    Mar 26, 2008
    I disagree. Your description about Luna is only one of the several possible interpretations. We have no enough information about her to decide in this question. IMHO the characterization is pretty weak in the HP novels, Hermione is the only sufficiently developed female character. Strangely it helps us to write such different, but equally satisfying fanfictions.

  11. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:

    However, it's the only one that doesn't fail.

    When you attribute Luna's strange beliefs (if indeed she truly does believe them) to actual things then you take away what seems to be the central part of her character from canon: the juxtaposition between her idea of what counts as a social norm and what everyone else believes to be the case. If you make it so that she's the same as everyone else, only able to see a few things other people aren't able to see, then her character is completely empty, as all it is is a unique magical ability.

    Not to mention the havoc that her ravings being true would cause. Sirius Black being Stubby Boardman? The Rotfang conspiracy?

    No thanks.

    I'll stick to her being crazy.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  12. Samuel Black

    Samuel Black Chief Warlock

    Feb 22, 2007
    I'm gonna have to go with 3/5, for one major reason.

    It's boring. I didn't get drawn in and hooked until Harry met Dumbledore. I don't know what it was about the first few chapters, but I found myself just skimming through them. They just didn't catch my attention. After Harry met Dumbledore though, I wasn't bored at all.

    Other then that, it was pretty good.
  13. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    I dug it.

    I'd say skip any unnecessary stuff where possible, but otherwise cool.

    Just don't redux canon.

    Too soon for solid review, but for now 4/5
  14. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I could see maybe putting a note in the preface saying that it's not a crossover with Dresden, but does incorporate some similar themes regarding Fey perhaps?

    I might have been in a biased mindset when it came to assuming it was a Dresden crossover as I read it. I had just finished the latest Dresden book the night before, and showed up on the forums to have a look at the Dresden section. I guess at some point I wandered off to the HP section and found your story.

    Terms like Unseelie and Fey, Winter Court, and so on are all used in the Dresden Files, so that's where my mind wandered off too on automatic. It's not that your story is too similar, just uses terms that fans of both series associate with one over the other.

    I.e. I think you're probably fine as far as the "crossover issue" goes, and keep up the great work. :)
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  15. DeathFlames

    DeathFlames Squib

    Apr 18, 2007
  16. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    Grimm is over in WbA here if you want to do some of the ol' rip and tear.

    Chapter 5 will go up when I'm sure it won't bloody automerge like the others did.

    I don't have any ebooks, I just did some searches and stumbles for a few things I wanted more data on. I didn't really use much, I think the Changeling idea of glamor and inspiration stuck though. Not sure if I'm using it the way they meant, but it made sense with my addled mind, so I went all limpet-mode.

    If she will, likely it'd be the small ones, which have a less-defined ideal. And then, if she can, they'd not be 'Fey' to her, so much as get called something out of her list of 'WTF'ness. That, or alternately, she could see them just fine - and they know it. In this case, Luna becomes a source of infinite entertainment, as they basically channel surf her.

    I can't promise anything. My muse is about as fickle as they get, but I've been wanting to play around with Salem again for a bit. That said: the Key/ Fall stories are probably the work I'm least proud of, regardless of the fun I have with them. I used it to vent cliche's like a train blows steam. They're still fun (And I like my Weird!Unspeakables and Hardass!Goblins, they amuse me).

    General reply time!

    I'd not worry on anything regarding relationships for a While yet. Really off in the future if at all, I think. If there are interactions here that may hint at things to come, trust that it's more a narrowing of focus so I don't get bogged down with details all over the place. (My, that suit of armor over by Ron - whom I'm ignoring because his hair color hurts my eyes - is terribly shiny today! I wonder if Filch who I saw walking along the corridor the other evening...) you get the idea.

    I hope an eventual stance on a ship doesn't deter anyone. I like logic, and this story has my focus, so I want to make it work. If there will be one, I'll not just use stupid hooks or bad planning/ machinations to move it forward. It'll work with the plot and characters, and hopefully benefit, rather than take away from what makes this pleasant.

    As for Fey in the everyday... I've not made definite work there. I have some plans for Yr2, and Lockhart (bwahahaha), but as for Yr1, I want it to mostly be Harry's intro to Fey, Hogwarts, Magic and everyone else to him. A little Voldie time, to set up the future, some web-work by Maeve and Dumbles, and establishing people and personalities. There will be action (I'm learning how to make Quidditch interesting, it's not easy -_-) but hey - he's eleven. Or will be. Cut me some slack. The um. "Good Stuff" focus time; like explosions, eviscerations, boiling eyes, nuclear winter, alien invasions, pod people... and all won't be till a bit later.

    AU'ness... will abound. I have some really heavy impact things that start in end Yr1-Yr2 that just irked me and never made a lot of sense to me. Well, we'll change that up a bit. By end of Yr2 this shouldn't be adhereing to canon more than by characters, and large-scale timeline items.

    Ch.5 is longer, by about 50% than Ch.4. Lot going on here. It's in beta/ rearead/ nitpick status at this time.
  17. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    I anticipate another chapter, I rather liked it.

    I don't even have any major complaints. It just works.

    4/5 from me. Next time you post, it better be because you updated, otherwise I'll eat your brains. :3
  18. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    @Zommie: Go tear up my WbA Ch.5. Make it better <3
  19. goochr

    goochr Squib

    Mar 20, 2008


    A fantastic story and one I can't wait to see more of, especially Harry's interactions with the other character's, here's hoping he'll give Snape what's coming to him, the bastard.
    I just wanted to throw a thought out there, would Harry be even capable of love, given the more time he spends with the fey the more detached he seems to be, at least from humanity.
    So if he is fey or even part fey couldn't his thought patterns and behaviours be considered alien by those around him and if you did want to put Harry in a relationship would it be with a human? As others have pointed out, there is Fleur, who everybody knows isn't fully human, but that's just one suggestion.

    The Nine Hells
  20. Memory King

    Memory King Order Member DLP Supporter

    Dec 17, 2007
    5/5 from me, I love stories with a mysterious feel.

    I think that H/Hr could have happened in canon, HBP's Slug Club sequence comes to mind. But I agree with those who said that their relationship wouldn't last long.

    As for the romance front, I'm a bit of a H/Multi fan, not so much of harems though. So implying Harry fooling around with various female characters could work.