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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    A GOLDEN Centuar!

    Or, oh, I know -- the elusive White Phoenix!

    Hmm, a magical Silver Niffler? It could hunt up all sorts of shiny things left hidden around Durmstrang by Grindelwald!

    A Dragon, Black as Night for Harry to use as a steed and combat partner?

    A Red Griffin? To make Nathan jealous? To prove to his family that he really is a Gryffindor at heart and would never be a bad guy and the dark arts are only because they're interesting, mmk?

    A Pink Pygmy Puff, b/c LOL?

    The possibilities are ENDLESS!

    ...but in all honesty, I wouldn't be opposed to Harry eventually getting a pet/companioin/familiar/whatever. It's not needed, as others have said, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for it in the story if done well. Even something as simple as the interactions between Harry and Hedwig in canon is pretty cool for what it is. But if it doesn't happen I'm not going to be crying tears either.
  2. Böhser Onkel

    Böhser Onkel Second Year DLP Supporter

    Sep 21, 2010
    Germany, Dortmund
    You all do realize you're taking part in a discussion with a guy whom's avatar is a trollface... And even though I'm pretty sure his trolling isn't intentional, everything in my head screams: "Trololololol".

    To make this post less pointless, how do you guys think the fight in the DoM is going to happen? I'm pretty sure his parents don't want Harry to participate and he is probably more than willing (and able) to do just that, to protect his brother.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2012
  3. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    Just give him a shiny Mew and be done with it.
  4. Rache

    Rache Headmaster

    Mar 7, 2012
    I don't really think Santi will introduce a pet for Harry. Despite learning Dark curses, Fawkes still likes Harry. So, why can't he get one of his own??

    As for the battle at the DOM, I don't think Harry will be a part of it. His parents might go to the ministry. No matter how super-cool Harry is, he is still a 15 year old bloke.

    Maybe Harry will sneal out and join the fight, contributing heavily in a time of desperation to Dumbledore or one of the Order member.

    Have to wait and see.

    My first impression was to dismiss the idea of Harry fighting as he would be in Durmstrang.
    Then I noticed that Harry comes home early summer.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:35 AM ----------

    I don't really think Santi will introduce a pet for Harry. Despite learning Dark curses, Fawkes still likes Harry. So, why can't he get one of his own??

    As for the battle at the DOM, I don't think Harry will be a part of it. His parents might go to the ministry. No matter how super-cool Harry is, he is still a 15 year old bloke.

    Maybe Harry will sneal out and join the fight, contributing heavily in a time of desperation to Dumbledore or one of the Order member.

    Have to wait and see.

    My first impression was to dismiss the idea of Harry fighting as he would be in Durmstrang.
    Then I noticed that Harry comes home early summer.
  5. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    Wouldn't an edgy new Mewtwo be more appropriate?
  6. Reece

    Reece Second Year

    Jul 7, 2011
    Give him a Ninja-zombie-robot-dragon that can breath out molten diamonds and fart rainbows. Because to be honest any 'familiar' that he gains may as well be that for all the effect it has on the plot.

    That being said, having him magic up a Doberman to fool people for when he is forced to flee Durmstrang during a thunderstorm while casting curses behind him at he unwashed and magically weak masses would be pretty cool.
  7. PomMan

    PomMan High Inquisitor

    Jun 1, 2011
    Queensland, Australia.
    I can feel my IQ dropping as I read this thread.

    Just wait and see what the Santi writes. Then we will have our answers.
  8. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    You must be new around here.
  9. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    Ahh, how times have changed.

    It's amusing how that used to be said to idiots that were new to DLP.

    Now it's said when intelligent people are confused about why the fuck nobody shuts up.
  10. toosmall

    toosmall Squib

    Apr 3, 2012
    I’m really looking forward to whatever it is Rita is going to write about Harry. I think that if Rita were to investigate Harry she might come to the conclusion that warning the world that he was a dark wizard is a truly righteous thing to do.

    Ravenclaws report that Harry is jealous of his brothers fame. Hogwarts students say that Harry threatened the best friend of the boy who lived with dark magic. Durmstrang students whisper that Harry is a rising dark lord. He has shown an interest in dark magic and he is the most talented student since Grindelwald. Harry’s girlfriend is the daughter of a known Death Eater. Nobody is quite sure how it is Harry and Calypso managed to blackmail their way into joining the Durmstrang delegation. Most people probably think it has something to do with whatever allowed the two of them to leave burned and battered peers, some of whom showed signs of being subjected to the cruciatus curse, outside the Durmstrang wards.

    The best thing is that when his parents actually dig deeper to find out how much truth there is behind the article they are going to be finding that both Harry and Calypso have been keeping a lot of things back. Most of it being rather dark. Stuff like advanced dark magics, a Death Eater teaching Harry, mind magics being used to influence Harry’s beliefs about himself, and the attempts on his life which he dealt with through overwhelming force and by making the rest of the school fear him.
  11. gullibleoats

    gullibleoats Seventh Year

    Dec 12, 2010
    One thing that hasn't been broached yet is Harry's studies. Who exactly is going to teach the Durmstrang students at Hogwarts because only Karkaroff and his aide came. Will they drop in Hogwarts classes? And if so, will Harry accompany the older students in sixth year charms and transfiguration? Also, what about Spell Creation? Who's going to teach that?

    I don't know. Maybe it's just going to be one year of self study. Although I think Harry can handle that, most other students won't. I wonder though, assuming that the Durmstrang professors will still teach, what kind of communication spell is advanced enough to teach classes through. I know some fics do an astral projection thing, but that seems kind of far-fetched, and assuming it were real, would have been used more often.
  12. Deliste

    Deliste First Year

    Jul 24, 2010
    Broached about a dozen times.
  13. Rache

    Rache Headmaster

    Mar 7, 2012
    I think the Durmstrang students take classes along with their Hogwarts counterparts.

    I don't think the concept of classes of Durmstrang and French contingent were mentioned in the canon.

    If Rita is going to write nasty things about Harry in the Daily Prophet, I don't see this Harry sitting back and tacking the abuse.

    As for the dangerous nature of the Dark Arts, only; those with little or no mental control become insane and since Harry is already proficient in mind arts, I don't see him becoming a Death Eater.

    His role future Dark Lord is debatable.

    Will Krum dump Kira and go the ball will Hermione?????

    It really will be funny if he does that. The girl who insults Harry because he is a half-blood has to see her super famous boyfriend go to the ball with a muggleborn.

    Since Harry is here, I don't see Nathan making up with Ron and hence will ask someone to go with him to the ball. I tolerated Ron in the canon. But Santi's Ron points out what a true idiot Ron Weasley really is.

    Hope Santi comes back with an update...............:)
  14. Tursas

    Tursas Guest

    Are you seriously suggesting that there's a link between practicing the dark arts and becoming insane? And really, the only reason Harry not joining the Death Eaters is that he is good at mind magic?
  15. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    How do you suppose he's going to react. Especially when the allegation is mostly likely going to be true or at least be nearly impossible to dispute. Harry is a practionar of the dark arts and is currently attending a school know to teach them. Just by stating that she can do some real damage and speculating that he is the darker twin who is going down the wrong path is really hard to dispute.
    Are you implying that only those insane or weak minded become Death Eaters? Really?

    I don't know, but I hope not.
    Given Kira's temper and overall disposition that would lead to the death of said muggleborn. When you add that Kira is overly touche about her image given her family history. It would guarantee that attempted assignation. I rather like Hermione so I hope for something else....Maybe H/Hr...:awesome
    Are we even sure that Nathan and Ron have anything to make up yet? I was under the impression that there wasn't a break yet. There might not even be one given that the situation is different by both Nathan having a family and Harry being part of the family. These two things would make it very clear to Ron that Nathan didn't enter his name and who ever did means him harm. I just don't see the same falling out as before. I honestly don't tolerate Ron in canon and rather hate the character in general, but I don't see him causing a break in this story.
  16. Rache

    Rache Headmaster

    Mar 7, 2012
    I'm suggesting that the practice of dangerous branches of Dark Arts, without proper mind control leads to insanity......Romulus Rosier was a Death Eater and head of one of the most notorious practitioners of Dark arts in Europe. However, he is not an insane loon like Bellatrix..........:)

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 PM ----------

    Correction.........Weak minded individuals lose themselves to the Dark Arts. Best example is Bellatrix.

    I don't really think Harry will become a Death Eater. He is only a Dark Arts practitioner. In the summary, Santi only says "Then why is he a Dark wizard???".

    I think whatever Harry does which makes him highly notorious is only after the Death of Voldemort.

    This story is a Harry/OC. I don't see it becoming a H/Hr pairing.

    Like Calypso said, Kira is a jealous little harpy with a massive inferiority complex. Hope she doesn't do anything to Hermione. Hermione is one of the best loved charecters in HP world, even though most don't like the idea of a H/Hr pairing.

    As for the break between Ron and Nathan, Nathan feels bitter about his ordeal before he talks with Harry in the hospital wing. Since Nathan is a lot like canon Harry, except more confident about himself, I don't really see him depressed if those closest to him stand with him. In COS, Ron and Hermione stand by him and support him. Hence, I can conclude that Nathan and Ron argued, with Ron accusing him at the end.

    As for tolerating Ron, Ron Weasley is a pig. A worthless, talentless seventh son of a poor pureblood family without any ambition in his life.
    I only tolerate him because of my love for the Harry Potter world.
  17. gbbz

    gbbz Professor

    Jul 21, 2010
    Bellatrix was an Occlumens. She was a very capable witch. A prodigy. She had such talent that Voldemort himself valued her immensely. Don't spout shit that contradicts JKR's books.
  18. Trig

    Trig Unspeakable

    Jan 27, 2010
    You seem to conveniently forget 15 years of imprisonment, exposure to dementors and mental torture.
  19. Jfarble

    Jfarble Muggle

    Apr 21, 2012
    It was also Bellatrix who taught Draco occlumeny.
  20. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    This is the worst bit of logic I've seen in a while. You reason that since Bellatrix is clearly insane, and that the only reasonable explanation is the Dark Arts. You also reason that she must not have known occlumency. How do you know she didn't know occlumency? JKR never made a statement one way or the other. By applying your logic then we could come to the conclusion that Lucius Malfoy and Peter Pettigrew are also insane since they use the Dark Arts and we have no idea if they're proficient in the mind arts. The more reasonable explanation is that she is a sadist who lacks empathy, hell there are plenty of real life examples of this, just about any serial killer fits that mold.

    Of course, the most reasonable explanation is prolonged exposure to creatures who mentally torture you.

    EDIT: Didn't see Trig's post. Also, JFarble, where is that mentioned?
    Last edited: May 7, 2012
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