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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Penultimate Straw - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Manatheron, May 13, 2008.

  1. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    The manipulative Dumbledore was vastly overdone, and Harry's too Japanese. At least it's written well, and I could see a lot of people here enjoying it.
  2. Ravenwood240

    Ravenwood240 First Year

    Nov 21, 2008
    Southern USA

    Because the author studies martial arts and has about fifty or sixty books on Japanese and Eastern mythology, legends and philosophy to reference to make sure they are portrayed accurately. And before anyone says anything, there will be bits of Japanese magic and myth in this story and not one tiny bit of it will be from any anime. I have seen your list of bad things in a fic and I agree that the Anime explosion is not the best thing for most stories. Unless it's an anime based story in the first place.

    However, on that same note, Wizards and magic are part of mythology and this story is going to effect the entire wizard world, not just Britain and we will be seeing bits and pieces of magic from a dozen places. All of it will be drawn from books on Mythology and legend. If it seems like something you've seen in an anime, that's because the Anime drew from the same history that I did.

    Yumiko was Japanese because I know their mythology the best. I could have had Sirius and Remus bring Harry to the USA and used the Flathead Shaman myths that I know from home, but I didn't want to bring them into the States, it was just too cliche.

    We will also be seeing some Russian folklore and a few other things as the ICW and Britain move beyond the words and into more physical arguments.

    I know absolutely nothing about South America. I could google their legends and myths, but that is not good enough for me. I could research SA myths, but it wouldn't help, except to add to the amount of time this is going to take to write.


    I can see where you are coming from with this comment, but something about it tells me you read it in a hurry. The only laws Dumbledore had changed were the ones for Britain. He took advantage of loopholes in international law, but didn't make or change any.

    As for the bit you quoted... Harry believes that but that doesn't make it true. Harry is strong and skilled, a condition that makes him think he's better than he is. However, Anyone that studies a fighting style of any kind has heard something like this: "There's always someone better or stronger who can beat you."

    Harry hasn't been beaten yet, except by overwhelming numbers. Can you really blame him for thinking he could take them down? Had he tried, he might have gotten a rude shock. Harry is counting on the fact that his magic is not like the rest of the magic in this country. No wand needed, no limits, really, on the spells you can do, since the Kami power them.

    Of course, you have to get the Kami to agree to do whatever effect you want, but hey, that's why a Shuegenja is a priest. Harry is also bound by his interpretation of the Code of Bushido. The seven Tenets are easy to learn. You will spend a much longer time mastering the nuances of the code. Harry will not be able to hold to his black and white view of Britain forever.

    Harry knows one person in this country right now. Narcissa BLACK-Malfoy. She has a network and right now, that network is on Harry's side. Right now. That could change.

    Daphne and her Family have an agenda as well. In fact, everyone in this fic has desires and wishes. Some will be fulfilled but most are going down in the dust by the end of this fic.

    Harry is an angry fifteen year old boy who thinks he has more power than anyone else. Britain is run by a biased, racist, backwards group of inbred purebloods. Both sides are in for rude awakenings before this is over.

    The other countries are going to watch, much as they do in our world. They won't do anything until the situation has already exploded. Think of the ICW as the United Nations. Then, of course, it will cost millions more and the death toll will be twice what it should have been.

    Last edited: Nov 22, 2008
  3. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    Pardon me while I go laugh my ass off at the implication that sending them to Japan is not a cliche. I can respect using a mythos you know to draw a magic system from, but don't make the cliche argument. Please.
  4. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    To be fair, I can recall a lot more stories where Harry ends up in America than in Japan.

    If you eliminate stories that only go one or two half-hearted chapters before getting abandoned, that immediately gets rid of a large number of the stories from the Japanese side.

    Cut out anime crossovers since, by necessity, the vast majority take place in Japan (might as well mention that Firefly crossovers happen in space), and the number of fics where Harry ends up in the States becomes even larger, comparatively.

    Stories where Harry carries a katana despite never having been out of England don't count as 'going to Japan' either (just thought I'd put that out there).
  5. Ravenwood240

    Ravenwood240 First Year

    Nov 21, 2008
    Southern USA
    Sending them to Japan? I'm sorry, but Harry's never been there, not in this story. They met Yumiko in the magical section of Rome.

    (Quoted from Chapter One: "Scotland, France, Norway, Greece and then, when Harry was six, they had gone to Italy, hiding themselves in the magical section of Rome, where they met Iuchi Yumiko.")

    They did hide in Tibet for a bit, since while they stood out more, so did the other wand users looking for them. Iuchi Yumiko and the Temple of the Winds are responsible for the majority of Harry's formal schooling, but he's never been to Japan, nor will this story show him going there except for visits. This story is about Britain and Voldemort.
