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Abandoned Harry Potter: An Ancient's Journey by Keiran Halcyon - Stargate - M

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Skeletaure, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. Knox

    Knox The Last Remnant DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2006
    At the crossroad where the demon lies. Waiting to
    i really like it, one of the best crossovers ive read, i want to know if C-harry acted like in the books cause if it had this harry's memories it would be slytherin not gryfindor
  2. Alayna

    Alayna Second Year

    Jun 11, 2006
    Not necessarily Slytherin. Flitwick thought that harry would make a Ravenclaw. Definitely not a Gryffindor though...

    It seems that Harry will soon come in contact with his other self of the wizarding world and I'm looking forward to it.
    I'm not yet sure if his ancients powers are yet enough to beat Riddle, and how the people of canon react when there is suddenly a second Harry.
  3. KubYnator

    KubYnator Second Year

    Dec 24, 2006
    I really like it, but I don't think it will remain this good when the wizarding world get involved.
    I wish good cross overs like this one wouldn't get back to the Harry Potter world. This may be because I read good FanFiction in different fandoms and not just Harry Potter, but I know most wouldn't like it if that happens.
  4. Alayna

    Alayna Second Year

    Jun 11, 2006
    First I feared that Asgard-Harry might go to Hogwarts, but with Dumbledore dead and Wizard-Harry on the loose there is nothing there to tempt him to go there.

    There is no need to really include the wizarding world. Harry can go help his clone (that would indeed be interesting how Wizard-Harry reacts to his original) and nobody save the clone has to know about it. I mean, they look alike, so they will think it is wizarding Harry who bested Voldemort as long as they are not seen together.

    He can leave earth again and live happily ever after in the Stargate-verse. He might even take clone Harry with him depending on the clone Harry's opinion of the wizarding world.
  5. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    Alayna - If you haven't readded in the 8'th chapter - Oma Desala said that original-Harry have to kill Voldemort. So we can be sure, that clone-Harry will die and then original-Harry will appear with all the stargateverse stuff.
  6. mielterron

    mielterron Second Year

    Dec 15, 2006
    franki, he might have to kill Voldemort but that's all he has to do, no need to get more involved than beamdown->cast AK->beam out. Voldemort is dead and Clone Harry is a hero.
  7. parselmaster

    parselmaster Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2005
    спуститься с небес на землю
    I couldn't get into this one, it struck a few of my top fanfiction petpeeves in the first chapter alone. I'm going to be continuing but only because I can't stand not finishing something once started.

    This has to be the first Hp-Stargate I have not been able to get into on some level.
  8. Kalistar

    Kalistar First Year

    Dec 30, 2006
    Seattle Area
    Is it just me or is Harry becoming way too perfect in this fic? I mean in everyone just listened to Harry, all would be right in the world. His meeting with Clinton just seemed to stress how incredibly insightful he is into the human religous/political situations on Earth and elsewhere.
  9. haroon_angel

    haroon_angel Fourth Year

    Jan 6, 2007
    Nicely Written
  10. Amadan

    Amadan Second Year

    Dec 6, 2006
    You have to remember that he has been taught by the Asgard and they are much more more advanced that earth so some "insightfullness" can come from there and for the religion the Asgard were the basis for the Norse religion in the stargate universe so it would stand to reason that they would understand how societies deal with religion.
  11. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    Ah, another HP/SG-1 crossover. This one is among my top favorites. Perhaps the basic concept is not the most original, but the author has more than made up for it with some interesting twists and details.

    The newest chapters feature Harry (the original) returning to Earth and the Wizarding World. I can't wait to see how it turns out.
  12. Burn

    Burn Second Year

    Nov 25, 2006
    United States
    Very nice

    This is probably one of the best, if not the best, HP/SG-1 crossovers I have ever seen. The plot, while getting to be somewhat cliché at this point in time, flows really well and seems to keep the perfect amount of originality. Plus I have to give the author points for keeping everything balanced, i.e. the plasma gun that can't go through the personal goa'uld shields even though it technically is some sort of devilry that manages to be both energy-based and have physical aspects.

    The characters seem spot-on most of the time, except for the odd scene or two when a character or two seems to be too rushed, like when Harry beams them off the Beliskner to safety. Right at that moment O'Neil just seems to be a little too rushed and perhaps ooc. Not that it matters really - any flaw is more than made up for later.

    BTW, is anyone else getting f-ing annyoed at that stupid iPod Nano ad on fanfic.net? I think it's a sin for anyone to include sound into ads. Sound + ads = devil worship
  13. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    YES. I hate that fucking ad.
  14. ender839

    ender839 Guest

    And here I was thinking I had actually been selected to win 1700 iPod Nanos. Well, shit.


    I've been enjoying this story for a while. Stargate crossovers have been a weakness of mine for a while, and once I got past the first chapter of this one, I added it to the list. I should also commend it for not having excessive amounts of egregiously bad grammar. Good work.

    For now, I'll give it a 4.5/5: As much as I like to see the random coincidences that are necessary for a crossover, I also like to see actual difficulties and problems arise. I agree that Harry's a bit too perfect.
  15. Fimbulvintr

    Fimbulvintr Seventh Year

    Apr 22, 2008
    Your closet
    I might be lynched for this, but I searched for this thread and discovered that no new posts have been made for over a year, but the story itself has been consistently updated. So I thought I'd reanimate this thread to at least alert some the HP/Stargate readers out there.

    This story is being updated, and in fact has just been updated today. It is now at 39 chapters and over 350,000 words. The fic itself is hard to describe, it takes place almost entirely in the SG-verse and the events happen pretty close to SG canon. I consider this fic to be one of the best HP/SG crossovers written so far, the author has managed to skillfully merge magic with the Alteran mythos of Stargate, and created generally believable technological advances for Earth.

    Some readers may claim that Harry is too perfect in this fic, and that is partly true, but really, anyone who has seriously watched Stargate knows all about people who come up with crazy yet perfect solutions to ridiculous problems episode after episode.

    The story has just started the Atlantis arc, a season or two before the show. The author has created an Earth with actual believable advanced technology, created OC's that are interesting rather than annoying, included and removed SG canon characters in ways that make sense, and managed to mirror events and consequences that occurred in SG canon yet logically and subtly altered them in Earth's favor. This is a story written by an author who knows exactly what's happening in their make-belief world, and uses that knowledge to skillfully avoid inconsistencies.

    What makes this story engaging for me is the fact that it doesn't often depart from what we already know of the Stargate storyline. The problem with many other crossovers is that the authors try to create new and interesting situations, but fail badly. What this person has done is to take the tried and true events of Stargate, and change them by throwing in new characters, new organizations, and new technologies and abilities, with a solid base from which to work, the altered events flow fluidly and logically. This method also helps to facilitate the sucessful creation of true diverging events later in the story.

    The level of writing in this fic reflects that found in Sanctuary of Arda (which should totally be continued), and is a must-read for all HP/Stargate fans.

    Please don't kill me for reviving this thread. What's the record for worst necro anyway, anyone know?
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2008
  16. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Over 3 years, so you're way off :p

    Anyway, I'm still keeping up with this. Whenever it updates it makes my day.

    I agree with pretty much everything you said. Technically Harry's a Gary Stu, but I just love the fic too much to care. Loved the ideas of the Great Leap too, and the slow but, over a long period of time, significant, progression of Earth technology.

    It could be said that things go too well for Earth in this, but I don't think that's true. They go better than in SG canon, yes, but I think SG canon is artificially held back to prolong the series. All alien races do not share technology or are wiped out or are facing their own foes, any ships salvaged are conveniently destroyed almost immediately, and so on.

    Only things I dislike are his multiple wives. Hermione was okay when we first met her but ever since going to Seaworld has been superfied. Harry's original wife just doesn't make sense. Where'd she come from? How come she's a full Alteran like Harry? Thankfully she plays the role of eye-candy only when it comes to the plot. God bless chauvinism.

    Aiyana (spelling?) makes sense though. Apollyona (spelling?) should never have been included and instead more focus be given to Aiyana.

    Still, 5/5. Technically I should probably give it 4/5 for lack of any real conflict, but I enjoy it too much.

    To all newcomers: ignore the first few chapters, before Harry is abducted. Just skim through them. Nothing in there is ever touched upon again, and they put many readers off the story who would otherwise love it.

    Go back and read SoA. The writing isn't that great. This is much better, technically speaking, IMO. SoA is still a fun read though. And has a similar problem of having an odd opening that has no bearing on the rest of the story.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2008
  17. Fimbulvintr

    Fimbulvintr Seventh Year

    Apr 22, 2008
    Your closet
    Damn, and I had such lofty goals....well I'll show you, I'll show you ALL!!11!!!1

    Truer words have yet to be spoken.

    Exactly, I see this fic as an equalizer of sorts, for all the crap Earth and the SG teams have to deal with all the time.

    The multiple wives thing kind of threw me too. I could see it coming, I just never thought the author would actually go through with it. As for Apollonia, I'm not sure if she's a full Alteran. I can't remember anywhere in the story where it was said that she's 100% Alteran, I think we just assumed she was since she and Harry had children, but by all means, prove me wrong. Some more background information on her would be nice, but it might be too late at this point in the story, and besides, a lot of the other OC's in the fic don't have much of a background either. Come to think of it, some of the major characters in SG canon don't have much of a background. I mean, how much do we really know about the personal lives of Woolsey and Zelenka? If you compare them, we actually know more about Apollonia than either Woolsey or Zelenka. And what about Walter? We barely know anything about him, and Stargate just wouldn't be the same without Walter......

    Thankfully though, Stargate doesn't depend on intimate knowledge of the character's lives, just their skills, credentials, and the occasionally interesting tidbit about their life. I think that's part of what makes Stargate an interesting show, instead of psychoanalyzing the characters, we're fed little facts here and there, and allowed to form our own opinions, it makes it more real. But back to the subject, eye-candy is fine with me, although there is potential for more if it is carefully and tastefully done.

    It's true that Hermione has been superfied some and more focus needs to be given to Aiyana. But as you said, I love this fic so much I can overlook these relatively minor issues.

    I did go back and reread SoA, and again I just could not read the beginning. Dragons Balls? Seriously? Aside from that though, the rest was well written, the style and word choices really made the Middle-Earth setting all the more realistic, which is I believe, another talent of this particular author.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2008
  18. ZeroTheDestroyer

    ZeroTheDestroyer Auror

    Nov 2, 2008
    I am getting there
    I can't believe I forgot about this story. Its awesome. I am all for 1 + wives.
  19. Militis

    Militis Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2008
    I feel the only reason Bucktoothed-beaver was included was for the link back to the Potterverse. Without it, Harry could be any random OC, and the story would be pure SG.

    I think it's spelled Apollonia, but I digress. Aiyana makes much more sense, and is an actual SG-1 character, for however briefly.

    This story has got to be one of the very few great SG-1/HP crossovers out there. Heck, I think it may be the only one. 5/5
  20. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    Original priestess wife was too much of a hippy for my tastes. It felt like the author was trying to recreate a daniel sharai relationship with the primitive wife and the civilised husband.

    Plus he kind of got rid of clone harry fairly quick in my opinion. I'm not saying he should have dragged him along but its like he was only there to show how inadequate the substitute was and to bring hermione and harry together.

    But the greaqt leap was bold in my opinion. Most authors don't try to include such public exposure plots and I enjoy those. They usually try to tow the line between cannon and cliche. The great leap was so shocking and out of the blue that I was quite pleased.

    I'm liking the atlantis arc but I am not looking forward to going back to sg1 because its only going to be harry hearding up the trust and corruption which will no doubt link back to some death eater/ g'ould leader who was pulling everyones strings.

    Honestly I kind of want the author to end the series soon. it feels like its going ot drag on until they stop making stargate episodes.

    I don't think the author has any idea how he plan to end it yet.