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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Wow, lots of posts from people I don't see very often here.

    Occlumency -- I thought it was clear that Calypso's reason was not just a cover story. She was telling the truth but not all of it because she left out whatever her father's role in it was, hence Harry feeling she was telling the truth but something felt off. Therefore there is another reason that we will find out eventually and her story/romance doesn't really need another layer to it at this point, at least in my opinion.

    Harry's family wasn't invited to the ceremony but then they probably didn't want the Senior Potters knowing where the school was. Also could assume that parents aren't likely to be regular visitors unless they are people like Rosier with the right connections.

    Awesome story is awesome. Keep up the awesome work.
  2. oephyx

    oephyx Headmaster DLP Supporter

    May 17, 2008
    Not Europe
    Telling the truth = not keeping any other secrets, as far as I'm concerned.
  3. wolve

    wolve First Year

    Jul 11, 2009
    Quite nice. I think his reaction to all the fawning and silly gifts is good, though you haven't yet commented on what he's getting from the people who were affected by Grindewald, and whether there is any hostility other than jealousy from any group of former Grindewald supporters.

    The marriage contract thing felt a bit weak, but I guess that was the point, that was her reason for the information, her fathers reasons being information on the BWL.

    Should Harry start dating Calypso the Potters are gonna be angry, this will either cause Harry to become a pussy and ending the relationship. If he doesn't end the relationship then his relationship to his family is gonna suffer big time and they will likely push him into "darker" direction by their somewhat bigoted actions.

    I don't see Harry getting Dark mark, so really the way I see the story going is a Harry that still wants to protect his family, while the family wants Harry to come back to the "light", while Harry himself tries to stay somewhat neutral.
  4. carl

    carl Seventh Year

    Oct 25, 2006
    I guess in a way she isn't, her father is.
  5. silverlasso

    silverlasso Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Dec 7, 2007
    San Francisco
    Not only that; Calypso quite clearly states that she hoped to work on Occlumency with Harry.
  6. Docker

    Docker Third Year

    Jun 6, 2010
    Western Australia
    Fantastic chapter as always, it's worth the wait.

    While I agree the way the marriage contact was handled was a little weak, I think it will work out well. Harry could start considering Calypso as something more then a friend now, something he has never really thought of before. Santi might use this and start building up a deeper relationship between the two. Calypso and her father might slowly be drawing him into the Dark Arts. And if the Potters react badly enough, it might just send Harry over the edge completely.
    However Santi handles it though, I bet it will be amazing.
  7. EinStern

    EinStern Seventh Year

    May 25, 2010
  8. cataclysim

    cataclysim Second Year

    Dec 12, 2009
    Time skip required.
    Get to the good stuff
  9. Parac

    Parac First Year

    Aug 3, 2008
    That implies that she actually knows other secrets, though. Her father doesn't seem like the trusting type to me, at any rate.

    A while ago I got a feeling that maybe the required distancing between Harry and his family would be brought about by forcibly returning him to Hogwarts.

    It wasn't too much of a stretch. Snape is half a step away from figuring out who Harry's friend is, he (and Lily, because of that) has the name Calypso. All it takes is Draco running his mouth once and they at least know that Harry's friends with a Rosier. Just another half of a step worth of investigation and they find out who is teaching Dark Arts in Durmstrang (and maybe that he isn't even bound by the oath) and Harry will be back to Hogwarts, left stewing in his superiority within the hour.

    At least I figured that that might be what will happen to bring this Harry closer to (and more involved in) the canonical HP plot, as well as creating aforementioned distance between him and his family. Now I'm less sure, although it's still possible (and might work even better if he and Calypso got closer beforehand), but there's a viable alternative right now. Namely doing the wrong stuff for all the right reasons.

    Well done.

    Edit: One thing I nearly forgot, as it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine seeing as how about ~95% of the FF authors do it: "Parseltongue" is okay as it refers to a language, but "a parseltongue" is (afaik) wrong. The term's parselmouth.

    Just noticed that both your stories on ff.net (ch 9) and the one in the wba section here still use the latter, so I figured I might mention it.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
  10. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Don't you mean "come in" ?
    Put a question mark in there.

    On to comments. That chapter gets a 5/5 from me just for the Greece cameo/tidbit as the birthplace of Transfiguration.
    I am a little disappointed that we didn't see much from the dual between Dumbledore and Grindelwald. So unless you describe it in more detail later on, I'm gonna hate you for that tease.
    Also, I find it doubtful that after a summer(or break or whatever it was) of being angry about it, Harry would believe her so easily and buy whatever she told him, but I guess it serves the plot.

    Over all, it was a rather short, but very good chapter.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
  11. Red Wizard

    Red Wizard DA Member DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2008
    Rosier's gift was definitely the best. Great update to. Please keep up the great work. I'm not sure why so many people are disappointed with the reason behind Harry learning occlumency. I took it as she was not telling Harry everything and Harry sensed that she wasn't but discarded those thoughts because he is very new to legiliemency and couldnt quite interpret what he was sensing.
  12. silverlasso

    silverlasso Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Dec 7, 2007
    San Francisco
    That was me. >_>

    Ahem. My rationale: there are a few stories you know to be "fucking awesome" (usually those that have an average over 4.5 stars) and I feel they deserve to be tagged as such. I've only tagged 2 stories so far, though. This is a delicate process.
  13. yojorocks

    yojorocks Seventh Year

    Jun 15, 2006
    Columbus, OH
    Reread for proofreading, and two things popped out at me:

    s/b "Do you want to come in?"

    If the carpet is already fully enchanted, why would Harry be learning how to enchant the same object? Is he overwriting the previous enchantments done by a professor with the hope that he doesn't fuck it up and possibly setting the damn thing on fire and/or making it try to eat him? I must have missed something, because this sentence just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe he had an appointment to learn how to recreate the enchantments on it?
  14. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    I was a little(lot) surprised that Harry wasn't bothered by Calipso's continuous assault on his mind, even while on great stress. Besides the first time, to test him, there wasn't any reason for her to try and intrude his mind again, and he didn't care?

    Ninja'd yojorocks ;)
  15. b3serker

    b3serker First Year

    Sep 3, 2009
    Too surprised by the revelation perhaps? Harry did seem a tad preoccupied when he was dealing with her second intrusion.

    Either way, appears to be some possible schism in the Potter family. Also wonder what Rosier's angle on showing the duel to Harry is. Perhaps as a motivator to show just how powerful Grindelwald was?

    Also can't help but wonder how Rosier got that memory. Can't imagine Dumbledore just forking over something that valuable to anyone...and since Grindelwald would have been taken into custody...
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
  16. Metanor

    Metanor Muggle

    Oct 29, 2010
    Little bit more details on the duel would be awesome as this was definitely the best part of the chapter.
    About Occlumency/Marriage Contract: Calypso said her reason of why she did it in a first place which also explains her father calling her "pathetic" while attacking her mind. In additional since Calypso wanted to train Occlumency with Potter, might be showing that she wanted to find out what he thinks about her, since she knows the Legilimency.
    As of eventual relationship and Potters finding out, they will be definitely concerned and they will want him back in Hogwarts. Either way his relationship with family will suffer either as soon as they find out about Calypso. His relationship with family will suffer regardless as soon as they withdraw him from Durmstrang either as soon as they find out about Rosier or after the 4th year as they will prolly link school to Voldemort ,which with fact of Rosier being harry's best friend might give them idea of their son being under influence of the Dark lord.

    Either way one of the best stories I've read and would love quicker updates:)

    2 questions: What did Potters (especially Nathan and Lily) after they found out Harry left earlier? Will Harry and Calypso go with the delegation to Hogwarts during 4th year? would be definitely fun.
  17. Harvest King

    Harvest King Third Year

    Oct 8, 2010
    Sighs. What is with all of this OMG as soon as the Potter's find out then their relationship with Harry will deteriorate? Lily is friends with Snape and Dumbledore trusts him even though it is quite well known that Snape knows more about the Dark Arts than damn near anyone. Wasn't it written somewhere that Snape knew more about curses and hexes in his first year than most 7th years at Hogwarts? It doesn't seem to bother them too much.

    Hell, James is good friends with Sirius who comes from a very dark family and Lupin (a dark creature)...I can see Nathan throwing a bitch fit over it, but Lily and James already associate with people who are either dark arts practitioners or come from families who are known to be dark. They are also very well aware that Harry learns more about the dark arts than he tells them.

    I'm sure they would give their son's friend a chance without jumping to ridiculous conclusions. Hell, Nathan can speak to snakes and they didn't disown him...Everyone wants to make Lily and James into beacons of the light never sullying themselves with the dark, but this just isn't the case. Does anyone doubt that Lily knew about Snape's obsession with the dark arts well before their friendship suffered? How about James who knew the Black families reputation and still gave Sirius a chance? In short, the Potter family is not the Weasley family who refuse to even give a Malfoy a chance on principle alone. Nathan does, but he spends far too much time with Ron.
  18. BF1110C4

    BF1110C4 Squib

    Sep 4, 2010
    The fear might not be on the upper side of the family but fear of the reaction of his brother and fellow young genious Hermione, plus while the family is deep inside quite tolerant they have always have their doubts about how safe Harry is inside his school, so the break could come not out of hate but out of fear for Harry.
  19. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    James Potter and Calypso's pop crossed wands with the intent to kill one another--I can see that they won't exactly be exchanging Christmas cards, especially after they find out he's been teaching Harry the dark arts. They already suspect Harry is turning dark and nasty from his Durmstrang associations and Calypso will just be one more tick mark proving their point that it was an utter mistake sending him there. Heck, I expect their relationship with Dumbledore will suffer from it, given that he was the one who convinced them it wouldn't be such a bad thing if Harry went.

    That Harry left home early to be with her won't be missed by his family (Nathan, in particular). I would expect family relations to deteriorate pretty sharply from here on, especially after Harry is proven right. Having the twins on the outs with one another for year four will make for a nice bit of tension.

    This was a nice update on the story I'm following most avidly. I think I need to read more to put Calypso's and Harry's scene into proper context. Here's to hoping The Santi gets the opportunity and inspiration to write more.
  20. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I agree that Potters will be angry then they discover who is teaching their son Dark Arts, but still, as far as friendship between Harry and Calypso goes, it will be quite hypocritical of James to judge it considering his own friendship with Sirius.
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