I have never really been a fan of harry/lilly, but it really has never bugged me that much either. I mean yeah I have read Vash's stuff, but still of the parings I will say that I like to look other places. The only real Harry/lilly that I really looked was Shezza's story Future Revamped or something like that.
I'm actually a pretty big fan of Harry/Lily, though I read more on stories where he has traveled back in time, where that wouldn't really make her Harry's mother just yet. This still probably counts as incest, but it doesn't really bug me.
I'll admit I find it difficult sometimes reading H/L fics where Harry bangs the mother he has known since childhood. Vash somehow makes it work, but not without some cringing on my part - but that's what I like about it. On the most part though, I prefer Harry/Not-Mom-Yet!Lily Still though, there are more disgusting things. Like banging a girl version of yourself...
I think banging an alternate dimension girl version of yourself might as well be masturbation. I once read a fic (cant find my link anymore) where through a freak accident Lilly Evans was sent forward in time and appears in Harry's home one night post Volde. For whatever reasons, they end up sleeping together before Harry figures out who she is. Then with the help of a time turner Lilly gave the DOM in the past, she goes home. Once there she gives the DOM the time turner. Suddenly Lilly discover's that she's pregnant and has a quick wedding with her boyfriend James. Nine months later, what a surprise he looks just like his father... Or as Lilly finally understands, he is his father. Harry beat Volde because the timeline must be preserved and he had not concieved himself yet. It was a pretty good story, only three chapters though. Wish I could find that link.
That story actually sounds pretty interesting, but I do agree with Amerision where my preference stands with Harry/Not-Mom!Lily. But if you ever find that story again, post a link or PM, I'd be interested in reading
Ditto - I want to read that. On Harry/Mother!Lily fics, it takes a while before I can even bare to be near my own mother without experiencing major discomfort. EDIT: NOT sexual discomfort.
That better not be sexual discomfort. Eh, I only read a few H/L, Vash and DGoC. It doesn't bug me, but I prefer if Harry doesn't know.
I normally don't mind H/L, but it's a bit like slash in the sense that over 90% of the H/L stories are utter shit. Almost all are just quickly done with a TimeTravel!Harry, and no thought is really put into them. Very few are well written and even somewhat believable.
Harry/Lily is one of my favorite pairings. I don't care if Mum!Lily or not-yet-Mum!Lily. I read Time Travel or not. I don't care I just think this pairing is interesting and you can do a lot with it, if you do it right. The thing with Harry is his own father, is imo overused, even if I read it xD
I think you mix up things here, If I like to read Harry/Mum!Lily, that doesn't mean I like to bang my own mother or father, If I like to read kitchware-slaughter, that doesn't mean I'd do it for myself or be not repulsed by it in real life. I dont have polijuice to be anyone else, though it would be nice, but my parents are not that sexy. Just because I love to read psychoHarry, doesnt mean I'd like to do what me and others make him do in fic's.
I don't really like Lily, it's the smart man's way of making Ginny a pseudo pairing option. The only difference is that Lily owns Ginny in every way and she doesn't have to have a mood swing every few books. Slash is the only thing that actually disturbs me, most on the board will say the same thing, aslong as the story is good and doesn't cause our brains to haemorrhage we're cool. ^_^
Lawl. Yeah, I dont really like anyone from that era, even Lily. Its not an era I like reading about, since it seems most fangirls are drawn towards it. But yeah... I'll still read it if she's paired with Harry.
perversity IS fun. but, yeah, i try to avoid those kind of time travel fics myself--its not generally well written.
I haven't actually read many H/LE fics, but it still gets a yes from me. It's different, and I like different.
Yeah. Dumbledore/Gabrielle is different too. That's a no for me. I don't want to read about incest, it makes me deeply uncomfortable; I could get used to it I guess, but it's not worth the effort. Also, Harry banging his mother makes me think of him as a morbid, sickly child who will sooner or later meet a nasty degenerated death. No idea why; I just get that mental picture. And when Vash quoted an excerpt from Oedipus' Flower to me (I think it was the part Yarrgh was talking about), I went to pour sulfuric acid in my eyes. There's only so much perversity one can handle.
I have only ever liked H/LE in Shezza fic. But then thats basically HPOC(which is the pairing I root for). The pairing in Vash's work is MUM!LE/H but then I took it on it's comic value.
well, here's a question for you--is that any more disturbing than harry/transfiguredintogirl!hedwig? that one was pretty hot, if i do say so myself. Personally, i think its something that should be limited to one's imagination. unless your mom's REALLY hot. you know, like lily.
Harry hooking up with AU Versions of his mother is just a little twisted. She's not really his mother... more or less. Harry/Not-Mom-Yet!Lily? Okay, sure. I'm hip. And let's face it; being able to say, 'Me.', when someone says, 'Who's your daddy?', is the height of cool. The real question is whether Harry being his own father makes him the ultimate Tool of the universe (fate's bitch, if you will) or if it makes him the ultimate badass, the big middle finger thrust defiantly in the face of God. Harry and his own mother, whether she's come back from the dead or been in a coma all this time or had amnesia, etc... Well, you have to take a few things into account. Harry and Lily are almost complete and total strangers. They've heard of each other, they saw each other years ago. That's about it. Harry is positively starved for affection. Actually, he's had exactly the opposite of affection since before he was even self aware. The closest he's come is the adoration of an obsessed fangirl, the desperately smothering attention of an almost needy Mrs. Weasley and the constant, if a bit condescending and castrating, support of his best female friend. A return of Lily Potter would practically be his holy grail and I could easily see him turning to her for love in any form it might take, no matter what misgivings about it any outsiders might have. Especially because... In most of these scenarios James Potter is dead and gone. Whether his death was just yesterday or many years ago, to Lily, is of little consequence. The fact is, Harry is her husband's clone in nearly every physical way save for his eyes and, perhaps, his height and an extra scar. His resemblance to her late husband would be a significant factor in whether she allowed anything 'inappropriate' to transpire between them. After all the two of them have been through, if she managed to beat the incredible odds to reunite with her son, I could see them choosing to ignore their familial ties for the sake of seeking comfort in one another. They may even consciously decide to thumb their noses at society and the Powers That Be, out of a feeling that it's okay to give in to their needs and seek whatever happiness they can with each other, because everyone, including fate and prophecy, is out to get them. Right or wrong, those things should probably be taken into account when reading any HP/Lily stories.