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Harry/Fleur Community

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Methene, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Or, Voldemort and his merry band happens to kill the Delacours, leaving only Gabrielle as the survivor. Harry Potter, scurrying about in Britain killing Death Eaters, discovers that he had been named her guardian.

    So, after the plot progresses, it turns out that Voldemort or subordinate got lazy, and flung Fleur a ridiculously huge distance instead of AK'ing her. On the descent, Fleur discretely transforms into the bird form and flies to safety.
  2. Aerin

    Aerin Seventh Year

    Dec 15, 2007
    The Void
    Thankee Averis

    That sounds incredibly like "Secret Diary" in that Fleur flies, Andro.

    And that whole guardian idea is genius!

    Would throw up the whole oepedius issue in a way, but incest is best! :D

    Would be amusing if he recieved that notification that he became Gabrielle's official guardian at the end of 2nd year.

    One thing I've noticed is that people never Apparate in three dimensions. Why don't they apparate up or down?

    One idea I broached with a friend is that instead of Harry recieving a Hogwarts letter, he recieves a Beauxbonts letter.

    Throw in a manipulative dumbledore, hormonal half-veela, the BWL struggling to learn magic AND french, a giant version of Molly Weasley (Olympe) and...boom :D

    I find it amusing in that Harry was raised in essentially the same manner as Moldyshorts yet he turned out differently. Personally, I would love to see a Riddle!Harry in that he really studies furiously and seeks power, albeit for the purpose of vanquishing Moldy and protecting his friends.


    Probably one of the best approaches to Harry being so powerful comes from the work, "Sunset Over Britain" with the Magical Matura or basically, magical puberty.

    Irony is, they say those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    I think Albus missed that memo, no?

    Back to my previous idea!

    As to why he doesn't recieve a Hogwarts letter...the Avada Kedavra of Voldemort's could have masked his magical signiature so he appears to be a muggle to the British school's/ ministry but the French detect him and send a letter.

    As to Dumbledore, you could possible follow the route that he starts training Neville in lieu of Harry as he believes Harry has been stripped of his magical powers.

    So if he turns up during the Tri-Wiz Tourney...*Evil cackle*

    Well, that's my thing said.

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2008
  3. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Oh. I got the idea from a challenge at the Potterplace 3 place, but twisted it to my own ends. Did you mean Fleur transforming and thereby avoiding a grisly death?

    I like your idea of Beauxbatons sending a letter by default. I don't see schools sending letters to foreign children, but I guess an exception could be made for a celebrity. This brings up whether the French Ministry of Magic would risk causing friction with Britain. It'd raise an uproar.

    It also leaves the question of why Harry would choose France over Britain.

    Edit: Something I ommited was why Britain would fail to detect a magical signature, and France, across the Channel, succeed when it, as another nation, presumably doesn't even have the right to set up magic-detectors on English soil?
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2008
  4. Aerin

    Aerin Seventh Year

    Dec 15, 2007
    The Void
    *Loads bullshit engine*

    Well...what if the surge of magic due to Volde's AK being reflected essentially shielded his energy from the british magical sensors whilst the french had more finely tuned sensors/ sensed magical energy in a different way?

    An aura-reader perhaps? And every time it fluctuates, they know someone did magic. So since the regular method wouldn't detect, the French Aura-Readers would detect Harry's accidental magic.

    Hell, you could go with the theory that the combination of Old Magic, Death Magic (Avada Kedavra) and Love Magic (The Sacrifice) altered his magic so the british wouldn't be able to detect him being magical whilst the french observed magic in a different way?

    Just ideas :D
  5. BlackPawn#7

    BlackPawn#7 Squib

    Jan 10, 2008
    As a passionate hater of the cannon HP world, I firmly believe that Harry in his inherent state as the Gryffindor Boy-Who-Lived, added Gryffindor package, and his biases against "darker" aspects of magic would make a relationship with Fleur well neigh impossible. In my opinion, in order for a HP/FD relationship to be both plausible and natural enough to occur, Harry needs to shed all the aforementioned baggage.

    I have a rough (read: very rough) outline in mind for an epic-length story that could incorporate a HP/FD relationship, so I'll air it out. This will, unfortunately, take advantage of a few several overused cliches that have been circulating around the HP fandom.

    Aspects of the cannon HP world that I would change:
    1. Harry will not receive the official title of Boy Who Lived. His male/female sibling would be named the savior, even though Harry was the one who felled Voldemort.
    2. James and Lily Potter would need to survive the night of Voldemort's fall. They will live on to raise Harry's sibling in seclusion, but Harry will be brought up elsewhere.
    3. Harry will be fostered at the Dursley's, but only temporarily. While he was a little child, the Dursleys took him with them on a car trip through Muggle London. There, a major accident occured, killing the Dursleys, but Harry survives.
    4. Obviously, Harry would need to be educated and raised by an independent character here. I do not have a current occupation/description of this OOC yet. The only thing I need to emphasize here is that this OOC will give Harry a distinctively "gray" view of the world. There is no absolute right or wrong, just the way it is interpreted.
    5. Eventually, Harry will attend Hogwarts. However, he comes fortified by his experience in Muggle London, and he will not be a Gryffindor. Instead of having HG and RW as his closest friends, he will develop a network of "associates" and contacts throughout the four houses. I'm aiming to toss him into Ravenclaw.
    6. Events transpire, and we will reach the Triwizard Tournament...

    Well, that was certainly an eyeful. Now for the explanations...

    I know that there are countless fanfictions with an alternate BWL or James and Lily's survival. In this case, I intentionally keep them alive and present to serve as a comparison between Harry's life and the life of the Boy-(or Girl actually) Who-Lived. It is for the same reason that Harry should not be sorted into Gryffindor. In cannon, Harry is very quickly assimilated into the idea that Gryffidors are good, Slytherins are evil, and his is a messiah of sorts. If I take away all of the above aspects, the makings of an independent Harry who can think for himself is born.

    Secondly, why Muggle London? If I still have your attention, you may be asking why isn't the wizarding community looking for Harry between his accident with the Dursleys and his reappearance at Hogwarts. My reasoning is that Muggle Britain and Wizarding Britain largely view one another as sovereign countries. Now, if you were a Muggle politician in London, would you feel very safe if wizards that you have absolutely no control over could go rampaging through your city!? Muggle London *must* have magical barriers or wards that severely limit the use of magic. (The Ministry of Magic could erect them with aid from wizards working with the Muggle government.) These wards prove to be the perfect shield that hides Harry's existence in London.

    Thus, with the pieces in proper place, I've set the stage for an independent, Muggle-educated, competent, relatively unbiased freelance Harry to meet with Fleur during the Triwizard Tournament. The exact details afterwards I am still hammering out.

    Anyone have any suggestions that they would like to make? Feel free to take a stab or two. :)
  6. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    Good to have another Harry/Fleur enthusiast. The plot you have set out has some elements which have been used before, but it is neigh impossible to come up with something completely new.

    I will give some more advice once I see an actual chapter.

    Nonetheless, please post a link here when the story goes up, please.

    And if you manage to get it up in time for the deadline, you could enter the little contest we have going on too.

    Good luck
  7. moniteur

    moniteur First Year

    Sep 8, 2006
    Let's play with this for a minute. Schools are essentially businesses, even state universities here in the States. They recruit for athletics and academics out of state. I can't see why the magical schools would necessarily avoid recruiting children of rich and or famous families as a general matter. OOTP shows us that Hogwarts generally has a pretty fair amount of autonomy, before Umbridge starts subverting the school to the ministry's will more directly. In the real world, universities do the recruiting, not a bureaucratic state office. I think we could safely assume the same sort of assumptions hold true for Beauxbatons and Hogwarts as well. If so, there's certainly no reason that Hogwarts and Beauxbatons couldn't try to recruit/poach high profile students from the others territory as well. We don't see any evidence of it in Canon really, but neither do we see explicit contrary evidence either.

    Why would Harry choose France over Britain? Here are a couple of possibilities:
    1. Harry only gets a Beauxbaton letter, and letters from other smaller schools, rather than a Hogwarts letter. How? Well, we know that Dumbledore isn't perfect, canon HP universe has shown us that he can make mistakes, have regrets, and so on. Perhaps Dumbledore checked Harry when he took him to the Dursley's, and the AK had so depleted his magic that Dumbledore was convinced he was a squib. So Dumbledore goes back to Hogwarts (remember that the Hogwart's letters come out as if from Dumbledore - lets assume that he or McG controls that process, having a magical ledger that produces and dispatches the letters), and when he arrives, he sadly strikes Harry's name from the ledger. Harry's magic comes back, the same accidental magic occurs as in book I, and its ignored just as in canon. We'll assume further that Dumbledore decides not to make Harry's supposed squibness public, fearing it would be bad press. We've certainly no evidence that Dumbledore actually did any investigation of Harry's youth other than having Mrs. Figg watch him from afar. Thus, no Hogwarts letter. Harry instead gets a Beauxbatons letter, and goes. This gives the option of a scene where Harry doesn't show up at Hogwarts, people ask why, Dumbledore says he's a squib, and then someone digs up records from Hopkirk's office showing the accidental magic, and Dumbledore getting yelled at for losing the boy-who-lived and screwing up. There's no real reason for the ministry to have double-checked with Dumbledore prior, as he hasn't told anyone that he thought Harry was squibbed, and it was (presumably) known that Harry's name was already on the list.

    2. Harry gets a Hogwarts letter and a Beauxbatons letter. Both include academic year schedules, and Harry notices that Beauxbatons offers a year round program, where Harry can stay there and take summer school classes. Harry can balance the choice of no more Dursley's, no more verbal/emotional abuse and physical neglect vs. year round school. I don't think that's a hard decision to make at all.

    Either scenario offers the possibility for Dumbledore to try to get Harry to come back to England, and offers the chance to show Harry as being neglected and so on by the Dursley's, as a way out of being forced back to England. If we get into the 'magical guardian' business, then its also a good way to show that Dumbledore was also neglecting him (at the least) by not actually checking up on him, even if he denies knowing that Harry was treated poorly. I can imagine a French court looking at a repatriation request from Dumbledore and an asylum request by Harry, and unless you assume that the French ministry or legal system is corrupt as well, there just isn't much of a way that it can go badly for Harry.

    I think both of these scenarios are pretty plausible and simple. They both manage to avoid a scenario of:

    "Uncle Vernon had to take Harry to the hospital for his broken arm, and was so mad at Harry because he had to spend money on medical care for the freak, that he wasn't paying attention to the road. As a result, Vernon ran a stoplight and crashed into a lorry, ejecting Harry through the windsheld of the car. Miraculously living through the experiences, Harry landed at the feet of Mr. Delacour who just through happenstance was in that part of London on business. While Mr. D was staring at Harry in disbelief, Vernon, who looked much like an obese walrus, charged up to the half-mangled Harry, screaming all the while about freakishness and attempting to kick Harry. Mr. Delacour, who is also coincidentally a high ranking French ministry official and the second richest wizard in France, snatched Harry up took him home, whereupon he performed a blood-adoption ritual and named him Jean Paul Sebastian Andre Delacour and, changed his appearance."

    Frankly, I think authors often make these things rather too difficult, and way too contrived. Then it ends up being like Harry inheriting a 99,999,999,999 galleons, 52 houses, most of the known Potter-verse businesses. All this despite the fact that nobody in these businesses ever mentioned it to him, as one might imagine could happen.

    Perhaps in first year: "Oh, Mr. Potter, you don't have to pay for your robes, your trust owns the controlling interest in the business that bears my name," said Madame Malkins, in a rather cheerful and not at all resentful tone.

    Perhaps the worst problem with Harry at Beauxbatons is that you'd have to actually create a crapload of OC's unless you just want to skip ahead to say, book 4, and already have Harry and Fleur as friends, with very few others around, and then work the back story in to someone asking a question as to why he wasn't at Hogwarts instead.

    Edit to note that regardless, I agree that the issue of magical detectors would have to be worked around, though I think that my examples probably manage it.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2008
  8. headbanger22

    headbanger22 Third Year

    Jul 30, 2007
    boston uk
    I am looking forward to reading all of these upcoming story's.
    Hopefully this will end the glut of crap thats been on fanfiction.net recently.
  9. Heather_Sinclair

    Heather_Sinclair Chief Warlock

    Jan 19, 2008
    The Eighth Circle of Hell

    You know what's gonna happen, don't you? In a couple of weeks everyone here's going to start posting and they'll be tons of H/F stories and everyone will go FTW?? Then all the 12 year olds will go "OGMZ lik I con WrIte a Goodz stury 2." Then it all goes to hell again.:wall:

    But at least we'll have something to read before then. Can you imagine having like a couple of handfuls of decent stories to read? I won't know what to do with myself.

    And just a little preview from "The Unbearable Lightness of Fleur Delacour"

    "Lifting one article out he was stunned in how small and light it was until it unfolded. His face flushed and he dropped the satin bikini underwear back in the box."

  10. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Assassin's Creed has gotten another chapter closer to Harry/Fleur, fellows!

    Has anyone noticed that all the good prospective Harry/Fleur s so far don't actually have Fleur in them? Jbern's The Lie I've Lived and Swimdraconian's Circular Reason are by far the best stories listed under that pairing, but neither of them have had Fleur introduced to them yet.

    Makes it all the sweeter when she eventually is.
  11. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    LIL is a fluer pairing? when did Jbern post that?
  12. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    A while ago. It hasn't actually gotten to the Fleur Pairing Parts Though.
  13. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    I don't remember jbern explicitly saying it, but the story is listed under Harry Potter/Fleur Delacour on FFnet.

    Fleur, not fluer.
  14. Zephryl

    Zephryl Squib

    Jan 21, 2008
    I found this topic today and being a large H/F fan I thought I'd post.

    While I don't have any talent for Writing myself I occasionly come up with good plots that I might share so other people might get inspired. We need more H/F Fics.

    For the Harry/Fleur at the Orphanage Scenario I have a few ways it could happen

    1) Dursley's except Dudley die in someway(Housefire, Car crash, killed in bank robbery etc). Harry and Dudley are sent to an Orphanage, because Dudley's still alive the Blood Wards are still in effect and apply to the Orphanage. Perhaps to stop Dumbles influence make the fact that Dudley isn't as close a relation change the wards in someway so Dumbledore can't get close or the trinkets he set up to monitor the wards don't recognize the new wards and he assumes Harry is dead?

    Either way Dudley continues to bully Harry at the Orphanage and Fleur(Who is there for reasons of the authors choice) stands up for him. After that they become close friends.

    2) Dursley's win a free trip for 4 to France in a radio call in or something and decide that it would be less hassle to take Harry with them. For whatever reasons the Dursleys and Delacours die and Harry and Fleur wind up in the same Orphanage.

    3) Dursleys don't want Harry and want to get rid of him. The first time they dump him at an Orphanage Dumbledore brings him back so they fly to france and dump him there figuring the 'Old Freak' wouldn't be there. Dumbledores various monitors don't extend out of Britain so he believes Harry to be dead or Missing and presumed dead.

    I hope I can be of some use to inspire people to write H/F Fictions and I look forward to reading peoples stories.
  15. Irene

    Irene Seventh Year DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jan 21, 2008
    I thought Jbern's h/F fanfiction the lie I've lived was quite ok though he had not gone into the main part yet. Although I love Harry/Fleur pairings, most of them are just so digusting and shitty! I hate filtering through those and when I manage to find a seemingly decent one, it wasn't worth filtering through the others as they are either abandoned or the storyline goes down after a few chapters. Anyone has any more good Harry/Fleur stories to recommand?
  16. Aerin

    Aerin Seventh Year

    Dec 15, 2007
    The Void
    Loaded question.

    Harry/ Fleur is a difficult pairing if just due to the fact of how they interact.

    Add to that the "age difference" and you have people being biased.

    Truthfully, there are few good H/F fics out there and one of the few well-written Harry/ Veela is Hope by Jeconais. Even if you don't like the subject material, you can clearly enjoy the style of writing.

  17. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    This has probably been mentioned before, but I'm tired. If Harry goes to Beuxbatons as a student for his first year what about the language differance? There is no canon of Harry knowing a word beyond the basics of the language, if even that. So Fleur tutors Harry in french. Couple years down the road Harry decides to show how grateful he is.
  18. Drake

    Drake Seventh Year

    Oct 16, 2007
    How many students from Beauxbaton and Durmstrang are brought to Hogwarts? And if it is a limited amount, what grade level?

    The reason I'm not assuming it's only seventh years is that they are pulling their Headmaster out along with the students for an entire year. Who is going to look after the school? Deputy Headmasters are not meant to take the entire job, just small periods where the Headmaster is out. And who is going to continue teaching the students that came to Hogwarts? Did they bring teachers, or are the other school going to assume that Hogwarts will offer all they need.
  19. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    That's CANON and NIGH impossible.

    Cannon = something that projectiles are launched from.
    Canon = a regulation, rule or accepted principle (or the official HP setting as we know it).

    Neigh = the sound a horse makes.
    Nigh = basically means 'near' or 'almost'.

    I'd have let it pass without mention but the ignorance was already spreading to Methene. Oh well, you live, you learn. This lesson is for everybody that needs it and plenty of us do.
  20. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    An easy way to remember it is "cannon go boom". Canonized is canon's verb form.

    I... don't have anything for neigh.