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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    No, it just means they can't change current enchantments.
  2. Powersauce

    Powersauce Muggle

    Sep 2, 2011
    Are wards tied directly to what they are placed upon? A variation on this could be to just carve out a small ring of the floor that the age line is etched into, and lift it away from the goblet.
  3. Crimson13

    Crimson13 Professor

    Jan 9, 2011
    He could also see Harry as a young Gellert and is trying to push Harry away from that. Dumbledore also thought in Chapter 3 that Harry reminded him of Tom Riddle.

    Of course, now that I think of Dumbledore seeing himself in Harry it makes sense. However I get the feeling that Dumbledore sees Harry more as Grindelwald with his intelligence, Durmstrang schooling, and desire to win/succeed.
  4. Scarlett Woman

    Scarlett Woman Muggle

    Jan 26, 2011
  5. CleanRag

    CleanRag Professor

    Dec 26, 2009
    --> ? <--
    I loved the scene on the boat. Something about it had me smiling the entire time. Only suggestion is that portholes are never located below the water line. Even at a severe keel an open one wouldnt cause flooding. Closest thing to that Ive ever seen to what you are looking for was a small schooner that had a glass bottom.

    Instead, wooden hulls are notorious for leaking if they havent had a few weeks to absorb enough water to swell the planks. Ive seen one almost sink on a 2 hour trip. It bottomed out when we reached the dock at a new port. That was with three days at a dock, if Karkaroff just put the ship in the lake from a drydock a similar problem could occur if he was counting on magic to keep the water out.

    However the scene with Dumbledore had me more enraged at the man then any bashing fic I have ever read.
    Yeah, instead a champion would go home and cry. Which seems to be what Dumbledore is trying to get Harry to do here.

    Like instead of submitting to a lesser education, travel hundreds of miles away from home to a school where you will be pursocuted by your peers for simply being a half-blood.

    The first time I read this through I kept on expecting Harry to respond with a logical argument.
    Instead he throws a tantrum that I would have expected from Ron.

    Lets not forget his arrogance at the start.
    Jesus Christ, he has become an arrogant little shit. This is doubly apparent since he is talking to Dumbledore. He at least pretended to be humble when speaking with Professor Rosier. Don't get me wrong, arrogance does a lot for his character as a believable 14 year old, but why would he have humility in that conversation and not with Dumbledore?

    Thats right Harry, Beg for it, go ahead and beg. That is how champion should behave.

    Whilst there is a positive side to the conversation when showing Harry and Dumbledore's relationship as pseudo family members, mostly this scene just assassinates Harry and Dumbledore as likable characters.

    Dumbledore's motivation in this conversation is the more interesting side. I believe you were trying to have him lay down a challenge for Harry. That by actually trumping the age line himself, Harry would prove his worth as a champion to both Dumbledore and the goblet. However he never actually lays a challenge on the table. If he were to ever tell Harry that a true champion would find a way to defeat the line on his own, then all of his taunts would transform into a fire Dumbledore was lighting under Harry. Without that challenge all of Dumbledore's taunts are simply pot shots meant to crush Harry's hopes and dreams. Dumbledore is a villain in this scene.

    The other plausible interpretation of Dumbledore's behavior I have is that he honestly believes that Harry would be chosen as Champion and is acting out of desperation to stop Harry from entering. Harry certainly has showcased his daring and courage by leaving Hogwarts and going to Durmstrang, that was every bit as impressive as Krum's quiditch career. If that is the reasoning you should make Dumbledores motives more transparent.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2011
  6. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
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    Well, the youthful Dumbledore and Grindelwald were very similar, so to see one of them in Harry is to see both. I think at the moment Harry is closer to Dumbledore than to Grindelwald, as - while both knew Dark magic - Grindelwald relished in Dark magic more than Dumbledore (as evidenced by his expulsion).

    Along these lines, I'd find it amusing if the only way past the Goblet - the way that Dumbledore tells Harry is possible - involves Dark magic.

    My personal theory with the ship is that Karkaroff is sitting in his room cackling with laughter as he brings down the ship's enchantments as the ride goes on.
  7. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    Oh, that would've been great if Karkaroff was bring down the ship's enchantments. It's a good theory too since his room was perfectly stabilized and nice.

    Anyways, there were some people talking about how Durmstrang students would be far above Hogwarts. That's only true in really Harry's case and maybe a couple select individuals. Most students don't skip through the years like Harry does, and a 7th year would most likely be in a 7th year class.

    Like others, I felt the Dumbledore-Harry scene was a bit cringe worthy at first, but it kind of smoothed out toward the end. Although, if I really think about it, it's not too unusual for a 14 year old to spat and yell like that.

    As with the age line, Harry could get Viktor to enter his name. I think the whole talk about trying to get it in himself was to maximize his chances of getting picked by the goblet. If he gets Viktor to do it, he could still get picked, just with a lower chance.
  8. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    Awesome update is awesome.

    I dreamed about Harry Potter and Boy Who Lived some two-three weeks ago. That morning I decided to reduce my reading of fanfiction.

  9. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I had a dream about this fic today, but it's not weird for me, because I often have them about fiction I recently read, especially if I did it before going to sleep. What I found weird was how Calypso looked in it, because she was "played" by Chloe Moretz, which is not how I imagine her normally.

    Anyway, Karkaroff undoing ship's enchantments would be very amusing, though a little dangerous if his students didn't manage to deal with it. But for all we know, Igor may like to live on the edge from time to time (as long as it's not involving the Dark Lord in any sense).

    From the suggested ways to beat the Age Line, I think Pers had the most amusing. Animagus seems to be a good choice too. The same Occlumency and it would explain why it was important from the story point of view for Harry to become so proficient with it by now.

    I suspect that Santi will choose the method that is not only clever, but also reasonable impressive in the way it will look for the rest of the students. I doubt Harry will try anything without any preparation at the night, so he has only the next day and by then many people will witness his daring attempt to beat the Age Line (and his possible humorous fail, which I could see as a kind of insult leading him to the Dark Side ;)). It also means that this method needs to be hard enough for Weasley twins to not be able to use it a second later.
  10. Raiko

    Raiko Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jan 30, 2011
    Its obvious what is going to happen. Harry is going to write his name on a price of paper. Transfigure it in to a living creature, which he will use as a sacrifice for his earth elemental. He will then command it to climb into the goblet. Thus a price of paper with his name on it is now in the goblet.
  11. collective_insanity

    collective_insanity Muggle

    Sep 6, 2011
    Do me a favour, Santi: don't make Harry find his animagus form in the next 24 hours. I'd rather have him find his animal form later when he's back at Durmstrang with Calypso.

    And if you ARE going to go with the animagus route: PLEASE don't make harry turn into a dragon, unicorn or a goddamn gargoyle again. Isn't it enough that Harry is miles ahead of most of the older students already?

    Moving on: Is it taken for granted that Crouch/Moody is still going to enter Nathan into the cup? Thus to avoid 5 people joining the tourny, Harry's simply going to take Krum's place, yeah? Following along with canon, I suppose there's a chance that Igor's going to imperious Harry into taking Nathan out during one of the games?
  12. Chereche

    Chereche Squib

    Apr 12, 2011
    Trinidad and Tobago
    He has already found his form. He just needs more practice before he can transform at will.

    We already know what it is.

    Five champions is one route, although since he's usually constant on canon details I doubt that this will happen.

    That leaves:

    1) Harry isn't selected but Nathan is
    2) Harry replaces Viktor as Durmstrang Champion
  13. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    He has found his form already (Grey Shadow Phoenix: Calypso meets him in his form in one of Durmstrang scenes of year three).

    Yeah, pretty much everyone expects Harry to enter instead of Viktor.

    edit: fucking ninjas
  14. collective_insanity

    collective_insanity Muggle

    Sep 6, 2011
    A Grey Shadow Phoenix? Must've missed that chapter.

    I was half hoping Santi was going to dodge the whole "legendary animagus" concept after the gargoyle fiasco in his other fic. I'll stop complaining so long as the animal form doesn't decide to take over his personality again.
  15. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    Your either getting trolled or are trolling, or both I suppose.
  16. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South

    Have you read the story?
  17. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    Not really, in Santi's previous fic all was fairly well until Harry's animagus form suddenly made him like Hermione for no reason.
  18. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    What the hell fic have you been reading?

    EDIT: It's not nice to troll retards, guys. collective_insanity clearly has some handicap that causes his reading comprehension to be that of a five-year-old's.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2011
  19. collective_insanity

    collective_insanity Muggle

    Sep 6, 2011
    Well, I was originally reading Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong which is a Grade A fanfic.

    Whilst being bored, I was looking through some other similar fanfics and came across Santi, who had written the simply named, Dark Lord Potter (before Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived)

    It was basically a story involving a demi-god Harry who had a bloody snake familiar, was the magical heir of essentially all the major pure blood families, was somehow a shadow mage, and had a gargoyle animagus form in a period of two years. Draco and Tonks were his groupies along with most of Slytherin house. To tell you the truth, the only thing worth reading was the relentless hexing of Ron.

    I think Santi's trying to forget about it.

    There's the link for it if you feel like torturing yourself.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2011
  20. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
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