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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    Anyway, I'm kind of wondering what sort of entrance the schools will make. I could see two animagi showing off a bit assuming they manage to get a handle on their transformation in time.

    I'd also like to see a bit more cooperation than what we saw in canon. I always thought it was kind of silly that there wasn't more forced interaction. That is to say why not have the students from other schools sit in on some clubs and/or class activities. Then they could be required to host something in return as a way to foster good relations. Durmstrang holding a dueling session that the other schools could attend etc.

    I know the spreading good will bit is a joke, but you'd think the organizers would at least make an attempt to put on a better show of attempting to create better relationships between schools.
  2. Sacrosanct

    Sacrosanct Auror

    Nov 29, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    Or at least make more opportunities to show off and antagonise the other schools.
  3. The Santi

    The Santi Professor

    Aug 15, 2009
    While you might have a point, Karkaroff doesn't want a relationship with the other European schools, he just wants to prove that his is the best. There will be more on Karkaroff during the Tri-Wizard chapters since the other professors wont be there.

    Also, a new member actually had a good and, dare I say, original comment -- one that will be addressed in the next update actually -- and yet not a single person recognized or acknowledged it.

    Tisk tisk.

    In other news, the next chapter will be out soon.
  4. Catman

    Catman DA Member

    Jan 8, 2008
    *proceeds to meticulously examine 30 pages of comments for those by new members*
  5. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    I don't think so. Why would they know who they are? Did I miss the part where the twins are spending vast amounts of time around them? And in this universe Nathan wouldn't have a need greater than the Twins to use said map. The use of the map in third year in canon was based on Harry not getting his permission slip signed, and a need for Lupin to see Peter's name on the map.

    As for one of them potentially going back to retrieve the map, why would they? What purpose does having a map of Hogwarts serve to one who is no longer at Hogwarts? I could see James, perhaps, telling Nathan about the map, and Nathan trying to sneak in and get it so he could get up to some mischief, but the map would no longer be there.

    This was the reason I didn't address your comment the first time. If it wasn't for the Santi liking it then making a comment about some new person leaving an original comment, I would have not bothered. I am ashamed of my laziness.

    I'm glad we will be seeing the next chapter (or at least part of it) soon though. It will give us some new information to speculate about until eventually things start become ridiculous once more. Now, I'm off to avoid sleep and read some more of the adventures of the fabulous Mr. Norrell.

    EDIT: Unless, I am wrong in my guess, and the Santi was referring to my comment on Harry not needing to wear a condom. This issue, I feel, is the most pressing one, and Harry and Calypso should address it soon.

    Nathan: I have a map that shows all of Hogwarts.
    Harry: I just had sex. (prolly NSFW)
    Nathan: Well played, good sir.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011
  6. hgf

    hgf Fourth Year

    Mar 24, 2009
    The map would show that Calypso is a Rosier. If Nathan has it and Calypso does come to Hogwarts I think he would notice at some point.
  7. 4arms

    4arms Second Year

    Jan 26, 2011
    That is also a possibilty...He(Harry) will go for the elders wand as it is the only thing that can heal Calypso for sure if every other method fails.....

    As I am thinking over my head he might free Grindelwald while searching for the wand and have him as his mentor....
  8. Nargles

    Nargles Seventh Year

    Apr 2, 2011
    East Coast, USA
    @Rakkety Tam:

    Perhaps you're right, but I distincly remember the Weasleys spending time with the Potters during the Christmas holidays in Chapter 3. They also visisted during the summer after First Year, and again the following summer (although that could have been just Ron visisting.)

    Also, to me, it seems that James and Sirius would regale the Weasley twins with tales of their pranking days at Hogwarts, and I think the whole Marauders thing would come up in conversation.

    I also think that James might have tried to get the map back so he could give it to his sons as a "family legacy" or something.
  9. Kalypso

    Kalypso Second Year

    Jun 17, 2011
    Why would he free Grindelwald and more importantly - how? That prison sounded damn impenetrable.
    Harry also knows Viktor hates Grindelwald, because he killed his grandpa. He is close to Viktor, why should he free an obsessed tyrant just for Calypso.

    I guess he likes her and is falling in love with her, but I feel Harry is ultimately egocentric and concerned with his own power and greatness. He doesn´t come off as the heroic prince to sacrifice everything to help the damsel in danger.
  10. Sacrosanct

    Sacrosanct Auror

    Nov 29, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    ^ yeah no. That's not right at all.

    Did you not read that scene where Harry casts the Cruciatus Curse on a helpless amphibian pretending it Neville because his brother almost got hurt?

    If Harry was egocentric and only concerned with his own power and greatness then he wouldn't do that. He also wouldn't go apeshit at Kira for laughing at Calypso when she was stuck partway through her transformation.

    I don't think this Harry will ever be egocentric and concerned with his own power and greatness outside of the norm. Harry was bullied, isolated and ignored for a year during a time when he needed company the most (new school, separated from his family for the first time etc.) and when he was at his most vulnerable. That has turned into strong bitterness, anger and a burning need to show the people who vilified him how far he has come, which is completely normal.

    There's a difference between going dark and being a cowardly selfish psychopathic cunt.

    Which begs the question, what exactly is the Santi's definition of "dark"? Will Harry just use dark magic a shit ton or is being a dark wizard something deeper than that?
  11. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    We should remember the introduction to this fic that The Santi posted on FF.net:

    Synopsis: Harry Potter loves, and is loved by, his parents, his godfather, and his brother. He isn't mistreated, abused, or neglected. So why is he a Dark Wizard? NonBWL!Harry. Not your typical Harry's brother is the Boy Who Lived story.

    The introduction just before the first chapter: I welcome you all to my latest epic length story. It's an ambitious tale chronicling the life of Harry James Potter, the brother of the Boy Who Lived. If you are at all interested in finding out how a child, who was loved so very much by his parents and brother, could become one of the most infamous wizards of all time, I invite you to read on. This story is rated Mature for violence, sexual situations, and language.

    Therefore, I think we should settle the question of whether Harry Potter will be only a dark wizard, because the original idea of The Santi seems to be turning to the young Harry Potter into the next Dark Lord, in the wake of Grindelwald and Voldemort.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011
  12. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    That'd be a more exciting scenario if she weren't accompanied by 40 or so Durmstrang students that could tell you her name, not to mention cousin Draco who will gladly tell anyone who cares to listen that a Potter is dating a Rosier, preferably where Nathan can overhear it. Or maybe Harry will make the point moot and introduce his girlfriend to his brother and Hermione, can't see that conversation taking place without her last name coming up, hiding her name would just seem silly.

    Unless Harry for some obscure reason decides to avoid Nathan or somehow doesn't end up in the same room as him and Calypso during their stay in Hogwarts and someone sees or overhears them together and goes running to Nathan with the gossip who then checks the map AND SUDDENLY DRAMA!!!!1111!

    Although that'd be so incredibly contrived I don't know wether it'd be awesome or retarded. Can't see the point in having the map reveal her, it's common knowledge that'll soon find it's way into the Hogwarts rumour machine, it isn't as if she's hiding her identity by using a false name and her real name is Calypso Slytherin Gryffindor Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Merlin Norris Windsor.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011
  13. Sacrosanct

    Sacrosanct Auror

    Nov 29, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    Corrections are in red, I'm not giving you shit for it I'm just helping you out.

    I honestly have not idea. It's far to early to tell how this story will end. But I find it unlikely that Harry will become the next Dark Lord based on his personality now. But then again we have no idea how much he will change in the coming years.
  14. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    facepalm. Infamous does not equal dark lord. In fact, infamous doesn't really speak to anything other than how people view you. A completely innocent man could become infamous for getting off of a murder charge because others view him as being a guilty man who could afford a high price lawyer. It doesn't actually mean he is guilty.

    In the same way, I could see a man known for his abilities in dark magic becoming infamous in the world of wizards. If canon newspapers are anything to go by, wizards won't allow some insignificant fact such as him never using the dark arts to harm someone unless in self defense to stop them from maligning him. Snape is probably the best example of this in the books. He became the most infamous character after book 6, and in DH, we found out he was really working to help Harry and protect the students of Hogwarts as best as he was able.

    Actually, I think if anyone would have tried to get the map back then it would have been to be on the lookout for Peter during third year.

    I always just assumed it was Ron coming over to visit. If they did come, I would think it would be with their parents along, and as such, the parents would be with the parents and the kids would be with the kids. I like to think of the twins as spending their summers in their rooms plotting and creating for the next school year so perhaps I am a tad bit bias.

    You are making this entirely too complicated. Finding Calypso's name on a map in a school full of people plus the additional people from other magical institutions and ministry workers seems unlikely. I don't think it will be that big of a secret as to who she is given that there are some purebloods at Hogwarts who probably already know her.

    EDIT: inb4 Harry finds out about the map and begins to work on his next charms project. When he returns to Durmstrang, all he will have to worry about is finding all of the passageways so he can put them on the map. He could get most of the spells out of the way while at Hogwarts/over the summer. Easy M is easy.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011
  15. ViolentRed

    ViolentRed Professor

    Dec 11, 2010
    Bad example. Snape became so infamous for killing Dumbledore, not for using Dark magic. There's a big difference.

    In fact, I'd say Durmstrang itself would be a much better example. That school's actually infamous for teaching Dark magic, even though it didn't break any laws or anything.

    Still, it would take a lot more than simply becoming known for using Dark magic to become 'one of the most infamous wizards of all time'. That's taking Voldemort and Grindelwald into account. Even if he never becomes a Dark Lord and his reputation is exeggarated by the public, he still wouldn't even come close to their level by colouring inside the lines. He's going to hurt a lot of people or break a lot of laws. Possibly both.
  16. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    Why would they let the world know that they are animagi? It's much more convenient to not tell anyone that they can do the transformation. The only people who it may be logical for Harry to tell is one of the Marauders or McGonagall, and that's only if he's having serious trouble with his transformation. I could also see him possibly telling Nathan, if only to motivate him.
  17. Bittersweet Freedom

    Bittersweet Freedom Second Year

    Jul 21, 2011
    Acton, MA
    Would the map really be that big of a deal? I mean, the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang don't even stay in the castle, right? And the times in which they are in the castle, like during the intro, putting their names in the Goblet, and the dance, aren't really times Nathan would have the chance to look at the map.
    Also, I wonder how Harry will get past the age restriction line. Maybe with some help from his professors?
  18. Blazzano

    Blazzano Unspeakable

    Aug 6, 2009
    I think he will be egocentric and abnormally concerned with his greatness - in fact, I believe he already is, to a certain extent. At the same time, yes, he genuinely cares for certain people.

    It is possible for a person to be both things, so long as they don't take the egocentrism to extremes (e.g. sociopaths). And ultimately, I think both Harry's ego and Harry's loyalty to his few friends and loved ones will come to define what he becomes.
  19. 4arms

    4arms Second Year

    Jan 26, 2011
    HArry might introduce her as Calypso introduced herself to Harry....


    If Harry gets obsessed in curing Calypso and hears about the Elders wand, he might start to trace it and that would lead him to Grindewald...about the why, I am unable to answer it...but Harry is not Dumbledore, they might click in a truly acedemic basis....
  20. Kalypso

    Kalypso Second Year

    Jun 17, 2011
    I didn´t mean Harry is some sort of narcissist. But I was thinking of this animagus scene, he thought of his friends and family and wishes to protect them, but his most dominant character trait was his determination and obsession with self-improvement.

    I just don´t think he would abandon all other projects and his persue of knowledge to solely concentrate on finding this cure for Calypso.
    He didn´t even seem very comfortable with his feelings for her, he can´t even explain them to himself (after Viktor confronted him about the attack on Kira and why he took the blame for Calypso cursing Müller).

    I don´t think finding a cure for her would be a major motivation for him to obsessivly explore some obscure dark arts. I think there will be a gradual development leading him to become infamous or dark or whatever, not a single occurance or reason to suddenly delve into some forgotten strange magic.
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