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WIP Harry Potter and the NofP by S'Tarkan - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Rahkesh Asmodaeus, Feb 22, 2006.

  1. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Title: Harry Potter and the Nightmare of Futures Past
    Author: S'Tarkan
    Rating: T
    Genre: Action/Adventure/Romance
    Pairing: H/G
    Chapters: 39
    Words: 390,734
    Updated: October 19, 2012
    Published: October 28, 2005
    Status: Work in Progress

    Summary: The war is over. Too bad no one is left to celebrate. Harry makes a desperate plan to go back in time, even though it means returning Voldemort to life. Now an 11 year old Harry with 30 year old memories is starting Hogwarts. Can he get it right?
    Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2636963/1/

    This story is probably my favorite Time Travel fic. Don't be dissuaded by the pairing, it really is very good. Harry isn't a pussy, he takes control of himself and his situation in the past, he gets out of the Dursley's, and doesn't take any shit from Dumbledore or Snape (especially Snape).

    He is still best friends with the rest of the group from the DoM, so a lot of you might not want to read it. But he does start training them in Occlumency, and physical fitness, and training them DA style to get them ready for Snape (who constantly reads their minds) and for future DE attacks.

    The ONE complaint I have about this fic is that all the romance is happening a little too fast in my opinion. It's nothing huge, but romance shouldn't even be in any 11 yo's or 12 yo's mind. But I think he pulls off Luna well, almost the best Luna I've seen. And for those of you who don't like Ron or Hermione or the Weasley's, tough, they are a big part of the story.

    Just try it, I know it has canon pairings, but it is still very good.

    Checked by Minion, February 4, 2013
    Work in Progress, but very slow update rate (every other year for the last four years)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2013
  2. LINKed up

    LINKed up Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 28, 2006
    A certain place in a certain area of space-time, a
    I've read his Naruto fic, which is one of the best I've seen yet, so I might try this one. Although it is H/G, I have read some good H/G pairings now and again.
  3. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Yup, I liked his Naruto fic as well, but I'm biased, and I haven't read many Naruto fics to compare it to, just Sera's and like one other (can't remember the name atm).
  4. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    I tried reading this, but Harry seemed too much like a pussy to me - constantly angsting about how everyone he knew had died, having to contain himself from jumping Ron and Hermione and hugging them, "why me, it's not fair" blah blah blah... boooring...

    Add to that him lusting after 10 year old tom-boy stalker ("wow, this is the place where Ginny's boobs will grow out one day!") and trying to recreate all his relationships with the Rednecks and you get one boring fic and anoying story.

    I admit that writting style is OK, if a little bit angsty, and that Harry's fight against Snape is great, but other than that, I found this more or less unreadable.
  5. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Haven't read this and likely won't (canon pairings make Sera ill) but I guess I'm the only one arounds that doesn't cream their pants over his Naruto fic. I mean, it is quite good and much better than the common horde, but not in my opinion that super revolutionary, 200-reviews-a-chapter, blows away anything else in the fandom good that it gets touted to be. He put Naruto on a different team (which certainly isn't a novel concept and and of itself) and writes a really good Kurenai. Aside from that, I'm not seeing what everybody is splooging over. Of course, maybe I just have sour grapes because I can't pull review numbers like his despite making every effort to do so.
  6. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    If it's any consolation, Sera, I like your story much more than his.
  7. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I am somewhat consoled...right now though I need to get over my massive HP writers' block.
  8. Rain

    Rain Pirate Navigator of the 7 Seas

    Jun 5, 2005
    Adirondack Park, NY
    I thought the story was very good, despite the pairing. The way they twisted the "Getting Sirius out of Azkaban" plot had to be my favorite part. That, and when Harry gets the impression that Snape had been messing around in his head in the previous timeline and possibly altering his way of thinking/memories... Priceless.

    The fluffy Weasley plot in general gets on my nerves, but the author does write the characters remarkably well and keeps it somewhat realistic. The best part of it was the quick updates and long chapters, though. The bad news? The author is going to slow down on updates, apparently. A new job or something.

    (I liked his Naru-fiction too, but I agree with Sree, Nine Tailed Serpant is a lot more fun. I mean, Naruto is postively badass! and well written. Nothing beats that.)
  9. parselmaster

    parselmaster Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2005
    спуститься с небес на землю
    I happen to like both your Fics equally. Not that that is a compliment, but it isn't an insult either. (good luck getting rid of your writers block Lord Serapheth)

    The snape messing in his head has been done before though... And so has Sirius...

    He just copies other peoples ideas mostl but at least he writes them better than most.
  10. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Oh, I'll agree that it's as good as mine is. It's just that I see these comments about how Team 8 makes every other fic in the Naruto fandom pretty much look like crap by comparison, and that's what I don't agree with. Of course, give me 200+ reviews on a single chapter and I'll probably never feel need to comment at all. :)
  11. LINKed up

    LINKed up Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 28, 2006
    A certain place in a certain area of space-time, a
    Megh! I said one of the best that I have seen, hell, I forgot about HP for about a year and only read Naruto. I like Sera's a lot as well. And I don't cream my pants over it, this just happens to be a thread about one of his other fics. Besides, I've seen better, with a Naruto that was darker than even the Naruto in A New Cause, but I can't find it anymore.
  12. Veriaty

    Veriaty Guest

    I read the fic a while ago, and I read the lastest updates as well. He takes an idea that has been over-used a bit too much and re-wrote it, making it into the story it is. Overall, I like the writing style, and there are bits of the plot, or bits of chapters that I like and agree with. I'm slightly turned off of it due to the amount of fluff that's quite obvious in it, it's not everyday that you see 11 or 12-year old kids acting that way. I also have enjoyed 'Team 8', but again, it's nothing to follow rabidly. I'd enjoy his writing style more if the story wasn't based upon a plot device that's been thrown around a lot. The romance factor is probably the main reason why, but I'll read it regardless, if it stays fairly low key.

    On another note, I'd like to applaud Nine Tailed Serpent.
  13. Ranku

    Ranku First Year

    Jan 2, 2006
    I tried reading this awhile back, and I just couldn't. The writing style is pretty good, but I agree with the fact that the romance goes way too fast and that 11 and 12 year olds shouldn't even have it on there minds.

    And about his Naruto fic--yours has alot more potential, I think. And the reason why it has more reviews? NaruHina. That's it. Believe me, check any of them like it--thestoneox's Divine Path is a good example. Lots of reviews, but the story is horrible. I admit, it's pretty good, but no where near the best story(Foxhound and a few others such as Never Cut Twice hold that place for me). If you notice, it's alot like the HP fandom: stories with the pairings that people want(like H/G and such) usually have more reviews.

    But yeah, Nine Tailed Serpent, if you keep going the way you are, will be alot better than Team 8, less reviews or no.
  14. razz

    razz Seventh Year

    Jan 22, 2006
    Meh. I've tried reading this at least three times already, and I can't work out exactly why I keep giving up. Maybe it's the length. Maybe it's the plot. Hell, it's written well enough ... it's just ... BORING.

  15. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    I can never finish his HP story.. but I liked his Naruto one well enough, although there are better out there.

    @Sera I must be cursed because I keep trying to read both your hps fics and the your naruto fic because ive been recommended them like 100 times and for some reason I can't get into them.. it bothers me to, ah well.

  16. Stalicon

    Stalicon High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    That one place
    I've just finished reading this story not to long ago and its ok, a bit above some of the other works out there but nothing like seras in my opinion.
  17. Master Slytherin

    Master Slytherin Headmaster

    Apr 15, 2005
    London, England
    This fic is just too boring for me. I mean it's well written and the updates are ridiculously fast in proportion to the size and the quality of the chapters but it just seems utterly lifeless. Problems:

    1. Harry's suddenly lusting after a 10 year old. >_> That's just wrong (as Harry's supposedly a 31 year old or something trapped in a kid's body)

    2. I've been fortunate enough to read canon *searches for eye rolling smilie* I don't need to read canon again but some of these PS authors refuse to make their own plots up. I mean there are actually direct quotes from PS!

    3. Everything is way too lovey dovey and happy.

    I only read until the middle of first year so please let me know if it gets better because this writer can definitely write, the ideas are just...mediocre. If he did a post-HBP I'm sure it'd be one of the best out there. Nice writing+good length+quick updates = sackful of reviews.
  18. moogleknight

    moogleknight Second Year

    Apr 10, 2006
    This story was what made me start reading HP fanficton in the first place *shock horror*, it was kinda the story I kinda stumbled across while on google looking for something to do.

    So I read it and thought, "This is good, but what else is there?", up until then (about 2 months ago), I kinda never thought of looking up HP fics on the net.

    It was my favourite until I found Dakaath: Prince of Darkness and read that and stumbled upon this site ;).

    Funny, I guess.....

    *sigh* I wish he would update quicker. H/G 'ship aside (althought it's kinda a pedo Harry story lol), the writing style is good and I think it's got just the write mix of action and storyline/chracter development.

    Still, there's better.

    Mog, Lord of Du'Weldenvarden
  19. tridentwatch

    tridentwatch Looked into the void

    Apr 12, 2006
    Canada, Toronto
    The idea is solid in this story. I stopped reading it after i got fed up with "true friends forever crap" Ok heres the check list:

    No slash -- check
    Decent novel length -- check
    Independant -- bit of dumbledore enmity, but too much friendship shit.
    Decent plot -- check
    Interesting ideas -- check ( I like the martial arts bit )

    Rating out of 10 -- 8/10

    And thats all for today folks.
  20. tridentwatch

    tridentwatch Looked into the void

    Apr 12, 2006
    Canada, Toronto
    Actually make that 6/10. I forgot about the Ginny/harry shit.