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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    It is, because it's already been established that transfigured animals aren't real, so it's closer to experimenting on an animal-like robot. Unless you meant that it's not important because using animals for experiments is already established practice in the real world and is only called evil by ecoterrorists, then I'd have to agree.

    Agreed. It just seems to me that some people think only heroes may be called good. Not wanting to sacrifice your life, or even education, for strangers, or trying to prove oneself doesn't make one evil.

    You're right about that (unless you both agreed to do that beforehand).

    We know both Harry and Calypso know some healing spells. The Dark Arts teacher, one who officiates duels between classmates on every lesson, must know more. Besides, he gave first aid to both Harry and Calypso after their duel and only then sent them away.

    Willingness has everything to do with it. They both accept the risk, I really see nothing wrong with one or more willing parties engaging in any kind of activity that does not harm outsiders (that includes suicide/euthanasia). If you do, you want to take their freedom away, and that's what I actually consider evil.

    Is "significant other" significant in this sentence? Because if it isn't, you called pretty much every professional boxer in history is "morally grey".

    In any case, this is training and it will be useful in their future life (this isn't muggle first world where you easily can live your whole life without really fighting once). It's much safer to do it in the controlled environment with a teacher and friends around instead of enemies actively seeking to kill you.

    I guess we have too different views on a person's right to self-determination to agree.

    Oh, I only meant that the couldn't have been using really bad spells for that reason, nothing more.
  2. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    I have a really strong feeling James or Lily are going to die at the end of the year (or both).

    It would be quite tragic, make Harry feel the need to study more magic for revenge and protecting the rest of his family. It would also motivate Nathan.

    I think it would be more unexpected for Lily to die, but I have a feeling James is more likely. The Auror who wants to protect his son, yep.

    This just makes me want more updates! We are almost getting to the truly exciting parts that we all want to see.
  3. Gene

    Gene Third Year

    Jan 11, 2014
    Oh, yeah, I was saying that the whole thing isn't that important.

    Medical training meaning "battlefield medic" or "went to medical school for a while/was apprenticed to a practicing surgeon"? Because you'd probably need the equivalent of the latter for lung injuries, and would likely need the latter for the theoretical crushed-heart that could have been the result of Harry's spell. But that's getting into fanon regarding how magical medicine works, so I suggest we drop this.

    The problem is that it was utterly callous. I find significant moral issue in someone being willing to fire a potentially lethal shot in a meaningless duel, and, moreover, not significantly caring about it post-fight.

    Okay, sure.That's why they're dueling in the first place. It's not why Harry's shooting a potentially lethal spell at his opponent while he can't be certain he won't hit something vital and irreparable, and not really caring much later when he has his head on straight.

    My issue is that he fired a)a potentially lethal spell without complete control over his ability to hit something non-vital, and b) felt minimal guilt over the action. He's 14, not a trained soldier: the callousness is too sudden to be handwaved as being due to experience.
  4. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    As I mentioned earlier, there was some work put into making Kira a fully developed character which suggest that she will not simply disappear from Harry's life, but rather change her role. Probably to a full time antagonist if it goes along 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' scenario. And probably will, because she indeed was with Victor before he became the Victor Krum. With her small inferior complex that Calypso often uses against her, it will not take much for her to interpret his behavior as, given his new status, him considering her to not be good enough for him anymore.

    How old is Kira, anyway? Does she have one more year at Durmstrang or it's her final one similar to Victor?
  5. Pasta Sentient

    Pasta Sentient Disappeared

    Nov 28, 2010
    The relationship is off because the story is from Harry's perspective and yet we cannot definitively say how he feels towards Calypso. The majority of the romance is Calypso's desire for Harry and he goes along with it. I'm not saying he doesn't like or care for Calypso because his actions indicates he does; but there are very scant scenes where we are shown Harry's emotions for Calypso.

    It's great that Santi is heading that route, but would agree with Republic that it should not suffer because the focus is elsewhere. It only takes a few scenes detailing Harry's affection for her to do this.
  6. Haze

    Haze Second Year

    Apr 5, 2014
    Looks like she is a year behind Viktor.
  7. joshuafaramir

    joshuafaramir Banned

    Jun 19, 2013
    You do make a huge valid point. If Victor likes Hermione for not treating him like the superstar that he is, how is that different from Kira who actually put up with him throughout his whole year at Durmstrung? She liked him way even before he became super!Krum. Also, you have the age gap. I don't know about you guys but I find it disturbing that a nearly grown man like Krum would uhh... consider a 14yr old girlfriend material. She doesn't even like Quidditch for crying out loud.

    Maybe Krum's just a closet paedo.
  8. dirgy

    dirgy Third Year

    Mar 24, 2013
    Chicago, IL
    Am I the only one that doesn't want this Harry to go Dark, Evil, Ethically lacking...whatever you wanna call it?
  9. Gene

    Gene Third Year

    Jan 11, 2014
    That boat passed when you read the story summary, you know.
  10. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    He doesn't need to heal people, he needs to keep them alive long enough to get real help. Although, that's from the story:
    There are two things to consider:
    1) can they train with kiddie spells and be prepared to use the dangerous ones in need? If yes, then you're right, otherwise it's not callous, it's necessary,
    2) just how dangerous that spell actually is? Is it "a strong paintball gun" dangerous with negligible injury probability, a minigun of death or anything in-between? They agreed not to use anything lethal before the duel, so I'd like to think that it's closer to the former.

    Again, life-changing injuries for muggles are usually solved by a potion or a spell for wizards -- the actual outcome was likely the most probable one, and, with help available right away, it took only an evening to heal. Both participants were okay with it after the fact, so both must've agreed that it was safe enough. Besides, I doubt Rosier Sr. would let Harry get away with actually endangering his daughter.

    Consider that absolutely nobody in-story implied that they may have been permanently injured or worse.
  11. CosmosGravitation

    CosmosGravitation Professor

    Sep 27, 2006
    I agree with many of your points, but as pointed out in the chapter Hermione is fifteen years old. Remember that she is almost a year older then Harry.

    There have been hints Viktor is tired of Kira's hostility towards Harry and that probably played a role. Viktor probably doesn't mention that because he doesn't want Harry to feel responsible - although Harry probably wouldn't care. A section from the prior chapter is below.

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2015
  12. dirgy

    dirgy Third Year

    Mar 24, 2013
    Chicago, IL
    Oh I know. Still sucks as I feel less and less like I understand and like Harry and more more like I wish I could change him.

    Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy this Harry and this story, I just enjoy a character who is more sure of who he is, rather than being so malleable, unsure, and using things as an excuse to be able to go against his beliefs.
  13. Gene

    Gene Third Year

    Jan 11, 2014
    Yes, but the spell used could have resulted in injuries that couldn't be temporarily stabilized; that's the scenario, not what actually happened.

    1) Probably? Calypso might not, but Harry's aptitudes are in Charms and transfiguration.
    2)I was under the impression that lethal spells were supposed to be used in this duel, as opposed to the first one. I might have misread it, which makes this whole thing a bit stupid on my part.

    See, now we're dealing with fanon. My point is that it was possible that Harry could have killed her by crushing her heart with his spell (considering it crushed her lung,) which would have been almost immediately fatal. That he felt minimal guilt over it is the primary reason I even thought it was an issue. (Not the only one, but the big one.)

    Yes, because the injuries they did sustain were treatable. There was a possibility that they wouldn't be, which wasn't mentioned because it didn't happen.
  14. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    No, we aren't. Wizards can regrow bones, limbs, teeth. Neville was dropped from second floor by his uncle just to prove that he was magical. Harry (canon) survived a fall from indeterminate height. TWT champions needed but a burn salve to counter effects of dragon's fire. Draco's wounds from Buckbeak took only a few minutes to heal. St. Mungos saved Arthur Weasley from a lethal poison. Pepper-up Potion cures common flu.

    And that's without even mentioning Elixir of Life, Phoenix Tears and Horcruxes.

    Not only wizards seem to have tougher bodies, but also their medicine is vastly superior.

    If there was that possibility, I'd expect them to pick up on that. They didn't mention it because the probability was negligible or null altogether.

    He needs to evolve. Besides, his core beliefs don't change, he only stops seeing the dark arts as evil arts and instead sees them as tools that can be wielded for both good and bad, which seems to be true in this universe.

    That would be interesting, even if she would be no match against Harry and Calypso together.
  15. Gene

    Gene Third Year

    Jan 11, 2014
    Yes? Deep-Tissue damage to a major organ like the heart is very different than any of those things. The ability to heal things like that with a wave of a wand and a single potion is fanon.

    One has a single source in canon, one is absurdly rare, and one protects from death–but has nothing to do with medical advancements.

    I am not debating that.

    Or because Harry's not thinking (and it's the lack of later guilt that I find objectionable,) Calypso's in shock, Viktor is scared, and Professor Rosier doesn't care.
  16. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Budgers are made of iron and are the size of cannonballs.

    A cannon ball was around 8kg.

    Budgers can catch up with wizards flying on brooms, including firebolts.

    The Firebolt can reach at least 67 m/s (which it accelerates to in 10 seconds), so the bludger will be travelling that fast at least when it hits a wizard.

    So, an 8kg hard object hitting a wizard in the face at 67 m/s. (We know wizards get hit in the face with bludgers, such a thing happened in HBP to Harry).

    And yet the wizard does not die instantly.

    So yes, mere possession of magic seems to allow one to survive physical injuries which would kill Muggles instantly.
  17. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    [citation needed]

    That's why I listed a lot of other instances. From my understanding, Draco's wound was very deep and we have no idea what happened to Harry when he fell in his third year.

    Other than magic that deliberately stops healing (like Snape's Sectumsempra) I don't recall a single instance of HP magic failing to heal an injury.

    Since it took one evening to heal the damage from Harry's curse we can easily say that there was no hampering of the healing effort. That leaves healing of the physical injury, something we already know HP magic is excellent at.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2015
  18. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Like regrowing a bone, you mean? A bone is just as complex as a heart.
  19. EmbroElite

    EmbroElite Disappeared DLP Supporter

    Jan 18, 2012
    I think it's possible that Karkaroff will be the, or perhaps one of the, unexpected deaths. His death, or even him fleeing like in canon (then dying around the end of 5th year), will cause changes at Durmstrang which could lead to Harry's parents wanting him back at Hogwarts for safety reasons, or even them finding out about Romulus.
    I can think of a few other possibilities but they have either been mentioned or I don't have a theory to go with the random names running through my head.
  20. Gene

    Gene Third Year

    Jan 11, 2014
    I'll take your word for it.
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