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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Carmine

    Carmine Unspeakable

    Sep 30, 2010
    University of Nottingham
    One mentions Rosier in passing, the other (mine) suggests his reason for arguing for the age line.

    Diagnose yourself.
  2. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    I'm wondering whether Romulus ever really planned for Harry to compete in the tournament. I'm thinking that he just used Harry desire to enter the tournament as a way to influence him further into the dark arts. He basically told Harry that he wouldn't stand a chance unless he learned more powerful dark spells and than handed him a list to study. By forcing the age line he was probably trying to keep Harry out the sphere of influence of Dumbledore and his family and firmly within his own. Perhaps creating a larger divided with Harry and the light.

    His plan was ruined when Harry put an ultimatum on Karkaroff. So I think he scrambled and forced Karkaroff in allowing Calypso into the trip to Hogwarts as a way to keep Harry in the necessary mindset that he has been cultivating.
  3. Chereche

    Chereche Squib

    Apr 12, 2011
    Trinidad and Tobago

    That is a good point. In their younger years it was Calypso who constantly guided Harry back toward the dark arts after he returned from his family and he would know that. Sending him to England without her would risk him back-tracking somewhat with his progress and this way, he has Calypso to ensure this doesn't happen.

    Whether that would happen without his daughter there is debatable though. Harry has grown to the point where he understands and appreciates all that the dark arts has to offer him, so I doubt there is much Dumbledore and his family could do to dissuade him from it at this point.

    Although, given how guarded Calypso was about the information she gave relating to Harry, it is entirely possible that Romulus is not aware of his dedication to it.
  4. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    You are making this entirely too complex. He wanted Calypso to go along because Harry and Krum are Calypso's only friends. Regardless of what he has done in the past, he does care a great deal for his daughter. Remember, Calypso was essentially in the same position as Harry before Harry showed up at Durmstrang.
  5. Tenages

    Tenages Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 19, 2010
    Philadelphia, USA
    Rosier is mentioned in 3/4 sentences (75%). Clearly that's just "in passing".

    Just fucking stop Carmine. Both posts say the same goddamn thing, just in slightly different words. You're the only one coming off as mentally retarded in this exchange, despite your attempts to flaunt your e-peen and argue otherwise.
  6. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    The entire reason he is interested in Harry is because of Calypso. He is trying to vet a potential mate for his daughter. I agree that a good reason to let Calypso go to Hogwarts is to prevent her from being without her friends. I just don't think that was the reason he pushed so hard on Karkaroff. There was a deadly edge on that request that spoke of a great importants not befitting of just fatherly concern of whether your daughter is going to be lonely. He is obviously worried about something and I think what he is worrying on is that all the effort he has put into Harry is going to go to waste. Even without the marriage contract it is still likely that Harry is going to be the husband of his daughter. Which means his future relationship and influence with his daughter and future grandchildren is somewhat depend on Harry mindset on the dark arts(I'm going with the womb problem as temporary). I have no doubt that that he is also considering how he can exploit Harry and his relationship to the light for his own means. If Harry goes all goody goody on him any possible benefit he could have gained from Harry goes out the window and along with it his daughter.
  7. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    Cenares, we look at Calypso's father in two entirely different ways. You apparently see someone who wants to corrupt Harry and turn him to the Dark Arts and against his family. I see a professor who doesn't want to see his daughter's boyfriend waste his potential. Rosier faith in the cause seems to be wavering as well. He has mentioned before that his family has made mistakes referencing their loyalties to certain Dark Lords.

    It shows that he is questioning his own decisions. They have lead to him pretending to be dead, and the virtual death of the Rosier family line after all. This was actually something that surprised me about the previous scene. I would have thought the Highmaster would have had more of a spine. Rosier is still a wanted man after all. The only reason governments aren't actively hunting him is that they think he is dead. Remember, unlike the other Death Eaters, he didn't sell out people or claim that he was forced into service.

    It seems to me like the two of them are in similar boats. The Highmaster has Death Eaters after his head, and Rosier would have governments (and more importantly Dumbledore) after him.

    I've also noticed that much of the time when he complains about Harry's lack of progress there is usually a mention of Harry's ability in other classes, and how other professors are bragging about their star pupil. So, I think a part of it might be good old fashioned faculty rivalry. As for the talk of Rosier testing him, I think that those days died along with the marriage contract.
  8. diesIovis

    diesIovis Seventh Year

    Jul 13, 2011
    Poetovio. Pannonia~
    I was wondering what the ramifications would be if both Potters end up in the tournament and it became known that Harry did put himself in the GoF. Would they suspect that he put Nathan in as well, because there is still the issue with Voldesquirrel and well Rosier. Even if that were not the case his family probably won't be thrilled either way. Any thoughts on the matter?
  9. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    I agree with what Rakkety Tam said. Romulus knows that a large absence of him and/or of Calypso in the life of Harry supposed that the increase in his reservations to use the Dark Arts, and this fact he looks it very bad for the already imagined as the future husband of her daughter, either because he wants to attract him the Dark Arts or he doesn't want to waste his great potential.

    And without forgetting that due to previous decisions of his family, he wants to lead his family with steps lead to explore all possibilities that could affect his family in the future.

    However, I think the Calypso's deception could uncover very soon as it is very likely to be asked who was her mother, and more likely, if the questioner is Dumbledore or Snape, who are likely the wizards located in Hogwarts that best met the late death eater called Evan Rosier.

    As for the plot of the age line, I think that Harry managed to disable it and even he coulp help others (like the Weasley twins) to distract Hogwarts' teachers (If only Harry was able to overcome without resorting to Viktor for him to take parchments written by Harry and Calypso to the Goblet of Fire). Thus, Santi could place another student as Hogwarts' champion, if he desired it.
  10. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Clearly, Romulus is clearing the way for the arrival of his Lord. He's positioning Harry just where he wants him, and Calypso too.

    Soon it will be time for Jimmy to reveal himself.
  11. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    You see him mainly as a professor and that is where are views are very different. He didn't become a Professor cause it was his dream, or he needed a job, or because he has a hankering to teach. He became a so called professor so that he could look after his own interests. Remember, Calypso was getting very close to the son of his former enemy. A son that thinks of Dumbledore as his grandfather. He was worried that his daughter was going to give up the ideals that he fought for, that he killed for, and his own son died for. He was a hardcore bad ass death eater who believe in the ideals of that group and now his daughter is infatuated with a prominent son of his "former" enemy.

    Harry's parents are worried that he is going to fall into the dark. Don't you think that it is equally plausible that Rosier fears his daughter is going fall into the light. Calypso was the one that had a crush on Harry and the one who pushed the entire relationship forward. Rosier's smart enough to know that if he had outright forbidden the friendship that his own daughter wouldn't have listened and it would have only made the situation worse. Such is the way of love, that is why instead of out right forbidding it he instead made Calypso research the family and try to prove the worth of her chosen. As it turns out, Harry was worthy and that is why Rosier became a professor so as to influence Harry into his way of thinking or at the very least minimize Dumbledore influence.

    Rosier is not a slightly dark professor looking out for the best interest of his students. Rosier is a death eater who is vehemently guarding the last vestige of his line and pride.

    I wouldn't put it past Rosier to get a small thrill in turning a hated enemy's son into dark wizard. In fact I think Rosier has a active interest in turning Harry towards the ideals of the pure bloods if for no other reason than Harry is going to be a very powerful wand in the future. We're talking Dumbledore level power here. He wants Harry's wand to at the very least not be pointed at him and probably hopes to turn it against the forces of the light.

    I suppose I should stop using light and dark when referring to the various factions. There are the pure bloods, Dumbledore, and the ministry left as of right now. Soon the Dark Lord will be back and become a very powerful faction. The last war was not fought between good and evil, only on the ideals of each faction. I'm sure the pure bloods don't consider themselves evil. Rosier more than likely thinks his ideals are still right. He might think he made a mistake pledging his allegiance to Voldemort, but I don't believe for a second he has disregarded his ideals.

    I would have to agree that it was more than a little strange that the Highmaster was so spineless in his dealings with Rosier. I hoping The Santi will clarify there relationship more in the future.
  12. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    As much as I enjoy reading this story... this thread almost baffles me. I think we've discussed this work of fanfiction on this forum in more detail than we have the books themselves.
  13. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    In our defense, when compared to this work of fanfiction, the books are pretty shit.
  14. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    That opens up a discussion I don't really want to delve into, especially not in this thread. Though I suppose it's better than some of the newbie trolling and whatnot.

    I'll just say that JK Rowling created an amazing world with a lot of untapped potential, and that I'm grateful authors like The Santi, among many others, are exploring that potential and doing it justice.
  15. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    No, he didn't become a professor because he was worried about Harry's influence on his daughter. He became a professor because his daughter was cursed at the school. The damage of which has not been fully healed, and it may never be healed.

    He isn't some crazed blood purist either. He values skill and talent. If you look at Calypso, you get a better understanding of her family's views which is to say they care about magical talents that come with certain bloodlines, and the rest is placed upon intelligence of the individual not the blood.

    Yes, he is a dark wizard who has killed for his cause. I get all of that, but the same can be said for the wizards on the other side of those wars. They also killed for their cause. He lost a lot in those wars though. His whole family was wiped out, and he was left almost dead. It isn't clear if he ever fully recovered from those wounds. Now, he hides from the public because he knows that he would be a wanted man if certain ears ever found out that he was alive.

    I understand that we will disagree on this matter. I see no point in arguing it any further. Time will tell who is closest in their assessment of his character. Personally, I think all of this talking about making way for the revival of Voldemort talk is entirely too complex, and we have no reason to think that Rosier even knows Voldemort is alive much less that Voldemort would still trust one of his followers that abandoned him as soon as he was weak.
  16. calutron

    calutron Unspeakable

    Jan 19, 2007

    That sounds extremely retarded.

    And here's why:

    If you were hiding from various national governments for crimes ranging from murder to treason, then hiding in a school, where hundreds of students from different countries attend and they all know who you are, is extremely retarded.
  17. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    And if Romulus was in the same situation that the Lestrange family was when Voldemort was defeated by the Boy Who Lived (ie, there was suspicions against him, but never found hard evidence against him). The Lestrange were free from any connection to the Death Eaters until they were caught, along with Barty Crouch Jr, while torturing the Longbottom, a year after Voldemort's fall. Therefore, he would not mind being a Durmstrang's professor because he isn't wanted for arrest.

    Also, when Voldemort rise again, I don't think that he can not reproach Romulus' ​​absence. We must remember that two years before Voldemort's fall, Romulus was severely wounded during the war, being left for dead by his enemies. Therefore it is quite possible that Voldemort wanted that Romulus to stay hidden for the Ministry and the Order of the Phoenix, as an ace hidden up his sleeve.
  18. calutron

    calutron Unspeakable

    Jan 19, 2007
    You are extrapolating on Voldemort's motivations:facepalm, based on absolute shit so instead just STFU and wait for the next update.
  19. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    You must be new to this thread.
  20. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    I was most certainly not part of the talk that suggested that Rosier knew that Voldemort was alive or that he was helping in his plans, but I don't see why Voldmort would care that one of his faithful went into hiding after his apparent demise.
    First off the views that Calypso expressed where to a person she likes who is literally from a muggleborn mother who installed a very set belief system into him. If she wanted to remain his friend she would have to be very careful what she said in terms of blood and probally tone down her own belief system quite a bit. Rosier no doubt has a more refined and hardcore belief system.

    I think one of the reason we can't seem to agree is that you seem to see Rosier as just a fighter on the other side of the war. A side that just uses slightly darker means to fight. There is a very distinct difference between the sides and the fighters. It goes specifically to ideology, one side is trying to prevent the other from taking over and committing mass genocide on a minority. This is what we call the light side and it mirrors the allies of WW2. The other side, the death eaters, who want to conquer and commit mass genocide on a minority. They are the magical equivalent of NAZIs. Their ideology is a mirror of the NAZIs, they believe themselves to be superior and a inferior breed is weakening them and they must destroy them.

    Bringing yourself to kill in order to keep your family, country, and self safe is one level of dedication to your cause. Actively persecuting and killing another group is on a entirely different level. You truly need to believe what your doing is right fundamentally. There really isn't such thing as a reformed NAZI, they are still firmly in the belief that they were right. They have to keep their ideology, because it is the only way they can justify their actions. To change their ideology would cause even a strong man to break. It would mean that instead killing an inferior animal that was a threat to the superior human, they were in fact killing their equals. Contrary to popular belief NAZIs weren't without a sense of morals, the people that they persecuted were just except from them because they were consider inferior and dangerous. So in a NAZI's mind he was just putting down a rabid animal, not killing a fellow human being. If he changes ideology he would have to face that he needlessly killed other human beings, a NAZI would have to live with that burden. As would a death eater.

    One could argue that pure bloods have justification for their beliefs and that the mixing of muggleborns into the blood lines weakens them and their culture. They wouldn't be completely wrong in this regard. Truthfully neither were the NAZIs, but it is currently not morally justified to kill large groups of fellow human beings because they are inferior and are causing a degradation of the race and culture.

    On further reflection I would say Grindawald was more NAZI and Voldemort's death eaters were more like neo NAZIs.
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