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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    I wonder if Gelbert hid his expanded and far more comprehensive copy of the partnership book in Durmstrang, for a some promising student to find? It was written to teach and inform the wizarding youth of tommorow, so this famed school of the dark arts would be the logical location.
    We all guessed that that Harry would take after grindleward some how. And many theorised Harry finding something like a secret Library, but a single teaching grimmoire is still possible. Professor Rosier was in the school during the big battle, so there is potential for him to aquire some books.
  2. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:

    You made a post I legitimately like... :microwave:
  3. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    So the muggles attacking his sister would have been before Gellert arrived? I'm not actually sure on the timing in canon, hence my uncertainty.
  4. elflorddobby

    elflorddobby Second Year

    Jul 23, 2011

    Yes, it was before Dumbledore even entered Hogwarts, possibly 1-2 years before. When he entered Hogwarts, all the children expected him to take after his famous Muggle-hating Father, and to a certain extent he did, but he didn't actively Hate them or go out of his way to hurt them, but when Gellert arrived, some 8 or 9 years after the incident, Gellert had him convinced, and willing to force the Muggles into subservice of the wizards. :sherlock:
  5. Zabil1990

    Zabil1990 Guest

    dam this thread has really been derailed....

    It's like Santi left us alone for a minute and all the little kindergarten kids (us) went crazy with no supervision lol.

    So who's betting that in the next update it starts of with a Daily Prophet article written by the tranny Skeeter? I'm handing out odds of 1 to 2, you may bet in the pool via paypal. (I hope the DLP terms & service has nothing against betting! If so I retract this paragraph).

    Personally I am really excited the new and more powerful magic Harry will be learning this year. I just wish Santi would update already, its been over a month.. yes I went there like a troll, and whined for an update, suck it :banana:.

    Before people start asking, yes this is my first post on DLP, no I didn't join just because of Santi's story, I joined way back in July, I have just been stalking the forums (go ahead make your jokes) finding some good reads, and staying generally out of the way to avoid Serachin the electrode :mad:, who looks ready to use self-destruct :awesome
  6. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    Oh for fuck's sake man it's a god damn Voltorb. Anyways, welcome to DLP I suppose. Get Google Chrome or Firefox (I think) because you needed spell check at least once.

    On topic, I think that Year Four is going to see some great parts of Harry attempting to get at the Restricted Section since he hasn't got anything more than the books he brought with him. With a few exceptions the Hogwarts Library seems to have a bunch of tomes that are more or less low in substantial content, except all the fun ones in the RS. Moste Potente Potions is an RS book I'm pretty sure, and then you've got such objective texts as Magicke Moste Evil.

    Guessing on the bastardized titles there.
  7. Greener

    Greener Sixth Year

    Oct 18, 2010
    Perhaps, but she hasn't exactly had a huge amount of time to gather information - to date not much has been spoken around her. Any info she'd pick up would have to be overheard, and what are the odds of her being around the right students at the right time for them to drop a hint? (dark Potter, Prof Rossier, rumourz, ect) She's just picked up the trail, it'll take some time for her to track down those tidbits.

    I'd wager that we don't see anything until after the wandweighing at the very least - maybe she'll ask Nathan some awkward questions... best bet would be after the 1st task, I'd think... before the dance. Either Nathan will use a questionable piece of magic, or he'll go the broomstick route & get Harry pissed at him.

    Santi will want to milk the moment for all the drama that it deserves; I betting he'll pick it carefully & won't throw it away on a small scene so early on.
  8. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I assumed that the Durmstrang students would have free rein in the library/classes to do whatever they want so long as they stay out of trouble.

    Harry has already said that he planned to sit in on some advanced classes (i.e. not 4th year) while he was at Hogwarts, and I can't see any reason for that not to be allowed given that his teachers at Durmstrang have placed him in those classes.

    Similarly if his professors at Durmstrang (and his Headmaster) say that he can use the library then I can't see why he couldn't. Granted I'm sure Dumbledore himself could veto it, but I really don't think the "restricted" section is going to be restricted. All you need is a note from a teacher right? I'm gonna guess Karkaroff can provide that, especially since it will be in his own best interest (helping students help Krum win the competition).

    There's plenty of leeway for it to go the other route -- having the RS actually be restricted -- but at this point I see that was the less likely option.

    I can't wait to find out :)
  9. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    Finally caught up and WOW I am impressed with this story. At first I had dismissed as a super Harry fic, what with him breaking records, being published at 13 for discovering a new form of magic, I dropped it and chalked up its popularity as something I couldn't understand, kind of like how I don't get why people like the Pony show. I read it and I was proved wrong

    So am I the only one who kind of sees Nathan as more Harry potter than Harry?

    Another question thats bugging me and I don't know whether it was discussed and answered, Why is Harry getting pissed off at Kira being really angry at him for try to use Legilimency on her, when he is the one who hates it when someone messes with his head?

    I like Kira and not because of her character but because I like Victor and she apart from Harry is the only one that has supported and believed in him, but it seems Victor is getting tired of her or Santi wants to break them apart, it is going to be interesting how he will go about ending it.

    I also don't get the Ron bashing, I mean if Nathan is more or less canon Harry but is now called Nathan, then Ron has never made Nathan do anything he doesn't want to do, or is it just Harry projecting his jealousy of Ron and how he is the one who kept Nathan and him from hanging out more at Hogwarts?
  10. fire

    fire Order Member

    Dec 25, 2011
    I would imagine that Ron's good/desirable qualities are his loyalty and faithfulness to friends - even despite the instances of jealousy fuelled tantrums in GoF and DH. So doubtless these qualities would make canon Harry (i.e. Nathan) like Ron - and thus (as the narrator) describe Ron in a more favourable light, but these same qualities are just not the same when viewed by a different person. They may be seen as stupidity, imprudence, rashness, impulsiveness, general retardation. And since BWL!Harry is the narrator, that's the way Ron will come off.

    It isn't necessarily bashing - just the laying out of a character's (in this case, the main character's) necessarily subjective view of another character.

    Though admittedly - Ron is the quintessential champion of the special olympics; the grandmaster of low-iq organizations.
  11. 4arms

    4arms Second Year

    Jan 26, 2011
    Do anyone of you think that Nathan will forget Ron for leaving his side before the first task?

    Canon Harry didn't had a brother who was against Ron......but Nathan has a brother and his girlfriend. But on the other hand, Ron is his best friend!
  12. Mage

    Mage Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2006
    Washington, DC
    I know I'm perpetuating it, but I can't resist. Why the hell are you posting if it's just to say that other people are retarded? It's pretty easy to figure out.

    On topic, I'll be interested to see how the Yule Ball goes. It may seem like a romance gimmick, but I can see some serious tension coming from it. And, while I'd rather see Harry in the tournament, if he's not then I think the next update will take us to around Christmas time, though that may take two or more updates.
  13. Kalypso

    Kalypso Second Year

    Jun 17, 2011
    Possible conflicts on the Yule Ball depend on what happens till then, I think.
    It looks like Krum is going to dump Kira, but will he go with Hermoine to the Ball and inspire Ron to his fit of jealousy? And yes, there is the question wether Nathan will forgive Ron so easily when his brother will probably insult Ron all the time and drive them further apart. That may create further tension, but there is no telling now.
    Or were you speaking of conflict between Durmstrang and Hogwarts?
  14. Dark Minion

    Dark Minion Bright Henchman DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Sep 22, 2006
    I just deleted 70something offtopic or trollposts of the last six weeks.

    The following persons are asked to never post in this thread again:

    1. Lungs (I had to delete 10 of his 11 posts)

    Oh, and Seratin should be careful.
  15. Reece

    Reece Second Year

    Jul 7, 2011
    What happened with the evil mud/zombie/demon rabbit thing that Harry summoned with the ritual, Did Santi expand on that or leave it hanging?
  16. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    I'm more interested in the things Nathan might have told Hermione and Ron in confidence about Harry, like why he really transferred or who he spent most of his time with during the 1st term. Sure would be interesting to see that get out and cause drama among the students, obviously by way of Ron opening his big mouth.
  17. Rumbleroar

    Rumbleroar Seventh Year

    Aug 5, 2007
    The Lesser White North (Green Bay, WI)
    I think it was destroyed, but now you got me curious what became of it.
  18. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Harry destroyed it. I think it's purpose was to show us that Harry is progressing into more traditionally "dark" rituals, given that he had to kill a rabbit to do it. It accomplished that purpose. As to whether anything more comes of it I don't know -- it hasn't yet, but there's plenty of time for Harry to expand on that and other things he was playing around with, like Aqua Eructo.
  19. Alive and Free

    Alive and Free Groundskeeper

    Aug 14, 2011
    Has Santi said when the next update might be coming out?
  20. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    He got back from a trip about a month ago and said he wouldn't have a chance to work on it for the next few weeks or so. Could be a few weeks more before the beta groups get it. Basically, whenever the fuck he feels like it and that's the right way.

    Unless of course all the negative reaction to his last chapter has crushed his creative spirit and made him hit a block. That'd suck.
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