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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    While I doubt they're Horcruxes, I expect that Harry will try to remove them before he leaves Durmstrang. It's just too good project to prove his superiority in magic once he's done learning and mastering "basics".
  2. RoboSprog

    RoboSprog Guest

    This is completely in line with Harry's character, and honestly sounds awesome.
    If he is able to do this - he'd presumably be better than many, if not all of the teachers at Durmstrang. It raises the question, wouldn't he surely be on a level similar to many of the top Death Eaters like Bellatrix and Lucius Malfoy at that point? That is, if the teachers at Durmstrang are just as capable as the ones at Hogwarts. Makes me hopeful we get to see Harry go up against some of these threats in a duel.
  3. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    If he could do it, he would prove to be better with magic (at least with enchantments) than all his teachers and top Death Eaters, who I never considered to be all that good academically speaking. As for his dueling skills, he probably already could give Lucius a good fight, especially when pure magic skills give you an edge and Malfoy is only a decent dueler to me. Bellatrix, who I consider to be on level of fully educated and more experienced Calypso who is already easily defeated by Harry, he should be able to beat by his sixth year. It's only a prodigies like him, Voldemort and Dumbledore, that are beyond his reach for a much longer time.
  4. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    I always had this theory that horocrux would be very bad for dementors, and dementors very bad for horocrux. It just that horocrux are twisted and perversion of nature, of a soul purposly cut into pieces. Dementors might be abominations, but they only feed on whole souls. So them combining could be very bad.

    I had this idea that harry could use dark magic to fuse the soul pieces back together, i kinda like the idea of tom being overwhelmed by dementors. We know the dark mark remained until he truly dies, imagine if harry used dark magic to fuse the soul pieces, so the dementors destroyed themselves, but not before consuming tom and every marked death eater. EPic use of dark magic to not only wipe out an unholy abomination, but a large force of dark wizards.
  5. xvector

    xvector Second Year

    May 8, 2014
    Love the update. Will we see some more pew-pew action from Harry in this arc? Kinda wanted to see him as the Durmstrang champion but oh well.

    I like Harry's approach to dark magic. What about rituals, though? That might be an interesting addition. Dumbledore and Voldemort have probably done rituals themselves.

    Also, I agree with the others that Mentor Grindelwald = Best Grindelwald. If only to see everyone else's reaction to Harry learning really dark magic.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2015
  6. A.K.$J6-J5

    A.K.$J6-J5 Seventh Year

    Jan 26, 2014

    Edit by Minion:
    User was tempbanned for a day for this post, for
    1. trolling in a library thread and
    2. posting pictures in a library thread
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2015
  7. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    I had a cool idea for a dark magic spell, weaponising spirits and ghosts. So that at the battle of howarts, then they could unleash all the school ghosts on the death eaters and dementors, and other dark creatures.

    Syed was warned for this and the other post.
    This thread is for discussing the story. If you want to discuss Horcruxes and Dark Magik, please use 'General Discussion' or 'Fanfiction Extras' and create your on thread over there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2015
  8. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    I went back and reread; the Kira/Krum breakup does seem to have been building for a while. But even having reread everything, Krum/Hermione comes completely out of left field. Granted it was introduced in virtually the same way in canon, but canon didn't have a backstory - including extant girlfriend of several years - for Krum.
  9. gullibleoats

    gullibleoats Seventh Year

    Dec 12, 2010
    It doesn't make sense for Harry to take off Grindelwald's enchantments. I mean I'd really want him to do it, to see some really cool magic, etc. But Harry's really practical which makes sense but also kind of sucks.

    He pushed himself to compete in the tournament, yes. People have died but there was precedent for it. Even after learning the edgy stuff like ritual magic, he begged off the invasion and alteration of his identity. He did it eventually but it made sense for him because a) he had dedicated too much time trying to get in b) it was in line with why he went to Durmstrang in the first place, shitty Ravenclaws and a need to prove himself.

    Compare that with taking off Grindelwald's enchantments, which have been known to kill everyone who's tried to take them off. Which have myriad tricks and false flaws to lure people in. It's simply way too risky. Harry doesn't need to prove he's superior to Grindelwald because, at least on paper, he's already beaten him. There's no emotional impetus to remove various marks, even if Viktor prodded him. And with Viktor's stalwart character, he would never ever ask.

    Viktor gets antsy when Harry throws dark curses at his girlfriend, which are well within the curriculum of Durmstrang. Grindelwald's curses are presumably much more potent and advanced.

    There'd have to be a very strong plot reason for Harry to attempt the removal of those enchantments. At any rate we're probably not even close to seeing that kind of magic. Harry still struggles with Aqua Erecto and warding, which while advanced are within the capabilities of more than a few adult wizards, few who could equal Grindelwald.

    If he'd ever attempt it, it'd be near his seventh year when he starts learning to sense magic. If he surpasses Kosarev(sp?), the charms guy, in such magic he might be able to see through Grindelwald's traps. As of now, it's impossible and wouldn't be his concern.
  10. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    Harry's need to prove himself is one of his main, no, the driving force behind his actions. Proving himself better than all the wizards who died trying to remove those marks will be at least taken into consideration. He has three more years, if he's as good as we're being led to believe, I'm pretty sure he can do it.
  11. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    I don't think the "breakup" with Kira was surprising at all. In the chapters preceding this one Harry notices how Krum seems distant when Kira's around. Just because it's not a situation Harry knows everything about doesn't mean it came out of left field, we just aren't privy to Krum's thought process since he hasn't been the narrator.

    We don't know that canon Krum was single, we know nothing about canon Krum. For all we know this exact situation could've been playing out in GoF.
  12. Gil

    Gil Squib

    Jan 11, 2015
    Okay, my plan was not to interact at all, simply read others' replies on this thread and wait for a fic update, but there's something that has been bothering me through the thread and I honestly can't let it go.

    If anyone else has already bought this to attention then by all means, ignore me, but what's been seriously bothering me is the way everyone keeps saying that Harry is the OC and Nathan is basically canon!Harry with another name.

    And it is true that Nathan and canon!Harry share a lot of similarities. It's also true that canon!Harry is an orphan raised in an abusive household where he was taught that he was a freak, worth less than others and that he should never ask questions.

    canon!Harry is a(n at least reasonably) powerful wizard, that can't be denied (casting a full corporeal Patronus at 13, casting the Imperius on his first try, Cruciatus at his second, managing to quickly learn a lot of curses and jinxes before the Third Task, etc). He, however, lacks motivation. His lack of desire to stand out can be traced back to his treatment at the Dursleys' and the fact that he isn't very encouraged to try harder. Doesn't it make you wonder how he would turn out if raised in a loving environment that encouraged him to try his best, to flourish and to strive to be better and better? I don't think he would be a replica of canon!Harry, not like Nathan is.

    It doesn't seem too far fetched to think that he could've turned out like The Santi's Harry, especially because they still share some core traits: he cares a lot for his family and friends and will do stupid things for them (taking the blame for Calypso, for example, and ending up in detention); he is prone to rage fits; he has a thirst to prove himself and he is a generally guarded, open minded person.

    So long story short; it doesn't seem to me that Harry is an OC, as much as he is the same character put in a completely different environment and with different life circumstances, which will of course change him quite a bit. Nathan is still the OC as far as I'm concerned.

    Sorry to butt in and sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language
  13. Rhaegar I

    Rhaegar I Death Eater

    Jul 8, 2013
    Right behind You...
    So, it's just a coincidence Nathan ends up friends with Ron and Hermione, has a rivalry with Draco, and keeps doing pretty much the exact same adventures as Harry did in Canon, from saving Hermione from the Troll to flying his way through the Hungarian Horntail?
  14. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    If anything, Nathan, being loved and possibly a bit spoiled, should have even less incentive to prove himself than canon Harry. Think of Ron Weasley.
  15. Haze

    Haze Second Year

    Apr 5, 2014
    Frankly, in my opinion anyways, OC Harry is the best Harry.

    Here is a quick question though. Not sure if this was discussed before but i don't recall it.

    Is Nathan a Horcux?
  16. kira and light

    kira and light Seventh Year

    Jul 27, 2013
    Since he is a Parselmouth i am quite sure he is one
  17. templar627

    templar627 Squib

    Jun 29, 2012
    That doesn't make sense though. The Horcrux was created by the death of Lily inadvertently. Given the context of this story its much more likely that the Parselmouth ability is similar to animagus and a gene that is passed down magical families. It's much more likely that Nathan just lucked out and got the gene that gives him Parsel language.
  18. viburnum

    viburnum First Year

    May 10, 2011
    But it makes sense because Voldemort had killed Harry's grantmother a few moments before he tried to kill Nathan IIRC.
  19. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    I am fairly certain, that Nathan is a horcrux. The murder of Lily and James was simply replaced with the murder of Lily's parents and the state of Voldermort's fragile soul is the same as in canon. It's perfectly reasonable, that a part of Voldemort's fractured soul latched onto Nathan.

    Plus, Nathan had "nightmares" in the summer before his fourth year.
    (The scene, where Harry gets back in the house after his nighttime experiments.)

    Edit: Ninja'd
  20. gbbz

    gbbz Professor

    Jul 21, 2010
    This. And the parseltongue.

    It is pretty obvious that Nathan is canon Harry to the core, even more so with his solid stance against Dark Magic. Canon Harry was using Unforgivables in book 7, which was inconsistent as hell, but whatever, and I don't see Nathan doing that at all.

    Nathan is the Horcrux. Which I think will be the main struggle Harry will ever face. How will you remove a horcrux from your brother? Perhaps... you will make one yourself to see how it works... ?

    I could totally see this Harry doing that.
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