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Harry hates James?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rahkesh Asmodaeus, Sep 16, 2005.

  1. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    I dunno, I don't like most fanfics in which Harry hates his father. I mean, you can't judge a person from one scene in their life. A person that would study for years to be an animagus, just to keep a friend company, doesn't seem like a fuckhead to me. And, come on, it's Snape.

    Ah, I hate Snape-lovers who have fics in which Harry suddenly starts hating his father and starts admiring Snape. I mean, sure, James was unprovoked when he attacked Snape in the memory, but Snape isn't exactly a saint either. If Harry hates his dad for being a bully, it would stand to reason that he would hate Snape for bullying him and all the Gryffindors. He should hate Snape more because Snape is a grown adult, holding on to petty grudges, and taking his frustrations out on kids. But people who love Snape conveniently forget all these facts...
  2. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005

    I think it was a bullshit unrealistic move from JKR to have Harry worry about his Dad bullying Snape, after all the years Snape's done it to him. Harry would of thought something along the lines of "At least my dad got the fucker, since I cant"

    It's the same deal with Harry being obssessed with his parents. He never knew them, only remembers on memory, who gives a shit if they're dead? I'd be madder that I got stuck at the Dursley's, instead of Voldemort trying to kill me, if Dumbles had done the damned job in the first place, instead of doing that half assed redemption crap, it never would of happened.
  3. Old Nuit

    Old Nuit High Inquisitor

    Aug 9, 2005
    That wouldn't be very loving.
  4. SlytherinDamian

    SlytherinDamian Raptured to Hell

    Aug 10, 2005
    I think he should hate his dad (Snape > James), but then again I hate my own father (a title he has in the strictest biological sense only).

    And we have no idea how long Animagus training takes or if it even required training. For all we know, a potion unlocks your ability and James and co. did it just as much to cause trouble as help Lupin. Snape is better because he owes Harry not a fucking thing, and in fact part of Snapes problem might very well be pricks like James. snapes hatred of Harry is born from what James did, and the fact that Harry destroyed someone he, at the time at least, followed. Neville deserves what he gets, he's a fuck up. Name all the other Gryffindor's he's bullied. None.He's a hard ass, but he has reasons at least. James was just a cocky asshole with no cause except he could be.

    I don't particulary care, being a prick is fine, but don't pretend there is no reason for Harry to be disillusioned. James was his father, Snape wasn't, he has every right to expect more from him, especially since the useless bastard did nothing for him except get himself killed by being a filthy blood traitor. I hate James so much, almost as much as Ron...
  5. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet

    *crucios damion* ... idiot >_> ... james might be a dick.. but snape just deserves a severe assraping from a gurrila or something...

    ive seen a few good stories were harry is pissed at james, but none of them involved the little snape-worshipping cocksucker.. and on the opposite end ive seen a few good harry/snape mentor types... i dont like them but i grudgingly admit they were well written...
  6. SlytherinDamian

    SlytherinDamian Raptured to Hell

    Aug 10, 2005
    You just don't agree with anything I say lately, do you? If you're going to be 'dark', you have to like Snape more, because Snape is dark, and James is a little pussy blood traitor light wizard.
  7. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I'd have to say Snape is the pussy. James had the balls to marry a mudblood in the times he lived in, almost gaurenteeing his ass was a marked man.

    What'd Snape do? Turned puss and went light the minute he thought there was a chance his all powerful master couldn't cut it.

    There is no reason to be disullusioned at all, harry knows nothing about his Dad other then a few scant details, its stupid she wrote that scene into OOTP and had Harry affected by it at all
  8. SlytherinDamian

    SlytherinDamian Raptured to Hell

    Aug 10, 2005
    I'm sure there were plenty of ppl who did the same, Voldemort's followers are and always were few, Voldemort himself and the uncertainty of the time about who could be a DE was the danger. If James was a Slytherin, I'd agree, but as a Gryffindor? It wouldn't even raise an eyebrow. Snape has been playing both sides with the most poweful wizards in Britain, and maybe (implicitly) the world. He might've been a pussy in school, but as an adult? I don't see it. James couldn't even protect his family, much less himself, his wife saved their son. You can't be a bigger pussy than that. And he (james) had Sirius and to a lesser extent Peter and Remus backing him up in school, snape was solo, and apparently a loner, so the ONE instance of him being a wuss can easily be explained away.

    Survival... what's wrong with it? You're approaching this from a very unSlytherin mindset. Standing up for the dark on his own wouldn't be brave, it would be suicide. He did the smart thing, and unlike James, he's still alive.

    I didn't think he was that affected, but I think you're ignoring the implications of that 'isolated' incident. It was pretty clear it was a pattern, and his father was like Draco and Dudley: a petty bully. You can pretend that that isn't proven, but I think you would agree that Rowling is a shallow writer. You need to take t as face value, because Rowling likely felt that 'one' scene was good enough to make her point. The potterverse exists only in her head, and this isn't some little throw away scene, it was the point of an entire chapter. We must take it at face value that this was her sketch of the character meant to define him, at least up until 7th year. She won't be wasting time on James in book 7. this is James. Accept it.
  9. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    You can't possibly know that that's all JKR meant by that scene in that book. Admittedly, you might be right, but you're still only looking at one scene in all of James's life. I'm sure if you look at Snape's, or many peoples, past, he has bullied.

    So you're saying that James is a pussy for being a Gryffindor, that's it? Oh, he's also not dark and doesn't kill people for fun...what a fucking wimp.
  10. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    I dunno. I've just always thought he was a dick from the Snape thingy to James in fanon. He's a fuckhead. Thats it. Its obvious that he was because it took til 7th year or so for Lily to even tolarate him.

    He became an Animangus to help his friend, yeah, but fuckheads have friends too. I wonder what started the whole Snape vs James thing in the very begining? I bet James started it for some stupid reason like he's a Slytherin or he was 'too' friendly with Lily. Some bullshit.
  11. SlytherinDamian

    SlytherinDamian Raptured to Hell

    Aug 10, 2005
    Naw, I think you mean to say 'the one scene JKR felt was important enough to write as the only thing we see of him besides his voice before being killed'. Think about it.

    Based on what? We have no instance of him actually bullying anyone except arguably Harry. Let me get this straight: canon scene of James bullying, not good evidence; no scenes of Snape bullying, good enough?

    Yes, yes and yes.
  12. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I don't give a flying fuck if James raped Snapes mom to death, much less if he was an ass or not tbh, my point was that Harry had no real basis.. well no basis if she was a competant writer, to suddenly dislike James.

    Saying James is a puss because
    is one of the most retarded thing's ever I've heard, anywhere. The whole world couldn't stop the guy, much less James, your rationalization that Snape's better then James since Snape lived when he was never at threat from the red eyed bastard doesn't work.

    Bottom line is that when Snapey's master kissed it, Snape had taken prior measures to be a good lil bitch and keep himself from being someone's shower buddy in azkaban. In canon, Snape sees little hope of the light beating back Voldie this time, so he acts like a DE again. He may be really light, and "killed' (theres no way in hell the guy's dead I mean come on. she's too half assed to keep Dumbles dead) Dumbles as part of the act to get over with both sides. Snape's smart, I'll give him that as he's written, but he's no better then the bully he hated James for supposedly being.

    I agree with you however about how shallow a writer she is, and the point of that scene was indeed to show he was very much an ass to Snape, and to show a parallel between James and Dudley, making Harry hate him more. My point is, why the hell should Harry care if he's never known the guy at all? he didn't hold him on a pedestal or anything, just had some small idea that his parents were good ppl. And judging people by their actions in school is a stupid ass assumption to make anyway, but I guess since Snape remains childish, and Harry is indeed a schoolchild it may fly somehow.

    I agree w/ Dark, something was wrong with him that Lily didn't care for him till 7th year, when all of a sudden poof they're together

    Other then the wand scene in GoF you mean, where they distract Voldie so Harry can leave.

    Being a prick is indeed a perogative some enjoy but as canon is written you're given the impression that Snape does that to everyone not Slytherin, NOT just Harry and Neville as you stated.

    *shrug* if you like the greasy bastard go for it, but he's as much of a dick as James possibly was
  13. realmess

    realmess Slug Club Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    New Jersey
    yeah, even more for being a sadistic teacher-reputation or no. He's an adult who holds on to petty grudges, and 'repays' them by tormenting the kid of his dead nemesis. I hold Dumbledore responsible for Snape, I really do.
    I don't think Harry hates James, no matter what he saw in the pensieve.

    ehm, the way he treats Hermione is not good enough? That's abuse. He belittles her every chance he gets [*cough*DE*cough*mudblood*cough*]

    Snape's not a nice guy, and I agree that he could be portrayed better, but I don't think he's better than James. BTW animagus training, although not described precisely, did take [Marauders] about 2-3 years to master, and not every wizard/witch is capable of such transformation, so I wouldn't be discarding it as a way to get pranks done[ well, maybe for Sirius it was]. Potion, or not they did have to take time to practise it, and James was really talented in transfiguration.
  14. SlytherinDamian

    SlytherinDamian Raptured to Hell

    Aug 10, 2005
    Then it sounds like you don't care what is in the first place, only what you want to be. Which really has zero bearing on if James is or is not a bully, or if Harry hates him.

    Why are you arguing on behalf of such an impossible thing? She's not a good writer, you've said so yourself. Ergo, what I said (the stuff that requires the author be shit to be true) is likely.


    Stopping Voldemort was not the issue. Protecting and hiding his family, and as a last resort at least saving himself does not require him to defeat Voldemort or do anything impossible. This of course is all beside the fact that James chose to 'defy' the dark lord 'thrice', thus making him and his family tarfets. Had he not been a blood traitor, or had he at least not directly opposed the dark lord, the prophecy likely never would have even been made, and don't give me the dumb argument that his marrying a mudblood really mattered, as we know from canon that Voldemort doesn't even truely care about blood. He was halfblood, chose to mark a halfblood, was going to spare Lily, his mother was a squib, his father was a muggle, he loves nothing and no one (except possibly his snake...). He doesn't care, and James made himself a target. There is also the fact that he, in those dark times as you put it, chose to have a kid with Lily. If he knew it as 'impossible' to protect his family, he wasn't very smart or responsible in deciding to create one.

    It certainly does. Snape has fooled the two most powerful wizards and James couldn't even hide from one properly. Damn you're being dense, talk about retarded statements.

    Okay, I'm missing how that is bad, stupid or even weak.

    Dumbles is dead, Snape killed him, those are indesputible canon facts, The fact that you can't accept them invalidates any point you make built off of these views. And nothing in what you've said makes him a bully. If you think being a ully is no worse than surviving brilliantly, good for you, but that isn't a good point at all, and not one you could possibly expect everyone to agree with. Survival is argualy the only point of life, being a bully (outside of survival, which clearly is not the case for James) is not.

    [quoe]My point is, why the hell should Harry care if he's never known the guy at all? he didn't hold him on a pedestal or anything, just had some small idea that his parents were good ppl.[/quote]

    He cares because he's constantly being compared to his father, I don't know how you missed that. He made a point of telling off Sirius and saying as much. Should it matter that much? I think thats an individual thing. I don't care and you probably dont care, but maybe someone as wiussy as Harry would care.

    Why is that? You should remain unjudged because you're a child? You think Eric Smith shouldn't be held accountable for raping and killing a little boy because he himself was a school child? Rubbish, you are resposible for your actions at any age, and indeed, your actions define you. ALL of your actions, not just the ones after school.

    I stated he only 'bullied' them. I didn't say he wasn't a hard ass (or prick) to more. Being a prick, being chort tempered, being tough, being critical... those are not necessarily bullying. I wouldn't even call what he does to Neville bullying, Neville really is that bad at potions. The fact that he's a nervous little twit is no excuse for always screwing up and affords him no special treatment.

    Sounds like another Potter/red head couple... now what were their names...

    Those are not the actual people. Not only does that not really mean much (certainly much less than a lucid penseive memory), but he is fighting the guy who killed them... even the muggle distracted Voldie, that doesn't say anything about James character.

    Addressed this above, what he does to Neville and 'others', as far as we directly, canonically know, isn't bullying. Neville is a fuck up.

    No doubt, but since he isn't Harry's father, Harry has less reason to be bothered by it. No one compares him to Snape, no one says 'you look just like Snape'. And I can respect the type of prick snape is much more than the prick James was before getting himself killed.
  15. SlytherinDamian

    SlytherinDamian Raptured to Hell

    Aug 10, 2005
    No its not, and no... its not. He doesnt do anything that bad to her. I admitted hes a prick, but theres a fine line between bullying and just being a all around jerk.
  16. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    He protected himself with THE ultimate protection, it's not his fault he was screwed by a rat. And yes Volde does care for blood, he consideres his heirness to make his blood pure enough, his bullshit about blood is repeated as is his killing of those unworthy/unclean. Who's to say he chose Harry out of choosing, maybe he couldn't get the Longbottom's keeper to betray them? We never find out what Frank and Alice were doing when the Potters died, we just know they were hiding, then came out later to be nearly snubbed out.

    Sorry you being saying ""James couldn't even protect his family, much less himself, his wife saved their son. You can't be a bigger pussy than that"" trumps me saying Snape isn't super Snape. I'm happy foryou that you have a hard on for the guy, but the fact is yes he's smart, but he hasn't been at threat yet for him to show himself as this super smart Slytherin you hold him as apparently.

    Avada makes the victim drop on the spot, not fly backwards off a balcony where no one sees the body till much later, and when a phoenix flys out from the supposed body later at the sudden burning. Invalidate that.

    Yes because he choose to be on the recieving end of the green flashy toy.

    *shrug* Its pointless to argue with you about it, think what you want.
  17. SlytherinDamian

    SlytherinDamian Raptured to Hell

    Aug 10, 2005
    Let's save ourselves trouble.

    Me: I disagree with most of what you just said.

    You: Your mother.

    Me: Your sister.

    You: You suck.

    Me: Only for the right price.

    You: ...

    And our heros live happily ever after.

  18. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  19. SlytherinDamian

    SlytherinDamian Raptured to Hell

    Aug 10, 2005
  20. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Ah, so all of a persons actions defines them, not just some, or in this case, one. You can say that he's a prick because he bullied Snape. That's valid. I can say that he's a brave, and unselfish guy to try to hold back Voldemort so that Lily and Harry could try to escape. That's also valid. But, we can never know how James truly was, unless JKR tells us in the next book. I can say you're a heartless fucker for not caring about the victims of Hurricane Katrina...but I don't. What I've been saying is, you can't judge a person on one fucking scene in their life. JKR just might have been trying to show that not everyone's perfect, that we all have some flaws.

    And, if JKR isn't a good writer, why the hell are you on this forum? Why did you even read past the first book if you think so badly of her writing style? I mean, yeah, she's no Salinger, but she's better than a lot of the authors out there.